  1. A week after the nasty stock-market crash of 1929, Columbia released Smith’s recording of “Nobody Knows You When You’re down and Out”. This statement is a fact. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. From the following email, we know that customers can continue to get a discount if they place orders frequently. ( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. “Buyers’ strikes” or boycotting the purchase of a given commodity can force its price down. This statement is an opinion. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. The executives did not admit that the company was a sinking ship until after they had taken millions of dollars for themselves. We can infer from this sentence that the company was going in more than one direction. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. All the claims that a writer makes need to be backed up by reasons and evidence. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. This organization may succeed marvelously at what it wants to do, but what it wants to do may not be all that important.Which is a correct interpretation of the sentence? ( )

  12. A:The organization may succeed. B:Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might not be important. C:The organization is marvelous. D:The author questions the goals of the organization. E:What the organization wants is marvelous.
    答案:The author questions the goals of the organization.###Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might not be important.###The organization may succeed.
  13. Which of the following arguments commit the same logical fallacy? ( )

  14. A:Barbara believes the marketing agency's office is haunted, since no one has ever proven that it isn't haunted. B:If you were beautiful, you could live like this, so buy Buty-EZ and become beautiful. C:A reasonable person would agree that our income statement is too low. D:Susan is an avid hunter, therefor she cannot possibly support gun control.
    答案:A reasonable person would agree that our income statement is too low.###If you were beautiful, you could live like this, so buy Buty-EZ and become beautiful.
  15. Which of the following can be used as an example of valid evidence? ( )

  16. A:Facts. B:Testimony from expert witnesses. C:Third-hand information. D:Verifiable statistics.
    答案:A: Facts. B: Testimony from expert witnesses. D: Verifiable statistics.
  17. Which of the following statements are opinions? ( )

  18. A:CNN covers the news more intelligently than other networks do. B:In truth, romantic workplace relationships are generally not worth the trouble. C:Cigarette advertising was banned on TV on January 1, 1971. D:Business Press is the world’s most respected publisher of business news.
    答案:CNN covers the news more intelligently than other networks do.###Business Press is the world’s most respected publisher of business news.###In truth, romantic workplace relationships are generally not worth the trouble.
  19. Which of the following statements can support the given point?Point: My boss is a very unpleasant man to work for. ( )

  20. A:Even when he invites employees out to lunch, he expects them to pick their own checks. B:He once accumulated so many parking tickets that the police actually came to his home to arrest him. C:His office is decorated in dull browns and grays. D:His fashion-plate wife is said to be even nastier than he is. E:He barks orders and never asks for an employee's opinion. F:He changes his mind so often than an employee who pleased him on Friday can be in the doghouse by Monday.
  21. Staff wishing to book the firm's social club for private parties must give the manager two weeks' notice.For private parties, staff should ______. ( )

  22. A:sign the manager's noticeboard B:tell the manager in advance C:inform the manager after two weeks D:say what kind of event they are planning
  23. Identify the tones of the following passage.A clear relationship between income and voting turnout rates exists. A considerably higher percentage of citizens with annual incomes over $40,000 vote than do citizens with incomes under $10,000. Income level is, to some degree, connected to education level, as wealthier people tend to have more opportunities for higher education and more education also may lead to higher income. Wealthy citizens are also more likely than poor ones to think that the “system’ works for them and that their votes make a difference. ( )

  24. A:Sarcastic. B:Pleading. C:Friendly. D:Matter-of-fact.
  25. The figure shows the employment rates of 20- to 24-year-olds in the U.S., by sex and educational attainment in 2016. Which of the following is an INCORRECT description about the figure? ( )

  26. A:The employment rate is higher for young adults with higher levels of educational attainment than for those with lower levels of educational attainment. B:For females, the employment rate without completing high school is more than two times lower compared with the rate for those with a bachelor’s or higher degree. C:Among young adults, employment rates are higher for males than for females at each level of educational attainment. D:The difference between the employment rates for females and males becomes larger with the increase in educational attainment.
  27. Which part of a business report provides supplemental information? ( )

  28. A:Appendix. B:Executive summary. C:Introduction. D:Conclusion.
  29. Figures based on face-to-face interviews with 16357 final-year students show that only 15 percent had a definite job offer in March this year, compared with 20 percent last year.There is a ______ percent drop of the students who can find a definite job in March this year. ( )

  30. A:20% B:15% C:35% D:5%
  31. https://image.zhihuishu.com/zhs/teacherExam_h5/COMMONUEDITOR/202204/488a19bd52ab4e0ca8562e267ab99aac.png

  32. A:1-C B:2-C C:5-C D:1-E
  33. Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence according to word analysis:No matter what his boss said, Noam never contradicted him. ( )

  34. A:said the opposite to him B:said the same to him C:listened to him D:shouted at him
  35. Choose a business English term and complete the following sentence:To develop their product ____________, companies have various ways of advertising their products. ( )

  36. A:fame B:feeling C:name D:awareness
  37. Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence according to word analysis:There was a great antipathy between the brothers. ( )

  38. A:love B:difference C:resemblance D:dislike
  39. Modern industry has expanded without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory.Who produced the effects? ( )

  40. A:Modern industry. B:The factory. C:Individuals and descendants. D:The artificial mode of existence.
  41. In the logical fallacy of Ad hominem, someone attacks directly the person making an argument rather than criticizing the argument itself. The attacks may go to their opponent’s personal qualities, such as their character, background, nationality or religion, intelligence, morals, physical appearance, or reputation. Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of Ad hominem? ( )

  42. A:Two members of my team have become more engaged employees after taking public speaking classes. That proves we should have mandatory public speaking classes for the whole company to improve employee engagement. B:Bill claims that this was an accident, but we know Bill to be a liar, so we can't take his word for it. C:Despite the fact that our Q4 numbers are much lower than usual, we should push forward using the same strategy because our CEO Barbara says this is the best approach. D:Our blog views were down in April. We also changed the color of our blog header in April. This means that changing the color of the blog header led to less views in April.
  43. Which of the following is NOT an example of a claim? ( )

  44. A:Facebook has users all over the world. B:Online video streaming has made video rental stores obsolete. C:A healthy breakfast is necessary for memory retention. D:Women should be paid the same as men for similar work.
  45. Please contact Personnel regarding supervisors still requiring quality control training.Unit Managers should inform Personnel which staff ______. ( )

  46. A:require quality control B:are in need of training C:will supervise training D:have received training
  47. According to the following short memo, which statement is correct? ( )

  48. A:Orders cannot be made during this week. B:Customers have to wait until after June 10 for recent orders. C:Office staff will transfer to a new location on June 10. D:Warehouse workers should remove out-of-date stock by June 10.
  49. Which of the following statements was written by a tour operator? ( )

  50. A:DAY 1 – BOARDING OUR RHINE RIVER CRUISE AT BASEL In which we board the Amadeus Princess in the Swiss city of Basel to start our cruise with Lüftner cruises. Highlights: The colorful facade and frescoes of the 16th century City Hall; the wildflower garden in the cathedral cloister; the beautiful fountains and sculptures throughout the city. B:Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity. C:However unusual the opportunity or expert the accompanying personnel, these can hardly be a justification for charging an amount that appears to fall not far short of the Gross National Product in some of the world’s less developed nations, including that which is the destination of this “extraordinary”tour. D:The cost of the tour is admittedly high. Against this, though, consideration must be given to the fact that it offers a unique opportunity to visit one of the world’s most extraordinary tourist attractions in the company of expert guides.
  51. Identify the tones of the following passage.Strawberries are now available in the markets, and what a winning crop! In contrast to last year's berries, which were badly affected by poor weather conditions, these are plentiful, delicious, and relatively inexpensive. They will make a fine climax to any meal, whether under a dollop of sour cream laced with brown sugar or crushed over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. In fact, these luscious berries are so sweet, they can stand very well on their own. Strawberry lovers won't be disappointed. ( )

  52. A:Ironic. B:Enthusiastic. C:Annoyed. D:Distressed.
  53. Tom, arrange with printers for 3cm logos to be increased in size by 10% on next brochure order.Tom must contact the printers to ______. ( )

  54. A:request a greater quantity B:add a 3cm logo on next brochure order C:make arrangements for collection D:change a design detail
  55. Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence:The true quality of local governments’ finances could determine when the trend reaches a crescendo. ( )

  56. A:conclusion B:purpose C:destination D:climax
  57. Complete the following sentence according to word analysis:A supermarket is a ______ self-service store selling food, household goods, etc. ( )

  58. A:free B:large C:medium-sized D:small
  59. It takes time for you and your new mattress to get used to each other. That’s why we give you 90 days to be sure you’re compatible. If the chemistry isn’t right, simply come back and choose another mattress. When you’ve found your perfect match, you can sleep easy for years to come with our free 25-year guarantee.Where is the text most probably taken from? ( )

  60. A:A product instruction. B:A shopping list. C:A classified advertisement. D:A customer service manual.
  61. The financial situation isn't bad yet, but we believe that we have some vital information and, if it is correct, unemployment will soon become a serious problem.What do we know about the financial situation? ( )

  62. A:It won't change. B:It is not bad now. C:It will improve. D:It will become a serious problem.
  63. Identify the topic sentence of the following paragraph.Imagine a successful fisherman who needs a new sail for his boat. In a barter economy---that is, one in which goods are exchanged directly for one another---he would have to find someone who not only needs fish but is willing to exchange a sail for it. If no sailmaker wants fish, the fisherman must find someone else-say, a shoemaker-who wants fish and will trade for it. The fisherman must hope that the sailmaker will trade for the shoes. In a money economy, the fisherman would sell his catch, receive money, and exchange the money for such goods as a new sail. Clearly, barter is quite inefficient in comparison to money. ( )

  64. A:In a money economy, the fisherman would sell his catch, receive money, and exchange the money for such goods as a new sail. B:Clearly, barter is quite inefficient in comparison to money. C:In a barter economy---that is, one in which goods are exchanged directly for one another---he would have to find someone who not only needs fish but is willing to exchange a sail for it. D:Imagine a successful fisherman who needs a new sail for his boat.
  65. Which of the statements does not support the author's argument in the following passage?America's top corporate executives are often greatly overpaid. They use their enormous incomes to support an overly lavish lifestyle. Some corporate bosses make nearly a hundred million dollars a year-thousands of times more than what some of their employees are making. Such wide discrepancies in pay lower the morale of employees, especially when the executives aren't performing well. Some corporate executives have gotten multi-million-dollar bonuses even though their companies lost money. ( )

  66. A:Some corporate bosses make nearly a hundred million dollars a year-thousands of times more than what some of their employees are making. B:Some corporate executives have gotten multi-million-dollar bonuses even though their companies lost money. C:Such wide discrepancies in pay lower the morale of employees, especially when the executives aren't performing well. D:They use their enormous incomes to support an overly lavish lifestyle.
  67. Although he calls the $1,000 donation "a very generous amount, especially in these times," the president expresses hope that the project will attract additional funds from companies and other sources so that it can continue beyond this first year.What does the president know about the project? ( )

  68. A:It is very special. B:It will cost only $1,000. C:Special sources will support it. D:It cannot continue without additional funding.
  69. What steps you must take to draw an inference in reading? ( )

  70. A:Look for clues in the text. B:Put the pieces together in a logical way to produce a reasonable conclusion. C:Think about what they already know from their own experience in the real world. D:All of these.
  71. Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence:He was expelled from the company for breaking the rules. ( )

  72. A:executed B:dismissed C:excluded D:expected
  73. Choose a business English term and complete the following sentence:If you owe your friend some money, your friend becomes ____________.( )

  74. A:a creditor B:a debtor C:an agent D:a dealer
  75. Choose a business English term and complete the following sentence:If you are __________ in your job application, you are selected to attend further interview. ( )

  76. A:enrolled B:given notice C:employed D:short-listed
  77. Which of the following is the definition of “archenemy”? ( )

  78. A:a method to evaluate enemy B:a chief or main opponent C:a science to study architecture D:a mistake in printing
  79. The following is a telephone directory page. Which description is correct? ( )Telephone Directory of Chicago BusinessesBear, Stearns & Co. Inc…........(312)581-6600……53W.Jackson Street…Drexel Burnham Lambert…...(312)581-7433……22/77 General’s Avenue…First Albany Corporation....…(312)712-8013……1022 West King’s Street…Hanifen, Imhof Inc…................(312)903-1097……35 General’s Avenue…Johnson, Lane & Co. Inc….....(312)712-0012……89 General’s Avenue…

  80. A:Five businesses are located in the same street. B:Drexel Burnham Lambert is not a business. C:Three businesses are situated in the same avenue. D:Four businesses share the three digits in their phone numbers.
  81. Choose a business English term and complete the following sentence:In the insurance business, the term “___________” simply means “loss” in most cases. ( )

  82. A:claim B:average C:insurer D:premium
  83. The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: Different stages in the product life cycle call different strategies. The goal is to extend product so that sales and profits do not decline. One strategy is called market modification it means that marketing managers look for new users and market sections. Did you know, for example, that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally designed for the military?The author mentions the example of “backpacks” to show the importance of ______. ( )

  84. A:increasing new uses among students B:exploring new market sections C:serving both military and civil needs D:dividing the product life cycle into different stages
  85. Select the statement that best expresses the main idea of the following paragraph.With other Asian currencies in sharp decline, it is becoming ever more difficult for Chinese exports an important engine not only of growth, but of technology transfer-to continue competing overseas. Exports fell last month for the first time in two years. If this trend continues, government will feel increasing pressure to devalue. That, in turn, could trigger a new round of competitive devaluations with dire global results. ( )

  86. A:If China is forced to devalue, there could be a new round of terrible global devaluations. B:With the sharp decline of other Asian currencies, Chinese exports are becoming more difficult. C:The sharp decline of other Asian currencies made China devalue its own currency. D:Exports are important to technology transfer.
  87. The following statements are either a claim of an argument or reason for that claim. Which is the claim of an argument? ( )

  88. A:Candidates with less money would have a fairer chance of competing. B:There should be a limit on how much can be spent for political campaigns. C:Elected officials would be less likely to be influenced by rich contributors to their campaigns. D:Elected officials could spend more time on their jobs and less on raising money.
  89. With JourneYou, save $200 on select departures of its Essential Peru tour. The seven-day trip starts at $899 per person double and includes hotel accommodations in Lima, Cusco and the Sacred Valley; ground excursions; daily breakfast and some lunches; flights within Peru; expedition train to Machu Picchu; entrance fees; and taxes.What is the most possible type of the text? ( )

  90. A:A tour guide. B:A presentation. C:An expert’s advice. D:An advertisement.

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