1. 一般说来,弱酸性药物在胃中的溶解度比在小肠中的溶解度大。( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. 醑剂中乙醇浓度为(>30%),每ml相当于原药材20g(毒剧药10g)( )。

  4. 答案:错
  5. 当栓剂的平均重量在1.0g以上至3.0g时,重量差异限度为±5%。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. 表面活性剂作为O/W型乳化剂其HLB值应为15-18。( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. 冷冻干燥的过程是水分由固态变为液态后再由液态变为汽态的过程。( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. 片剂是当前应用最为广泛的剂型之一,与溶液剂相比,具有剂量准确、贮存稳定和生物利用度高的优点。( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. 剂型对药物的作用性质、作用速度以及药物的疗效都有重要的影响。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. 粘合剂使片剂结合过强、颗粒过硬可能导致片剂溶出不合格 ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. 油脂性基质涂于皮肤能形成封闭性油膜,促进皮肤水合。( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. 粉体的流动性可以用休止角来衡量,休止角越小,流动性越好 ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. 乳膏基质的三个基本组成是( )

  22. 答案:水相###油相###乳化剂
  23. 混悬剂质量评定方法有( )。
  24. 影响乳剂形成及稳定性的因素( )。
  25. 注射用冷冻干燥制品的特点是( )
  26. 关于软膏基质的叙述中错误的是( )
  27. 液体制剂常用的防腐剂有( )。
  28. 软膏剂的类脂类基质有( )
  29. 影响药物制剂稳定性的处方因素有( )。
  30. 影响片剂成型的因素包括( )
  31. 下列关于栓剂的叙述中正确的是( )
  32. 增加药物溶解度的方法有 ( )
  33. 关于喷雾剂的叙述中正确的是( )。
  34. 固体分散体载体材料对药物溶出的促进作用体现在( )
  35. 关于表面活性剂的叙述中哪一条是正确的 ( )
  36. 抛射剂的填充方法包括( )
  37. 散剂的制备过程一般为( )
  38. 油脂性基质的栓剂融变时限一般为( )。
  39. 下列最宜制成胶囊剂的药物为( )。
  40. 一般地,口服制剂吸收的快慢顺序依次为( )
  41. 有一热敏性物料可选择下列哪种粉碎器械( )
  42. 下列不属于片剂处方中润滑剂作用的是( )。
  43. 药物的有效期常用降解百分之多少所需的时间( )
  44. 吸入粉雾剂的质量评定不包括( )
  45. 下列哪种片剂可避免肝脏的首过作用( )
  46. 关于稳定性试验的基本要求叙述错误的是( )
  47. 用单凝聚法制备微囊,加入硫酸铵的作用是( )
  48. 下列辅料中不能作为水溶性固体分散体载体材料的是( )
  49. 下列哪个不是非均相液体制剂( )
  50. 下列剂型中既有内服,又有供外用的剂型是哪一个( )。
  51. A、B两种水溶性粉末的CRH%值分别为82%和71%, 则混合物的生产和贮藏环境条件的湿度应控制在( )。
  52. 维生素C降解的主要途径是( )
  53. 洗剂中加入甘油,目的是:( )。
  54. 某药降解服从一级反应,其消除速度常数k=0.0096天-1,其有效期为( )
  55. 下列不属于控制扩散为原理制备缓释制剂的是( )
  56. 下列关于气雾剂的叙述中正确的是( )
  57. 渗透泵型片剂的释药机理是( )
  58. 焦亚硫酸钠是一种常用的抗氧剂,最适用于( )。
  59. 制备5%碘的水溶液,最常采用以下哪种方法( )。
  60. 气雾剂的抛射剂是( )
  61. 干胶法制初乳,其油:水:胶比例为:( )。
  62. 对软膏剂的质量要求,错误的叙述是( )
  63. 将青霉素钾制成粉针剂的主要目的是( )。
  64. 欲治疗咽喉疾病,可将药物制成( )。
  65. 下列几种粉体密度的大小关系排列正确的是( )
  66. The fluctuation of blood drug concentration of controlled-release preparations is smaller than that of sustained-release preparations. ( )
  67. The medicine which releases API in the behavior following Highchi equation belongs to controlled-release preparation. ( )
  68. The solid dispersions with PVP K30 as carrier can be prepared by ( )
  69. Which of the following polymer can be used as the carrier of sustained released solid dispersions ?( )
  70. The drug with half-life below 1h is very suited to sustained or controlled release preparation. ( )
  71. Powder aerosols is a unique form of powder administration involves the inhalation of a micronized powder directly into the lungs based on propellant. ( )
  72. Aerosol could be prepared by pressure filling apparatus and cold filling apparatus.( )
  73. Which of the following would be added in a two-phase aerosol? ( )
  74. The basic components of an aerosol system are container, propellant, concentrate containing API, valve, and actuator.( )
  75. The particle size of aerosols affects their deposition location in the respiratory tract. ( )
  76. The preparation method of cream is generally ( ).
  77. Which base is likely to be the most occlusive on the skin? ( )
  78. Which of the following could be used as a gel base? ( )
  79. Which of the following is NOT semisolid topical preparations? ( )
  80. According to the ChP., the softening time of fatty suppositories should be no more than ( ) .
  81. The order of absorption speed was as follows: Tablet < Granule>
  82. Which of the following excipients could be used as super-disintegrants? ( )
  83. To provide enough bulk for compression, which of the following excipients is often added to tablet formulation? ( )
  84. According to the ChP., the disintegration time of hard capsules should be no more than ( ) .
  85. Which condition usually increases the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet? ( )
  86. Ethanol content of tinctures is usually 60~90%. ( )
  87. Depyrogenation technologies include( )
  88. The storage time of water for injection should be less than 12 h. ( )
  89. Which of the following solutions do not need to add preservatives?( )。
  90. The additives of emulsions do not include ( )。
  91. Which of the following statements is NOT the reason for the incorporation of drugs into various dosage forms( )
  92. Which of the following statements is FALSE?( )
  93. The stability of a drug product could be affected by( )
  94. The shelf life of a drug product is the time that elapses before the drug content no longer exceeds 90%. ( )
  95. The roles of excipients do NOT include( )
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