1. The goals that are often used to guide an organization's tactical decisions are long-term goals( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Non - procedural decision - makers are mainly technical experts( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. In management decisions, the economics of the decisions themselves are usually not considered.( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. It is generally believed that the strategic goal of a for-profit organization is the long-term goal of maximizing the wealth of the owners (usually shareholders) of the organization.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. No goal, no decision.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The policy guidance matrix approach was developed by the Boston Consulting Group.( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Decision-making technology plays a role in decision making.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. The purpose of a company is to make a profit.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Nominal group technology is not part of collective decision-making( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. What factors affect business processes in industries such as automobiles?( )

  20. 答案:new technology###competitor actions###new legislation###cost cutting exercise
  21. Which of the following is a factor to consider when choosing a financing option?( )

  22. 答案:Other options are correct
  23. "Star" businesses require less capital to invest( )
  24. The optimal principle is not a characteristic of progressive decision models( )
  25. Employee selection is based on skills and abilities, rather than applying to a unique task.( )
  26. In modern organizations, decisions are often made by individuals.( )
  27. Organizations must be careful to ensure that the website style, quality, and commercial offer are consistent with existing brands when conducting branding on the website that is exactly the same as elsewhere.( )
  28. There are some risks in e-procurement, including technical risks and organizational risks.( )
  29. The budget may be top-down or bottom-up.( )
  30. The supervisory information system is an "organizational status reporting system" and also an "interpersonal communication system".( )
  31. The company has a very advanced IS/IT system that can flexibly respond to orders while maintaining a low-cost basis.( )
  32. The most general description of e-commerce is trading on the Internet, buying and selling products and services online.( )
  33. The issues involved in a decision are generally related to the future.( )
  34. Effective decision-making requires creativity and innovation.( )
  35. A high degree of monopoly tends to make the organization form a production-oriented business philosophy.( )
  36. The era of absolute transparency and algorithmic decision-making is coming fast and will change people's lives.( )
  37. For "lean dog" businesses, companies should shrink or give up( )
  38. What is Corporate governance?( )
  39. Which of the following is a research and cognitivism explanation of business ethics and organization?( )
  40. Which of the following is a type of enterprise process?( )
  41. What are the main factors that affect the feasibility of making any changes to existing document storage?( )
  42. What are the stages that visitors need to go through when using online services?( )
  43. What are the key leadership traits?( )
  44. What are the stages of the project life cycle?( )
  45. What are the methods of job design?( )
  46. What are the marketing activities involved in CRM?( )
  47. What are the advantages of implementing cost leadership strategy?( )
  48. What are the main characteristics of the e-commerce market?( )
  49. In the process of enterprise business management,Corporate strategy design can be( )。
  50. In decision making, its decision function is( )
  51. What are the advantages of related diversification?( )
  52. What are the disadvantages of unrelated diversification?( )
  53. 企业战略目标的具体表型形式我们常用SMART来表示,其中T代表( )
  54. Are the objectives of stakeholders the same as those of the business?( )
  55. ()try to simplify the flow of the process,eliminating duplication and redundancy.( )
  56. What should be considered for the external development of enterprise strategic choice?( )
  57. Which of the following is not one of the four ways of working design?( )
  58. What are the aspects of flexible work arrangements?( )
  59. Strategy part includes three areas,excluding ( )
  60. Which of the following is not a flexible work arrangement?( )
  61. 并购包括合并与( )
  62. Which of the following is not a key characteristic of leadership?( )
  63. Which of the following is the key issue for PM?( )
  64. What aspects of the project design include?( )
  65. What is the final stage of the project life cycle?( )
  66. In the marketing mix ,( )is the first one of Promotion.
  67. PESTILE represents six key words,and the T represents ( )
  68. 员工选择是基于技能和能力,而不是应用到一个独特的任务。( )
  69. Which of the following is a key leadership trait?( )
  70. Which of the following is not a key characteristic of leadership?( )
  71. 领导理论包括特质理论、行为理论等。( )
  72. Which aspects of human resource management include?( )
  73. Which of the following is the work design method?( )
  74. 以下属于衡量绩效的具体做法的是?( )
  75. Which of the following is a key factor in achieving value creation through strategic management?( )
  76. 融资策略应侧重于平衡股东面临的业务和财务风险。( )
  77. Finance can be a key factor in determining and implementing a successful strategy. What are the key issues?( )
  78. Which of the following is a factor to consider when choosing a financing option?( )
  79. 人们普遍认为,营利组织的战略目标是使组织所有者(通常是股东)财富最大化的长期目标。( )
  80. 在为新项目选择合适的资金来源时,属于企业面临的主要问题的有:如果需要从外部筹集资金,是债务还是股权?如果要使用外债或股权,应从何处以何种形式筹集?( )
  81. In terms of cash flow and liquidity, what risks must be managed?( )
  82. 慈善机构和工会等组织的运作不是为了盈利,而是为了让特定的人群受益。( )
  83. The core cost can be classified into several headings?( )
  84. 财务可能是确定和实施成功战略的关键因素。( )
  85. What is the first stage of the project life cycle?( )
  86. 以下哪个属于挑选项目的三个标准?( )
  87. Which of the following is the key issue for PM?( )
  88. What aspects of the project definition include?( )
  89. Which of the following is not part of the project delivery?( )
  90. 项目的最终结果是否满足客户的期望可以从哪些方面体现出来?( )
  91. What is the final stage of the project life cycle?( )
  92. Which of the following is not the responsibility of the project manager?( )
  93. Which of the following does not belong to the four phases of the project life cycle?( )
  94. 电子营销是利用电子技术进行的营销。( )
  95. E-marketing is marketing carried out using electronic technology. A number of techniques and technologies can be used,such as ?( )
  96. What are the effects of electronic methods on marketing in terms of promotion?( )
  97. What are the effects of electronic methods on marketing in terms of processes?( )
  98. What are the effects of electronic methods on marketing in terms of place?( )
  99. What are the main characteristics of the e-commerce market?( )
  100. 以下属于访客使用在线服务时,需要经历的阶段的是?( )
  101. 以下属于CRM涉及的营销活动的是?( )
  102. What are the organization’s options for how to deal with e-brands?( )
  103. Which of the following is not the category of e-commerce functions?( )
  104. 以下哪项不是大多数公司想要通过电子商务实现的目标?( )
  105. There are some risks in electronic procurement, including technical risks and organizational risks. ( )
  106. Why traditional values are criticized?( )
  107. Which of the following is not an obstacle to e-commerce that can be seen in the organization itself, its suppliers and customers?( )
  108. What activities are involved in the conversion of a product from one node to another?( )
  109. What goals do most companies use e-commerce to achieve?( )
  110. Which of the following is the category of e-commerce functions?( )
  111. 产品从一个节点到另一个节点的转换不包括以下哪个活动?( )
  112. Which of the following is not an obstacle to e-commerce can be seen in the organization itself, its suppliers and customers?( )
  113. Which of the following is an observation ’s advantage in gathering information to establish software choices?( )
  114. Which of the following is a written questions ’s advantage in gathering information to establish software choices?( )
  115. 以下哪种是采访方式在收集信息以确定软件选择方面时的优势?( )
  116. What are the aspects of bad business process reengineering?( )
  117. Which of the following is a questionnaires ’s advantage in gathering information to establish software choices?( )
  118. 在收集信息以选择软件时,以下哪项是原型的优势?( )
  119. Which of the following is a workshops ’s advantage in gathering information to establish software choices?( )
  120. Which of the following is a protocol analysis ’s advantage in gathering information to establish software choices?( )
  121. What are the disadvantages of outsourcing peripheral activities (such as training) to external companies?( )
  122. What are the advantages of outsourcing peripheral activities (such as training) to external companies?( )
  123. 从流程视角设计企业战略应考虑什么?( )
  124. 外包的缺点是什么?( )
  125. “考虑可能的解决方案并选择最佳方案”属于流程设计的哪一环节?( )
  126. ()start with a clean sheet of paper and question all assumptions.( )
  127. When we analyze a process or redesign a process we ask( )
  128. What are the types of business process change?( )
  129. Which of the following is an explanation of the organizational system?( )
  130. What are the advantages of outsourcing?( )
  131. Which of the following is input control?( )
  132. 战略控制的特征是什么?( )
  133. 从财政角度来看,企业的目标是什么?( )
  134. What are the characteristics of a Pro-centralisation enterprise structure?( )
  135. 组织内的组织结构关系表现为( )
  136. Which is the extension of the matrix structure?( )
  137. What are the characteristics of a Pro-decentralisation enterprise structure?( )
  138. What are the characteristics of fiscal control?( )
  139. Which of the following is part of Mintzberg's Goldeneye organization?( )
  140. Which of the following is not an element of enterprise configuration?( )
  141. 以下哪项不是企业创造价值的途径?( )
  142. 波特的具体战略安排包括哪个?( )
  143. Which of the following is a specific and objective form of enterprise strategy?( )
  144. The strategies need to be made sustainable by( )
  145. What are the advantages of focus strategy?( )
  146. What is not involved in corporate strategy at the business level?( )
  147. 以下哪项是利益相关者群体?( )
  148. What levels of organizational culture are involved?( )
  149. 企业的商业图景不包括以下哪项?( )
  150. What is the main purpose of the enterprise? ( )
  151. To whom does the socio-economic view hold the firm accountable?( )
  152. 米尔斯和斯诺认为企业是通过()来体现自己的文化高度的?( )
  153. To whom does the classical view hold the firm accountable?( )
  154. Among three levels of benchmarking,which one can improve competences in separate activities.( )
  155. Knowledge management includes different parts,excluding ( )
  156. In the following option,( )is not belong to the Ms Model.
  157. 目前大中城市餐饮中,消费者越来越倾向于有档次、有品味的餐馆,“物美价廉”已经不是人们就餐的首要选择。这是宏观环境中( )因素影响的表现。
  158. Which one is not belong to SWOT Analysis( )
  159. 若MP4产品得到消费者认同,预计需求会剧增,生产MP4厂商最应该考虑实施( )战略。
  160. In Product Life Cycle,which one is the third period( ).
  161. Cost efficiency in business can be improves by four main way,excluding( )
  162. 对于钢铁行业来说,最明显的竞争特征是( )
  163. In the following options,( )is not the reason of why we segment market or customer.
  164. The definitions of marketing can be divided into 3 parts,excluding( ).
  165. In the following options,the marketing mix excludes( ).
  166. We can segment not market according( ).
  167. In the following options,Corporate plans exclude( ).
  168. In customer analysis,small business tend to fall into( ).
  169. The key words of consumer goods exclude( )
  170. 在管理决策中,许多管理人员认为只要选取满意的方案即可,而无需刻意追求最优的方案。对于这种观点,你认为以下哪种解释最有说服力?( )
  171. Dynamics nature of competition excludes( ).
  172. 下列属于企业外部利益相关者的是( )
  173. The competitive advantage of nations Porter’s Diamond excludes( )
  174. IT on five forces excludes( )
  175. The key drivers of environment exclude( )
  176. In environmental issues,study guide includes three parts,excluding( )
  177. Poter’s 5 Forces exclude( )
  178. 环境保护主要包括六个因素,不包括以下( )
  179. Technological environment includes three parts,excluding( )
  180. 下列属于企业长期目标的是( )
  181. Strategic decisions are made under conditions of ( ).
  182. 本课程是从( )视角讲授企业经营战略。
  183. In the process of enterprise business management,Corporate strategy design can be( )
  184. The characteristics of strategy exclude( )
  185. The SMART of objectives,we know the S represents ( )
  186. Business Strategy includes five parts,excluding( )
  187. 一个好的企业的宗旨(使命宣言)主要包括四个方面的内容,其中不包括( )
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