第七章 How to Think Critically when Writing?:In this chapter, we will learn focus on “ How to Think Critically when Writing” by exploring from the following perspective: Knowing about the writing processes Understanding the common features of academic writing Critical analytical writing VS descriptive writing Reasoning Presenting arguments in logical orders Linking ideas together Proofreading out loud7.1Knowing about the writing processes:An important starting point for successful writing is finding your own way of doing it--your writing process. which consists of preparing, planning and drafting. Following these phases properly will enable you to write good essays.
7.2Understanding the common features of academic writing:Academic English is the genre of English we use for research or study in universities. A good piece of academic writing should demonstrate such features as complexity, formality, precision, objectiveness, explicitness, accuracy, caution and responsibility.
7.3Critical analytical writing VS descriptive writing:This section will introduce the distinction between critical and descriptive writing. What you need to remember is while a certain amount of description is necessary to set the context for your analysis, the main characteristic of academic writing is its critical element.
7.4What is an argument:This section focuses on the concept of arguments. What is an argument? What are the essential elements of an arguments? How can we make a simple argument? These questions will be answered.
7.5Structure of a critical essay:This section focuses on the basic structure of critical essays. How many parts are there in a critical essay? What should we write in each part? Look for answers in this section.
7.6Reasoning:This section focuses on the meaning and elements of reasoning. The connection and difference between reasons and evidence can be a difficult part that entails students’ extra efforts.
7.7Presenting arguments in logical orders:This section focuses on four reasoning patterns. Understanding the common elements underlying different reasoning patterns can be a difficult part that entails students’ extra efforts.
7.8Linking ideas together:Cohesion is important for academic writing. This section will introduce devices that can help achieve cohesion.
7.9Proofreading out loud:In this section, we will learn the strategy of proofreading by reading out loud. We will explore the issue by answering two questions: Why read out loud?How to read out loud?
[单选题]Which of the following is regarded as the wrong practice in reading aloud? 

选项:[Making marks at places where something sounds wrong., Letting your brain automatically smooth over mistakes. , Reading exactly what is on the printed page. , Pointing at each word with your finger.]
[单选题] In the preparation stage of academic writing the first thing you need to do is to ________.

选项:[choose a topic, determine a focus, talk to the teacher
, conduct extensive reading]
[多选题]What materials in the following can serve as evidence to support the thesis “this new teaching method has helped students learn more effectively and efficiently”?

选项:[Statistics showing that it takes less time for the same student to understand the target materials than he previously did of a similar piece of material., A contrast group that shows a student following the old teaching method not doing as well as the tested student.
, The causes behind this improvement of efficiency., Students’ own testimony.]
[单选题]The common idea that lies in the four patterns of reasoning mentioned in the lesson is that to make our reasoning convincing we should use both reasons and evidence.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In _______, you need to writing your general topic across the top of the page and then make a list of more specific ideas.

选项:[outlining, reviewing, brainstorming, proofreading]
[单选题]Reading aloud is the better proofreading strategy compared with silent reading. 

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Objectivity seems the hardest requirement of academic writing for students.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The students will definitely lose points because of grammatical errors in the essay.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Critical writing help set the background that the argument can be developed.

选项:[错, 对]

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