1. Resume and application letter are more important than the job interview.

  2. 答案:错
  3. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a social environment.

  4. 答案:错
  5. In common senses, the term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge. Skills and competencies.

  6. 答案:对
  7. Benefits that are optional are thought of as creating employee rights or entitlements.

  8. 答案:错
  9. When choosing a career, you can follow others advice because they are more experienced.

  10. 答案:错
  11. Flexitime helps create a happier, more satisfying workplace.

  12. 答案:对
  13. By analyzing our competitor’s products, we may notice what kind of features may outlive their products.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Mandatory benefits are required by law.

  16. 答案:对
  17. Word of mouth is also a type of product promotion.

  18. 答案:对
  19. Candidate need not to prepare any key events or achievements in his life to demonstrate his qualities to a potential employer.

  20. 答案:错
  21. Any unwanted sexual behavior that creates an intimidating or hostile work environment is unethical but not illegal.

  22. 答案:错
  23. The disadvantage for chronological resume is that it isn’t easy for the employer to quickly discern exactly what you did in each job.
  24. An organizational structure that contains only line positions and no staff positions is referred to as a _____ organization.
  25. According to the class, what is the core word of the concept in cognitive method?
  26. In accordance with the dialogue, which of the following is necessary when we make the guestroom reservation?
  27. Walmart can address ______ through job rotation and flexibility, incentives, and recognition for employees’ high performance.
  28. Coordination is very important for the development of a company in a highly competitive global environment.
  29. Retailers make the purchase of goods easy for institutions.
  30. In developing a new product, we need to do detailed market analysis of all ideas first, and test those ideas in the market.
  31. Most advertising is intended to be persuasive to win customers.
  32. When you answering questions during the interview, try to answer them with relevant information.
  33. You need to tailor your resume to every job application.
  34. Business people should lay great importance on foreign customs in Arabic countries.
  35. A great salary is enough to compensate for employee benefits plan that doesn’t offer what you need.
  36. Management development methods can be fallen into on-the-job training and off-the-job training.
  37. In the phase of growth, the company has already enjoyed the highest point in terms of sales volume.
  38. Since English is the language of international business communication now, people who speak English will have no difficulties in communicating with each other.
  39. The core values of a company will help to create a healthy work environment and attract more talented people.
  40. Flexible benefit program provides employees with more take home pay and several additional benefits.
  41. The single entry approach is much simpler to use than double entry methods.
  42. Planing involves determining the organization’s goals and defining the means for achieving them.
  43. If employees working from home, the managers can review employee’s job performance based on their process instead of the result of their work.
  44. Mandatory benefits are the kind of benefits that are offered as an option to compensate their employees.
  45. All people have their own sets of personal values that come from society, families, religious, experiences and working environment.
  46. Corporate culture represents the values, understanding and basic assumptions that employees share.
  47. Companies that maintain employees who are dissatisfied and negative about their work environment are said to have negative or low employee morale.
  48. Clerical and administration require contact with all employees, including executives.
  49. This resume introduction is best for Mid-level candidates.
  50. The disadvantage of chronological resume is that it is much more difficult to highlight what you do best.
  51. Many organizations are moving toward vertical structures based on work process rather than departmental functions.
  52. The employer will likely ask questions to assess whether the candidates would fit into the corporate culture or not.
  53. Fringe benefits plans allows the employees to choose among a variety of options to create a benefits package that best meets their needs and those of their family.
  54. When we deal with check-out, it is not necessary for us to produce our credit card.
  55. New employee orientation is the process a company use for showing a new employee around of the organization.
  56. All products go through product life cycle of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
  57. Promotion is comprised of various elements like ______.
  58. Discrimination is embodied in different forms, such as ______.
  59. Why communicating clearly across culture is important?
  60. When personal values conflict directly with the company’s practices, ______ occurs.
  61. Some examples of popular sales promotions activities are ____.
  62. Out-of-home media includes ______.
  63. The 4Ps of marketing involves ____________.
  64. ______ is one of the types of advertising.
  65. The organizational structure depends on _____.
  66. _______belong to current liabilities.
  67. Print publications media includes ______.
  68. The phases of product life cycle include _____.
  69. _______belong to current assets.
  70. New employee orientation contains information in areas such as ______.
  71. Performance appraisal methods used in business include ______.
  72. Proper orientation can help the employee ______.
  73. Performance measures used at Walmart are ______.
  74. Effective incentive plans meet at least the following conditions ______.
  75. Performance appraisal of an employee is assessed according to ______.
  76. The functions of advertising include ______.
  77. To overcome language barriers, you need to ____________________.
  78. Marketing communication consists of several related communication techniques, including ______.
  79. Ethical issues of deceptive advertising include ______.
  80. Philanthropic programs launched by Haier Group are ______.
  81. What are the factors the manager assesses an employee with the graphic rating scale method?
  82. Employee benefits can also be called ________________.
  83. Business ethics originate from ______.
  84. Compensation is a clear solid word that encompasses ______.
  85. ______ allow customers to stay informed, gather information and communicate with others without being tied to a physical location.
  86. When an employee accept bribes to influence the outcome of a business decision, it is considered as ______.
  87. 15. The fact that advertising both informs and transforms the product by creating an image that goes beyond straightforward facts indicates the _______ of advertising.
  88. ______ of advertising informs of about new and improved products and help us compare products and features.
  89. ______ refers to the mental and emotional processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods and services to satisfy particular needs and wants.
  90. _____ pricing strategy sets the price at the production cost plus a certain profit margin.
  91. Which of the following infinite purpose of business travel is NOT mentioned here?
  92. The concept of ______________ relates to how an employee’s thoughts, opinions, feelings, and upbringing affect how they act within a given culture.
  93. A _______ is an object or act that conveys meaning to others.
  94. ______ was considered the first public recognition of accountants.
  95. ________________ is a flexible work option in which two or possibly more employees share a single job.
  96. In the _____ phase, the marketing strategy should focus on informing customers.
  97. The ______ function makes sure that other people are doing what needs to be done and not doing inappropriate things.
  98. The first English book about accounting was published in _____ .
  99. _______ is not the duty of accountants?
  100. The following are the benefits of to examine industries and companies EXCEPT __________________
  101. ______________ illustrates the accepted norms and values and traditional behaviour of a group.
  102. Your past can provide important clues to your________________.
  103. Corporate entities are legally considered as ______ in USA and in most nations.
  104. ______________ jobs require advanced skills and specialized knowledge of individual fields.
  105. New employee orientation is always performed by ______.
  106. The _______ identifies the job positions to which all types of employees must report and who is responsible for various activities.
  107. _____________include various types of non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
  108. _______ structure is also called product structure because it is based on a certain product or program.
  109. Corporate philanthropy, or ______, describes the contributions of business firms to charitable causes, educational institutions, and other non-profit organizations.
  110. The most visible type of advertising is national consumer advertising, with an another name for this ________.
  111. Human skills include the ability to work well with other people.
  112. Problems of miscommunication are bound to occur in international communication.
  113. An employee’s potential for future improvement is not a part of performance appraisal.
  114. In the double-entry system, debits must always equal credits.
  115. We should affirm the flight information when we book the flight tickets.
  116. In most cases, methods of training will not have cons.
  117. Many retail stores operating at one place form a department store.
  118. Corporate culture includes such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.
  119. Usually, businesses offer the biggest packages to top executives who have been with the company for a significant period.
  120. Some warehouse retailer require annual memberships that offer discounts.
  121. The processes of the organization affect the execution of the service.
  122. A hypermarket may be part of a gas/petrol station, so customers can purchase goods conveniently while filling their vehicle with fuel.
  123. Organizations that have high-context cultures are collectivist and focus on interpersonal relationships.
  124. The word “yes” has the same meaning in Chinese, Japanese and American.
  125. Retailing is the transaction of goods between the seller and the end user.
  126. Managers can build corporate culture through symbolic leadership.
  127. In a low power distance organization, employees or subordinates are considered equal, or nearly equal.
  128. Double-entry system is considered as the heart of modern accounting.
  129. A narrow span of control leads to a flat organization whereas a wide span of control leads to a tall organization.
  130. The pricing objective depends on many factors including production cost, economies of scale, product differentiation and so on.
  131. Span of management determines how closely a supervisor can monitor subordinates.
  132. The organizational structure may be changed with the growth and expansion of business operations.
  133. Publications provide information of corporate culture sometimes.
  134. Learn about the culture beforehand can help you communicating better in that country.
  135. North America and Western Europe are generally considered to have low-context cultures.
  136. Middle managers are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
  137. In the _____ phase, the marketing focus should be on cutting costs.
  138. _______ structure is organized around key functions or departments.
  139. Search engine marketing is one of types of ________ media.
  140. ______ occur when an employee’s judgment is compromised due to external influences.
  141. A photocopy firm bought photocopy equipment for $2,000 with cash. The entries are:Dr. Photocopy Equipment $2,000Cr.____________ $2,000
  142. _____________________are companies that have a physical presence (e.g., a retail shop in a building) and offer face-to-face customer experiences.
  143. According to the class, which of the following is the method of “off-the-job training”?
  144. _______________ includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for their personal or family use.
  145. Managers can use the following ways to change a corporate culture except for_____.
  146. _________________ jobs are involved with artistic works or product creation.
  147. When business people decide to travel to foreign countries, according to the class which of the following is the necessity?
  148. When numerous employees perform similar tasks, a company uses a ______ span of control.
  149. As to the economic role of advertising, it is so persuasive that it is ______ that a consumer will switch to an alternative product.
  150. _______ control is future-oriented and aims at preventing problems before they arise.
  151. According to the class, which of the following is NOT the effect of the employee training and development?
  152. According to the dialogue, which of the following information is NOT needed when we book the flight ticket?
  153. Which of the following types of power is most likely to generate followers’ resistance?_____
  154. Position power can be further divided into the following three categories except for _______.
  155. The two methods of retailing in the industry are __________________________.
  156. If you applying for a particular position your cover letter you need to highlight your broader range of skills and their potential application.
  157. Vending machines can be accessible at all hours.
  158. A company website will often have a description of the company’s mission and values.
  159. Symbolic leadership works because employees are watched by top-level managers.
  160. Customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to complete a transaction.
  161. SanLu Group made toxic baby milk to make great profit, which is unethical and illegal.
  162. Flexitime allows an employee to select the hours he or she will work without any limits.
  163. With the indirect channel, the vendor of a product or service sells directly to the customer.
  164. If you work from home, you’d better have a desalinated part as your office work place.
  165. There are areas in the Middle East, Asia and Africa that can be considered low context.
  166. There may be differences between the desired culture and the actual culture.
  167. Any candidate can choose to prepare a chronological resume, no matter he is a entry level, mid-level candidate, executive or specialist.
  168. When write a cover letter you don’t need to bother the name of the person in HR to address the letter to.
  169. From the organizational chart, we can see the appointed task of employees, line of authority and decision responsibility.
  170. A strong corporate culture can help improve productivity and employee retention.
  171. The distribution of authority is often described by whether the company is centralized or decentralized.
  172. One of the benefits of flexitime to employer is that they can hold on a more balanced work-life schedule.
  173. Geographic organization is organized around major geographies.
  174. The objectives of self-evaluation are____________.
  175. ______________ is a self-advertisement which can show how your skills, experiences and achievements match the requirements of the job you want.
  176. Information roles can be further divided into monitor role, disseminator role and ___________ roles.
  177. Managerial accounting was born_______.
  178. ______________makes a lot of assumptions about the commonality of communications, views, and knowledge.
  179. The example of “It’s What’s for Dinner” campaign illustrates the _____ of advertising.
  180. _________ most often comes from internal sources, like a person’s special knowledge or personality characteristics.
  181. _______________ is a culture where issues are fully detailed and spelled out in communication.
  182. ________________  will help you to identify the types of jobs you should apply for.
  183. ______ refers to the expectations requirements raised for corporations at a certain historical period of the economic and social development.
  184. Advertising is a form of mass communication for individual consumers rather than for business people who buy large quantities of products.
  185. If you applying for a particular position your cover letter will need to be tightly focused to explain your suitability for that job.
  186. Benefits are indirect and non-cash payments within a compensation package.
  187. Shift work is a job in which an employee does not work full hours.
  188. According to a survey, employee priorities have shifted focus from monetary compensation to better and more comprehensive benefits packages.
  189. Warehouse retailers carry products in bulk.
  190. A hypermarket is a superstore combining a convenience store and a department store.
  191. Retailer serves as market intermediaries by distributing products directly to companies.
  192. A solid employee benefits packages do help to retain enjoyable and rewarding staff as well as attracting talents.
  193. For successful marketing, we must ensure to have the right type of product that is in demand for our market.
  194. In high power distance countries and organizations, people don’t question the decisions of their leaders.
  195. Employee training and development will not motivate the staff loyalty.
  196. To evaluate yourself, you don’t need to care how others see you.
  197. Behavioral methods are not more of giving practical training to the trainees.
  198. Performance appraisal is conducted annually, every quarter or evey weekly, bi-weekly.
  199. Individuals in sales plan and develop new products and devise sales strategies.
  200. One of the objective of self-analysis is to set up your own business.
  201. Transfer is also called “internal career change”.
  202. When choosing a career path, self-evaluation and sufficient information is important.
  203. _______ managers’ primary concern is the application of rules and procedures to achieve efficient production.
  204. What is the meaning of “an aisle seat” in the dialogue?
  205. Quick ratio is used to measure____ .
  206. In most cases, why do we believe that employee training and development is important?
  207. ______________ is the extent to which the lower ranking individuals of a society “accept and expect that power is distributed unequally”.
  208. __________________ engaged in the sale of products from physical location with the intent of attracting customers to make purchase on site.
  209. In a high power distance organization, you view your leader as an equal, regardless of his or her formal position or title.
  210. E-commerce, communication technologies, and the expansion of business-based economies through out the world have forged new connections among countries.
  211. ___________________ deals with understanding different business customs, beliefs and communication strategies.
  212. In high context culture, there is more of a quiet understanding of what is going on and less is said about it, as in the end we should be just ‘understood’.
  213. A key to being successful in business internationally is ________________.
  214. A_______ is a planned activity that makes up a special event.
  215. Some companies have a team-based culture with employee participation on all levels, while others have a more traditional and formal management style.
  216. According to the dialogue, some staff members feel that their good performance has not been duly recognized.
  217. When building a corporate culture, the managers’ own behaviors should match the main values of the company.
  218. If an employee prefers to work independently, but works for a company that emphasizes teamwork, he is likely to be less efficient.
  219. Generally speaking, corporate responsibility involves ______.
  220. People often act unethically to pressure suppliers to lower prices below market value out of the reason of ______.
  221. Philanthropic initiatives are now linked to the company’s profit-making strategies.
  222. In the early 20th century, the concept of “corporate social responsibility” was proposed by some ______.
  223. For the reason of selfishness and personal gain, people make decisions based on the punishment or reward they received for previous decisions.
  224. Performance appraisal provides a formal system through which the supervisor ______.
  225. New employee orientation often includes an introduction to each department in the company but a new employee does not meet senior employees in the process.
  226. Walmart uses a micro-tailored appraisal system to analyzes individual and team performance levels.
  227. In the column of “Comments” of the appraisal form the appraiser may jot down the employee’s ______.
  228. Performance appraisal is only used to make decisions related to merit pay increases.
  229. According to the class, methods of training can be divided into cognitive and behavioral methods.
  230. Simulation exercises are not the method of off-the-job training.
  231. In accordance with the class, which of the following the NOT the benefit of the employee training and development?
  232. In accordance with the class, Training involves an expert working with learners to transfer to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs.
  233. Demonstrate relationships among concepts are not belonging to the cognitive methods.
  234. If we use electronic ticket, we don’t have to produce photo identification.
  235. As for business travelers, the appropriate medical and travel insurance that extends into the countries of destination is of great importance.
  236. Why do we mean that a successful and pleasant business travel depends on adequate preparations?
  237. In modern society, foreign currency is the necessarity in business preparations.
  238. According to the dialogue, how do we ask for “a much better room” when we deal with check-in?
  239. ______ was recognized as The Father of accounting and bookkeeping.
  240. Your company purchased on credit art equipment from Greg’s Equipment Company for $3,900. The transaction will be recorded as:
  241. The recording rules of a manual accounting system are different from that of a computerized one.
  242. A high degree of liquidity can enhance the firm’s safety, but an excessive degree of liquidity can reduce the firm’s return.
  243. In a firm, if the net sales are 200 million dollars, the cost of goods sold is 50 million dollars, what is the gross profit?
  244. ______ includes messages directed at retailers, wholesalers, and distributors, as well as industrial purchasers and professional such as lawyers and physicians.
  245. Advertising provides reminders and reinforcement that it constantly remind the consumer about the ______ of the products.
  246. When consumers are dissatisfied with their current product, despite of the established habit, advertising ______.
  247. The example of Cannon advertisement that displays consumers its specification, features and so on illustrates the function of advertising that it provides product and brand information.
  248. Advertising is a composed non-personal communication of information, paid for by identified sponsors.
  249. Supermarket a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles.
  250. B2B online shopping refers to the process that a consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without an intermediary.
  251. The most common types of non-store retailers are____________________.
  252. ____________________ engaged in the sale of products using marketing methods which do not include a physical location.
  253. The retailers can purchase goods from manufacturer or through a wholesaler.
  254. In the introduction phase of product life cycle, company may have _____ sales volume.
  255. To meet the pricing objective of maximizing profit margin, _____ pricing strategies is often employed.
  256. Which of the followings are the possible sources of new-product ideas for a company?______
  257. The 4Cs of marketing is the foundation of the idea of marketing mix.
  258. Statistics and details about the product and the market help make a good product presentation.
  259. Employee benefits is pay for services during the course of employment.
  260. Employees that are happy and positive at work are said to have positive or high employee morale.
  261. Employers can choose whether or not to offer mandatory benefits.
  262. ___________________ is a direct form of employee compensation, including salary, or wage, overtime wage, commission, etc.
  263. Why benefits are important for employers?
  264. _______ structure is organized around key functions or departments。
  265. An organizational chart shows the interaction among job positions, but can’t show relative ranks of its parts and positions.
  266. Organizational structure indicates how all the job responsibilities fit together and the deployment of organizational resources.
  267. The main types of organizational structures are_____________.
  268. _______ structure is commonly used in very large organizations when a greater volume requires greater coordination.
  269. When a manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization, he is performing the ________ role.
  270. Planning is the ability to influence people toward the achievement of goals.
  271. _______ control is the heart of any control system and includes directing, monitoring and fine-tuning activities as they occur.
  272. When a manager decides where he wants the company to be in the future and how to get it there, he is performing the__________ function.
  273. Management is to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.
  274. The benefits of working from home for employee are ________________.
  275. _________________is an office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.
  276. Under ______________, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days.
  277. If you work from home, you can do anything you like at anytime.
  278. Although employees can choose when to start and when to finish their work in flexitime schedule, they have to put in the total number of hours required by the employer.
  279. The appropriate body language during an interview is _____________ .
  280. When gather information on the company’s profile and background, you can _________________.
  281. While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills.
  282. The three forms of resume introduction are_______________.
  283. You’d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique.
  284. ________________jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules.
  285. You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice.
  286. The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like.
  287. _______________ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.
  288. Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character.
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