1.Amy wrote a letter to her classmate Jane, telling her how to prepare for TEM 4. Which type of letter does this one belong to? ( )
A:invitation B:application C:suggestion D:complaint
2.In narration, actions or events are usually presented in the natural sequence of time. What’s this method of organization? ( )
A:special order B:flashback C:chronological order D:Narration interspersed with flashback
答案:chronological order
3.What figures of speech is used in the following sentence? The sea is singing and the forest is dancing. ( )
A:personification B:simile C:metonymy D:metaphor
4.What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? If dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. ( )
A:metaphor B:euphemism C:simile D:parallelism
5.Which figures of speech is used in the following sentence? Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. ( )
A:parallelism B:hyperbole C:metaphor D:euphemism
6.In argumentative writing, the writer's opinon is usaually restated in the ________ part.  ( )
A:concluding B:transitional C:introductory D:body  
7.Which of the following sentence is irrelevant to the sentence “Different people spend their weekends in different ways”? ( )
A:Some enjoy going to the mountains to hike, ski or just relax. B:Others prefer going to the beach to enjoy the seashore activities and to get a suntan. C:Water skiing is much more difficult than snow skiing. D:Still others like to relax by staying home and reading a good book.
答案:Water skiing is much more difficult than snow skiing.
8.Which of the following strategy is proper in an argumentative writing? ( )
A:Concluding paragraph is not necessary in an argumentative essay. B:Use sufficient evidences to support topic sentences of paragraphs in the body part. C:Since sufficient evidences are vital to an argumentative essay, one can make up evidences to reinforce the writing effect if there’s few evidence. D:To rebut the claim means to acknowledge the opposite claim.
答案:Use sufficient evidences to support topic sentences of paragraphs in the body part
9.Which of the following is not the method of writing an expositive essay? ( )
A:classification B:comparison and contrast C:listing D:putting forward the author’s viewpoint
答案:putting forward the author’s viewpoint
10.Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good summary? ( )
A:relevance B:wordiness C:objectivity D:logic
11.Which of the following sentences is irrelevant to the topic sentence? Topic Sentence: Ever since my childhood my father taught me the value of education. ( )
A:He worked hard to save money for my college education. B:He read me the stories of famous scientists who contributed to society. C:He took me to visit the wonderful buildings and bridges. D:He encouraged me to participate in the contest of encyclopedic knowledge.

12.Which developing method is used in the following paragraph?There are lots of people who try to get benefits by dishonest means. For example, many students copy the papers written by others or cheat at examinations in order to get higher marks. The same thing may be true to some manufacturers who try to get rich by making fake and poor products. Those people may succeed for a time, but sooner or later, they will acquire nothing but a bad reputation.( )
A:cause and effect B:exemplification C:comparison and contrast D:classification 13.What figures of speech is used in the following sentence? I was bored to death. ( )
A:hyperbole B:personification C:pun D:irony 14.When writing a bilateral discussion, one should ____________. ( )
A:only discuss the side that one agrees to. B:discuss both views and state one’s stand. C:oppose both views and put forward a new claim. D:discuss both views only. 15.Which part of the narration do we usually put the following sentence? The story you are about to read is almost unbelievable, but it is true. It happened in… ( )
A:opening paragraph B:transitional paragraph C:Closing paragraph D:body paragraph 16.Which of the following cannot be used to show the cause? ( )
A:on the contrary B:since C:now that D:in that 17.Topic sentence can help readers master the main idea of the whole paragraph. ( )
A:错 B:对 18.You can choose the order of impression when you want to highlight the most important details in a description. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 19.The form English letters. is not important. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 20.Whether the sentence is correct or not.It is proposed that effective measures are taken to solve the problem. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 21.The concluding sentence is absolutely necessary in a paragraph. ( )
A:对 B:错 22.Whether the sentence is correct or not.Smoking cigarettes is harmful to people’s health. ( )
A:错 B:对 23.Business correspondence tend to be more informal than other forms of communication. ( )
A:对 B:错 24.An argumentation usually has a debatable topic. ( )
A:对 B:错 25.The sequence of details is not important in descriptive writing. ( )
A:错 B:对 26.In the opinion-illustration pattern of argumentation, the writer’s opinion is often put in the opening paragraph. ( )
A:错 B:对 27.Whether the sentence is correct or not. The form of Chinese letters is the same as that of the English letters. ( )
A:对 B:错 28.Narration interspersed with flashback is one of the narrating orders. ( )
A:对 B:错 29.When describing an object, the writer should focus on a particular, probably the most important characteristic of the things.( )
A:错 B:对 30.Exposition is the same as argumentation because both of them consist of three parts. ( )
A:错 B:对 31.Narration and description are two different writing styles. ( )
A:对 B:错 32.The first paragraph of a letter should be brief and clear.( )
A:错 B:对 33.You can choose the spatial order if you want readers to visualize details as they truly exist in relation to one another. ( )
A:错 B:对 34.The writer should choose multiple relevant details and facts to describe and illustrate the theme in body part of a descriptive essay. ( )
A:错 B:对 35.Formal letters do not have a designated format or a pattern. ( )
A:错 B:对 36.A successful setting can contribute to the success of the whole narrative writing. ( )
A:对 B:错 37.Deductive reasoning starts from some specific analysis and then comes to the conclusion. ( )
A:对 B:错 38.‏66. The expression “compared with …” is a typical signpost in a contrast essay.( )
A:对 B:错 39.Whether the sentence is correct or not. How to succeed? ( )
A:对 B:错 40.Summary and comment are the same. ( )
A:错 B:对 41.A descriptive essay often resorts to five senses——sights, smells, sounds, touch, and tastes, creating a clear mental picture in readers’ mind. ( )
A:对 B:错 42.The introductory part of an argumentative writing should not be very long. ( )
A:对 B:错 43.You could divide your classmates into intelligent ones and good-looking ones.( )
A:错 B:对 44.The following sentence belongs to complex sentence. The man whose smartphone was stolen looked upset. ( )
A:错 B:对 45.Accuracy in a summary means to present the information clearly and accurately. ( )
A:对 B:错 46.Whether the sentence is correct or not. Some people think we should help strangers, others hold an opposite opinion. ( )
A:对 B:错 47.I dare not go there ______ my parents will see me. ( )
A:for fear that B:in case of C:for fear of D:in order that 48.I have many books, some of __________ are on chemistry. ( )
A:that B:them C:which D:those 49.He talked happily about the men and books______ interested him greatly in the school. ( )
A:it B:that C:which D:who 50.Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth. ( )
A:being run B:to run C:run D:running 51.“We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ________ out of the window. ( )
A:looking B:having looked C:to look D:looked 52.The workers are determined to go through with their railway project, ____ the expenses have risen. ( )
A:as long as B:as though C:even though D:now that 53.The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found. ( )
A:in that B:where C:that D:in which 54._____ I can’t understand is _____ he wants to change his mind. ( )
A:What , what B:What, why C:That , that D:Which , what 55.It was in 1969 __________ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. ( )
A:when B:which C:that D:in which 56.________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. ( )
A:To have waited B:To wait C:Having waited D:Have waited 57.He was halfway through his meal ____ a familiar voice came to his ears. ( )
A:while B:when C:where D:why 58.Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of the music. ( )
A:making herself hear B:making herself heard C:to make herself heard D:to make herself hear 59.______ surprised me most was the news ______ our team won. ( )
A:That; that B:That; which C:What; that D:What; which 60.Before writing the application letter, you should do the following preparation work____________. ( )
61.We have ( ) in putting through the deal of five hundred bicycles .
A:succeeding B:success C:succeeded D:succeed 62.The negotiators were meeting ( ) for several months before the peace agreement was reached.
A:in contact B:in particular C:in a flash D:in secret 63.Will you please tell the quantity you require ( ) as to enable us to sort out the offers ?
A:such B:that C:so D:to 64.We'd rather have you ( ) us FOB prices .
A:to B:quote C:leave D:sent 65.The smell of cigarette smoke ( ) what he had suspected: there had been a party in his absence.
A:insured B:supplement C:confirmed D:guarantee 66.Come on, it’s time to _____ these toys ____ . ( )
A:turn/over B:put/away C:take/off D:let/loose 67.The sound of the rain ( ) against the windows was deafening.
A:Leaning B:tilting C:Lashing D:kicking 68.She ( ) the hope that he was still alive.
A:is clinging to B:clinged to C:clung to D:clang to 69.We ( ) firm for reply 11 a.m tomorrow .
A:play B:offer C:qive D:pay 70.It’s taken me a while but at last I’ve managed to ( ) my fear of public speaking.
A:overlook B:overturn C:overtake D:overcome 71.I'm sorry . The difference between our price and your counteroffer is too ( ) .
A:wide B:big C:large D:much 72.( ) the courtesy of ….we come to know your name and address.
A:but B:before C:through D:such 73.The offer will remain ( ) for 3 days .
A:to open B:opened C:open D:opening 74.A helicopter flies by the ( ) movement of its blades
A:rotary B:round C:rotate D:circling 75.With an eye ( ) future business we will accept payment by D/P this time .
A:of B:forward C:for D:to 76.His ideas are ( ) with she spirit of his age.
A:in tune B:in essence C:in time D:in principle 77.Will you please tell us the ( ) possible date you can make shipment ?
A:earlier B:other C:earlies D:fasting 78.Would you tell us your ( ) prices CIF Humburg for the chairs ?
A:the lower B:worst C:best D:dear 79.It's a pleasure ( ) us offer you the goods as follows .
A:of B:with C:for D:to 80.These plans are good and ( ).
A:practice B:practised C:practicable D:practical 81.We strongly ( ) acceptance as our stocks are running low .
A:recommends B:recommended C:recommending D:recommend 82.He is serving a 13-year ( ) sentence for smuggling explosives
A:salvation B:whip C:civil D:jail 83.We ask for ( ) for 6 days to make a counteroffer .
A:indulgence B:moratorium C:indulgent D:grace 84.A large ( ) of cement was used for this project.
A:numbers B:amount C:quantity D:number 85.I thank he’s a little ( ) after his long journey.
A:solitary B:weary C:dreary D:humble 86.Teachers are on strike in protest at the pay settlement ( ) by the government this year
A:imposed B:stressed C:forced D:added 87.The hunters chase the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then ( ) for the kill.
A:closed in B:got through C:whipped up D:missed out 88.( ) heavy commitments , we cannot accept fresh business at present .
A:Because to B:Thank to C:Owing to D:Dueing to 89.We are willing to enter into business ( ) with your firm.
A:keeps B:goes C:agrees D:relations 90.The troops were in a ( ) position, completely exposed to attack from the air.
A:vulnerable B:indispensable C:Remarkable D:Grave 91.We all went to the exhibition ( ) the director, who was too busy to go.
A:besides B:beside C:except for D:except 92.Police and federal agents stopped to search every white van on the East Coast. It seemed that the killer was a few steps, or miles, ahead of his ( ) .
A:freezers B:pursuers C:fugitive D:guarantees 93.Your counteroffer is not ( ) to the present market level .
A:fill B:up C:tally D:accord 94.All our household goods are ( )against accidental damage.
A:invested B:insured C:supplemented D:stacked 95.We can offer you a quotation based ( ) the international market .
A:in B:to C:by D:upon 96.Our market survey informs us that you are interested in the import ( ) machinery.
A:of B:on C:to D:with 97.Many people here have got other income ( ) their wages.
A:except B:besides C:beside D:except for 98.Could you make ( ) delivery .
A:schedule B:prompt C:to due D:in time 99.EDI can be used ( ) automate existing processes.
A:in B:with C:as D:to 100.Would you accept delivery spread ( ) a period of time ?
A:over B:across C:around D:out 101.A large ( ) of people volunteered to do this difficult job.
A:amount B:number C:numbers D:quantity 102.Nothing will stop them in their ( )for truth.
A:appreciation B:quest C:curiosity D:stand 103.It's impossible for us to ( ) your counteroffer .
A:entice B:entertain C:enter D:entirety 104.That music always ( ) happy memories.
A:brings back B:pops out C:comes down to D:takes on 105.These measures will increase the club’s ability to ( ) income
A:enhance B:inherit C:generate D:secure 106.Foreign cars have ( )the UK markets.
A:swamped淹没 B:striped C:abolished D:imposed 107.We are ( ) to offer tea from stock .
A:current B:now C:duty D:in a position 108.Please accept my ( )apologies.
A:limitless B:hypothetical C:fierce D:heartfelt 109.In the resume, experience part mainly gives an overview of any work experience you have that give you relevant skills and abilities. Which of the following can be listed in it?( )
A:Summer training B:Voluntary work C:Internships D:Work experiences 110.As one of the most important application documents,a personal statement is a chance for you to show____________. ( )
A:significant experiences B:how you developed your research interests C:challenges or accomplishments D:your personal motivation for applying 111.记叙文,也可以称为记事文或叙述文,是按照时间顺序叙述人物的经历或事情的产生、发展和变化过程的文章。( )
A:正确 B:错误 112.China with nearly five thousand years of recorded history, is the cradle of one of the world’s four oldest civilizations. For its antiquity, mystery,majesty and pageantry, China attracts a number of visitors every year。这部分是对研究对象的简要介绍,目的是帮助读者更好的了解研究对象的背景知识,帮助读者理解研究内容。( )
A:错 B:对 113.Automobiles have been playing an important role in the daily activities of human society. For example,industry needs them for transportation products, while agriculture depends on them for farm supplies. In addition, automobiles are used every day to carry people to and from work. At weekend,automobiles can take families on tours. 在这一段中,作者用举例的方式说明了汽车在社会的日常生活当中都有哪些作用。( )
A:正确 B:错误 114.Against the left wall is a large book case extending into the corner which is behind the head of my bed. 这句话使用了倒装句来突出物体的空间位置。( )
A:错 B:对 115.描写文是用生动形象的语言把人物、事件、地点和环境等进行具体的描绘和刻画,通常有人物心理和动作描写、景物描写和场景描写等。( )
A:正确 B:错误 116.Most of us swam in the sea. We played and splashed water onto one another. Having swum for a while, we went to the shore and bathed in the sun on the sand ground. Some went boating. They sang as they boated. The others played games at the shore. 我们游泳、打水仗、日关浴、划船、唱歌、做游戏。这一段是对事情经过的详细描写。( )
A:对 B:错 117.We choose “Research on the Factors Influencing residents’ Orientation Towards Tourism” as our topic. 这是研究主题We designed a questionnaire of the residents’ leisure life---the research on tourism conditions, experiencing many times of modification. 这是使用的研究方法。( )
A:错 B:对 118.My cats took care of themselves and they ate whatever food they could find. On the other hand, my dog was crying and needed to be taken care of. He still needed me to feed him and take him for a walk. From my experience, I saw that indoor cats make better pets than indoor dogs. 作者对比了两种宠物cats and dogs的不同生活习性得出结论:Indoor cats make better pets than indoor dogs. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 119.判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。Although the term indigenous people is applied to a large variety of different groups in many different parts of the globe, indigenous people can be broadly defined as a group that historically belong to one area or country pre-dating its colonization by a new dominant group, and whose culture, language, and traditions are distinct and unique, having developed entirely separately from those of the new group.Summary: Indigenous people are the first inhabitants populating a certain area possessing distinct language, culture, and traditions setting them apart from the later dominant group. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 120.The statement “Athletes who win medals in the Olympics will be bounteously awarded.” is an overgeneralization.( )
A:正确 B:错误 121.The letter of recommendation is one of the compulsory documents that must be provided in the application for admission to a program or an educational institution. ( )
A:对 B:错 122.The addresser should always highlight a candidate's qualifications and cover up his/her weaknesses. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 123.判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。Indigenous peoples frequently rank among the most impoverished of all ethnic groups within a nation. In the United States, Native American communities on reservations are some of the most disadvantaged groups. Lack of education and high unemployment rates have confounded their low socio-economic status and have caused a host of social problems, such as alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, high crime rates, and a range of health issues. The limited opportunities have led to many Native Americans leaving their reservations and traditions to assimilate into mainstream American society.Summary: Plagued by poverty and various other problems, many Native Americans in the U.S. abandoned their traditional lifestyles. They exemplify the common phenomenon of indigenous people being the poorest ethnic groups in a country. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 124.Someone thinks that outer space is worth exploring because we may find a planet which is like our earth and enables us to live. 这句中which is like our earth and enables us to live. “live” 是不及物动词,应该是live on.( )
A:正确 B:错误 125.53 We designed a questionnaire of the residents’ leisure life---the research on tourism conditions, experiencing many times of modification. 这是使用的研究方法。( )
A:错 B:对 126.77议论文的论点必须是可争辩的,例如I believe that issuing lottery tickets is a good way to collect funds for social welfare projects。这个论点就是可争论的。( )
A:正确 B:错误 127.论文引言部分,主要说明研究这一课题的理由和意义,要明确、具体地提出所论述的课题,有时要回顾以往的相关研究并说明现状,以及作者将在此基础上的发展和创新之处,预期的结果及其在相关领域里的地位作用和意义,还要简要介绍相关的论证方法。( )
A:错误 B:正确 128.论文题目的其中一种书写格式,也是常见的一种格式式第一个单词,以及题目中其他实词的第一个字母要大写,虚词要小写;另外一种题目书写格式不经常用,就是把题目中每一个词的字母全部大写,其缺点是书写与辨认不太方便。( )
A:对 B:错 129.We think that all the data having been collected can indicate that the acceleration of the economic development, the improvement of the social security and the establishment of the system of tourism, and much other similar data will exert strong influence on China tourism. 这部分摘要提到了论文中的研究结果。( )
A:错 B:对 130.On the right side of the room is a narrow closet with clothes, shoes, hats, tennis racquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors.房间的右边有一个小衣橱,衣橱里有衣服、鞋子、帽子、网球拍、还有一些盒子把衣橱塞得满满,都快把衣橱的推拉门挤开了。( )
A:正确 B:错误 131.We have to follow a certain layout when writing the resume.( )
A:正确 B:错误 132.描写文不需要按照时间顺序来写,描写文强调的是人的感受,可以通过视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉和嗅觉所获得的感受在文章中加以描写。( )
A:错 B:对 133.判断A句的改写句B句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。A: It is calculated that the cost of insomnia for the American economy may be $35 billion a year. B: The cost of insomnia for the American economy has been calculated at around $35 billion annually. ( )
A:错 B:对 134.The statement “People who do regular exercises are not bothered with health problems.” is an accurate generalization.( )
A:错误 B:正确 135.Of course, automobiles have also brought about a series of problem. For instance,traffic accidents kill and injure a large number of people every year. Streets become crowded with them. Also they pollute the environment by producing great noise and giving off poisonous gases.在这一段中,作者用举例的方式来说明汽车带来的一系列问题。( )
A:正确 B:错误 136.判断下面段落的概述句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。There are thought to be around 5,000 indigenous groups in over 70 countries worldwide. In some cases, only very few members of these groups remain while in others there may be hundreds of thousands. There are many groups that have been completely wiped out because of war, disease, or government policies. In many countries, those that remain have been dispossessed of their land and valuable natural resources, creating a situation in which they struggle to maintain their livelihoods, which typically depend on access to farming, fishing, and hunting grounds.Summary: Thousands of indigenous groups exist today spread over many countries. Deprived of their land and resources, these surviving groups often cannot continue their traditional ways of living. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 137.55 It not only accelerates the economic development of Beijing, but also stimulates the tourism consumption of the residents. Therefore, we are full of confidence in the prospect of China's tourism. 这是研究的意义或者研究的应用。( )
A:对 B:错 138.根据所给文献信息判断随文参引是否书写规范,规范为“对”,不规范为“错”。Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbersSource:Author: Jeremy RogerTitle of article:“ A Mount Everest Makeover”Title of Newspaper: The Vancouver GlobeDate of publication: December 2, 2005Edition: late edition, section 1Page: 4In-text citation: Rivers claims that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers.(4)( )
A:错 B:对 139.My dormitory bedroom is small and cluttered up. Its dark green walls and dirty white ceiling make it look gloomy and thus even smaller than it is. 我宿舍又小又乱,暗绿色的墙和脏兮兮的白色屋顶使房间看起来昏暗,显得更小。( )
A:正确 B:错误 140.判断A句的改写句B句是否合格,合格为“对”,不合格为“错”。A: Sleep scientists have found that traditional remedies for insomnia, such as counting sheep, are ineffective. B: Findings by sleep researchers suggest that established cures for insomnia, for instance counting sheep, do not work. ( )
A:对 B:错 141.It’s a good idea to show gratitude to the addresses for his or her time and consideration to show your courtesy and manners. ( )
A:错 B:对 142.First of all,travel can widen our horizon. Secondly,we can make friends and meet different people through traveling. Finally, travel is the best way to enjoy ourselves.这段话使用了列举法说明了旅游三个方面的优点。( )
A:正确 B:错误 143.A resume is a document which gives a brief summary of your personal background and qualifications in the hopes of securing an interview. ( )
A:对 B:错 144.Language is a tool for communication. My favorite food is fish. Pollution is harmful to people's health.这些都不适合做论点。( )
A:错误 B:正确

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