  1. The spirit of pursuing solutions to the problems is a scientific spirit that we need to develop in ourresearch work. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Deduction is commonly known as “informal logic” because it often draws uncertain conclusion basedon individual cases,while induction is known as“formal logic”which provides true knowledge and established facts. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Through reading Discussion part, we can know how the data listed are interpreted and analyzed. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Previewing is a rapid reading of organization. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  9. The difference between comparison and contrast is that comparison brings out the similarities betweentwo things, while contrast emphasizes the difference between two things. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. It is okay for the speaker to choose a questioner at random. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Listening to lectures naturally does not share the features of ‘normal’ listening.( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. In questions and answers session, the questioners might ask you to clarify some viewpoints that have not been fully understood or illustrated in your speech. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. While listening to an academic lecture or speech, if a new term or concept appears, we have to consultdictionary to get it’s meaning immediately. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错
  19. A descriptive abstract contains problem statement, purpose and methods, results and conclusions. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Cause refers to what has happened as a result of something, while effect means why something happensor leads to something else. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. A rhetorical question is used as a speaking strategy to make a statement or just for emphasis that doesnot expect an answer. ( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the conversation.( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. Deficiencies or remaining problems of this study should be stated at the end of an academic speech if they exist. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. Writing down key points from the lecture means writing everything word for word.( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Papers, patents, conference documents, technical reports, and standards are all primary literature. ( )

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. Text or picture color in a PPT can not be too close to the background color. ( )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. A paper at the doctoral level is usually called a dissertation, and a paper at the master level is usually called a thesis. ( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. Students needs to know why they are listening and be able to make a record of the content for future use.( )

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. Your self-introduction in the opening remarks should be long and detailed in order to make it informative to the audience. ( )

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. Reviewing your notes helps you ___. ( )

  42. A:builds up your understanding B:prepare your exam C:identify gaps in your knowledge D:remember what was said
  43. If the answers to ______ are yes, we can say the authors have interpreted the findings. ( )

  44. A:Are the research questions answered? B:Is the correlation between the parameters found? C:Do the results support or oppose the hypothesis? D:Are the hypotheses testified?
  45. _______ are considered to be auxiliary aids for an academic speech. ( )

  46. A:Tables B:Oral languages C:Figures
  47. The pie chart is completely different from the bar chart or line chart for it does not have a ______. ( )

  48. A:a title B:horizontal axis C:a vertical axis
  49. Academic language ability can developed into other skills, including ( )

  50. A:foundational academic skills B:work habits C:learning modes D:cognitive skills
  51. Before accepting the authors’ points of view, we should be critical of the author's arguments by ______. ( )

  52. A:testing the conclusion B:testing the data C:testing the methods D:testing the assumptions
  53. The functions of rhetorical questions in one’s speech include__________. ( )

  54. A:adding weight to the speaker’s arguments and express strong emotions B:giving clues to what comes next C:holding listeners’ attention and arouse their interest
  55. We need to develop the academic language skills so that we may do as follows: ( )

  56. A:Write well-structured and coherently presented assignments B:Understand and make the most effective use of our study materials C:Interpret assignment questions and select relevant and appropriate material for our response D:Develop the specialized language and vocabulary relevant to our subject
  57. In the following sentence “However, one difficulty facing high-order codes has been how to effectively simulate cases which involve the relative motion of several distinct bodies.”, the research gap to be filled is indicated by . ( )

  58. A:“High-order codes” B:“Relative motion of several distinct bodies” C:“Difficulty” D:“However”
  59. What are the features of abstracts? ( )

  60. A:relevance B:conciseness C:objectivity D:completeness
  61. To identify the speaker’s major arguments, we need to listen for ______. ( )

  62. A:repetition or stressed words B:rhetorical questions indicating the topic C:signposts indicating major arguments
  63. Pros and cons of something refer to________. ( )

  64. A:positive and negative sides of something B:advantages and disadvantages of something C:Something you like and something you dislike
  65. Effective Academic English depends on producing the most appropriate style for our purpose and audience. It includes ( ).

  66. A:being concise and objective B:consistency C:expressing ideas precisely D:the right level of formality
  67. A speaker would emphasize or restate the important information through the following ways: ________.( )

  68. A:repetition by referring backward B:rephrasing key points C:using signals for emphasis
  69. Spoken language has ( ) than written language. ( )

  70. A:fewer active verbs B:fewer subordinate clauses C:fewer attributive adjectives D:fewer sequences of prepositional phrases E:fewer "that/to" complement clauses
  71. The functions of topic shift and sequencing include:__________. ( )

  72. A:helping listeners progress from one idea to the next B:building up coherent relationship between ideas C:acting as the signposts to introduce various shifts in a speech
  73. While reading the conclusion, we can find the following points: ______. ( )

  74. A:what are the possible application prospects of the research results? B:what are the main conclusions of the research? C:what is the main research work?
  75. Materials and Methods part is important. It ______. ( )

  76. A:describes the procedure we followed in performing our study B:gives the details of how the experiments were carried out C:tells us how a research problem was investigated D:tells us what other scholars have done
  77. Nonverbal Communication includes: ( )

  78. A:tone of voice B:hand gestures C:body language D:eye contact
  79. When we present the visual aids, we should______.( )

  80. A:rehearse them before the presentation to avoid any possible dilemma B:explain the visual aids with a clear and assured voice C:face to the audience with the gesture pointing to the slide D:display them only when discussing them
  81. Reliable data from government agencies often end in ______. ( )

  82. A:“.org” B:“.edu” C:“.gov”
  83. For Cornell note-taking method, one page is divided into ___ areas.( ).

  84. A:two B:three C:four D:five
  85. It is a best choice for a male speaker to match the colors of clothing within ______ colors. ( )

  86. A:3 B:2 C:1
  87. Academic language refers to the( )used in Universities and other higher education establishments.

  88. A:sentences B:words C:texts D:oral, written, auditory, and visual language
  89. Note-taking is widely viewed as one of the most important ___ in academic listening.( ).

  90. A:macro-skills B:memory skills C:micro-skills D:writing skills
  91. When you make comparison or contrast in your presentation, you may use the expressions “______” . ( )

  92. A:Similarly, ... B:As a result, ... C:In addition, ... D:To sum up, ...
  93. Direct quotation means quoting or citing what an author said ______. ( )

  94. A:comprehensively B:literally C:simply
  95. If academic reading materials are divided into groups such as Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Health, they are classified by ______. ( )

  96. A:surfing methods B:subjects C:processing depth D:scientific journals
  97. ___ is one of the most effective pre-listening tasks because it creates a real, focused purpose for listening.( ).

  98. A:Guessing B:Checking C:Preparing D:Predicting
  99. What is an exclusive right granted for the protection of an invention? ( )

  100. A:patent B:product specification C:technical report
  101. ______ is a combination of different information from our academic reading materials into one coherent part. ( )

  102. A:Synthesizing B:Note-taking C:Summarizing
  103. ______ often give key information to indicate what the article discusses. ( )

  104. A:Conclusions B:Titles C:Structures D:Introductions
  105. Which one of the following steps is the first step for a questioner in an academic speech? ( )

  106. A:Raise a question B:Make a positive comment C:Make a self-introduction
  107. Keeping Clarity and Concision means: ( ).

  108. A:saying just enough—don’t talk too much or too little B:Keep your meaning clear C:Using correct words D:well described
  109. Social language is the simple, informal, everyday use of English. We use it when talking with ( ) in daily conversations.

  110. A:family members, friends and other people B:famous professors C:peers D:tutors
  111. Which of the following clothes are formal in an academic speech? ( )

  112. A:T-shirts B:Sweaters C:Leather shoes
  113. When the speaker shifts from Introduction to Body in his or her speech, he or she probably uses thefollowing signposts:“__________” ( )

  114. A:My presentation today will be given in three parts. B:Let’s start from the first point. C:As I said earlier...
  115. What is the skill by which we look at a text to give a preliminary survey? ( )

  116. A:predicting B:summarizing C:previewing
  117. When people are giving lectures, they are aiming to ___ an idea, argument, process or description.( )

  118. A:show B:present C:express D:communicate
  119. When we apply the usage of figures, it is no need to ______. ( )

  120. A:reuse graphs, tables and text for the same group of data B:cite the source of copyrighted charts C:use different lines to represent different sorts of processes

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