The New York Times is originated from The New -York Daily Times. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The headquarter of the World Bank is in New York. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The emotional words gives the standpoint of the journalist. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Numbers in news can be interpreted or explained in vivid and easy-to-understand language. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Clipped words refer to words formed from the initial letters of the original group of words. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A cartoon is shot by a photographer. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Round numbers in news are usually used together with the words meaning “about” or “around”. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A predicate verb is different from a present or past participle modifier because it is commonly used with an auxiliary or modal verb. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Credible journalism is fed by fact-gathering A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 We can refer to different reports of the same news events to guess the meaning of some unknown words. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Definitions of news may vary and change, but the criteria by which news is judged remains constant. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The Pennsylvania Evening Post was the first daily newspaper in America. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Your own emotional variation has nothing to do with the opinion of the news reporter. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The authorities in the Indian state of Maharashtra say 639 farmers have killed themselves in the past three months due to debt and crop failure. (BBC)
The lead gives us the information of who, what, when and why.
A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The advent of the telegraph made the Civil War reporters able to transmit stories with unprecedented speed. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Does 5W1H refer to who, what, where, when, why and how? A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 When skimming, we watch for signal words or phrases to follow the author’s direction. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 We have to pay attention to news agencies to identify the reliability of news reports. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Social type people make themselves outstanding because they share with others the high quality of information on social media. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Partial quotation, only using the key word from the original wording, can help the listeners grasp the most important information quickly. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A delayed lead_____________. A:gives information about the 5W1H elements of a news story B:presents some dramatic details before giving the news fact C:gives information about the main elements of the 5W1H D:asks a question before giving the news fact 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which one of these is not true about a good PowerPoint slide design? A: Slides with dense graphics will distract or confuse your audience. B: Avoid sound effects, distracting backgrounds C: Never use too many colors and fonts. D: Include too many points on a slide. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Fleet Street is the traditional home of the______ national press since the 18th century. A:Australian B:European C:British D:American 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The suffix “-holic” means ______. A:being addicted to B:being tired of C:the whole part of D:feeling terrible about 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which of the following statements is TRUE? A:An object can be found in front of a relative clause if the predicate verb is transitive. B:Main clauses are at the beginning of a sentence if the relative clauses are adverbial clauses. C:Predicate verbs are with auxiliary verbs and modal verbs if they are in the main clause. D:Subjects are normally the first noun phrase in a main clause if the adverbial part is not at the beginning. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What can the left-pointing arrow () mean when we take notes? A:come from B:increase C:drop D:go to 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What is true about “the Who” in the lead? A:The Who can only be an organization. B:The Who can be a person, an organization, a country, and so on. C:The Who can only be a country. D:The Who can only be a person. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Pakistan officials say at least 16 miners have been killed in two separate accidents at coal mines in the province of Balochistan. (BBC) What type does this news belong to? A:Disaster news. B:Political news. C:Scientific and technological news. D:Economic news. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Downing Street is used to refer to ________. A: British government B:Chinatown C:Indian government D:American government 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In 1833 Benjamin Day opened The Sun ,which was sold for a penny and created the ______. A:free press B:modern media C:penny press D:yellow journalism 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A summary lead ____________. A:asks a question before giving the news fact B:presents some dramatic details before giving the news fact C:gives information about the main elements of the 5W1H D:gives information about the 5W1H elements of a news story 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Usually, a news headline has a ____ words limit A:5-25 B:5-15 C:1-15 D:1-5 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which one of these is not true about the strategies for dealing with and responding to questions at the end of an oral presentation? A: Define topics for discussion before taking questions. B: Prepare the questions for your audience and from your audience. C: If you don't understand the question from the audience , refuse to answer it. D: Prepare prompts for questions 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What does “to” mean in the headline “China to issue white paper on China-US economic, trade talks stance”? A:is to B:in order to C:as to D:has to 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Why should we pay attention to the event location? A:Because it is the name of a big event or achievement. B:Because it will be named with the event or the achievement. C:Because it is famous for its role in globalization. D:Because it will be famous for its role in globalization. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A news picture of a disaster might present ________. A:a cartoon drawn to mock a news event B:a clear view of the seriousness of the disaster C:an interesting picture of the disaster D:a memorial photo of a ceremony 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 For English learning beginners, what kind listening material is suitable? A:VOA special English B:BBC regular English C:news from CNN D:VOA regular English 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In news reports, names of capitals are used to represent the _______,. A:well-known streets B:organizations C:countries D:universities 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The sentence “Qiu Yong visits Indonesia.” falls in which of the following sentence structure? A:SOV B:SVO C:OSV D:VOS 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The information in British early papers was distributed to the public in the form of ____ A:posters B:newssheets C: all of the above D:pamphlets 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Another enduring definition of news was offered by Stanley Walker, editor of The New York Herald Tribune in the early 1930s.He once wrote,“(            ), (            ), and (           ) are always news. A:women B:wrong-doing C:right-doing D:wampum 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Print news refers to _______________. news in newspapers and magazines. A:Internet news B:news in newspapers C:news in magazines D:news spread over radio 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In order to make an effective evaluation, the audiences are supposed to pay attention to the following guidelines. A:Focus on whether his ideas are against your opinions. B: Listen carefully and objectively. C:Focus on the content of the presenter and how he presents. D: Take notes on the content and delivery. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 When reading a graph, we usually read _______. A:the title of the graph B:the units in the graph C:the illustration of the graph D:the main features in the graph 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Bequele added: “It is completely unacceptable that children are still going hungry in Africa in the 21st century.” (The Guardian) What can be useful clues to help us judge the attitude of the speaker in the news? A:The word “Africa” B:The key word “unacceptable”. C:The verb “add”. D:The key words “are still going hungry”. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 There are very few ________ used resulting in good reporting instead of editing with an objective tone instead of subjective. A:objects B:adverbs C:adjectives D:subjects 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Short message writing has led to more creativity in the English language, giving people opportunities to create their own _________________etc. A:abbreviations B:slangs C:acronyms D:emoticons 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Words used in the news mainly carry the following features. A: The frequent use of neologisms and vogue words. B:The wide use of metonyms and loan words. C:The preference for adjectives and adverbs, D: The flexible use of fuzzy words and vivid words. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What are usually stressed in English news broadcasting? A:Key words. B:Words showing attitude, description and comparison. C:Places, time, numbers and names. D:Prepositions and conjunctions 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What should we do to analyze a long sentence? A:To find the object of the predicate verb if the verb is transitive. B:To identify the subject and predicate in the main clause. C:To get every modifier done with the modified. D:To differentiate the predicate from the present or past participle modifier. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What is skim reading? A:It is visually searching for clues to the main idea. B:It is conducted at a rate of 700 words per minute and above. C:It is a process of speed reading. D:It is an important academic skill at college. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The criteria of news: A:Is it significant? B:Is it interesting? C:Is it unusual? D:Is it new? 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Figures of speech are often used in feature writing in order to enhance the literariness like ______ etc. A:personification B:euphemism C:metaphor D:exaggeration 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What kinds of numbers may appear in economic news? A:the rate of increase or decrease B:the amount of money C:the price D:the scores 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What are the popular newspapers and magazines established in the United States of America? A:The Washington Post B:Times C:New York Times D:USA Today 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 There are different types of feature stories, including _______etc. A:trend stories B:profiles C:sports D:news features 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 How to help your audience remember your key points when you make a news presentation? A:Revisit the objective at the end if necessary to underscore how it was realized. B: Use a formal introduction at the beginning of your talk. C: Give the presentation's objective and even a hint of the conclusion right up front. D: Use a summary afterwards to highlight your major points. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Useful data can provide readers with insights into the news event,__________. A:show difference B:help interpret C:make comparison D:present advertisements 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Why big and exact numbers are not common in broadcasting news? A:Most listeners only receive information passively B:Big and exact numbers are difficult to remember. C:Listeners are not interested in big and exact numbers. D:Big and exact numbers can be remembered easily. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 What are the common sections included in most English newspapers? A:international news B:local news C: business or economy D:science and technology 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

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