第五章 Back propagation neural network:Back propagation neural network5.1BP neural network architecture:BP neural network architecture
5.2BP algorithm principles:BP algorithm principles
5.3BP Example:BP Example
5.4Application case I:Application case I
5.5Application case II:Application case II
5.6Application case Ⅲ:Application case Ⅲ
[单选题]The output of BP neural network is ( )of neural network.

选项:[the input of the last layer
, the input of the second layer
, the output of the last layer, the output of the second layer]
[单选题]BP neural network has become one of the most representative algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence. It has been widely used in signal processing, pattern recognition, machine control (expert system, data compression) and other fields. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In 1974, Paul Werbos of the natural science foundation of the United States first proposed the use of error back propagation algorithm to train artificial neural networks in his doctoral dissertation of Harvard University, and deeply analyzed the possibility of applying it to neural networks, effectively solving the XOR loop problem that single sensor cannot handle. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In the standard BP neural network algorithm and momentum BP algorithm, the learning rate is a constant that remains constant throughout the training process, and the performance of the learning algorithm is very sensitive to the selection of the learning rate. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]L-M algorithm is mainly proposed for super large scale neural network, and it is very effective in practical application. ( )

选项:[错, 对]

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