1. 《搁浅在沙漠中的船队》是一部科幻小说。( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. 丘吉尔在1945年二战临近结束时在全民选举中失利,失去了首相宝座,也拒绝了“伦敦公爵”的头衔,而希特勒也是德国全民公投中催生的战争恶魔,这都体现了西方虚伪的、程序化的民主存在真实又深刻的缺陷!( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. 《敲诈》中的公爵夫妇是指公爵及其夫人。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. 《广岛——日本最具活力的城市》是美国作家塑造的活力日本、活力广岛的形象,作者的主旨“活力”,主要是指日本人选择忘却历史、放下仇恨的豁达态度,面向未来、化敌为友的超然智慧;然而,这篇文章的真实写作宗旨,是将日本包装成资本主义政治和自由市场经济的活招牌,用以炫耀美国扶植下的日本战后恢复和经济发展速度,用“抱得一手好大腿”的日本来吸引更多可能患上“软骨病”的国家和政府。( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. 丘吉尔在《关于德军入侵苏俄的演讲》中多次使用平衡结构和平行结构的句式,有效突显气势、加强力量感。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Which of the following techniques the writer used in his writing of ”The Libido for the Ugly”? ( )。

  12. 答案:Focusing on the ugliness of buildings (聚焦建筑)###A general impression + typical images (面点结合)###Contrast (对比衬托)###Reaching for the theme by subjective impression ( 营造主观印象 )
  13. What shall we pay attention to when using classification in a scientific report? ( )。

  14. 答案:To have typical features for each category###To have a standard for classification###To have different features for different categories###To have several typical examples for illustration of each category
  15. What does the writer want the readers to believe by “Hiroshima ---- the Liveliest City in Japan”?( )。

  16. 答案:Japan is a nation with modern technology###Japan is a nation with free marketing###Japanese chose to forget the crime of Americans in Hiroshima###Japan reshaped itself with the help with America
  17. Which of the following statement is true about Winston Churchill? ( )。

  18. 答案:Churchill served as Prime Minister in the Second World War.###Churchill is of noble birth.###Chruchill’s mother is the daughter of a super rich American businessman.###Churchill served as Minister of Munitions in the First World War.
  19. Which is the following is not true about the Balanced Structure? ( )。

  20. 答案:It consists of three or more similar parts.
  21. Which clue do you think is the more emphasized in the narration of “Face to Face with Hurricane Camille”?( )。

  22. 答案:The passage is more emphasized on the narration of the human beings.
  23. What is the function of the title “Ships in the Desert”?( )。
  24. What does it mean by “Cut it out!”( )。
  25. What is the nationality of the author of “Hiroshima --- the Liveliest City in Japan”?( )。
  26. Which of the following is not the fundamental requirements or the feature of a scientific report? ( )。
  27. What, exactly, make the place from Pittsburgh to Greensburg in America so intolerably ugly?( )。
  28. Which of the following specific verb is for the mental destruction?( )。
  29. What is the novel of “Blackmail” titled by ?( )。
  30. Which is the following word is not for “不可理喻、难以言喻、难以名状”?( )。
  31. Which is the deepest paradox in the novel of “Blackmail”?( )。
  32. What figure of speeches is used in the sentence :”The slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home? ( )。
  33. Which of the following statement is not true about “The Libido for the Ugly”?( )。
  34. Which of the following is not the right way when making a good description( )。
  35. 吐温早期文学作品,因为忠于人民的写作立场,坚持描写当时美国人民真实的生活,刻画真实的角色,使用人民的语言、反应人民先驱、冒险的精神,从而获得了巨大的成功。( )
  36. 小说作品中的矛盾,往往具有普遍性和必然性,故事与情节的发展和人物结局其实上多种矛盾合力推导的必然结局,同时,也体现作者对对情感的领悟、对社会的态度和对人性的理解。 ( )
  37. 在《外婆的日用家什》中的Dee,接受过良好的教育,语言高雅,改换非洲名字,发型前卫彰显叛逆和斗争的姿态,看似展现“人权女战士”的形象。然而从情感的角度,她对房子的痛恨,对母亲和妹妹的嫌弃、对承载家族情感的用家什的厌弃,极力挣脱贫困的出身,都展现其极度虚荣,对家庭情感的背叛;从民族文化的角度,她这次回家的主要意图是掠夺、对日用家什的展示,代表着将黑人传统文化的评价权交到白人手中,是最深层的自我否认和对民族的背叛。所以Dee 这个角色的实质是“人权伪战士”! ( )
  38. 早期的河流生活是吐温文学创作的积累期,为吐温日后的创作解决了写作内容(河流生活、贸易与经济崛起),写作形式(原汁原味的美国英语)、写作精神内核(先驱、冒险的精神)等关键问题。( )
  39. 描写性文体不一定必然要求客观,可以是主观的,《爱丑之欲》将美国从匹兹堡市到格林斯堡市铁路沿线所展现出来的丑陋描绘的淋漓尽致,营造了一个生动细致、真实可信的主观印象,这里建筑抽、人丑、外在丑、内在丑、精神丑,丑陋的根源在于这个民族一味逐利、利欲熏心的错误、虚妄的底层价值观。 ( )
  40. 《与凯米尔飓风面对面》中参与救援的机构中National Guard 和 Salvation Army,都是属于美国联邦政府的职能部门。( )
  41. 对小说作品的品读和欣赏,要学会找矛盾,矛盾具有多样性和层级性:表层矛盾体现为人物与人物之间的矛盾,深层矛盾体现为某个特定人物内在的矛盾,底层矛盾体现为作家对时代、社会和人性的观察与探讨。 ( )
  42. 《与凯米尔飓风面对面》中作者提到一家人在面对飓风时,因为舍不得房子而不愿意离开,就是真实的原因。( )
  43. 《广岛——日本最具活力的城市》中塑造的日本是经济、科技先进,充满活力的国家,是应该学习和模仿的成功案例。( )
  44. 《爱丑之欲》中,作者用到对比衬托和点满结合的写作手法来刻画当地的丑陋。( )
  45. Which of the following are the features and requirements for a scientific report? ( )。
  46. What are the features of diction and sentences in “Ships in the Desert”? ( )。
  47. What do we know about Churchill after reading this speech? ( )。
  48. What are the essential features of Mark Twain’s time? ( )。
  49. What do you think of the factors for Twain’s success in writing? ( )。
  50. Which of the following verbs with the meaning of “紧张、忐忑、不安” in Chinese?( )。
  51. What do you read novels for?( )。
  52. Which of the following is Twain’s work? ( )
  53. Which of the following shows the limitation of the author of “Ships in the Desert”? ( )
  54. How can we understand “矛盾“ in a novel? ( )。
  55. What are the key features and requirements of a narration?( )。
  56. What are the techniques for a successful description?( )。
  57. Which of the following methods the writer used in “Ships in the Desert”? ( )。
  58. Which of the following rhetoric are used in mother’s language in“Everyday Use for Your Grandmama”? ( )。
  59. What are the techniques for the portrait of characters in a novel? ( )。
  60. How does the writer push his theme about the liveliness of the city of Hiroshima?( )。
  61. Why is Twain recognized as the mirror of America? ( )。
  62. What are the differences of Dee and Maggie in“Everyday Use for Your Grandmama” ? ( )。
  63. What did the writer see in the out of the railway station in “Hiroshima ---- the Liveliest City in Japan”?( )。
  64. Which of the following words has the meaning of “丑陋、恐怖“ ? ( )。
  65. Which of the following is not the symbol for Japanese tradition?( )。
  66. What does it mean by “ride it out”( )。
  67. Which is the most negative word for “胖“ ?( )。
  68. Which of the following features is not for Ogilvie’s language?( )。
  69. Which of the following methods is not used when having a portrait of Maggie? ( )。
  70. Which of the following specific verb is the weakest when expressing “折断“?( )。
  71. Which of the following statement is not true about the mother in “Everyday Use for Your Grandmama”? ( )。
  72. Which of the following verb is the most general in use? ( )。
  73. Which of the following specific verb is the strongest when expressing “抖、震“( )。
  74. Which of the following statement is false about the cigar in “Blackmail”?( )。
  75. Which of the following is not the real reason for the ugliness of this region? ( )。
  76. Which specific verb is supposed to choose when translating “拍案而起”( )。
  77. Which is the first mental stage of human beings in the narration of “Face to Face with Hurricane Camille”?( )。
  78. What is the writing style of “Hiroshima --- the Liveliest City in Japan”?( )。
  79. What figure of speeches is used in the sentence :”The pen is mightier than pickax.”( )。
  80. Which of the following statement is true about the Duke in “Blackmail”?( )。
  81. Which state the city of Las Vegas belong to in United States( )。
  82. What is the original nationality of the author of “Blackmail”?( )。
  83. Which of the following features is not for Duchess of Croydon’s language?( )。
  84. Which of the following is not for “焦虑不安”?( )。
  85. What are the different attitudes of Churchill toward different nations? ( )。
  86. What sentence structures are helpful and effective for showing power in a political speech? ( )。
  87. Which of the following are the features and requirements for a political speech? ( )。
  88. 丘吉尔在1945年二战临近结束时在全民选举中失利,失去了首相宝座,也拒绝了“伦敦公爵”的头衔。希特勒是全民公投选举出的战争恶魔,丘吉尔也是在全民公投中惨遭背叛的忠烈之臣。这些事实暴露了西方民主制度的两大缺陷。一方面,候选人与其说要具备深厚的政治经验,或者强大的军事、外交、经济能力,还不如说是全凭一张嘴和高超的话术,只要口才漂亮、精于演讲,即使无才无德、极不靠谱也无所谓,一时的“忽悠”能吸引选票就是最好的成功,承担不了国家前途和民族命运的责任。另一方面,从选民角度,他们只看重一人一票的程序化、形式化的民主,只看到专政和独裁就是最大的敌人,只要被忽悠好了,选票投出去了,只要选举过程合法,选举结果就合法,至于他们是否具备真正的能力和格局,着眼国家发展,或者只代表一小部分人的利益,使广大人民陷入更深重的剥削,甚至带着国家误入歧途、甚至陷入战争,都无从追究。这就是真实又深刻的“西方民主之殇”!( )
  89. What are the features of diction and sentences in this passage? ( )。
  90. What techniques are used in this passage? ( )。
  91. Which of the following methods the writer used in this passage? ( )。
  92. 本文作者即具有前瞻性,同时也具有局限性。前瞻性体现在这篇科研报告既基于事实,又有大胆预测,是客观与主观的结合,作者观点前瞻、提出危机意识,态度鲜明、批评犀利。作者的局限性体现在时代和作者身份两个方面:时代的局限性决定了在21-23段中,本应该来到解决问题的阶段,作者却还是将解决之道局限在主观的思维层面,没有落实到行动,并对解决环境和生态问题,抱有消极的态度;而作者美国政客的身份,也使其在讨论全球性的环境生态问题的时候,替美国粉饰、遮掩;对中国情况认识的浅薄也体现了其政治短视。 ( )
  93. Which of the following stages can we found in his life? ( )。
  94. What is the value of river life for Twain’s writing? ( )。
  95. 吐温早期文学作品,因为忠于人民的写作立场,坚持描写当时美国人民真实的生活,刻画真实的角色,使用人民的语言、反应人民先驱、冒险的精神,从而获得了巨大的成功。但是吐温也曾真实反映美国因经济发展而产生的心理膨胀,迎合了美国对英国从文化仰视走向文化鄙视的过程。吐温作为作家的成熟与独立,反应在摆脱名利的困扰,回归到为人民写作的立场。晚年时期的吐温因为看到美国一味追逐利益价值观的错误,表达了对民族前途潜在的担忧和对时代政治的批评,创作内容和风格逐渐由轻松幽默转为深邃的思考和犀利的批判,却因此遭到读者的抛弃。( )
  96. 客观性并不是描写性文体的必然特征,描写可以是主观的,本文作者Henry Menchen 将美国从匹兹堡市到格林斯堡市铁路沿线所展现出来的丑陋描绘的淋漓尽致,营造了一个生动细致、真实可信的主观印象,这里建筑抽、人丑、外在丑、内在丑、精神丑,丑陋的根源在于这个民族一味逐利、利欲熏心的错误、虚妄的底层价值观。 ( )
  97. Which of the following techniques the writer used in this writing? ( )。
  98. Which of the following words has the meaning of “丑陋、恐怖”in Chinese ? ( )。
  99. How does the writer make a general impression of ugliness for readers? ( )。
  100. Dee接受过良好的教育,语言高雅,改换名字看似为非洲人民代言,发型前卫彰显叛逆和斗争的姿态,看似展现“人权女战士”的形象。然而从情感的角度,她对房子的痛恨,对母亲和妹妹的嫌弃、对承载家族情感的用家什的厌弃,极力挣脱贫困的出身,都展现其极度虚荣,对家庭情感的背叛;从民族文化的角度,她这次回家的主要意图是掠夺、对日用家什的展示,代表着将黑人传统文化的评价权交到白人手中,是最深层的自我否认和对民族的背叛。所以Dee 这个角色的实质是“人权伪战士”! ( )
  101. What are the differences of Dee and Maggie ? ( )。
  102. Which of the following rhetoric are used in mother’s language? ( )。
  103. How can we understand the character of mother in the novel?( )。
  104. 小说作品中,表层矛盾体现为人物与人物之间的矛盾,深层矛盾体现为某个特定人物内在的矛盾,底层矛盾体现为作家对时代、社会和人性的观察与探讨,矛盾是具有普遍性和必然性的,故事与情节的发展和结局其实上三种矛盾合力推导的必然结局,体现作者对社会的态度和对人性的理解。 ( )
  105. 如何判断文中的”Duchess”是女公爵而不是公爵夫人? ( )。
  106. What did the writer see in the out of the railway station ?( )。
  107. 本文是美国作家塑造的活力日本、活力广岛的形象,作者的主旨“活力”,主要是指日本人选择忘却历史、放下仇恨的豁达态度,面向未来、化敌为友的超然智慧;然而实质上,这是将日本包装成资本主义政治和自由市场经济的活招牌,用以炫耀美国扶植下的日本战后恢复和经济发展速度,用“抱得一手好大腿”的日本来吸引更多可能患上“软骨病”的国家和政府。( )
  108. What does the writer want the readers to believe after reading this passage?( )。
  109. Which clue do you think is the more emphasized in this narration?( )。
  110. What techniques are used in this narration?( )。
  111. Which of the following verbs with the meaning of “拍” in Chinese?( )。
  112. 本文主旨赞颂了人类在飓风面前的勇气,灾难之后重建生活的乐观豁达、珍惜生命、重塑自我的智慧;同时也批评了人在自然灾难面前表现的无知、侥幸、忘记教训的本性。( )
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