

  1. What type of business finds it much easier to raise money?( )

  2. A:A partnership. B:A sole proprietorship. C:All options are wrong D:A corporation.
    答案:Sole proprietorshipAI参考:正确答案是D:A corporation。公司更容易筹集资金,所以D选项是正确答案。A选项合伙企业、B选项独资企业和C选项都错误,因为它们筹集资金相对困难。'
  3. Which of the following suggestions is an experienced entrepreneur most likely to give someone who is thinking about getting into business?( )

  4. A:Even small businesses must keep accurate records. B:Starting a new business is always better than buying an existing firm. C:In order to keep costs low when the company is just getting started, wait at least a year before hiring an accountant or lawyer. D:Prior business experience is not really important in managing a new firm.
    AI参考:一个有经验的创业者最可能会给那些考虑进入商业的人提出哪个建议?( )C:为了保持公司刚起步时的低成本,在公司开始至少一年前再聘请会计师或律师。在创业初期,聘请会计师或律师可以帮助企业合理避税,并为公司的发展做出决策提供支持。创业初期是公司开支较大的时候,选择在创业一年后再聘请律师或会计师可以避免短期内高昂的开支,从而降低企业的成本。这是一个明智的决定,可以给创业者带来更好的长期利益。其他选项没有提供具体的行动建议或实际可行性。因此,答案是C:为了保持成本低,公司刚开始时应该等到至少一年后再聘请会计师或律师。'
  5. Once manages define future performance goals, they must translate this abstract vision into reality via the function of .( )

  6. A:social responsibility. B:organizing. C:planning. D:controlling.
  7. Gains from trade only occur_______________________. ( ).

  8. A:if countries that have different comparative advantages trade with each other B:if a country has an absolute advantage in production C:if both countries have an absolute advantage in the industry in which they specialize D:if countries do not specialize in any industry
    答案:Outside its production possibilities curveAI参考:正确答案是C:if both countries have an absolute advantage in the industry in which they specialize.贸易收益只有在两个国家在其专长的产业中都拥有绝对优势时才会发生。贸易收益理论认为,贸易的产生是因为参与贸易的双方在生产某种产品时具有绝对优势或劣势,这种优势或劣势使得他们可以通过交换获得利益。因此,选项C“两个国家在其专长的产业中都拥有绝对优势”是最符合这一理论的表述。选项A和D都不完整,没有说明所有条件。选项B过于片面,只强调一个国家具有绝对优势,不能涵盖所有情况。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  9. Mobile commerce refers to ( )。

  10. A:business or purchases conducted over the Internet B:business or purchases conducted over mobile devices like cellphones C:business or purchases conducted over fixed devices like PC D:business or purchases conducted over TV
    答案:移动商务AI参考:答案:B解析:本题中空格后面的over mobile devices like cellphones指明了“电子商务或购物”发生的地点和手段为通过手机等移动设备,所以正确答案为B项。'
  11. A _____merger is the joining of two firms involved in different stages of related businesses.( )

  12. A:horizontal B:vertical C:conglomerate D:all options are wrong
    答案:对AI参考:正确选项是 B:vertical。题目中提到的“A _____merger”指的是一种合并方式,选项A、C都是关于合并方式的描述,而B选项“vertical”指的是垂直合并,即企业间的合并涉及到了不同阶段的相关业务。因此,正确答案是B。其他选项D和所有选项都是错误的,因为它们都不是关于合并方式的正确选项。'
  13. Ed Brickey wants to be certain he has done all he can do to help his business survive, so he has written a business plan. One advantage of developing the plan is that it( ).

  14. AI参考:选项B:makes him a more professional business person题目描述了Ed Brickey写商业计划的目的,是为了确保他已经竭尽所能帮助生意生存。因此,该计划的优点之一是它可以让他成为一个更加专业的商业人士。商业计划书是一个详尽的商业战略和计划,有助于提高一个人的商业素养和专业性,因为撰写计划需要深入研究和规划,以便更好地了解业务和市场的需求。因此,选项B:“makes him a more professional business person”是正确答案。'
  15. When an entrepreneur assesses a market, he/she should consider the following aspects except( ).

  16. A:site layout B:the competitors C:the likely customers D:marketing options
    答案:site layout
  17. When should an entrepreneur spend all of his/her time in the business?( )

  18. A:At the success stage. B:At the survival stage. C:At the infancy stage. D:At all stages.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:At the infancy stage.创业初期阶段。在创业初期阶段,创业者需要全身心地投入到业务中,因为这个时候是创业的起步阶段,需要投入大量的时间和精力去探索、尝试、试错,寻找合适的商业模式和盈利模式。到了成功阶段,业务已经稳定,创业者可以相对轻松地管理业务,但仍然需要关注市场的变化和竞争格局。而在生存阶段,由于竞争激烈,生存是首要任务,创业者更需要关注业务的运营和现金流的问题。因此,创业者在各个阶段都需要花费一定的时间在业务上,但是最需要花费所有时间的阶段是创业初期阶段。因此,本题的正确答案是C:在创业初期阶段。'
  19. Lucy Zhang manages a college bookstore. She feels that her greatest problem is related to employee motivation. This problem is related to her role as a .( )

  20. A:negotiator B:monitor C:figurehead D:leader
    AI参考:题目中提到Lucy Zhang管理一个大学书店,并且她认为她最大的问题与员工动机有关。这个问题与她作为经理的角色有关。根据选项,只有选项D“领导者”与“经理”这一角色相符合。Negotiator是谈判者,monitor是监控者,而figurehead是名义上的领导,都不是直接管理员工和解决员工激励问题的角色。因此,答案是D:领导者。'
  21. A_____merger unites firms in completely unrelated industries.( )

  22. A:all options are wrong B:vertical C:horizontal D:conglomerate
    AI参考:正确答案是C:horizontal merger。Horizontal merger是指同行业或同产业上下游企业之间的合并,这种合并通常不会影响整个行业的竞争格局,反而会增强合并后的企业竞争力。因此,选项C“horizontal merger”是正确答案。选项A“all options are wrong”不符合题意,选项B“vertical”和选项D“conglomerate”虽然也属于合并类型,但与问题描述不符。'
  23. An organization has a finance center, a marketing center, and a human resources center. It is organized by .( )

  24. A:process B:function C:product D:region
  25. A good reason to consider starting a business with a partner is ( )

  26. A:your partner will take half of the responsibility for all liabilities B:all options are wrong C:partners can take part in the management of the firm or act on behalf of the company. D:partners with complementary skills can enhance the success of a business
    AI参考:正确选项是D:partners with complementary skills can enhance the success of a business。根据问题描述,选项A、B和C都与问题描述不符,而选项D指出与技能互补的合作伙伴可以增强企业的成功,这是考虑与合作伙伴创业的一个很好的理由。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  27. G2C E-Commerce refers to( )。

  28. A:Government-to-Company B:Government-to-Citizen C:Government-to-Customer D:Government-to-Comsumer
  29. All of the following statements about corporations are true except ( )

  30. A:all options are wrong B:corporations must have at least one owner with unlimited liability C:The death of an owner of a corporation does not terminate the company D:corporations are generally more expensive to form than sole proprietorships
    AI参考:所有关于公司的陈述中,除了(D)公司比独资企业成立起来通常更昂贵之外都是正确的。解释:A. 所有的选项都是错误的,这是错误的。B. 公司必须至少有一个拥有无限责任的所有者,这是正确的。C. 公司所有者的死亡不会终止公司,这是正确的。D. 这是错误的。公司通常比独资企业更容易成立,这通常是更便宜的。所以这个陈述与实际情况相反,是错误的。因此,答案为(D)公司比独资企业成立起来通常更昂贵。'
  31. Which of the following is NOT true? ( ).

  32. A:In the case of tariffs, the government collects tariff revenue B:Import companies prefer quotas to tariffs because it means more profits as long as they can receive the rights to fill those quotas C:Any increase in demand under a tariff would result in higher prices D:In the case of quotas, the government collects no revenue

  33. Which of the following job titles is NOT an example of a middle manager? ( )

  34. A:Section chief. B:Finance director. C:Plant manger. D:Regional marketing manager.
    AI参考:【单选题】下列哪项工作头衔不属于中层管理者的例子?【A:Section chief.】中层管理者是指在组织中负责具体执行工作,同时又对高层管理者和基层管理者都有一定影响力的管理者。根据选项,B、C、D都是中层管理者的例子,因为它们分别代表财务总监、工厂经理和区域营销经理,这些都是在组织中负责特定领域或区域的管理者。而选项A中的部门主管(Section chief)通常负责一个特定的部门或团队,但并不具备对高层或基层管理者的直接影响力,因此不属于中层管理者的范畴。因此,正确答案是【A:Section chief.】。'
  35. An import tariff of $10 per unit of an imported good that is imposed by a country_____________.( ).

  36. A:increases the amount of the good that is exported from the foreign country B:increases the price of this good in the importing country C:increases the price of this good in the exporting country by $10 D:lowers the price of this good in the importing country by $10
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:increases the price of this good in the importing country。根据题干中的句子“一个国家对进口商品征收的关税为每单位10美元”,可以推断出这个关税会提高进口国对该商品的价格,因此选项B“增加进口国对该商品的价格”是正确的。其他选项与题干中的信息不符。'
  37. In what specific sequence do managers perform their functions to help achieve company goals? ( )

  38. A:Organizing, directing, controlling and planning. B:Planning, organizing, directing and controlling. C:Controlling, planning, organizing and directing. D:Directing, controlling, planning and organizing.
    AI参考:答案为B:Planning,Organizing,Directing and Controlling。根据问题的内容可知,这是关于企业管理职能顺序的问题。根据企业的实际情况,应该先进行规划,也就是制定目标和策略;其次进行组织工作,将任务分配给各个部门和员工;接下来进行指导,监督员工的工作进度和质量;最后进行控制,对结果进行评估和调整。所以正确的顺序应该是:Planning,Organizing,Directing and Controlling。因此,正确答案是B。'
  39. Susan Smith periodically takes clients to lunch to reward them for being good customers. What role of management does her action exhibit?( )

  40. A:Entrepreneur. B:Figurehead. C:Decisional. D:Leader.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Leader.Susan Smith定期请客户吃饭以回报他们的好客户,这个行为体现了她的领导作用。领导者是指在一个组织中,能够引导和影响其他人朝着组织目标前进的人。在这个情境中,Susan Smith通过自己的行为激励客户,鼓励他们继续成为好客户,因此她的行为表现出了领导者的角色。其他选项A、B、C都不符合这个情境。因此,答案为D。'
  41. There are good ways to learn small-business management by ( ).

  42. A:reading some management books B:hire a professional manager C:becoming an apprentice D:working for a successful entrepreneur

  43. Deciding where to open your new business is often one of the most difficult decisions a business owner faces. To work through the decision, you can do one of the following.( )

  44. A:Choose whether to lease office space or work from home; B:Negotiate a lease for your office. C:Use the best decoration materials. D:Choose the best geographic location for your business ;
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:Choose the best geographic location for your business在决定开设新业务的地方时,这是最重要的决策之一。为了做出正确的决策,可以选择适合业务的最佳地理位置。选项A涉及办公室空间租赁或在家工作,选项B涉及租赁办公室的谈判,选项C涉及装修材料的选择,这些因素虽然重要,但不是决定业务地点的主要因素。因此,选择最适合业务的地理位置是最佳选择。'
  45. The bill of lading serves the purposes: ________________________. ( )

  46. A:a receipt B:a document of title C:a loan D:a contract

  47. What are different types of corporate culture? ( )

  48. A:Seniority-based culture B:Egalitarian culture C:Clan culture D:Elite culture E:Mercenary culture

  49. Balance of Payment account includes_________________ .( ).

  50. A:capital account B:normal account C:current account D:official reserve account
    AI参考:正确选项为A:capital account,C:current account。Balance of Payment account主要包括两个账户,即capital account(资本账户)和current account(经常账户)。其中,capital account主要反映的是国际间长期资本的流动情况,包括直接投资、证券投资和其他长期投资等。而current account则主要反映的是国际间短期资金流动的情况,包括贸易收支、服务收支、其他经常性转移等。因此,选项A和C是正确的。而选项B和D则不是Balance of Payment account的主要组成部分。'
  51. What functions about corporate culture? ( )

  52. A:The constraint function B:The guiding function C:The incentive function D:The cohesion function
    AI参考:企业文化的功能主要包括:约束功能、指导功能、激励功能和凝聚功能。其中,约束功能指的是企业文化对员工行为和言语的约束作用;指导功能指的是企业文化对员工工作方向和工作目标的指导作用;激励功能指的是企业文化对员工工作积极性和创造性的激励作用;凝聚功能指的是企业文化对员工归属感和凝聚力的增强作用。因此,选项A、B、C都符合这个描述。而D选项“企业文化的凝聚力功能”虽然也是企业文化的一个特点,但是与题目中提到的“What functions about corporate culture?”不符,所以D选项并不完全符合题意。所以,正确选项为A、B、C,即:约束功能、指导功能和激励功能。'
  53. What are the current trends in B2B eCommerce ( )

  54. A:B2B eCommerce to be double the size of B2C B:Mobile Commerce C:Omni-Channel Engagement D:Smart Personalisation and Customisation
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Omni-Channel Engagement 】。根据题目中的描述,B2B电子商务的当前趋势是“Omni-Channel Engagement”,这意味着企业需要在多个渠道上提供全方位的服务,包括在线、移动端、社交媒体等多种方式,以满足不同消费者的需求。选项A和D与题目中的描述不符,而选项B虽然也是当前的一种趋势,但是并没有涉及到B2B电子商务的特性。因此,正确答案是C。'
  55. What ethical issues need people to face every day? ( )

  56. A:Organizational Relationships B:Fairness and Honesty C:Communications D:Conflict of Interest
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Fairness and Honesty】。在日常生活中,人们每天都需要面对的伦理问题包括公平和诚实。其他选项中,组织关系、沟通和利益冲突虽然也是重要的伦理问题,但并不是每个人每天都需要面对的。因此,选项B是最符合问题的正确答案。'
  57. Keeping up with current events will help you identify that have business possibilities. ( )

  58. A:and sometimes just new ideas B:market trends, C:new fashion, D:industry news,
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:industry news。根据题目中的描述,保持关注时事可以帮助你识别行业新闻中可能存在的商业机会。因此,选项D中的industry news符合题意,而其他选项如市场趋势、新时尚等与题目描述不符。因此,正确答案是D。'
  59. What are the primary reasons why nations engage in international trade?( ).

  60. A:comparative advantage B:competitive advantage C:price advantage D:absolute advantage
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:absolute advantage】。国际贸易的原因主要是绝对优势,即一个国家在生产某种产品上相对于其他国家具有绝对的成本优势,这可能是由于技术、资源、劳动力等方面的原因。因此,国家进行国际贸易的主要原因是绝对优势,即D选项。而其他选项如比较优势、竞争力和价格优势等,并不是国际贸易的主要原因。'
  61. On-the-job training is training that take place outside the workplace.( )

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Culture is learned. It is innate, so it is possible for a person to learn a new culture.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. E-commerce websites can make additional information easily available to customers. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. A booming economy can encourage expansion, which would result in high unemployment, making it easier and cheaper to attract qualified employees.( )

  68. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。原文中提到“booming economy”(繁荣的经济)可以鼓励扩张,但这可能会导致高失业率,这使得吸引合格的员工变得更加困难和昂贵。因此,该句表述错误。'
  69. Job description is listing the objectoves, responsibilities, main tasks of the job,the conditions under which the job is to be done, and its relationshp to other jobs.( )

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. High competence means that employees are versatile in their skills and can take on new roles and jobs as needed.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. If you’re introducing someone with a specific relationship to you, make the relationship clear by adding “my boss”, “my wife”.( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Corporate culture means “the way we do things around here.” It represents a common conception held by the organization’s members.( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. The company founders often possess dynamic personalities, strong values, and a clear vision of how the organization should operate.( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. In European countries, people do not bow frequently.( )

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. Great business ideas and good opportunities are enough to ensure the success of a business. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. The four C's model for evaluating the effectiveness of HRM are competence, commitment, congruence, and cost effectiveness.( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【对】。 四个C的模型是用来评估人力资源管理有效性的一种方法,这四个C指的是能力(Competence)、承诺(Commitment)、一致性(Congruence)和成本效益(Cost Effectiveness)。因此,该判断题是正确的。"
  85. B2C means that is less competition within the same field for the same product when compared to a B2B business. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. Corporate social responsibility is the awareness that business activities have an impact on society, and the consideration of that impact by firms in decision making.( )

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a type of business ownership combining several features of corporation and partnership structures. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. Ethical standards in business are based on commonly accepted principles of behavior established by the expectations of industry, the firm, the society and an individual’s personal values.( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. Usually the colors of business name cards are varied but will have a company logo and possibly the slogan too.( )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. The most important function of tariffs is to raise revenue for the government. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. EDI is often described as "paperless trading." ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. If a business plan is to be effective it must be specific in analyzing the competition, the money needed to start, and other details of operation.( )

  100. A:错 B:对

  101. Bowing is not used in Japan, Korea, and South Korea. It is often used for showing respect and greeting to others. ( )

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. Corporate culture is described as the personality of an organization and it guides how employees think, act, and feel.( )

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. Contact with others which refers to the shaping of the corporate culture based on how it develops out of the contact between groups and individuals within a company.( )

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. It's more expensive to launch a functional E-Commerce site than to open a new sales office or retail store. ( )

  108. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。从题目中可以得知,创建一个功能完善的电子商务网站比开设一个新的销售办公室或零售店要昂贵得多。这是因为电子商务网站需要大量的技术和运营投入,包括开发网站、搭建电商平台、建立物流配送体系等,而这些投入比开设实体店铺的成本要高得多。因此,答案为B。'
  109. The Internet can expand markets and territories, develop global marketing partnerships, and provide worldwide customer service. ( )

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. In strategic planning, the company should diagnose threats and opportunities after implementing the company missions and goals.( )

  112. A:错 B:对

  113. A flexible exchange rate means the government does not enter into foreign exchange markets and leaves the determination of exchange rates totally up to currency traders. ( )

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. Off-the-job training istraining acquired or learned while working at the job .( )

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. Performance evaluation by managers can help a company determine what talent is available.( )

  118. A:错 B:对
  119. Business exist for the sole purpose of making profits and creating wealth for the owners.( )

  120. A:对 B:错
  121. Hiring specification is listing the specific skills, education, experience and qualifications that are needed to perform the job.( )

  122. A:错 B:对

  123. You run a small business. So it means that you have to be an expert on everything. ( )

  124. A:对 B:错
  125. Vivian Chen decided to work for a floral design shop before opening her own shop. This was a poor decision since she used her labor to make someone else successful.( )

  126. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据题目描述,Vivian Chen决定在开设自己的花店之前在一家花店工作,这是一个错误的决定,因为她将自己的劳动用来使别人成功,而不是为自己创造机会。因此,答案是B。'
  127. The slang or jargon used in a company helps its employees define their identities as members of an organization.( )

  128. A:错 B:对
  129. Corporate culture and corporate climate are two different concepts. The former refers to the values, beliefs, and customs or norms of an organization, while the latter refers to the general atmosphere of an organization.( )

  130. A:对 B:错

  131. E-Commerce includes two types: Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce. ( )

  132. A:错 B:对
  133. Interpersonal relations are a type of human skill.( )

  134. A:错 B:对

  135. Supervisory management is less focused and more long-term than higher management roles.( )

  136. A:对 B:错

  137. Small and medium enterprises who cannot afford to establish overseas offices cannot contact with the outside world even if there exists E-Commerce. ( )

  138. A:对 B:错

  139. So how many aspects ethical dilemmas in business? The first is human resources issue. The second is employee safety issue. The third one is conflicts of interest. The fourth one is customer confidence. And the last one is use of corporate resources.( )

  140. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。原文中提到的“human resources issue”、“employee safety issue”、“conflicts of interest”、“customer confidence”和“use of corporate resources”确实是商业道德困境的几个方面,但原文中没有提到“the fourth one is conflicts of interest”和“the last one is use of business resources”,所以该判断题是错误的。'

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