

  1. Is it correct to say “the 10th storey of the building”?

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. John Muir helped to establish Yosemite National Park.

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Wallstreet is the leading financial center of the world

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. The air control system is based on radar, which means fewer planes can take to the skies.

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. Steve Jobs is a hybrid of a geek and a hacker.

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. In contrast to agriculture, horticulture does not include large-scale crop production.

  12. A:错 B:对

  13. Manhattan Bridge is a single-deck bridge

  14. A:错 B:对

  15. Boston Tea Party helped spur the American revolution war.

  16. A:对 B:错

  17. In New York City, drivers who "block the box" are subject to a moving violation that comes with a US$90.00 penalty.

  18. A:对 B:错

  19. Of all the energy we find in the natural world, by far the most powerful is the sun.

  20. A:对 B:错

  21. Brooklynite means the residents living in Brooklyn.

  22. A:对 B:错

  23. Segregation is the official practice of keeping people of different sexes, races, or religions apart.

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. People use hay to feed all these cattle.

  26. A:对 B:错

  27. The serious drawback of wind power is that wind is very volatile.

  28. A:错 B:对

  29. It is a battle between the customers and the marketing people.

  30. A:对 B:错

  31. John Muir is a conservationist.

  32. A:对 B:错

  33. Tesla decided to allow its technology patents to be used by anyone in good faith.

  34. A:对 B:错

  35. Biodiversity is one of the reasons that atrract so many visitors to Yellow Stone National Park.

  36. A:对 B:错

  37. Boston Trinity Church belongs to one of the landmarks of Boston.

  38. A:错 B:对

  39. We won't run out of coal, oil and natural gas.

  40. A:错 B:对

  41. What does "road warrior" mean?

  42. A:喜欢旅行的人 B:驾驶熟练的司机 C:商旅达人 D:路上的勇士

  43. "wash down sth. with sth." means ___.

  44. A:喝… B:用…冲服… C:用…冲洗…

  45. Initials D and C in Washington D.C. refer to ______.

  46. A:District Columbus B:District Colony C:District Columbia D:District Colonia

  47. What is Montana called?

  48. A:Golden State B:Big Sky Country C:Land of Opportunity D:Sunshine State

  49. Why did many people go to California in the 18th century?

  50. A:To go sightseeing. B:To provide aids. C:To get foods. D:To get gold.
    AI参考:D:To get gold.在18世纪,许多人前往加利福尼亚的原因是为了寻找金矿。当时,这个地区被认为是可能有金矿的地区,吸引了大量的冒险家和淘金者前来寻找财富。其他选项中,观光、提供医疗援助、获取食物都不是当时人们前往加利福尼亚的主要原因。因此,正确答案是D:为了寻找金矿。'
  51. The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the Louisiana territory by the United States from ___ in 1803.

  52. A:France B:Germany C:Italy D:Britain

  53. What makes Daytona Beach a mecca for motorsports?

  54. A:The beautiful scenery B:The hard-packed sand C:The ocean D:The coastline

  55. The Golden Gate connects the San Francisco Bay to ____.

  56. A:Pacific Ocean B:Atlantic Ocean C:Arctic Ocean D:Indian Ocean

  57. Which of the following is renewable source?

  58. A:Natural Gas B:Methane gas C:Coal D:Nuclear power
    AI参考:正确答案是【D:Nuclear power】。核能是一种可再生的能源,其利用方式包括核裂变和核聚变,核能可以持续产生能量,而不会产生污染和废弃物。相比之下,天然气、甲烷气和煤炭都是非可再生的能源,它们的使用会产生大量的废气和废弃物,对环境造成破坏。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  59. Where did all national rail lines end?

  60. A:Washington. B:New York. C:Chicago. D:Los Angles.

  61. The National Road was the first major improved highway funded by the ___ government

  62. A:county B:federal C:municipal D:state

  63. What kind of bridge is the Brooklyn Bridge?

  64. A:suspension bridge B:arch bridge C:beam bridge D:cable-strayed bridge

  65. What does "by no stretch of the imagination" mean?

  66. A:想象得到 B:再怎么说(想)也不 C:想象力无边 D:通过想象
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:再怎么说(想)也不】。句子中的"by no stretch of the imagination"是一个固定表达,意思是“无论如何也不”,表示否定的意思。因此,选项B“再怎么说(想)也不”符合句子的意思。选项A、C、D都不符合句子的意思。'
  67. Which city is called the great city of winds and fire?

  68. A:Chicago B:Philadelphia C:Boston D:Seattle

  69. What are Nevada's transportation specialists doing to ease the traffic pressure?

  70. A:By using technology B:By building new roads C:By raising the oil price D:By selling fewer cars

  71. How to get the coal where it needs to go?

  72. A:By plane. B:By ship. C:By train. D:By truck.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:By ship。问题中询问的是如何将煤炭运送到需要的地方,飞机是空中运输工具,无法完成此任务,而卡车主要是用来运送固体和液体等货物,不包括煤炭。火车相对稳定可靠,但也只能在少数特定的场景中使用,相对来说船是使用最为广泛的运煤工具。因此答案为B。'
  73. Which of the following does not belong to American road net?

  74. A:Interstate Highway B:State Highway C:US Railway D:US Highway
    AI参考:正确答案是C:US Railway。美国公路网包括州际公路、州道、高速公路和美国公路,但是铁路不属于美国公路网。因此,选项C是不属于美国公路网的。'
  75. The National Road is to connecting Potamac River and ___ River.

  76. A:Colorado River B:Columbia River C:Mississippi River D:Ohio River
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Ohio River。根据题干中的关键词“The National Road is to connecting Potamac River and ___ River”,可以判断答案应该是连接Potomac河和另一个河流的公路。根据常识可知,连接Potomac河的公路通常与连接俄亥俄河的公路有关,因此选项D是正确答案。选项A和B都位于美国西部,与题目中的Potomac河不符;选项C虽然也位于美国,但是它是大西洋沿岸的河流,也不符合题目要求。因此,答案为D。'
  77. Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, and founding father who served as _____ president of the United States

  78. A:3rd B:4th C:2nd D:5th
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:2nd】。根据题目中的描述,Thomas Jefferson是一位美国政治家、律师、建筑师和建国者,他担任过美国总统。题目中给出的选项中,只有C选项“2nd”符合题意,表示他担任的是第二任美国总统。因此,正确答案为C。'
  79. What does "fun run" mean?

  80. A:马拉松式长跑 B:趣味长跑 C:公益长跑 D:创意长跑
    AI参考:正确答案是B:趣味长跑。根据题目中的描述“fun run”,可以判断这是一项有趣的、有乐趣的长跑活动,因此选项B“趣味长跑”最符合题意。选项A“马拉松式长跑”虽然也是长跑,但不够有趣;选项C“公益长跑”是指公益活动中的长跑,与题目中的“fun run”不符;选项D“创意长跑”则比较抽象,不够具体。因此,正确答案是B。'
  81. The Bay Bridge connects two cities, respectively____.

  82. A:Oakland B:San Francisco C:Chicago D:New York
    AI参考:正确选项为B: San Francisco。根据题目中的描述,“The Bay Bridge connects two cities, respectively_____”,这句话的意思是“海湾大桥连接了两个城市,分别(各)是______”。根据常识和地理位置关系,只有B选项San Francisco符合描述,因为海湾大桥连接的是旧金山和奥克兰两个城市。A选项Oakland是美国加利福尼亚州的一个城市,不是题干中所提到的连接的城市;C选项Chicago是另一个城市,也与题目描述不符;D选项New York与题目无关。因此,正确答案是B。'
  83. How have the prairies and pastures of America become the most productive and the most efficient food machine the world has ever seen?

  84. A:Limited resources B:Industrial revolution C:Development of technology
    AI参考:答案为C:Development of technology。根据文章描述,美国的草原和牧场之所以成为世界上最高产、最有效的粮食机器,是因为科技的发展,而并非是有限的资源(A错)、工业革命(B错)等其他因素。因此,答案为C。'
  85. ______ and ______ once served as the rectors of University of Virginia.

  86. A:Theodore Roosevelt B:Thomas Jefferson C:James Madison D:Franklin Roosevelt
    AI参考:正确选项为【B:Thomas Jefferson】。根据题目中的描述,选项中只有Thomas Jefferson曾经担任过弗吉尼亚大学的校长,因此B选项是正确答案。其他选项Theodore Roosevelt(西奥多·罗斯福)、James Madison(詹姆斯·麦迪逊)和Franklin Roosevelt(富兰克林·罗斯福)均未在题目中提到他们曾担任过弗吉尼亚大学的校长。'
  87. Which of the following parks are the urban parks of America?

  88. A:The Yellowstone B:Central park C:Necklace Chain Park D:Prospect Park

  89. Which of the following ecpressions mean “电力中断”、“崩溃”?

  90. A:Crash down B:Power outage C:Blackout D:Cutting-edge

  91. The architect of the Brooklyn Bridge Washington Roebling was paralyzed because of___

  92. A:Caisson Disease B:The Bends C:Decompression Disease D:Infection

  93. Which of the following is true anout Telsa?

  94. A:In 2014, Tesla decided to allow its technology patents to be used by anyone in good faith. B:Part of Tesla’s company ethos is to make everything in the factory pristine and clean. C:It was started in Detroit.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Part of Tesla’s company ethos is to make everything in the factory pristine and clean。原文中提到"Part of Tesla’s company ethos is to make everything in the factory pristine and clean",意思是特斯拉公司的一部分企业文化是让工厂里的所有东西都保持干净整洁。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A和C在原文中没有提到,因此是错误的。'
  95. What can people see from the tunnel view?

  96. A:Bridalveil Fall B:Cathedral Rocks C:Half Dome D:El Capitan
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Half Dome。从隧道视角可以看到Half Dome,这是Yosemite国家公园的标志性景观之一。Bridalveil Fall、Cathedral Rocks、El Capitan也是Yosemite的著名景点,但它们不能从隧道视角看到。'
  97. What inventions occcured along the Boston Post Road?

  98. A:wine-trade B:milestone C:all-in-one tavern D:newspaper

  99. What are the identities of Thomas Jefferson he wrote in his own epitaph?

  100. A:The third president of the United States B:Author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom C:Father of the University of Virginia D:Author of the Declaration of Independence

  101. The term “parkway” was coined by designers as a landscaped road built expressly for___

  102. A:pleasure-riding B:releasing driving pressure C:access to parks D:relaxing

  103. Which of the following is true anout Thoreau?

  104. A:In his works, we can often read his close observation of the nature, personal experience and symbolic meanin B:Solitude, nature, and writing are his best friends. C:His essay Civil Disobedience later influenced the political thoughts and actions of such notable figures as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:His essay Civil Disobedience later influenced the political thoughts and actions of such notable figures as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.。文中提到他的散文《反抗》后来影响了诸如甘地和马丁·路德·金等著名人物的政治思想和行动,因此选项C是正确的。选项A和B并没有直接涉及到梭罗的作品或者他的思想,因此不正确。'
  105. What does it need for California's food machine to work on the scale it does?

  106. A:High reward. B:Vast resources. C:Monumental infrastructure.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Monumental infrastructure.】 原文中提到“Californias food machine”,可以推断出这里是在讨论加利福尼亚州的食品生产系统,需要巨大的基础设施才能达到其规模。选项C中的“monumental infrastructure”恰好符合这个意思,因此是正确答案。选项A中的“high reward”和选项B中的“vast resources”虽然也是食品生产系统需要的东西,但不够全面,因此不是正确答案。"
  107. Which of the following parks belong to the national park category?

  108. A:The Yellowstone Park B:Central park C:Prospect Park D:Great Canyon

  109. Which of the following bridges do not cross the East River in New York?

  110. A:Manhattan Bridge B:Bay Bridge C:Golden Gate Bridge D:Brooklyn Bridge
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Golden Gate Bridge】。选项中只有C:Golden Gate Bridge是不跨越纽约东河的桥梁,Manhattan Bridge(曼哈顿大桥)和Brooklyn Bridge(布鲁克林大桥)都跨越了纽约东河,而Bay Bridge(海湾大桥)虽然名字中有“Bay”,但是实际上是跨越纽约市以外的地方。因此,答案为C。'
  111. Which of the following are special aviation passengers mentioned in this video clip?

  112. A:Dead bodies B:Prisoners and illegal aliens C:Regular passengers D:Road warriors
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Regular passengers】。在视频片段中并未提及任何特殊的航空乘客,因此选项A、B、D都与视频内容不符。只有选项C中的“Regular passengers”(普通乘客)在视频中有所提及。'
  113. Which of the following buildings are located in Chicago?

  114. A:John Hancock Center B:432 Park Avenue C:One World Trade Center D:Lake Point Tower

  115. Which of the following stock exchanges are located on Wallstreet?

  116. A:London Stock Exchange B:New York Stock Exchange C:NASDAQ D:American Stock Exchange
    AI参考:正确选项为B:New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所)。Wallstreet是美国著名的股票交易所聚集地,而选项B的New York Stock Exchange就是位于Wallstreet的股票交易所之一。其他选项中,A选项的London Stock Exchange位于英国,C选项的NASDAQ是美国的一家电子交易市场,D选项的American Stock Exchange现已并入NYSE(纽约证券交易所)中。因此,这三个选项都不在Wallstreet。'
  117. What are the two main ways of handling the traffic?

  118. A:Building new ways B:Raising the oil price C:Using technology D:Reducing the number of cars

  119. Which of the following places got their names under the influence of Dutch.

  120. A:The Bronx B:Broadway C:Brooklyn D:Wall Street
    AI参考:正确选项为:C:Brooklyn。原因:选项中只有C的Brooklyn名字受到荷兰的影响,因为它是在1655年被荷兰人用Brouwershaven的名字命名。而其他选项如The Bronx(布朗克斯)、Broadway(百老汇)和Wall Street(华尔街)的名字都与荷兰无关。因此,只有C选项符合题意。'
  121. With the oil price going up high in the global market, our attention is once again drawn by the energy problem. We have to admit that we're facing a new round of energy crisis.

    Currently, as the industry and agriculture develop so fast, the consumption of energy such as oil, gases or coals is dramatically increasing. On one hand, energy are urgently needed for the economic development. On the other hand, limited and unrecoverable energy, especially fossil fuels like oil and coals, cannot offer us adequate supply. How long could the oil be used has been a controversy among the experts. Some think the store of the oil can only maintain for thirty or forty years. But some other experts who hold an optimistic attitude believe that the oil we have now are enough to support us for as long as one or two hundred years. Despite whether these opinions are true or not, for one thing we are sure is the situation of energy we're facing is becoming worse and worse. The crisis has already come. So we must face it and try to solve it, because we really dread to think what would happen if one day we lived without energy.

    Though we are aware of the energy crisis's coming, how to handle it becomes another tough problem. Nowadays, many countries are trying develop new types of energy which are clean and recyclable, for example, solar energy, nuclear energy and wind power. We hope, in the near future, these would be the substitute for the fossil fuels. In addition, another important means is to improve the efficiency of using oil and to avoid extra waste during the process of refinement. Meanwhile, educating people to save energy is also necessary.

     Altogether, it is a movement that needs everyone's participation, for energy has such a close relationship with our daily life. So, come on everybody, it's time for us to save ourselves from the energy crisis.

  122. AI参考:26. The writer mentions the high price of oil in the global market to ________.A. draw people's attention to the importance of energy conservationB. introduce a new energy crisisC. attract more readers to buy this bookD. express concern about the increasing use of fossil fuels正确答案是:D. express concern about the increasing use of fossil fuels。文章中提到,由于石油价格在市场上飙升,我们的注意力再次被能源问题所吸引。由此可知,作者提到了石油价格的原因是为了表达对化石燃料日益增长使用的担忧。因此,答案为D。27. According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?A. Oil is a renewable resource that can be used indefinitely.B. The world is facing a new round of energy crisis.C. We can use nuclear energy to solve the energy crisis.D. Developing new types of energy is the only way to solve the energy crisis.正确答案是:B. The world is facing a new round of energy crisis.文章中提到,随着工业和农业的快速发展,石油、天然气和煤炭等能源的消耗量急剧增加,这说明世界正在面临新一轮的能源危机。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A、C、D在文章中没有提到或是不正确的。28. According to the passage,the author suggests that _______.A. we should use more renewable energyB. we should use less fossil fuelsC. we should educate people to save energyD. we should use nuclear energy to solve the energy crisis正确答案是:C. we should educate people to save energy作者建议我们教育人们节约能源,因此答案为C。在文章的最后一段中,作者提到了“教育人们节约能源是必要的”,并且“教育每个人参与这项运动也是非常重要的”。因此,教育人们节约能源是解决能源危机的一种有效方式。29. Which sentence is supported by evidence?A. "Some think the store of the oil can only maintain for thirty or forty years."B. "We hope, in the near future, these would be the substitute for the fossil fuels."C. "Some experts think that there will be no more oil in 50 years."D. "Some countries are working on alternative energy sources."正确答案是:B. "We hope,in the near future,these would be the substitute for the fossil fuels."在文章中提到,许多国家正在努力开发可再生能源和替代能源,以减少对化石燃料的依赖。因此,可以得出结论:希望在不久的将来,这些可再生能源将成为化石燃料的替代品。选项B提供了支持这一结论的证据。因此,答案是B。30. The passage mainly discusses _______.A. the importance of energy conservation and alternative energy sourcesB. the problems and solutions of energy crisisC. the future of renewable energy sources and their applicationsD. how to improve the efficiency of using fossil fuels and reducing waste正确答案是:A. the importance of energy conservation and alternative energy sources文章主要讨论了节能和可再生能源的重要性,并强调了我们需要参与这个运动来应对能源危机。因此,答案为A。文章中还提到了如何提高石油的使用效率、避免浪费以及教育人们节约能源等措施。'
  123. A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a technology that allows communication between a human or animal brain and an external technology. This term can refer to an interface that takes signals from the brain to an external piece of hardware, or a technology that sends signals to the brain. Various different brain-computer interface technologies have been developed at different times, through different methods and for diverse purposes, including in virtual reality technology.

    A brain-computer interface may also be known as a brain-machine interface, a direct neural interface or a mind-machine interface.

    Some of the earliest brain-computer interface technologies simply recorded signals from the brain. More modern BCI technologies are designed as implants that will improve on skills associated with certain brain activities, such as vision, hearing or other human or animal functions. A range of these devices, called neuroprosthetics, have been developed and are in use around the world as a functional means of assisting human capabilities.

    Another type of brain-computer interface that is still theoretical relates to the pursuit and construction of artificial intelligence, where technology is designed to imitate human intelligence. Brain-computer interfaces have been studied as a possible means toward a process called "the singularity," which is the theoretical creation of technologies that are more intelligent than humans. It has been suggested that users could "upload" an entire human brain to a theoretical type of brain-computer interface that would completely replicate its function, allowing a human to live on in terms of brain function, without a human body. These and other similar theories continue to drive interest in developing more powerful and sophisticated brain-computer interfaces that can more completely receive a model of high-level human brain activity or intelligence.

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