1. The mission of the FBI is to steal information from other countries.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. The United States has no tropical climate. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Beaker people took their name from their distinctive bell-shaped drinking vessels with which they were buried. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The CIA as a whole was highly praised for perceived intelligence failures prior to the September 11,2001 terrorist attacks. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The Romans brought a new religion, Muslim, into England. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. There are _____ stars and _____ Stripes in the America flag. ( )

  12. 答案:13###50
  13. UK is a member of many international organizations including ( )

  14. 答案:NATO###Commonwealth###UN###G7
  15. The eight members of the Ivy League include________. ( )

  16. 答案:Princeton University###University of Pennsylvania###Harvard University###Yale University
  17. What are the three awards hosted in Los Angeles? ( )

  18. 答案:The Grammy Awards###The Academy Awards###The Primetime Emmy Awards
  19. The afternoon tea activities during Victoria era include( ).

  20. 答案:listening to a concert###playing tennis###meeting with friends
  21. Which flag’s feature was added into the design of the UK’s national flag? ( )

  22. 答案:Scotland’s Saint Andrew's Cross###England’s Saint Georges Cross###Ireland’s Saint Patrick
  23. Which city is the largest city in the USA? ( )
  24. Which of the following troops belongs to the armed services of the United States? ( )
  25. Which nation was named “the Workshop of the world” after the 1st Industry Revolution. ( )
  26. Who is the King of Rock and Roll? ( )
  27. What is NOT the aftermath of the Second World War for Britain? ( )
  28. Which president issued the Emancipation Proclamation?( )
  29. Which of the following laws of the United States was originally largely derived from thecommon law system of English law? ( )
  30. How many constituencies are there in UK ( )
  31. Why does the date of Good Friday change every year?( )
  32. The “long pieces of potato, deep fried in oil” in British English are called( ).
  33. The 1st Industrial Revolution firstly occurred in the field of ( ).
  34. Who did not get involved in the draft of the Declaration of Independence? ( )
  35. The ( ) marked the establishment of feudalism in England.
  36. An America president once said: “There is not a black America and a white America. and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America…” it means that America is a/an _____ country. ( )
  37. The United States today is the _____ largest country in size in the world. ( )
  38. How did Rosie the Riveter exemplify the cultural constraints placed on American working women during World War II? ( )
  39. What is NOT the costs of the First World War for Britain? ( )
  40. ( ) decides arguments about the interpretation of laws. ( )
  41. Where is considered as the “cradle of jazz”? ( )
  42. The federal law comes from ( )
  43. Which component part is the most populous and richest section of the UK? ( )
  44. The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range. ( )
  45. The eight Ivy League schools are all located in the ________region of the United States.( )
  46. The steam engineer was invented by ( ).
  47. The deterioration of the relationship between Britain and France is an important reason for the rapid development of Oxford University.( )
  48. Chicken tikka masala is one of the Brits’ favorite dishes.( )
  49. LSE has the second-highest percentage of international students of all world universities.( )
  50. Through the efforts of Simon de Montfort, the modern idea of a representative parliament emerged. ( )
  51. Which company is founded in Boston? ( )
  52. What are the grain crops in the United States? ( )
  53. Which of the following countries are members of Commonwealth? ( )
  54. Traditional English cuisine include( ).
  55. The Executive Office of the President includes( )
  56. Which celebration does particularly happen on the Queen's official birthday? ( )
  57. What are the most advantageous conditions for developing agriculture in Central America? ( )
  58. The purpose of academic qualifications is ( ).
  59. Which city is the capital of Wales? ( )
  60. Which city is the high-tech sector of Scotland and forms the western part of the Silicon Glen? ( )
  61. Which of the following provided the most military support for the American colonists during the Revolutionary War? ( )
  62. ( )ruled as King of England from 1154 to 1189. ( )
  63. Who was the leader of the Continental Army?( )
  64. Which of the following laws is considered to be the most important? ( )
  65. You can often apply a postgraduate course directly through UCAS. ( )
  66. Discover Uni is an official website for comparing UK higher education course data. ( )
  67. The Senate and the House share the same power. ( )
  68. The mission of the CIA is to support the president,the National Security Council (NSC),and other officials involved in national security policy. ( )
  69. The reasons why many Brits have sandwiches for lunch are ( ).
  70. What are the two major natural regions in the UK?( )
  71. Which song is usually played at the time of New Year’s Day in the United States? ( )
  72. When did UK officially exit EU ( )
  73. What is the traditional food that Americans have on Good Friday? ( )
  74. When was The Golden Age of Hollywood________.( )
  75. Who served as the President of the Confederacy? ( )
  76. On which day is Halloween celebrated? ( )
  77. King’s College London is the second oldest universities in UK.( )
  78. What is the symbolization of red poppy in the Remembrance Sunday? ( )
  79. What is the largest agricultural crop cultivated in the UK? ( )
  80. There is the first public school in Boston. ( )
  81. Tony Blair has served as Prime Minister (PM) between 1997-2007, being the youngest PM and also the longest serving PM in the history of the ( ) party. ( )
  82. At the beginning of WWI, America was: ( )
  83. Sandwich is originally the name of a( ).
  84. The federal law comes from statutory law. ( )
  85. The predecessor of Cambridge University was an association of scholars founded in 1209 AD.( )
  86. The United States Senate is considered as the lower house of the bicameral United States Congress. ( )
  87. Air Force belongs to the armed services of the United States. ( )
  88. The Mississippi River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. ( )
  89. In Northern Ireland, a child can start compulsory education after reaching 4 years old. ( )
  90. Oak trees predominate the deciduous forests in the UK. ( )
  91. The Lake District was selected as one of the National Geographic’s 50 Places of a Lifetime and the World’s Greatest Destinations. In 2017, it was listed as a World Heritage Site. ( )
  92. In British history, there once were heavy taxes on tea and sugar.( )
  93. William sent his clerks to compile a property record known as Domesday Book. ( )
  94. According to the tutorial system of Oxford University, the tutor's rating on students will affect students' grades even affect the graduation.( )
  95. The economic growth of the United States mainly depends on the traditional construction industry and automobile manufacturing industry. ( )
  96. Shepherd’s pie and cottage pie are British desserts.( )
  97. According to the National Student Survey 2021, St Andrews University ranked first in Britain in terms of students' academic experience, surpassing Oxford and Cambridge .( )
  98. “Public” schools admit children aged 5 to 18. ( )
  99. A traditional afternoon tea is composed of ( ).
  100. What are the challenges of films now?( )
  101. The three rings according to Churchill include ( )
  102. What are the seas around the UK? ( )
  103. What are the pros of the Ivy League universities?( )
  104. In China, we can find different types of higher education institutions, including( ).
  105. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so important? ( )
  106. The criminal level of judiciary branch in UK consists of ( )
  107. What are the two main spoken languages in the United States? ( )
  108. Which of the following statements of Industrial Revolution are true? ( )
  109. Which part belongs to the UK? ( )
  110. In terms of location, most of the American universities are concentrated in( )area, ( )area, and( ) area.( )
  111. What are the countries bordering the United States? ( )
  112. Besides legislation, parliament is also responsible for ( )
  113. What is the highest mountain in both Scotland and UK? ( )
  114. Which of the following is not the jobs of Cabinet? ( )
  115. What is the main traditional element of May Day? ( )
  116. Which of the following was a major advantage for the Union over the Confederate States? ( )
  117. At present, UK is one of China’s ( )
  118. What is the nickname of the UK? ( )
  119. Which is not the typical activity for Christmas? ( )
  120. Which year was Pennsylvania colony founded?( )
  121. If the no party can win the majority seats in the general election, what might happen? ( )
  122. Which war caused the most casualties in the U.S. history? ( )
  123. Which of the following countries didn’t establish Constitutional Monarchy? ( )
  124. Who appoints the judges to the Supreme Court? ( )
  125. Detroit is famous for the production of _____.( )
  126. How many representatives does each state have in the House? ( )
  127. Who proposed the “14 points” in the Versailles Peace Conference?( )
  128. How many years does a senator serve in one term? ( )
  129. Which of the following was the first Southern state to secede from the Union? ( )
  130. The duration of most of doctorate degrees is ( ).
  131. The two-party system originated in ( )
  132. Which battle is considered as the turning point of Independence War? ( )
  133. According to Act of settlement, who is best qualified to take the throne? ( )
  134. The appeasement policy of ( ) government hoped to avoid conflict with Nazi Germany by conceding to some of German’s territory demands. ( )
  135. Britain’s colonial expansion began with ( ).
  136. Which of the following statements of the Neutrality Acts is wrong?( )
  137. Who addressed the "Berlin Wall" Speech at the Brandenburg Gate?( )
  138. The national or the state government receives its powers from ( ).
  139. In the early 1600s tea was brought from China to Europe by( ).
  140. Which of the following is not the custom of Valentine’s Day ? ( )
  141. Which river is very important in Scotland that flows through Glasgow? ( )
  142. King or Queen is the ( ) of UK. ( )
  143. The influence of this royal culture is also a part of Britain's international influence, creates direct economic benefits, including ( ).
  144. What is the highest peak in Wales? ( )
  145. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the US Navy? ( )
  146. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of _____.( )
  147. The ( ) attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. ( )
  148. Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, and Johnson all aimed to ( ).
  149. Which animals laid eggs for the children according to the legend?( )
  150. Which is not the prank mentioned in the class?( )
  151. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. ( )
  152. The Puritans formed a community based on the principles of:( )
  153. ( )was known as the Confessor because of his intense personal religious piety. ( )
  154. The idea of afternoon tea was proposed by( ).
  155. Why do some people carry the cross on the back on Good Friday? ( )
  156. What are the main roots of American music? ( )
  157. University of Chicago’s coat of arms bears a( ).
  158. ( ) is the top-ranked law school in the United States by U.S. News & World Report.
  159. Public schools open for everyone and do not require tuition payments. ( )
  160. American students only need to study for their mid-term and final tests in order to get a good grade. ( )
  161. Undergraduate students need to spend 4 years to graduate and get a degree called ( ).
  162. To stir tea with the teaspoon back and forth in 6-12 motion is part of afternoon tea etiquette.( )
  163. When tea was introduced into Britain in the 1600s, those who could afford to drink tea are( ).
  164. When international students apply for American colleges, they need to provide materials EXCEPT ( )
  165. When international students apply for universities in the U.S, they do not need to provide any other test scores other than language test scores. ( )
  166. Gone With the Wind is the highest grossing film in North America. ( )
  167. Fish and chips and Sunday Roast are typical British dishes.( )
  168. Key stage 2 belongs to secondary education. ( )
  169. Most degree programs in the UK will require that the student have passed either A-levels and got certain grades, for example 4 B grades, or equivalent grades in IB or BTEC. ( )
  170. You can apply apprenticeships directly through ( ).
  171. Which is not the typical image for Halloween costumes?( )
  172. Students begin their two-year study on GCSE from Year 10. ( )
  173. Students study on A-levels for ( ).
  174. The common entry requirement for all courses and schools is A-levels. ( )
  175. If you go to watch The Wimbledon Championships, the best beverage for the match will be( ).
  176. Cambridge is considered as the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second-oldest surviving university in the world.( )
  177. UK has a devoted ministry or department responsible for the judiciary affairs. ( )
  178. The president is responsible for law-making. ( )
  179. The MPs were split into Tories and Whigs because of their divergences in the right of Charlie II to the throne. ( )
  180. There is a cabinet official in charge of national crime policy in the United States. ( )
  181. UK has traditionally been following the balance of power and diplomatic realism to formulate its foreign policies. ( )
  182. The Speaker of House of Commons is concurrently held by Lord of Chancellor. ( )
  183. The state governments are to deal with problems that affect the whole nation. ( )
  184. Each of the 50 states has its own constitution. ( )
  185. Glorious Revolution was triggered by the increasing conflicts between the king and parliament.( )
  186. There is no death penalty in the United States. ( )
  187. Who is the head of the US military?( )
  188. The reign of Queen Victoria made Britain a( )nation.
  189. The President and( )are responsible for enforcing the law of the country.
  190. The most important election in the US is( ).
  191. The philosophy of power check was first come up by( ).
  192. Which of the followings is NOT the source of the American law?( )
  193. Parliamentary meetings in UK are held at( ).
  194. Machiavelli doctrine requires a nation to consider international issues with ( )
  195. which of the following statements about the monarch’s role is wrong? ( )
  196. There are totally( )states in the US.
  197. Why did the US government invade the Bay of Pigs? ( )
  198. The United States dropped nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki under ( ).
  199. Which one was the Allied action on D-Day ?( )
  200. Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that temporarily established expanded unemployment insurance and sent $1,400 stimulus checks to most Americans in response to continued economic pressure from COVID-19. ( )
  201. Bush administration justify its 2003 invasion of Iraq by claiming that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction, and that his government had supported Al-Qaeda.( )
  202. Why was the Department of Homeland Security formed?( )
  203. President Joe Biden signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) into law,bringing sweeping changes to the tax code. ( )
  204. The Affordable Care Act made it illegal for health insurance companies to charge "unaffordable" rates for individual insurance, which was defined as more than 10% of an individual's take-home pay. ( )
  205. The Soviet launched the satellite Sputnik I in 1957 which marked the beginning of ( ).
  206. Which was the program under which the United States lent, but did not sell, food, weapons, fuel, and equipment to Britain and other nations to fight Germany and its allies. ( )
  207. America entered the war in 1918. ( )
  208. Germany’s key ally was Austria-Hungary. ( )
  209. World War I began in Europe in:( )
  210. First permanent settlement in North America was established in Jamestown in 1607. ( )
  211. Who wrote Common Sense?( )
  212. Before Civil War, the North was based on agriculture and slavery. ( )
  213. What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims used to travel to Plymouth?( )
  214. Which of the following countries “lost” in World War I?( )
  215. The Battle of Trenton was the turning point of Revolution War. ( )
  216. The American Revolution was motivated by the Enlightened idea: ( )
  217. British empire was comprised of the self-governing dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates and other territories. ( )
  218. King James and his son Charles insisted on "divine power of bishops”. ( )
  219. Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth II, and she has been the queen to this day. ( )
  220. The beginning of Second World War marked the fall of British Empire. ( )
  221. 、Theresa May became the first female Prime Minister in British history. ( )
  222. German troops invaded France in 1939 was the event that lit the fuse of the Second World War. ( )
  223. In Sarajevo, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lit the fuse of the First World War. ( )
  224. Tanks and machine guns were invented to better reap lives in the First World War. ( )
  225. The key features of the 1st Industrial Revolution are steel machines replacing human labor and large-scale production replacing handcrafts. ( )
  226. The English Civil War is a conflict between the Parliament of Puritan religion and the royal house of Catholic religion. ( )
  227. Henry II built up a large empire which include England and most of the France. ( )
  228. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. ( )
  229. At about 2,000 B.C., the ( ) arrived from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland.
  230. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of the House of ( ).
  231. By the late 7th century, ( ) became the dominant religion in England.
  232. ( ) was the Roman military and political leader during 55 B.C. and 54 B.C.
  233. The House of York was an English royal house founded by Geoffrey V of Anjou. ( )
  234. ( )caused far-reaching economic consequences in the 14th century.
  235. Before the great Ice Age, Great Britain was joined to the continent of Europe. ( )
  236. The Romans’ occupation of Britain lasted for nearly 500 years until 310 A.D. ( )
  237. Which is the largest freshwater lake in the UK? ( )
  238. The Mourne Mountains are a granite mountain range in Northern Ireland. ( )
  239. The United States of America locates in central and northwest North America with coastlines on the _____ and _____ oceans. ( )
  240. Hawaii is in the( )Ocean.
  241. Much of New York city is built on the three islands of( ).
  242. The higher requirements for learning English focus only on learning the language itself.
  243. What are main themes of this course?
  244. Under the background of globalization, _________ is of particular importance ?
  245. This course aims to__________.
  246. This course can guide students to navigate through the internal culture and the external diversity of the English language.
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