  1. Whenever a news camera crew is set up in a public place, he hangs around in the background on camera. 翻译为:每当新闻摄像组在公共场合拍摄时,他便会在镜头背景中晃悠。( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. It is China’s largest shopping festival and the retail industry’s most important 24 hours of the year. 翻译为:这是中国零售业一年中最重要的24小时。( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Try breaking down the task into smaller pieces. 翻译为:尝试破解任务。( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. You could harvest strawberries in England, grapes in France, oranges in Greece or kiwis in New Zealand—the possibilities are endless! 翻译为:你可以在英国摘草莓,在法国摘葡萄,在希腊摘橙子,在新西兰摘猕猴桃——只有想不到!( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. For our choice of consumption, we should make expenses within income and keep thrifty. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. The findings of this report show that many shoppers stay up late and take the shopping festival as the one day of the year they could not do without. 翻译为:该报告结果显示,很多购物者在这一天会通宵达旦娱乐,并将其视为一年中可以错过的一天。( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. It seems like where there is a camera crew, there is Paul. 翻译为:好像哪里有摄像组,哪里就会有保罗。( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Traveling can bring us little different opportunities and experiences. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. For students on a budget, it may seem as if traveling is not a possibility. 翻译为:对于囊中羞涩的学生党来说,旅行似乎是不可能实现的事情。( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. He has appeared in the background of live news reports at a whole range of locations and random times. 翻译为:他已经出现在多地各种时间的现场新闻报道背景中。( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. There are ________ many new students in my class this year. ( )

  22. A:so B:enough C:too D:such
  23. You are________a good friend. Thanks for everything. ( )

  24. A:such B:enough C:too D:so
  25. a: Do you have lots of shopping to do for Thanksgiving?b: ____________________________. ( )

  26. A:I really enjoy playing basketball when I am free. B:I failed my English test. C:Actually, not really! D:Yes, I’m going to Heilongjiang Province.
  27. figure out( )

  28. A:依赖,依靠 B:弄清,算出 C:观光,游览 D:随意的,任意的
  29. My best friend, ________is a teacher, lives in Beijing. ( )

  30. A:that B:who C:when D:which
  31. rely ( )

  32. A:弄清,算出 B:依赖,依靠 C:随意的,任意的 D:观光,游览
  33. She's________tall that she has to make her own clothes. ( )

  34. A:so B:too C:such D:enough
  35. Andrew is ______ a handsome young man just like his father. ( )

  36. A:enough B:so C:such D:too
  37. sticker( )

  38. A:度假胜地 B:飞行员 C:粘贴标签,贴纸 D:无限的,无穷的
  39. I’m really _________ out about work at the moment. ( )

  40. A:stressed B:pass the time C:exhibition D:hesitate
  41. Disneyland is a place of popular _________.( )

  42. A:downtown B:stressed C:averted D:resort
  43. That's the apartment block ________ my cousin lives. ( )

  44. A:that B:where C:why D:when
  45. The sun is ____________ from behind the clouds. ( )

  46. A:emerging B:best-selling C:got paid for D:tactics
  47. J.K Rowling is a(an) _________British novelist. ( )

  48. A:emerging B:got paid for C:best-selling D:figure out
  49. When I’m on the train, I read books to __________. ( )

  50. A:stressed B:ingredient C:pass the time D:at a discount
  51. a: Why lots of young people have chosen to move to the city?b: ____________________________. ( )

  52. A:But electric cars look so ugly! B:The Spring Festival. C:Because the city life is more convenient. D:I don’t really enjoy ball games so much.
  53. a: Will you buy a second-hand car?b: ____________________________. ( )

  54. A:I really enjoy playing basketball when I am free. B:I failed my English test. C:No, I won’t. D:Yes, I’m going to Heilongjiang Province.
  55. _________too far out. There's a storm coming.( )

  56. A:No swim B:Not swim C:Don't swim D:Don't to swim
  57. catch up on( )

  58. A:得到报酬 B:纲要,要素 C:架设,建立 D:赶做,补做
  59. typical( )

  60. A:典型的 B:得到报酬 C:纲要,要素 D:熨平,熨斗
  61. a: You’re sleepy today, aren’t you?b: ____________________________. ( )

  62. A:I don’t really enjoy ball games so much. B:The Spring Festival. C:But electric cars look so ugly! D:Yes, I am.
  63. a: Do you like playing basketball?b: ____________________________. ( )

  64. A:The Spring Festival. B:Yes, I am. C:I don’t really enjoy ball games so much. D:Because the city life is more convenient.
  65. ________watching TV! You should be studying. ( )

  66. A:Stopped B:Stops C:Stop D:Stopping
  67. The manager was very busy. He got a very full _________.( )

  68. A:averted B:downtown C:antique D:schedule
  69. Sally has a big family, ________?( )

  70. A:haven’t she B:hadn't she C:hasn't she D:had she
  71. Flour is an important _________ in many recipes. ( )

  72. A:exhibition B:hesitate C:ingredient D:pass the time
  73. He’s the one ______ music we heard on the radio. ( )

  74. A:that B:who C:whose D:which
  75. The cold weather _________ the homeless people on our streets. ( )

  76. A:antique B:affects C:sense D:average
  77. My mother likes to play Chinese chess and collect Chinese __________.( )

  78. A:sense B:average C:antique D:affects
  79. The Forbidden City( )

  80. A:分开,分离 B:紫禁城 C:雇用,租用 D:有能力的
  81. We’ve lost another basketball game! We need to change our ____________. ( )

  82. A:affects B:set up C:tactics D:average
  83. We can go shopping _________tomorrow. ( )

  84. A:schedule B:averted C:downtown D:resort
  85. Resort( )

  86. A:度假胜地 B:分开,分离 C:依赖,依靠 D:有能力的
  87. That's the teacher ________ class I missed yesterday. ( )

  88. A:whose B:who C:that D:whom
  89. a: I think our next car should be an electric one.b: ____________________________. ( )

  90. A:Because the city life is more convenient. B:Yes, I am. C:I don’t really enjoy ball games so much. D:But electric cars look so ugly!

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