1. My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today.

  2. 答案:at
  3. There are two flights that day, A at 10:00 a.m. and B at 4:00 p.m. Which do you prefer? 那天我们有两趟航班,上午10点的A航班和下午16点的B航班。您想坐哪一班?

  4. 答案:对
  5. We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will convince you to place a trial order. 很高兴附上我们产品的报价单。相信我们产品的高质量能使你方试订。

  6. 答案:对
  7. I’m allergic to seafood. Do you have any diarrhea medicine? 我对酒精过敏,你们有治疗腹泻的药品吗?

  8. 答案:错
  9. May I take another seat? I get airsick easily.我能换个座位吗?我很容易晕机。

  10. 答案:对
  11. Sales have gone up every year since we started.自开业以来,销售量逐年下降。

  12. 答案:错
  13. My seat is very close to the screen. And the screen is too bright for me to sleep. Could you dim the screen ? 我的座位离屏幕很近。屏幕的光太亮了,影响我睡觉。您可以关掉屏幕吗?

  14. 答案:错
  15. Much to our regret, we cannot entertain business at your price, since it is out of line with the prevailing market, being 20% lower than the average.很遗憾,我方不能考虑按你方价格成交,因为你方价格与现在市场价不一致,要比均价低20%。

  16. 答案:对
  17. We are pleased to have finalized this business with you. 我们很高兴与你方达成交易。

  18. 答案:对
  19. The room attendant should never touch the banknotes or documents on the desk when cleaning the guestroom.

  20. 答案:对
  21. All the soft drinks are free to all passengers while bar service is free to first class and business class passengers. It is also available to economy passengers at a reasonable price.所有的软饮料都是免费的,部分酒水只对头等舱和经济舱乘客免费。对商务舱旅客收取理性的费用。

  22. 答案:错
  23. How big is the work force now?现在员工的平均年龄是多大呢?
  24. Your early confirmation on our packing solution is highly appreciated. 贵方若能早日确认我们的包装方案,我们会很感激。
  25. multinational corporation集团公司。
  26. We are glad/feel delighted to inform you that the goods have already been shipped by…...  “inform”在此句中的意思是__________。
  27. These 2 halls are all equipped with first-class acoustic paneling systems, modular seating systems and star-quality backstage facilities. 这两个大厅都配有一流的声学镶板系统、组合式的座椅系统以及星级的后台设施。
  28. We will not be able to ship the goods in time if the amendments to the L/C come too late. 如果信用卡修改得太迟,我们将无法按时交货。
  29. The hotel is full and there is someone _______ your room.
  30. In the last few years, our company____a great deal of attention to building up company culture.
  31. I'll ask a porter to ________ your luggage.
  32. I would like to book a double room _____ bath.
  33. So which venue will be available as well as affordable for us to use for the exhibition?这句话的意思是____。
  34. This article tells the readers____ they can look for in an employee's abilities.
  35. I'm afraid we are fully booked ____ the 5th.
  36. Only by adopting the highest standards of integrity _____the trust of our clients and the companies we work with.
  37. We were impressed by the_____ you made at yesterday meeting.
  38. _____ the way, how long will it take to clean the room?
  39. airline timetables的中文意思是______。
  40. Australia has its own _____identity,which is very different from that of Britain.
  41. May I ________ the curtain?
  42. lotion的意思是___。
  43. Do you want to pay _ cash or _____ credit card.
  44. We are honored to be invited to the seminar on computer technology to be held in Beijing next month.本句话的汉语意思为_____。
  45. How much would you like to change?单词“change”在此句中的意思是_______。
  46. All together our tour should last about half an hour.“last” 在此句中的意思是_____。
  47. It would be the best time before the major trade fairs take place in Europe and the United States. 这是在欧美主要贸易展开始之前最佳的时间。
  48. It's Asia's largest international exhibition for the light industry products. The total exhibition area reaches over 90,000sqm. Eight themed zones will be set up. 这是亚洲最大的重工业产品国际展览会。总展馆面积9万余平方米。将设立八个主题区。
  49. We now have production facilities in 10 countries.现在本公司在十个国家有生产设施。
  50. Let’s have a chat over a cup of coffee. 让咱们边喝咖啡边聊天吧。
  51. Make a note of the exact time that meeting is opened and closed and who is in the chair.记录会议开始和结束的确切时间及谁坐特定的那把椅子。
  52. After registration, the receptionist should wish the guest an enjoyable stay at the hotel.
  53. We appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low to accept.谢谢你方的报盘,但我方觉得太低了不能接受。
  54. I'll check for the cost and availability for each venue right away.我将立刻核实一下每个场馆的费用和可用性。
  55. Firstly, you should put the jack plug into the hole at your armrest and adjust the volume as you wish. Then you can choose different channels for different music by pressing those numbers on the armrest.首先,你要把插头插到你扶手上的孔里,然后调整到你喜欢的音量。然后你就可以按扶手上的数字来切换频道,选择你喜欢的音乐了。
  56. Please board at Gate 12,The departure time is 15 o’clock p.m.请在12号登机口登机,飞机将于下午15点降落。
  57. ____,the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month's sales.
  58. Can you ________ the air conditioning?
  59. We are so busy this week that we have to____ the meeting till next week.
  60. Sales have shown some improvement___we launched the new product last year.
  61. We have to investigate as____ customers as possible in order to make sure of the potential of the market.
  62. Some of the employees in the company are________to work at flexible hours.
  63. joint enterprise的汉语意思是__。
  64. We take great pride in our campus,___is one of the most beautiful university settings in the country.
  65. _______some degree, all managers who supervise people are involved in HR activities.
  66. Generally,you should avoid ____business over a meal until your manager gives a signal.
  67. I would like to ______ a room, please.
  68. Let me ______ you with your luggage.
  69. As long as you keep on___ hard,you'll get promoted sooner or later.
  70. There are no openings at present,so the company will not____anybody.
  71. Seats on a plane are divided into window seat,middle seat and aisle seat.飞机上的座位可分为靠窗座位,中间座位和靠过道座位。
  72. In order to ensure the normal operations of the airplane, cell phones are strictly prohibited. 为了保证飞机能正常操作,严禁使用手机。
  73. To sum up, we are in urgent need to solve our technology problems.总而言之,我们急需解决我们的技术问题。
  74. Our membership includes both foreign residence and visitors.这句话的意思是:我们的会员既包括外国的住客也包括游客。
  75. Is there something wrong with this bill ?I didn’t order any beer. 账单有误吗?我没有点啤酒啊。
  76. Make sure there are enough chairs,memo pads and pencils before the meeting starts.会议开始前要确保备足座椅、便签和铅笔。
  77. 下列词组中是运营商的意思是____。
  78. We all recognize the necessity for people____ the rights of others.
  79. They are all intended for companies in specific industry to display their new products  and services.“specific industry”在此句中的意思是___________。
  80. Their talks next week are expected to focus____ business management.
  81. He was educated at the local grammar school, after____ he went on to Cambridge.
  82. I hope you will ______ a morning call at 7:00.
  83. The company has appointed more than one hundred agents in various important cities in over 50 countries throughout the world.请为此句话选出最佳汉语翻译______。
  84. If you have difficulty ___ your bills, tell your utility company as soon as possible.
  85. I'm confident the benefits will outweigh the costs. 我确信利益小于成本。
  86. Is it really necessary to wear all these protective gears?真的有必要穿戴所有这些防护用具吗?
  87. I have a computer with me. Do I have to declare it? 我带了一台电脑,需要关闭它吗?
  88. I'm sorry that tickets of flight A have all been booked.很抱歉,A航班的票已经全部售完。
  89. — Does it have high fuel consumption? — About 4 liters per hundred kilometers. It's quite fuel-efficient. — 它油耗高吗?— 大约每100公里耗油4公升,非常省油。
  90. I would like to proceed from start in our objectives for this meeting. 首先我要说明此次会议的目的。
  91. We have some international newspapers such as The New York Times, Washington Post, some national newspapers like China Daily, and some local newspapers. Which would you like? 我们有一些国际报纸,例如纽约时报、华盛顿邮报,还有国内报纸比如中国日报,还有一些本地报纸。您想看哪一种?
  92. Honesty is the best policy.
  93. How big is the company now?现在公司规模如何?
  94. Now the pollution caused by the increasing number of cars____ more and more serious in many cities.
  95. For the sake of our long-term _____, we may consider reducing the price by 10 percent.
  96. It is reported that an international conference____in London next Friday.
  97. The CEO said that it would never be_____late to apologize for its poor service.
  98. Where is the baggage claim area? 行李提取处在哪里?
  99. Since the total amount is so big and the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment, we can not accept any terms of payment other than a Letter of Credit.因为这次交易额巨大,而且目前国际金融市场很不稳定,所以我们除接受信用卡付款外,还能接受别的付款方式。
  100. In order to conclude the business, I hope you’ll meet me halfway. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 为了做成这笔生意,希望你我双方都各让一步。百分之五十信用证付款,百分之五十电汇怎么样?
  101. They still have some problems____in designing the new energy vehicles.
  102. January provides buyers the most ideal time slot to source the latest products of the year.“time slot”在此句中的意思是_________。
  103. The president gave a detailed ___of his proposal at the meeting.
  104. The meeting room is so small that it can hold 20 people__.
  105. Williams’ proposal,______at a board meeting last week,was to set up a committee to review the marketing plan.
  106. I'm calling to see if your company would be interested in attending the Asia Spring Fair.我来是想看一下贵公司是否有兴趣参加亚洲春季交易会。
  107. Excuse me, sir. You need to ______ the form.
  108. We have a full range of items in this line.a full range of在此句中的意思是____。
  109. 海洋运输的英文翻译为____。
  110. We are pleased to have finalized this business with you.我们很高兴这次能与贵公司达成交易。
  111. All together our tour should last about half an hour.下划线的单词意思是______.
  112. We have a full range of items in this line.a full range of的意思是____。
  113. 在商务交往中,尤其应注意使用称呼应该:( )
  114. 在商务交往过程中,务必要记住:( )。
  115. 从事服务行业的女性也不能留披肩发,其头发最长不应长于:(  )
  116. 商务礼仪的首要问题是:(  )。
  117. Which of the following is an internal barrier to communication? ( )
  118. 以下翻译是否正确?Sorry, you’ll have to wait for two hours in the departure hall. After that, you can go to the transfer counter on the second floor and check in. 抱歉,您需要在航站楼等两个小时。之后您要到二楼的中转柜台办理登机手续。
  119. Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item. 划线部分的单词意思是禁运物品。
  120. 包装方式一般分为外包装(Outer Package)和内包装(Inner Package)两种方式。
  121. We have reached an agreement__we should invest in the Internet-related business in the meeting.
  122. Let me help you ______ your luggage?
  123. Can I pay ___ cash? Or ____ credit card?
  124. We need ____a suitable time for the show.
  125. It would depend to some extent on what the salary is.这一定要取决于薪水如何。
  126. ____by all the team members, they finally got the big project for their company.
  127. The online shop provides a video to help old people learn____to do online shopping.
  128. It's better to do so if you want to shorten the time going through immigration,customs and quarantine.如果你想缩短办理移民,海关和检疫等手续的时间,最好现在就填这些表格。
  129. The sales manager will give a presentation _______ business development in the first half of the year.
  130. After some initial hesitation, western manufactures were rushing to China to sell their internationally approved products to the growing market.这句话正确的汉语意思是____。
  131. The sales manager will give a presentation on business development in the first half of the year. 销售经理将对上半年业务的发展情况进行介绍。
  132. All dutiable items must be listed on your customs form, such as cigarettes, wine, perfume and so on. 所有的应纳税物品都得列在您的报关单上,比如香烟、酒、香水等。
  133. Does it have high fuel consumption? About 4 liters per hundred kilometers. It's quite fuel-efficient. 它油耗高吗?大约每100公里耗油4公升,非常省油。
  134. We regret to say that we need a claim on…划线部分的单词意思是________。
  135. As we can see on the schedule. 这个句型的意思是:正如我们按照日历表所安排的。
  136. only by adopting the highest standards of integrity___the trust of our clients and the companies we work with.
  137. Generally,you should avoid ____business over a meal until your gives a signal.
  138. Is it really necessary to wear all these protective gears?真的有必要穿戴佩戴所有这些防护用具吗?
  139. In order to conclude the business, I hope you’ll meet me halfway. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 为了做成这笔生意,希望你我双方都各让一步。百分之五十用证付款,50%电汇怎么样。
  140. This is not what I should pay for You are gonna make it up to me or just cancel it,please.这不是我的账单,请给我换菜或者取消订单。
  141. We are pleased to have finalized this business with you. 此句话用于交易成功时的用语。
  142. We have branches in over eighty countries.我们的分支机构遍布80多个国家。
  143. Did everyone get an agenda? 每个人都准备访谈了吗?
  144. We find that the following two points do not conform to the contract.我们发现下列条款中有两点与合同不符。
  145. Since when have you been feeling like this? 您这种感觉是从什么时候开始的?
  146. We're quite interested in the fair.We have decided to attend, but we still have some questions about it.我们对交易会很感兴趣。我们决定参加,但还是有一些问题。
  147. Have you made the arrangements? 你做好安排了吗?
  148. We open our first overseas plant in Hong Kong in 1970.我们1970年在香港开设了本公司在海外的第一家工厂。
  149. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 对于事故给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。
  150. I’d like to make a reservation to Tokyo next Wednesday.我想订下周三去大阪的机票。
  151. Your cabin baggage should be in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.您的随身行李应该放在行李舱内或者座位上方。
  152. Could you direct me to my seat? 你能带我到我的座位上吗?
  153. We want to hold the fair in mid January. Would the venue be available at that time?我们将在7月中旬举办展览,届时有展厅吗?
  154. I’d like to exchange some RMB into dollars. 我想用美元兑换一些人民币。
  155. This is not what I should pay for. You are gonna make it up to me or just cancel it,please.这不是我的账单,请给我换菜或者取消订单。
  156. How long has your company been in business?你们公司经营多久了?
  157. We have a lot of issues to cover today. 我们今天要讨论很多问题。
  158. Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion.我简短的把这次讨论的重点总结一下。
  159. We are interested in importing…,but we need to have further details before making a final decision.我方有兴趣出口…,但在做决定之前需要对此做进一步的详细描述。
  160. Space will be assigned to vendors according to the applications and payments received. 场地将根据所收到的申请和付款分配给参展商。
  161. Spark automobiles are all mini cars: 3.5 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters tall. It’s very convenient to drive them on crowded streets.斯帕克汽车都属于微型汽车:3.5米长,1.5米宽,1.5米高,在拥挤的街道上驾驶他们非常方便。
  162. I'm calling to thank you so much for stopping by our booth at the Asia Spring Fair. 我打电话来感谢你在我们亚洲春季博览会的展台前驻足。
  163. Sure! By the way, can you also send me the estimates of the cost to use these facilities?好的,顺便也请您把用这些设施的准确费用发给我好吗?
  164. Attending the exhibition would generate more advertisement and revenue for the company.这里动词generate意思是____。
  165. I’m sorry to tell you that your baggage has been broken. Sorry for the inconvenience. But don’t worry, we will pay for your loss.很抱歉,您的箱子坏了。不好意思给您添麻烦了,不过请放心,我们会赔偿您的损失。
  166. With reference to your letter dated… we are deeply sorry over the unfortunate incident. 关于你方日期为.......信,我们对此不幸事件深表歉意。
  167. It’s very kind ______ you to help me.
  168. As we can see on the schedule,....正如我们按照日历表所安排的。
  169. With over 60,000 products available, we are able to provide you with the top brand names on the market.这句话的正确意思是____。
  170. We are in the financial services business.我们从事金融服务业。
  171. This dictionary is a three- thousand common word collection with samples of ____and spoken language.
  172. Only by adopting the highest standards of integrity___the trust of our clients and the companies we work with.
  173. What’s the ______ for a double room?
  174. We hope you will consider our  counter-off  most favorably and fax us your acceptance as soon as possible.“counter-off”在此句中的意思是_______。
  175. We are the leading company in this line.这句话的意思是_____。
  176. I _______ in touch with you as soon as I receive more details from the manager.
  177. We are sure that we____ our second project by the end of the next month.
  178. If you are___busy to attend the meeting, you can send your assistant to take your place.
  179. A company meeting provides an opportunity to___ ideas and discuss any problems that come up within the workplace.
  180. ___the number in full-time employment fell by 2 million,the number of people in part-time work doubled to over 4 million.
  181. We will organize a new trade fair--Asia Spring fair, ______will feature a wide range of light industry products.
  182. Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item. “prohibited item”在此句中的意思是________。
  183. What is the exact rate today? 单词“rate”在此句中的意思是_________。
  184. You can experience a fast internet connection in____the same way as you do in the office.
  185. 下列哪个短语表示拖后的意思____。
  186. Our management technique has been proven to be the most effective way to get into a target market and acquire potential customers.下列说法哪个最正确_____。
  187. If he ____here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.
  188. ____my opinion, customer service here has improved but not as much as expected over the last 2 years.
  189. It would be the best time before the major trade fairs take place in Europe and the United States.Take place在这儿的意思是____。
  190. Experts say that even___ the job market is tough,there are more positions available than many people think.
  191. Anyone_____works in the retail business needs to be good at calculating and communicating.
  192. The seat type on the plane includes first class ,business class and economy class.飞机上的座位分为头等舱、商务舱、经济舱。
  193. We need to choose a suitable time for the show.我们需要为展览选择合适的时间。
  194. Excuse me, I want to go to London Bridge, can you tell me which line should I take? 您好,我要去伦敦大桥,你能告诉我该乘坐哪一条线路吗?
  195. Your request of advancing the shipment date by one month is absolutely beyond our capability although we strongly wish we could have complied with your request. 尽管我们很满足贵方想把装运期提前一个月的愿望,但这一要求大大超出了我们的能力范围。
  196. The trade shows gather large numbers of buyers in the region for sourcing new products.该博览会收集了这个地区大量的卖家来寻找新货源。
  197. Over 50,000 visitors are expected to attend from over 75 countries .预计将有来自75个国家超过5万名的访客参加。
  198. We wish to acknowledge receipt of the L/C Number…for the amount of USD… covering your Order Number… 你方第…号订单项下金额…美元的…号信用证已收悉。
  199. I'm glad you like them. They are top quality. Do you still have any questions about these products?我很高兴你喜欢它们。他们的质量是顶尖的。你还有什么问题吗?
  200. Can you please give me 5 twenties and the rest in small change.你能给我5张20的,剩下的全部是零钱吗?
  201. We can get your release form at 12:00 pm, and then you can dismantle and pack everything.我们在12点拿到你们的撤展许可证,之后你们就可以拆卸打包了。
  202. Could you tell me a little about Canon?你能给我详细地介绍一下佳能公司吗?
  203. This information is supplied in the strictest confidence.本信息属于最高机密。
  204. The proverb “a year's plan starts with spring” will help promote our show.谚语“一年之计在于春”有助于宣传推广我们的展会。
  205. Pay attention to the warning signs in the production areas.注意生产区内的防护标志。
  206. We can offer a total of more than 70,000 square meters of exhibition space. 我们可提供面积达7千多平方米的展馆。
  207. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing,specification, quantity available, discount and the earliest time of delivery.请向我们通过传真报最低价并注明包装、规格、可供数量、折扣和最早的交货期。
  208. Applications received will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. 收到的申请将按照先来先得的方式处理。
  209. Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogue for…so that we may make a choice?能否请您给我们提供一套…的目录以供我方选择?
  210. Have you notified all the attendees? 你注意到所有的服务员了吗?
  211. Tomorrow morning at 9:30, Diane and I are picking you up from your hotel.明早九点半,我和戴安去你的酒店接你。
  212. It might fall down in case of turbulence and hurt someone. Would you place it somewhere else? 遇到气流时它可能会掉下来并且伤到人,你能把它放到别处吗?
  213. The theme will be focused on light industry products.主题将集中在轻工业产品。
  214. Do you have any questions on the schedule?对该日程安排您有疑问嘛?
  215. They are on sale today. I’ll give you a twenty percent discount. 这些商品今天正在打折促销。我帮您打二折。
  216. Your team and products have left me with a very good impression, to be frank, I'm fascinated by your series of hairdryers. 你们的团队和产品给我留下了非常好的印象,坦率地说,我对你们的吹风机系列产品很着迷。
  217. If you want your company to maximize its investments and make the most of new business prospects, this exhibition will provide a unique opportunity to gain exposure to a high volume of potential clients. 如果您希望贵公司最大限度地增加投资,最大限度地利用新的业务前景,这次展览将提供一个独特的、以获得接触大量潜在客户的机会。
  218. We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to cover your need for the said goods. Once our supplies are replenished, we shall be pleased to revert to this matter.我方很遗憾通知你方我方不能满足你方对该商品的需求。一旦有新货供应,我方将很乐意再和你方接洽。
  219. Thanks for your packing guidance, but regret our inability to meet your request of the special packing material. 谢谢你方的包装指示,不过遗憾的是我们没有能力满足你方对使用这种特殊包装材料的要求。
  220. They travel the world, ____clothes for the small, privately owned company.
  221. Please show me your passport and boarding pass. 请出示您的护照和登机牌。
  222. HKCEC is a magnificent multipurpose venue located right in the heart of Hong Kong on the famous Victoria harbour.multipurpose在此句中的意思是_____。
  223. Please send your booking details and the requirements to my email address.请将您的预定细节和要求发至我邮箱。
  224. The agreement will come into force on the date when it is approved by the board of the company and it will continue for five years.本句话的汉语意思为_____。
  225. A cashier should remind his client to keep the exchange slip well.
  226. Please remove your shoes and go through the gate here. If you have any metallic objects, please put them in the basket. 请脱鞋,走过这扇门。如果您带了金属物件,请放到这个篮子里。
  227. 在实际贸易操作中,基本的付款方式有三种:分别是汇款(Remittance)、托收(Collection)和信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)。
  228. In an exhibition, you can enhance brand awareness, build strategic partnerships, and obtain or grow your market share with new prospects. 在展览会上,贵公司可以提高品牌意识,建立战略伙伴关系,并获得或提高贵公司的市场份额与市场新的前景。
  229. -The price of your product is about 15% higher than that of last year.-That's because the labour cost has increased.Why has the price increased ?
  230. I feel I am entitled to a full refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience _____。
  231. The guidebook____ for those who are going to start a business online in this country.
  232. If there's one man____opinion matters more than any others',it's our manager.
  233. The bank clerk listened carefully____he could discover exactly what the client wanted.
  234. We have accepted your Order NO. … for … and are sending you our Sales Confirmation NO. ….  “Sales Confirmation”在此句中的意思是_________。
  235. Reactions to the online management system were more positive____those to a paper- based version of the same system.
  236. If I____the challenges at that time I might not have started my own business.
  237. Congratulations on the great____ you have made since last year.
  238. Looking for a new job while still____ is quite a challenge for any of us.
  239. We will provide you with tips to help you keep your stress levels ____control.
  240. It is common practice____a battery when it still has some life in it.
  241. Please feel free________any questions.
  242. We will inform you of the result____the program is approved by the board.
  243. It was not until yesterday___they decided to re-open the business talk.
  244. 下列表示国有企业的词组是___。
  245. Good morning. ______ I help you?
  246. Since all of you are here, I call this meeting to order. call to order在本句中的意思是_________。
  247. I am very happy to declare that this year's sales target____ahead of time.
  248. The employees of the company have got much____ income this year than they did last year.
  249. We are pleased to accept your offer and confirm this order with the following particulars……  “offer”在此句中的意思是_______。
  250. We are expecting the goods we ordered___ at our warehouse by the end of next month.
  251. The porter will show you ______ your room.
  252. We regret to say that we need a claim on…  “claim”在此句中的意思是___________。
  253. _______the excellent service,guests can enjoy delicious food in our restaurant.
  254. We understand you need easy access____up-to-date information about your accounts in our bank.
  255. Do you want these shirts to be ______?
  256. We are looking forward to ______ you.
  257. 下列词语中是防护耳塞的意思是__。
  258. Sometimes____ a business can feel like a tough decision to make,no matter how good your idea is.
  259. We have obtained your name and address from…,we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.我们从…获悉贵公司的名称和地址,即去函希望与贵公司建立业务关系。
  260. Please accept our thanks for any assistance you can give us.请接受我们的感谢因为你们提供给我们的资金。
  261. The goods supplied do not match the samples you sent to us.你方所供的货与你们之前寄来的样品并不吻合。
  262. We learn from…that you are engaged and well experienced in the line of…我方从…知晓贵公司是…全球范围内的佼佼者…
  263. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing,specification, quantity available, discount and the earliest time of delivery.请向我们报最低价并注明包装、规格、可供数量、折扣和最早的交货期。
  264. We are pleased to have finalized this business with you.我们很高兴与你方达成交易。
  265. This information is confidential and is given without any responsibility on our part.本信息要严格保密,我方对此不负任何责任。
  266. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a… 我们希望介绍你们作为……。
  267. In his paper,John is trying to identify___determiners the final result of the project.
  268. Thanks for your packing guidance, but regret our inability to meet your request of the special packing material.谢谢你方的包装指示,不过遗憾的是我们没有能力满足你方对使用这种特殊包装材料的要求。
  269. I'm in favor of it.It's a great idea.我赞成。是个好主意。
  270. Then after the meeting, you must type up your notes and circulate them to everyone who attended the meeting.会议之后,必须把会议记录打印出来,并且把他们赠送给每个与会者。
  271. This is a kick off meeting for the new program. 我们会把一个新的项目从会中踢出局。
  272. His views on the question do not square with mine.他对这个问题的看法跟我没关系。
  273. If we're squared on this one, let's go to the next topic.如果在这个问题上达成一致了,咱们来讨论下一个问题。
  274. Food safety is an important issue involving the public health.食品安全是涉及到人们心态的重要话题。
  275. I vote against it.我投反对票。
  276. During the meeting, you have to take notes of all the topics discussed,the main points made by each speaker and any decisions made.在会议期间,必须记录所有讨论的话题,每个发言人的发言要点及所做的每项决定。
  277. The press secretary strode into the room and called the meeting to order.新闻秘书大步走进房间,宣布开会。
  278. One of the topics for today's meeting is how to increase our market share.今天这个会议的议题之一是如何增加我们的市场份额。
  279. Without approval, not allowed to take pictures in the production areas.未经批准,在生产区域内不准拍照。
  280. 下列词语中是防护耳塞的意思是____.
  281. After some initial hesitation, western manufactures were rushing to China to sell their internationally approved products to the growing market.这句话正确的汉语意思是_________.
  282. All together our tour should last about half an hour.单词“last”在此句中的意思是______.
  283. 下列哪个短语表示拖后的意思___。
  284. The Airline is hard to operate without government subsidies.要不是有政府的补贴,这家航空公司很难经营下去。
  285. 下列表示国有企业的词组是_______.
  286. Don't touch the laboratory equipment and chemicals after entering the physical and chemical laboratories, in order to avoid personal injuries.进入理化实验室,不准触摸化验仪器及化学品,以免造成人身伤害。
  287. The sales manager will give a presentation ________ business development in the first half of the year.
  288. HKCEC is a magnificent multipurpose venue located right in the heart of Hong Kong on the famous Victoria harbour.multipurpose在句中的意思是_____。
  289. Your team and products have left me with a very good impression, to be frank, I'm fascinated by your series of hairdryers. 你们的团队和产品给我留下了非常好的印象,坦率地说,我对你们的吹风机系列产品很着迷。
  290. We have a full range of items in this line.a full range of在此句中的意思是____。
  291. We are the leading company in this line.这句话的意思是_____。
  292. So which venue will be available as well as affordable for us to use for the exhibition?这句话的意思是___。
  293. I'm glad you like them. They are top quality. Do you still have any questions about these products?我很高兴你喜欢它们。他们的质量是顶尖的。你还有什么问题吗?
  294. If you could leave your business card, I’ll send you some more detailed information about the product.您若留下名片,我将寄给您产品的详细信息资料。
  295. It's nice that you called. Your products and your service impressed me deeply at the exhibition.你打电话来真是太好了。展会上你们的服务给我留下了深刻的印象。
  296. It would be the best time before the major trade fairs take place in Europe and the United States.take place在这儿的意思是____。
  297. 以下表达是否正确:Do you have one-day tour?你们有一日游吗?
  298. 以下表达是否正确:Do you know where the nearest subway station is?你知道最近的地铁站在哪里?
  299. 以下表达是否正确:Do you buy them individually or by weight?你是想单独卖出还是称重卖出呢?
  300. 以下表达是否正确:I’ll take it. Can you wrap it up for me? 我买了,你能帮忙打包吗?
  301. 以下表达是否正确:Would you please tell me when the bus arrives at the railway station?你能告诉我这辆车什么时候到飞机场吗?
  302. 以下表达是否正确:Which department would you like to book for?请问需要约哪个科?
  303. 以下表达是否正确:Where’s the fitting room?洗衣间在哪?
  304. 以下表达是否正确:Are you familiar with the streets around here? 你对这附近的街道熟悉吗?
  305. 以下表达是否正确:This T shirt doesn’t fit. Can I exchange? 这件T恤儿不合身,我可以调换吗?
  306. 以下表达是否正确:Is there a Chinese speaking guide? 这里有会中文的导游吗?
  307. He's not here at the moment. He's gone to the International Business Center.他现在不在,他去国际商务中心了。
  308. I _______ in touch with you as soon as I receive more details from the manager.
  309. Why don't you take this afternoon off? 你为什么不下午请假呢?
  310. -May I take your order,Madam?-Yes,I'd like a vegetable soup and Peking Duck.Where does the conversation most probably take place?__________.
  311. Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说慢一点吗?
  312. -The price of your product is about 15% higher than that of last year.-That's because the labour cost has increased.Why has the price increased?_________.
  313. What does the underlined word mean“I'll get back to you the moment he's free.”"get back to you"在本句话中的意思是___________.
  314. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. 如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。
  315. -Excuse me,where is the International Business Center?-__________.
  316. Now tell me a little bit about the work you’re doing at present. 现在请简略地讲一下你以前从事的工作。
  317. 以下表达是否正确:We will give you a discount of 10% off the room rate.房费我们会给您打九折。
  318. 以下表达是否正确:Please take care of your belongings and valuables.请保管好您的个人物品和贵重物品。
  319. 以下表达是否正确:This is your check.It’s 558RMB plus 15% service charge.这是您的账单,共计558元,附加15%的服务费。
  320. 以下表达是否正确:It's very kind of you, but we don't take tips.非常感谢你,但是我们是不收小费的。
  321. 以下表达是否正确:Sir/ Madam, the shampoo, hair conditioner, facial cleanser, toothpaste and tooth brush are all free.先生、女士,洗发水,护发素,洗面奶,牙膏和牙刷都是免费的。
  322. 以下表达是否正确:The air-conditioner doesn’t work.冰箱坏了。
  323. 以下表达是否正确:Could you tell me what your wallet is like?请问您的钱包里有什么?
  324. 以下表达是否正确:We clean the swimming pool regularly.我们定期清洁泳池。
  325. 以下表达是否正确:Would you mind telling me what’s wrong with your room, sir?先生,请告诉我您的房间有什么问题?
  326. 以下表达是否正确:Would you like me to make up your room now? 我现在可以为您铺床了吗?
  327. 以下表达是否正确?The first thing you should do after arriving at the airport is to check-in. 到达机场后第一件要做的事儿就是选座位了。
  328. 以下表达是否正确?In order to ensure the normal operations of the airplane, cell phones are strictly prohibited. 为了保证飞机能正常操作,手机是被严禁使用的。
  329. What’s the Chinese meaning for "business class"?
  330. 以下翻译是否正确?All dutiable items must be listed on your customs form, such as cigarettes, wine, perfume and so on. 所有的应纳税物品都得列在您的报关单上,比如香烟、酒、香水等。
  331. -----"This is the Bell Captain's desk, May I help you? "---- "yes, please".Where does this conversation take place?
  332. Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item.“prohibited item”在此句中的意思是禁运物品。
  333. A:Hi,When will the Flight CA1773 arrive?B:_________________.
  334. Some airlines may forbid you from ______ without proper ID.
  335. 以下翻译是否正确?It's better to do so if you want to shorten the time going through immigration,customs and quarantine. 如果你想缩短办理移民,海关和检疫等手续的时间,最好现在就填这些表格。
  336. 以下表达是否正确?Today's rate of exchange is RMB 7.74 yuan for a dollar. 今天的汇率是7.74元人民币兑换1美元。
  337. 以下翻译是否正确?We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 对于事故给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。
  338. ------Do you have any luggage?------__________________.
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