第八章 How to Translate—汉英论文翻译机器翻译实操演示:通过观看本周教学课件视频与文档学习如何使用译前编辑+机器翻译+译后编辑处理学术论文8.1(实操)译前编辑:译前编辑
8.3(实操)译后编辑 上:译后编辑 上
8.4(实操)译后编辑 下:译后编辑 下
[单选题]请判断对错。“一名队员跌入火山湖中,差点被淹死。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。A. A team member fell into the volcanic lake and narrowly escaped to be drowned.B. A team member fell into the volcanic lake and narrowly escaped from being drowned.

选项:[对, 错]


A. Computer and communication equipment manufacturing accounts for about 80% of the high-tech industry.

B. Computer and communication equipment manufacturing accounts for about 80% in the entire high-tech industry.

选项:[错, 对]



A. The company has RMB2 million of its own capital funding, and the shortfall is 5.43 million yuan.

B. The company has RMB2 million of its own capital funding, with a shortfall of RMB5.43 million. 

选项:[错, 对]



A. Home appliances chains such as Gome, Dazhong Electronics and Suning carry price tags on their goods. 

B. Home appliances chain, such as Gome, Dazhong Electronics and Suning, carry price tags on their goods.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]请判断对错。“法国洞穴探险家伯杰是一位洞穴探险的狂热爱好者。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。 A. French potholer, Berger, is a mania for cave exploration.B. French potholer, Berger, has a mania for cave exploration.

选项:[对, 错]

请判断对错。“这份报告表明该项目可行,具有很强的盈利能力。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。A. This report shows that this project is feasible with a high profitability.

B. This report shows that this project is feasible with high ability of profit.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]请判断对错。“老年人有长处,但也有很大的弱点——老年人容易固执,因此老年人也要有点自觉性。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。A. Old people have strengths but also great weaknessesthey are easy to be stubborn, for example. So, they should be aware of that.B. Old people have strengths but also great weaknessesthey are easy to be stubborn, for exampleand they should be aware of that.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]请判断对错。“钻石湖风景秀丽,是这个城市的几大景点之一。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。A. The Diamond Lake, noting for its beautiful scenery, was regarded as one of the outstanding views of the city.B. The Diamond Lake, noted for its beautiful scenery, was regarded as one of the outstanding views of the city.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]请判断对错。“没有科技知识要建设社会主义是不可能的。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。A. Without knowledge of science and technology is impossible to build socialism.B. Without knowledge of science and technology, it is impossible to build socialism.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]请判断对错。“我们已经在南极建立了一个基地。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。 A. We have set up a base at the South Pole.B. We have set up a basis at the South Pole.

选项:[错, 对]

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