

  1. Which of the following does the conclusion of an empirical research paper cover?

  2. A:Research significance. B:Research questions. C:Research steps.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Research significance.】经验研究论文的结论部分通常包括研究意义,即这项研究的结果对科学、社会或个人有什么影响或意义。而其他选项B:Research questions(研究问题)和C:Research steps(研究步骤)则属于研究过程中的一部分,不属于结论部分。'
  3. MLA information notes may be used to _______.

  4. A:stimulate readers’ interest over the topic B:document the sources cited in the paper C:provide readers digressive information
    AI参考:单选题:MLA information notes may be used to _______.的正确选项是C:提供读者digressive信息。MLA information notes主要用于提供论文中引用的资源信息,如作者、出版物名称、出版时间等。选项A“激发读者对主题的兴趣”不太符合MLA information notes的功能,而选项B“记录论文中引用的来源”则过于笼统,不够具体。选项C“提供读者发散性的信息”则更符合MLA information notes的实际用途,因为这些信息可以帮助读者更好地理解论文的主题,同时也可以为读者提供额外的信息或背景知识。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  5. A literature review in a research paper must ______.

  6. A:present a detailed description of the sources B:be organized according to the importance of the studies C:be related to one’s research D:be related to the author’s research
    AI参考:正确选项是B:be organized according to the importance of the studies。在研究论文中的文献综述部分,需要按照研究的优先级对相关文献进行组织,而不是仅仅根据作者的研究进行组织。选项A、C、D中的内容均不符合这一要求。因此,B选项“根据研究的重要性进行组织”是正确答案。'
  7. The methodology section of an empirical research paper should include _______.

  8. A:procedure of the research B:results of the research C:benefits of the research
  9. Which of the following is an important criteria in an observation?

  10. A:Questions to ask. B:Activities to carry out. C:Points to observe.
  11. Which of the following is preferred in academic writing?

  12. A:Active voice. B:Passive voice.
    答案:irritating AI参考:正确答案是A: Active voice。在学术写作中,通常更倾向于使用主动语态,因为主动语态能够更好地表达作者的观点和意图,同时也可以使文章更加清晰、准确和有力。相比之下,被动语态通常更适合于描述客观事实或描述事物的发展过程,而在学术写作中,这种描述方式可能会削弱作者的主导地位和观点表达。因此,在学术写作中,更倾向于使用主动语态。'
  13. To evaluate a research article, we need to check to see all the following EXCEPT if ______.

  14. A:its research method is valid B:it agrees with our own viewpoint C:its results are consistent with its objective
    答案:it agrees with our own viewpoint
  15. A descriptive title of a research paper tells readers the ______.

  16. A:theme of the research B:benefits of the research C:application of the research
    答案:对AI参考:正确答案是A:theme of the research。在描述性论文的标题中,通常会告诉读者研究的主要主题或议题。其他选项B、C中的“benefits”和“application”并不是研究的主要内容和目的,而是可能会在摘要或结论中提到的额外信息。因此,描述性论文的标题应提供研究的主要信息,即研究主题。因此,答案是A。'
  17. Which of the following should we bear in mind in conducting research?

  18. AI参考:Which of the following should we bear in mind in conducting research?选项C: Accuracy is crucial准确性和客观性在研究过程中非常重要,需要保持严谨的态度和审慎的分析。因此,我们应该牢记准确性,以确保研究结果的可靠性和可信度。其他选项如创新性、可读性、研究深度等虽然也很重要,但在准确性这一基本原则面前,它们都需要让步。'
  19. In integrating sources, we can ______.

  20. A:quote a lot from the original B:use signal phrases to introduce the sources C:piece together sources
    AI参考:正确选项是C:piece together sources。在整合来源时,我们可以将来源拼凑在一起。选项C中的“piece together sources”正是这个意思。选项A中的“quote a lot from the original”指的是从原始来源中引用大量的内容,而选项B中的“use signal phrases to introduce the sources”指的是使用信号词来介绍来源,这两个选项都没有直接涉及到整合来源的方法。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  21. What should we do to choose a possible research topic?

  22. A:Read extensively in our chosen area. B:Think critically and creatively. C:Reread our reading log carefully. D:Note down our ideas over the area.
    AI参考:正确选项是【ABD】。原文中提到“What should we do to choose a possible research topic?”,需要选择一个可能的课题,因此需要广泛阅读并深入思考,因此选项A和D都是正确的。同时,选项B提到要批判性和创造性地思考,这也是选择课题时需要考虑的因素之一。选项C中的“阅读日志”可能指的是记录自己读过的与课题相关的书籍和资料,但这并不是选择课题所必需的步骤。因此,选项ABD都是正确的。'
  23. Which of the following is a common error in summarizing sources?

  24. A:Noting down bibliographic information. B:Missing the central point by focusing on details. C:Leaving out crucial details.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Leaving out crucial details.在总结资料时,常见的一个错误是遗漏关键细节。在选择正确答案时,需要关注题目中的关键词“common error in summarizing sources”,因此选项C符合要求。选项A和B都与总结资料无关,选项A是关于忘记记录书目信息的问题,而选项B则是过于关注细节而忽略了中心主题的问题。因此,选项C是正确的选项。'
  25. What do we need to do to check the validity of a research topic?

  26. A:Check the assumptions we made in choosing the topic. B:Analyze the topic and try to see things in a different way. C:Reexamine the existing studies to assure its originality. D:Consider neglected aspects over the topic.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Reexamine the existing studies to assure its originality。在确定研究主题的有效性时,我们需要重新审视现有的研究,以确保其原创性。其他选项虽然也与检查研究主题的有效性有关,但并不是最直接和最准确的答案。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  27. To read extensively in our chosen field, we may ______.

  28. A:search in the library B:search on the Internet C:search relevant databases
    AI参考:正确选项为B:search on the Internet。根据题目中的描述,我们需要广泛阅读,因此需要使用互联网进行搜索。选项A中的图书馆通常只提供纸质书籍的搜索,而选项C中的相关数据库则需要特定的权限和认证才能使用。因此,选项B的“search on the Internet”是最符合题目要求的选项。'
  29. Which of the following is part of the procedure in note-taking?

  30. A:Note down the useful information for our research. B:Give each note a proper heading and group them. C:Obtain an accurate understanding of the sources. D:Record the bibliographic information of each source.
  31. In Boolean Logic, the search formula “computer or virus” means to search for sources that have ______.

  32. A:the word virus B:the word computer but not virus C:the words computer and virus D:the word computer
    AI参考:正确选项为 C:the words computer and virus。在布尔逻辑中,“计算机或病毒”这个搜索公式意味着搜索含有“计算机”和“病毒”这两个词的资源。所以,正确的选项应该是“the words computer and virus”,即含有“计算机”和“病毒”这两个词的资源。其他选项不符合布尔逻辑中的逻辑关系。因此,正确答案是C。'
  33. In note-taking, we do summarizing if we need ______.

  34. A:the main idea of a part of a source B:certain vivid or inventive words from a source C:the main idea of a source D:certain specific idea in a source
  35. To choose a topic for a BA thesis, we need to consider our_____.

  36. A:your manage ability  B:your current knowledge C:tutor’s research interest D:your research interest
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:your research interest。根据问题中的句子“To choose a topic for a BA thesis, we need to consider our...”,可以得知要选择一篇学士学位论文的主题需要考虑到自己的兴趣。而选项中,只有D符合要求,因为其他选项分别是关于管理能力、当前知识和导师的研究兴趣,与选择主题无关。因此,答案为D。'
  37. In quoting sources, we need to ______.

  38. A:take down the author’s exact wording B:keep direct quotation to the minimum C:mark out any necessary changes in brackets D:provide necessary context
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:provide necessary context】。在引用来源时,我们需要提供必要的上下文(context)。上下文有助于读者理解引用的内容,并确保引用的准确性。其他选项的含义是:A选项“记录作者确切的措辞”可能过于片面,因为引用不仅仅是记录作者的措辞,还包括对原文的转述和解释;B选项“将直接引述降到最低”并不准确,因为引用有时需要直接引述原文以保持原意;C选项“在括号中标记任何必要的更改”可以适用于某些情况,但在大多数情况下,直接引用通常不需要进行更改。因此,D选项“提供必要的上下文”是最符合题意的选项。'
  39. The literature review in a research paper _____.

  40. A:analyzes for a research gap B:argues for one’s findings C:evaluate the existing studies D:summarizes the existing studies
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:summarizes the existing studies】。在文献综述部分,通常需要对已有的研究进行总结,概括已有的研究结果、方法和结论,以便为后续的研究提供参考和借鉴。选项A、B和C中的内容虽然也是文献综述的一部分,但不够全面和准确。选项A中的“analyzes for a research gap”指的是分析研究缺口,而文献综述不仅仅是要分析研究缺口,还需要对已有的研究进行全面的总结和分析;选项B中的“argues for one’s findings”指的是为自己的研究结果进行辩护或阐述,这并不是文献综述的主要内容;选项C中的“evaluate the existing studies”指的是评估现有的研究,这更多的是在论文的结论部分进行的。因此,选项D“summarizes the existing studies”是最符合文献综述部分的选项。'
  41. We should use complete grammatical sentences to write research papers.

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. In Boolean logic, the search formula A or B narrows the scope of search over A.

  44. A:错 B:对
  45. In empirical research, we use observation if we can control the behavior of the subjects.

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. We should keep in mind the purpose of research  before we start locating sources.

  48. A:对 B:错

  49. In Boolean logic, the search formula A with B enlarges the scope of research.

  50. A:错 B:对

  51. A proposal summary must emphasize potential contributions of the research.

  52. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。根据题目中的描述,Proposal Summary必须强调研究的潜在贡献,因此正确答案是B,表示该判断题是正确的。'
  53. Bibliographic information of sources are useless in source evaluation.

  54. A:对 B:错

  55. Academic writing is thesis-driven.

  56. A:对 B:错

  57. Jargons and terms can appear in abstracts.

  58. A:对 B:错

  59. In reading research literature, we should keep our research questions in mind.

  60. A:错 B:对

  61. Style is just a matter of decoration in academic writing.

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Academic papers tend to be formal and objective.

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. A proposal summary must clarify the means to meet the research need.

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。Proposal summary必须阐明满足研究需求的手段。所以答案是A。'
  67. The data of an empirical research may come from library research.

  68. A:错 B:对

  69. In writing a research paper, we need to consider readers’ expectations.

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. Contractions and abbreviations are often used to achieve brevity in academic writing.

  72. A:错 B:对

  73. Originality is not important for a BA paper as students are just beginners in research.

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. Writing a literature review requires a careful search for relevant studies.

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. We may use use images and illustrations in writing the abstract of a research paper.

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. There should be deep and thorough analysis in academic writing.

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. We often do experiments to test hypotheses about problems.

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. People do research to better the human society.

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Sharing the result of a research is as important as the research itself.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. An easier way to paraphrase sources is to replace the key words with their synonyms.

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. Face-to-face interview is more real but a little bit inconvenient.

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. A proposal summary must justify the research need.

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. Academic writing can be subjective and emotional in some cases.

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. A research paper is a collection of different pieces of information about a topic.

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. Research environment does NOT affect the results of experiments.

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:A。原文中说“Research environment does NOT affect the results of experiments”,意思是研究环境不会影响实验结果。因此,该判断题是错误的。所以正确选项为A。'
  99. We may consult the library’s catalog for print copies of books in research.

  100. A:对 B:错

  101. It is necessary to obtain the permission of the subjects first in conducting an empirical research.

  102. A:错 B:对
  103. In an empirical research paper, we must report our research completely and accurately.

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. In a research proposal, we must provide a detailed work-plan for the research.

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. To locate a wide variety of sources, we may turn to the Web.

  108. A:错 B:对

  109. There is no ethical concern for classroom experiments as the subjects are students.

  110. A:对 B:错

  111. Research needs interests, devotion, and enthusiasm.

  112. A:错 B:对

  113. In a research proposal, we must demonstrate our own understanding of the research area.

  114. A:对 B:错
  115. In integrating sources into a paper, interpretations are not necessary.

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. DirectionsRead the following exerpts and the information about the sources. Then decide whether each student sample uses the source correctly, paying special attention to avoiding plagiarism, having correct in-text citation in MLA documentation style, and integrating the source properly into sentences. If the student has made an error in using the source, write “wrong.” If the student has quoted correctly, write “OK”.

    Excerpt #2

    One of the major challenges facing Delhi today is the lack of affordable housing. Because of this housing shortage, numerous unauthorized housing settlements have emerged and are scattered around the city. Despite the low level of amenities and facilities in these thriving, unauthorized colonies, they are the only option for those who cannot afford either public or privately developed housing.

           Although many solutions have been considered to solve this problem, some urban planners have argued that government policies should be implemented to regularize and expand these unsanctioned settlements. Along with these efforts, the government could coordinate efforts to upgrade these areas and provide basic services such as water supply, sewerage, and electricity. If the settlements are better regulated and offer basic services, the housing shortage may begin to be alleviated.


           From Sivam, A. “Housing Supply in Delhi.” Cities 20:135-41. The excerpt is from page 136.

  118. DirectionsRead the following exerpts and the information about the sources. Then decide whether each student sample uses the source correctly, paying special attention to avoiding plagiarism, having correct in-text citation in MLA documentation style, and integrating the source properly into sentences. If the student has made an error in using the source, write “wrong.” If the student has quoted correctly, write “OK”.


    Excerpt #1

    Apart from the fact that music accounts for much of the power of Hindi movies, creating a heightened mood that dialogue can rarely achieve, the film song spreads out from cinema to permeate many other areas of Indian society. Even before the advent of cheap audiocassettes, in the days when record players were rare and expensive, film songs achieved far-reaching popularity through street singers and wedding bands, which often played film hits rather than folk or traditional tunes. And the songs, with their inventive Hindi/Urdu lyrics (often written by celebrated poets), have long been a bonding force in the Indian diaspora, re-creating a familiar world of images and emotions and linking millions of people to their homeland.

    From Kabir, Nasreen Munni. “Playback Time: A Brief History of Bollywood ‘Film Songs.’” Film Comment May-June 2002:41-43. The source passage is from page 41.

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