1.The formula which breaks down the return on equity into three component parts is referred to as which one of the following? ( )
A:profitability determinant
B:Du Pont identity
C:equity equation
D:SIC formula

2.A firm uses 2008 as the base year for its financial statements. The common-size, base-year statement for 2009 has an inventory value of 1.08. This is interpreted to mean that the 2009 inventory is equal to 108 percent of which one of the following? ( )
A:2008 inventory
B:2008 total assets
C:2009 total assets
D:2008 inventory expressed as a percent of 2008 total assets
3.If a firm has a debt-equity ratio of 1.0, then its total debt ratio must be which one of the following? ( )
4.Which one of the following will decrease if a firm can decrease its operating costs, all else constant? ( )
A:return on assets
B:profit margin
C:return on equity
D:price-earnings ratio
5.During the year, Kitchen Supply increased its accounts receivable by $130, decreased its inventory by $75, and decreased its accounts payable by $40. How did these three accounts affect the firm's cash flows for the year? ( )
A:$165 use of cash
B:$95 source of cash
C:$245 use of cash
D:$95 use of cash
6.A firm generated net income of $878. The depreciation expense was $47 and dividends were paid in the amount of $25. Accounts payables decreased by $13, accounts receivables increased by $22, inventory decreased by $14, and net fixed assets decreased by $8. There was no interest expense. What was the net cash flow from operating activity? ( )
7.The Bike Shop paid $2,310 in interest and $1,850 in dividends last year. The times interest earned ratio is 2.2 and the depreciation expense is $460. What is the value of the cash coverage ratio? ( )
8.Canine Supply has sales of $2,200, total assets of $1,400, and a debt-equity ratio of 0.3. Its return on equity is 15 percent. What is the net income? ( )
9.Which one of the following terms is applied to the financial planning method which uses the projected sales level as the basis for determining changes in balance sheet and income statement account values? ( )
A:common-size method
B:percentage of sales method
C:sales reconciliation method
D:sales dilution method
11.A firm is currently operating at full capacity. Net working capital, costs, and all assets vary directly with sales. The firm does not wish to obtain any additional equity financing. The dividend payout ratio is constant at 40 percent. If the firm has a positive external financing need, that need will be met by: ( )
A:fixed assets.
B:retained earnings.
C:accounts payable.
D:long-term debt.
12.Which one of the following will cause the sustainable growth rate to equal to internal growth rate? ( )
A:retention ratio between 0.0 and 1.0
B:equity multiplier of 1.0
C:debt-equity ratio of 1.0
D:dividend payout ratio greater than 1.0
13.A firm has a retention ratio of 45 percent and a sustainable growth rate of 6.2 percent. The capital intensity ratio is 1.2 and the debt-equity ratio is 0.64. What is the profit margin? ( )
A:7.67 percent
B:6.28 percent
C:14.63 percent
D:9.47 percent
14.The Soccer Shoppe has a 7 percent return on assets and a 25 percent payout ratio. What is its internal growth rate? ( )
A:3.72 percent
B:5.54 percent
C:4.08 percent
D:4.49 percent
15.An increase in which of the following will increase the return on equity, all else constant?( )
A:net income
B:total equity
1.流动比率反映了企业流动资产对流动负债的偿还程度,其比率值以( )为宜,过大过小都不好。
A:3 B:4 C:1 D:2 2.某企业的现金周转率为6次,则其现金周转期为( )天
A:40 B:30 C:60 D:50 3.根据杜邦分析框架,某公司去年净资产收益率(ROE)下降,可能是由于( )引起的。
A:股东权益下降 B:销售利润率上升 C:总资产周转率下降 D:权益乘数上升 4.通过资产负债表可以了解的会计信息有( )。
A:公司的现金流量情况 B:公司在某一特定日期的财务状况 C:公司在一定时期的经营成果 D:公司的财务发展趋势 E:公司的支付能力和偿债能力 5.下列可以用来分析短期偿债能力的指标是( )。
A:权益乘数 B:速动比率 C:资产负债率 D:营业周期 6.计算资产收益率(ROA)正确的公式是( )。
A:ROA=(净利润+利息支出)/净资产 B:ROA=(净利润+利息支出)/总资产 C:ROA=净利润/年末总资产 D:ROA=净利润/净资产 7.某公司2020年和2021年的销售利润率分别是7%和8%,资产周转率分别为2和1.5,两个年度的资产负债率不变,2021年的净资产收益率变动的趋势是( )。
A:不变 B:无法确定 C:下降 D:上升 8.A.公司的流动资产500万元(其中速动资产200万元),流动负债200万元。现决定用100万元现金偿付应收账款,请问该公司的流动比率和速动比率将分别 。( )
A:不变、不变 B:不变、增加 C:不变,减少 D:增加、不变 9.

公司具有的财务能力包括( )。

A:盈利能力 B:发展能力 C:销售能力 D:偿债能力 E:营运能力

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