1. Effects of Mo in HTLA steels include ( ).

  2. 答案:improving hardenability###improving tempering stability###decreas temper embrittlement###decreas grain size
  3. ( )contribute a lower susceptibility to cracking in aluminum alloys.

  4. 答案:abundant liquid between grains###A fine equiaxed dendritic structure
  5. Normally, heat treatment for QTLA steels including ( ).

  6. 答案:temper###austenitizing###quench
  7. In the case of brazing a cast iron part to prevent cracking and hardening, insulating blankets are installed to ( ).

  8. 答案:electrical insulation###thermal insulation
  9. The funciton of () is similar to that of Chromium that tends to stabilize alfa-Fe (bcc) and its high-temperature counterpart delta-Fe (bcc).

  10. 答案:Mo###Nb
  11. For QTLA steels, toughness decrease may occur in ( ) after welding.

  12. 答案:HAZ###fusion zone
  13. Main alloy elements in HTLA steels include ( ).

  14. 答案:Mo###Cr###V###Mn
  15. Microstructures of plain carbon steels include ( ).

  16. 答案:martensite###pearlite###ferrite
  17. ( ) is not heat treatalbe.

  18. 答案:1100###5052###3003
  19. When to choose Metal Stitching instead of a welding or brazing process?

  20. 答案:Preheating the whole part is not practical###Downtime is critical###When metal stitching will produce the best repair###Low cost
  21. Normally, microstructures of QTLA steels include ( )

  22. 答案:lath martensite###lower bainite
  23. Main alloying elements in QTLA steels include ( ).
  24. Al–Zn–Mg alloys are more attractive than other aluminium alloys because ( ).
  25. Function of carbon in casting irons includes ( ).
  26. Hot ductility tests simply measure the ( ) strength and ductility.
  27. In case 3, the depth of the stop hole is equal to ( ).
  28. Generally, the silicon content of cast irons is generally in the range of ( ).
  29. High-carbon steels are susceptible to hydrogen induce cracking because they are with high content of ( ).
  30. HTLA steels are ( ).
  31. Their structure of ( ) consists of branched and interconnected graphite flakes in a matrix of pearlite, ferrite or a mixture of the two.
  32. ( ) has been added to the shielding gas to reduce hydrogen in aluminium welds.
  33. Because of the high sensitization temperature range, the weld decay in ferritic stainless steels occurs close to the( ).
  34. Comparing with QTLA steels, HTLA steels are with ( ) hardness and ( ) toughness.
  35. Which region is next to the partially melted zone?
  36. Some types of QTLA steels are susceptible to liquation cracking because they contain a lot of ( ).
  37. Welding 7xxx alloys in its NA condition is most ideal since the strength in the HAZ can be recovered almost completely by post weld().
  38. No preheating is recommended during wielding of duplex due to ( ).
  39. To avoid hydrogen induced cracking, we have to limit the intrusion of ( ) during welding.
  40. The cleaning action of the DCEP cycle helps remove hydrated oxides and hydrides.
  41. Coarse grain in HAZ may cause toughness decrease.
  42. Specialty tests to evaluate susceptibility to various metallurgically related defects,such as solidification cracking or hydrogen cracking, should be conducted in the alloy development or selection stage.
  43. In order to avoid underbead cracking, cooling directly to room temperature is allowed during the welding of MSS.
  44. Moisture, grease, rust are sources of H in weld.
  45. Lower bainite may be found in postweld microstructure of QTLA steels.
  46. Al-Mg-Si alloys belong to 6xxxx.
  47. High carbon steels are susceptible to solidification cracking because their carbon content is high.
  48. Blackheart malleable irons are produced by annealing low carbon (2.2~2.9%) white iron castings without decarburisation.
  49. Crack stop hole is used to prevent the crack from spreading during the welding process.
  50. Hardenability, internal stresses and hydrogen are the reasons of underbead cracking.
  51. The danger always exists that if the self-restraint test is more severe than the actual application, test results may not predict performance.
  52. Precipitation of GP2 is not expected due to high cooling speed during welding of 6XXX in NA conditions.
  53. The weldability of cast iron is poor comparing to that of low carbon steels.
  54. Peak temperature in HAZ determines the microstructure of the joint of carbon steels.
  55. Cold welding is more suitable for large castings that are difficult to preheat or to machine surfaces that cannot be preheated.
  56. Sometimes, underbead cracks could serve as starting points of fatigue cracking.
  57. For the alloy in T6 condition, strength loss occurs in joint due to reversion and grain growth of GP zones.
  58. LBW possibly increase the susceptibility to hydrogen induced cracking of QTLA steels.
  59. The sensitization can be remedied by annealing in 650-815℃ for 10 min.
  60. Welding in the T6 condition is often preferred to welding in the T4 condition for 6XXX.
  61. Use proper filler wires and dilution in autogenous GTA welding is helpful to depress the formation of solidification cracking in FZ of 2219 alloys.
  62. Welding such an alloy in its AA condition is most ideal since the strength in the HAZ can be recovered almost completely by postweld natural aging.
  63. Cast irons can be conveniently grouped according to their structure, mechanical properties and weldability; they are ( ).
  64. Generally, the carbon content of cast irons is generally in the range of ( ).
  65. Malleable irons are more readily weldable than grey irons.
  66. Casting irons with pearlitic matrix own higher strength than ferritic matrix .
  67. The brazing weld need annealing heat treatment so that it is easily machined.
  68. Small welding current is generally recommened for arc cold welding of castings due to ( ).
  69. ( ) is extremely hard and brittle, in which much of the carbon in is retained in the form of iron carbide without graphite flakes.
  70. The cleaning action of the DCEN cycle helps remove hydrated oxides and hydrides.
  71. Liquation cracking can be reduced by selecting the proper filler metal.
  72. The main alloying element is for 7xxx alloys ( ).
  73. A fine equiaxed dendritic structure has a lower susceptibility to cracking than a coarse columnar dendritic structure.
  74. Adjusting welding sequence is helpful to prevent the formation of weld decay in austenitic stainless steels.
  75. Pure aluminum is not susceptible to solidification cracking.
  76. Freon has been added to the shielding gas to reduce hydrogen in aluminium welds.
  77. The minimum hardness in the joint of a FSWed precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys lies in the ( ).
  78. Liquation cracking and hydrogen-induced cracking in the PMZ of aluminium alloys are both caused by the combination of a susceptible microstructure and the presence of tensile stresses.
  79. The funciton of Mo is similar to that of Chromium that tends to stabilize alfa-Fe (bcc) and its high-temperature counterpart delta-Fe (bcc).
  80. PWHT would be helpful to prevent the formation of weld decay in austenitic stainless steels.
  81. No preheating is recommended during wielding of duplex due to coarse grain.
  82. Weld metal of austenitic stainless steels is susceptible to weld decay.
  83. Adjusting welding sequence might be helpful to prevent the formation of knife-line attack in austenitic stainless steels.
  84. If the carbon content of a type of steel is 0.1%, this steel is a kind of ( ).
  85. Before designing welding procedure, we'd better to analyze the weldability of the workpiece.
  86. Normally, because of auto-tempering, the postweld microstructure of QTLA steel is ( ).
  87. To remedy the underbead cracking, we need to reduce cooling rate when we weld oil engine connecting rod.
  88. When you weld HTLA steels, you'd better to take advantage of auto-tempering.
  89. QTLA steel is not susceptible to solidification cracking because it is with ( ).
  90. The weldability of high-carbon steel is worse than that of low-carbon steel because high-carbon steel is with ( ).
  91. Auto-tempering occurs after welding when ( ).
  92. For HTLA steels, chromium is able to ( ).
  93. Weldability is not easily quantified, and can depend on a variety of factors, including  ( ).
  94. With carbon equivalent ( ), the steel has a low tendency to harden and cold cracking?
  95. Maximum crack distance has been used to allow more accurate determination of the cracking ( ) range.
  96. The calculation formula of carbon equivalent of the IWS considers the influence of () on weldability.
  97. ( ) is not a factor that affects weldability.
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