1. He took a burning stick from the fire. 划线单词burning是现在分词( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. 在课文句子“I join a long queue of people, which is winding its way out of the door”中,划线单词winding为动名词。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. 将“龙井( Longjing )是一种绿茶,主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省。”翻译成“Longing is a type of green tea, which is mainly produced in Zhejiang province on the east coast of China.”。译文中 “which is”可以省略.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. To handle the relationship between parents and children, effective measures can be taken as follows. 1 , it is imperative to cultivate mutual respect between generations, which is a key to build up a harmonious relationship between parents and children. 2 , it is significant for parents to spend more time being with their children like having meals together on weekend, going for sporting event, movies, an so on. 3 , their relationship can be strengthened. 4 , it is wiser for parents to set an example rather than make demands, enabling children to follow the achieve spiritual development. a. For one thing; b. Further more; c. To sum up; d. To begin with; e. On the other hand; f. As a result; g. and most of all; h. Finally ( )

  8. 答案:dbfh
  9. Please compose the following sentences into one paragraph.① For example, the words “stingy” and “frugal” both mean “careful with money.”② Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggressive but not pushy.③ Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same emotional meaning.④ Therefore, you should be careful in choosing words because many so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all.⑤ However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much more positive connotation.My paragraph is _____.( )

  10. 答案:③-①-⑤-②-④
  11. He was completely _________ of what to do in the library. ( )

  12. 答案:ignorant
  13. Many factors can _______ a population geographically.( )

  14. 答案:isolate
  15. Poets and artists often draw their ________ from nature.( )

  16. 答案:inspiration
  17. A 1 rose in my throat as I stared at the spot beside the dresser where the jar had always 2 . My dad was a man of few words, and never 3 me on the values of determination, perseverance, and faith. The pickle jar had taught me all these 4 far more eloquently than the most flowery of 5 could have done. a.placed; b. lectured; c. virtues; d. said; e.stood ; f. advantages; g. words; h. lump ( )

  18. 答案:hebcg
  19. On May 22, 2021, Yuan 1 away at the age of 91. He left the world a valuable 2 of a little rice seed. Yuan may be 3 , but as the UN DESA 4 , “his mission to end hunger lives on.” “Everyone is like a seed – we should try to be a good seed,” Yuan once said. This 5 but great man is worth remembering. a.legend ; b. tweeted; c. passed ; d. excellent; e.marvelous; f. legacy; g. humble; h. gone ( )

  20. 答案:cfhbg
  21. In my opinion, his academic work and his skill in sport are __________. ( )

  22. 答案:impressive
  23. When I ate the peach, it was so ripe and ________ that it ran down my chin.( )
  24. 学生食堂汇集了中国各地的美食。我每天都能品尝不同的菜,从来没有过食欲不佳。( )
  25. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.You can try to make friends, there will help you feel happy and lively.( )
  26. Although he was getting on in years, his experience gave him a(n) _____ over his rival. ( )
  27. She was short-sighted, so she _______ at you as if she didn’t recognize you. ( )
  28. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.You may be not accustomed to the climate of a new place.( )
  29. 每次寒暑假回到家时,都能看到妈妈在厨房给我包饺子。( )
  30. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.As students, we should distinguish good from badness. ( )
  31. The police had the photograph of the missing girl _____ in order to find her easily.( )
  32. We _____ complete equality between men and women.( )
  33. She was aware that she was losing all sense of _________. ( )
  34. Archeologists _____ great value to the set of ancient cooking vessels unearthed in Shanxi ( )province.
  35. Doctors are _______ to comment on the new treatment.( )
  36. He did not hesitate to _________ his all for protecting his motherland.( )
  37. My dad’s hard work and motivation and love ________ our relationship.( )
  38. 很多中国菜都有自己独特的味道,有时你只需要闻一下就能知道自己喜不喜欢。( )
  39. Thinking of his son, who was admitted into the best university, ______.( )
  40. It’s the freshers’ fair today, and Sophie and I go 1 to see how many clubs we can join. We agree that we want to 2 out and meet lots of different people, so I sign up 3 the Dancing Club, the Artificial Intelligence Society, and the Extreme Sports Club. Sophie signs up for the Theatre Club and the Singing Club. I 4 if Sophie and I are going to 5 friends. a .go ; b. wonder; c. along; d. hope; e. off; f. get; g. stay; h. for ( )
  41. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.We also can join in many interesting clubs.( )
  42. There was _______ enough room for two people.( )
  43. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.We should fully recognize the side effect of absent-minded in class.( )
  44. He is a ________ and submissive servant.( )
  45. 请用英文表达“下个星期就要考试了,我没有时间参加社交活动。”____( )
  46. As an adult, your ________ of food and how it tastes is different from what it was when you were a child. ( )
  47. It is _______ to feel at ease with your therapist.( )
  48. One man jumped on the platform, grabbed a _______ of dollars and threw it to the crowd.( )
  49. 将“我心里非常高兴。”翻译成“I am very happy.”,使用了_____翻译技巧。( )
  50. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.We can observe from the picture four students sitting in the classroom, playing their phones or just sleeping, but they still pretend that they are listening to the class.( )
  51. I never see him myself without taking pains to ________ with him.( )
  52. It was an event that would ________ my life.( )
  53. He purposely tried to _______ good relations with the press.( )
  54. Scientists might be amazed by the ________ arrangement of the apparatus.( )
  55. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.My roommates are warmed and helpful.( )
  56. 将“感冒可以通过人的手传染。”翻译成“Flu can be spread by hand contact.”,使用了_____翻译技巧。( )
  57. You don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re talking _________.( )
  58. There is one mistake in the following sentences. Please choose the right correction.Please choose the right correction.Parents and teachers were not well prepared for this issue may partly fail at home and school.( )
  59. 这位医生一生致力于传染病防治研究,挽救了很多患者的生命。( )
  60. Please arrange the following sentences into one paragraph.① We should spare no effort to strengthen people’s awareness of saving energy.② Nowadays, energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world.③ One is to conserve and save energy.④ Some countries have enforced serious penalties on the overuse of electricity.⑤ Apart from the conservation, another way is to develop new energy resources such as water power, wind power and solar power.⑥ There are serval ways to solve the problem.⑦ For example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity from lighting.My paragraph is _____.( )
  61. She ________ the beans into a pan of boiling water.( )
  62. The bank celebrates its hundredth ________ in December.( )
  63. The newspapers _______ their heroic deeds.( )
  64. The creation of an efficient and ________ transport system is critical to the long-term future of London.( )
  65. Man is controlled by his _____ as well as by his reason. ( )
  66. He treated them with _________ and thoughtfulness.( )
  67. “Cause you were mine for the summer,Now we know it’s nearly over,Feels like snow in September,But I always will remember,You were my summer love,You always will be my summer love.”The song lyrics indicates how their bonding changes. Their relationship is symbolized as _____.( )
  68. 在When at Rome, do as Romans do.(入乡随俗)中,as引导了方式状语从句。( )
  69. 在Busy as he is, he insists on studying中,as引导了方式状语从句。( )
  70. 将“剪纸作品通常是用红纸做成的.”翻译成“Paper cuttings are made of red paper.”,其中are made of是语态转换。( )
  71. 将“华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。”翻译成“Mount Hua is located in the City of Huayin, which is 120 kilometers from Xi’an.”,其中is located 是系表结构。( )
  72. The road was ________ after the rain.( )
  73. The laxity of export control authorities has made a ________contribution to the problem.( )
  74. The housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _____. ( )
  75. I felt _____ for the stupid mistake I made. ( )
  76. Her achievement was more _____ in that she had come from such a remote area. ( )
  77. “想买车的人”可以翻译成people wanting to buy cars。该译文中wanting to buy cars的作用是现在分词短语做后置定语。( )
  78. “给我一些吃的东西。”可以翻译成Give me something to eat。该译文中to eat是不定式做后置定语。( )
  79. 请用英文表达“附近一定有餐馆。”___( )
  80. 请用英文表达“由于没别的事做,我们就回家了。”____( )
  81. Recently, it is not as easy as it was for college students to find a desired job. If you are required to write an essay on this topic, the better way to frame the essay based on the following items is _____. 1. the difficulty of job-hunting for college students; 2. my attitude to job-hunting; 3. the reasons behind the difficulty; 4. my suggestions for the college students who are looking for a job.( )
  82. When crossing a busy street, we should be very _______ of the speeding cars.( )
  83. One day,he had a close ______ with death.( )
  84. She is suffering from lack of _______. ( )
  85. There may be a(n) ____ of truth in this idea, disagreeable though it may seem. ( )
  86. A small terrorist group has ______ responsibility for the bombing in Baghdad.( )
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