第一章 How to Study at the University?:In this chapter, we will focus on the following topics to enable you to have a better and more thorough understanding on study at the university: Understanding higher-level study Different types of teaching Knowing about different tasks in universities  Understanding study skills CREAM learning strategies Reflecting on your learning style  Conducting independent learning Becoming a good time manager1.1Understanding higher-level study:In this section, we will discuss the challenges of university life from the perspectives of learning, teaching style, learning community, people and campus life.
1.2Different types of teaching:In the previous section,we have already learned there will be different teaching methods in higher education. Likewise, we will find different patterns of assignment: presentations,reading and writing.
1.3Knowing about Different Learning Tasks in Universities:The term “study skills” include a wider range of abilities that enable achievement in your studies. Four categories of skills:Self-management skills for study; Academic skills (Basic research skills, Thinking skills, Understanding academic conventions, Writing and other communication skills); People skills for studying with others; Task management skills.
1.4What are study skills?:In this section, we will discuss different types of teaching. The teaching methods or the delivery formats might include lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials, practical or laboratory classes, problem-solving classes, group work and collaborative learning.
1.5C.R.E.A.M Learning Strategies:The C. R. E. A. M strategy is a general principle which encourages you to stop, think and reflect on ways of improving the way you learn constantly and help to make you study effectively and productively.
1.6Reflecting on your learning style:Reflecting on your learning stylesThis section introduces four types of learning to help learners reflect on their learning preferences and make full use of appropriate learning strategies to improve self-efficacy and learning efficiency.
1.7Conducting independent learning:The section gives the definition of independent learning, and explains why independent learning is very important for the university students. In order to help students to achieve academic success, the instructor suggests some helpful strategies to promote independent learning. Finally in conclusion we get to know three factors---the self-driven motivation, informed choices and share of responsibility---can help students become a problem-solver, an effective time-manager and a lifelong learner.
1.8Becoming a good time manager:In this section, we are going to discuss how to manage your time to improve your academic performance. We will examine different forms of procrastination and discuss time management strategies to help you adjust how you think about time, improve your awareness of how you use time, and make change for peak performance.
[单选题]The CREAM strategy involves being creative, reflective, efficient, active and modest.

选项:[对, 错]
[多选题]Which of the following statements indicate the feature of university learning?

选项:[The students are encouraged to explore by themselves or in groups., The students conduct more independent study., The students meet people from different cultures.
, The students will be taught with a variety of teaching methods.]
[多选题] To make sure that you can feel confident of delivering a professional presentation that suits your style, you need to make 3 Ps------they are __________.

选项:[posturing, planning, practicing, preparing]
[多选题]The common types of reading assignment in the university include______.

选项:[required reading , proofreading, recommended reading, extracurricular reading ]

  Which of the statements are true about VARK learning styles?

选项:[Reading/Writing learners prefer to take in information displayed as words and texts., Auditory learners learn best by hearing information., Visual learners learn best by using graphic displays and videos., Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by doing things.]
[单选题]The university study follows a circular pattern because of the fixed boundary of the knowledge.    

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The Time Matrix consists of 4 types of tasks categorized by priority level.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题] In order to overcome procrastination, students need to have realistic expectations and evaluate whether they have perfectionist tendencies in learning.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The students of arts tend to gather in larger groups in tutorials compared with those of science.   

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Reflective skills may have influence on students’ professional practice in higher education.  

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题] Which is NOT the meaning of the word“independent”?

选项:[autonomous      , Not relying on    , self-directed  , self-controlled ]

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