1.They hope to ( )(拼凑,拼合) the many possible scenarios of Mallory and Irvine's last day.
A:piece together B:cut to pieces
答案:AI参考:A. piece together B. cut to pieces\n正确答案是A. \n这句话的意思是:他们希望拼凑出马洛里和欧文最后一天的多种可能情景。piece together意为“拼凑,拼合”,符合句意。cut to pieces意为“把……弄成碎片”,不符合句意。因此,正确答案是A。'
2.It was a confusing, ( )(令人兴奋的) time, and in a sense I was blinded by the light of my success.
A:urgent and decisive B:exhilarating
答案:AI参考:题目描述了一个困惑且令人兴奋的时刻,并且在这个意义上,我被成功的光芒所蒙蔽。根据语境,可以确定答案为B:exhilarating(令人兴奋的)。urgent and decisive(紧急而果断的)不符合题意,而exhilarating则能够准确描述这个充满挑战和机遇的时刻。因此,正确答案是B。'
3.It was time to do the ( )(家务活), and still he had not come.
A:chores B:dishwashing
4.Growling, he ( )(冲出去) the snow, and a moment later, he had jumped upwards into the daylight.
A:blamed oneself for B:threw himself at
答案:AI参考:B:threw himself at。\n\n根据句意和选项可知,他冲出去,应该是主动地向前冲,而不是责备自己。因此,选项B“threw himself at”更符合语境。选项A“blamed oneself for”表示责备自己,不符合句意。所以正确答案是B:threw himself at。'
5.Tim hurried through the ( ) from pig barn to cattle shed.
A:downpour B:narrow path
答案:AI参考:单选题: Tim hurried through the ___ from pig barn to cattle shed. A:downpour B:narrow path\n答案:A\n解析:本题中的下大雨表示通过后置定语进行修饰限定对象,需要选用名词性物主代词进行替换。名词性物主代词主要用在形容词之后来限定所修饰词的属性,表示“…的…”之意。而narrow path是狭窄的小路的意思,不符合语境。因此,正确答案是A。'
6.A few minutes later we saw his ( )(暴怒的) red face above the wall on the far side of the field.
A:enraged B:keen
7.And that's exactly what I did this morning. It was a ( )(很简单的事).
A:cinch B:disgrace
8.Can you describe ( )(准确地) the faces of five good friends?
A:impressively B:accurately
9.An actor had to be ( )(多才多艺的).
A:experienced B:versatile
10.She was not merely thin but ( )(瘦骨嶙峋的).
A:nervous B:skeletal
11.Some buildings were ( )(年久失修的).
A:empty B:dilapidated

12.He was always ( )(勤奋的) in his studies.
A:Clever B:diligent 13.That ( )(不合谐的) sight was soon eclipsed by one of a gushing fire hydrant and phalanxes of neighbors pushing brooms to work the water and dirt down the street.
A:incongruous B:glorious 14.She knew she sounded old and ( )(易怒的) .
A:coarse B:crabby 15.My parents don't ( )(费心,费事) making up a lot of rules. But we do have to tell the truth-----even if it's bad, which it usually is.
A:oppose B:bother 16.When the fat man with a club called "red eyes", he was speaking to Buck with blood-shot eyes.( )
A:错 B:对 17.Keller thinks that if people live each day as if they should die tomorrow, most people would cherish each day.( )
A:错 B:对 18.《My Shadow》的最后一段中,“我”的小影子还没有起床因为It is the time before the sun was up.( )
A:对 B:错 19.Dorothy decided to move out, because she felt happy to leave the farm.( )
A:错 B:对 20.According to Helen Keller, thrilling stories with heroes having limited and specified time to live may set us appreciating the values of life better.( )
A:错 B:对 21.The first night in the north Buck slept with his masters.( )
A:对 B:错 22.According to Keller, those appreciating sight and hearing most are ones who are able to see and hear.( )
A:错 B:对 23.During the test the boy chose to sit next to Stanley Plummer because only Plummer would let him copy the correct answer.( )
A:对 B:错 24.Haley didn't accept the job with S6 000 a year because he wanted to be a full time writer.( )
A:对 B:错 25.I Ching, or Book of Changes, records what the ancients experienced with luck and divination.( )
A:对 B:错 26.A few years ago Tim suggested that Dorothy needn't bother to drive the tractor because she was getting old.( )
A:对 B:错 27.The previous night the family argued over where to plant the garden and Tim sided with his wife and Dorothy was unhappy.( )
A:错 B:对 28.The first time Toby met Will, he saw him was picking apples from Farmer Nash's orchard.( )
A:错 B:对 29.Tim's solution to the problem was to buy a second hand trailer house and let Dorothy live in it, close to them.( )
A:错 B:对 30.Atzel soon found that life in paradise was not as good as he had thought because life in paradise was very dull.( )
A:对 B:错 31.Haley thinks that writing is in fact a lonely, private and poor-paying affair.( )
A:对 B:错 32.Most people take life for granted because they think death is far in the future.( )
A:错 B:对 33.What Keller wished to see most is her teacher's face.( )
A:错 B:对 34.Some people don't like the number seven because It is associated with rituals to mourn someone's death.( )
A:对 B:错 35.Keller is delighted by the pageant of seasons in the woods through seeing.( )
A:错 B:对 36.We will need science, technology and professionalism, but most of all we will need to ________ our fears and cynicism. ( )
A:subdue B:subside C:subscribe D:submit 37.What the viewer receives from television is nothing but second-hand experience as he is completely ________ from the real world. ( )
A:cut in B:cut short C:cut off D:cut back 38.To pessimists, autumn is a season for sadness and ________, for life is so vulnerable to weather. ( )
A:worry B:lament C:concern D:complaint 39.Some scientists believe the work to ________ the human genetic code is no less important than the Apollo moon landing program. ( )
A:decipher B:contemplate C:avail D:translate 40.Global warming means warmer seas, which causes the corals to ________, where the creatures lose the symbiotic algae they need to survive. ( )
A:bleach B:vanish C:browse D:lighten 41.Patriotism is your ________ that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. ( )
A:compilation B:contemplation C:conviction D:revelation 42.Because the managers _______ farmers to be an inferior social class, they do not take the farmers’ demands seriously. ( )
A:loom B:teem C:doom D:deem 43.While these uncertainties ________ large, out of crises comes opportunity to realize a new decade of growth. ( )
A:loom B:zoom C:doom D:boom 44.Platonism promises immortality to the philosopher who meets death with equanimity and who ________ in the soul's liberation. ( )
A:contemplates B:laments C:rejoices D:encompasses 45.The pigeons, coming in by thousands, ________ everywhere, one above another, until solid masses … were formed on every three, in all directions. ( )
A:detained B:endured C:descended D:ascended 46.She has a unique, free spirit in charge of her own destiny, completely immune to the forces that attempt to ________ her. ( )
A:confuse B:confirm C:mark D:confine 47.Microsoft founder Bill Gates has become the target of a ________ theory linking him to the novel coronavirus because he foresaw the kind of devastation a pandemic could bring if world leaders didn't prepare five years ago.( )
A:capacity B:conspiracy C:footage D:celebrity 48.Rosie’s idyllic world came to an _______ end when her parents’ marriage broke up. ( )
A:absurd B:abrupt C:apt D:acute 49.Trying to ________ his study, Jim frowned at the noises from outside. ( )
A:concentrate on B:concentrate at C:concentrate with D:concentrate 50.It was then that the authors of all this ________ began their entry amongst the dead, the dying, and the torn.( )
A:devastation B:dilemma C:seclusion D:collision 51.I would like to ________ if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for students. ( )
A:acquire B:inquire C:squire D:require 52.The line between information and entertainment has never been as sharp as some intellectuals imagine, and it is becoming increasingly ________. ( )
A:blotted B:shaped C:blurred D:focused 53.To a Stoic, the human soul was a spark of the ________ fire, which shared the substance of God in some degree. ( )
A:secular B:temperate C:divine D:civil 54.There is not a culture on Earth that does not have music, and our brains are wired to ________ and be moved by its magic. ( )
A:approve B:appropriate C:apprehend D:anticipate 55.Benjamin Franklin believed that with his industry and frugality, he could change his ________.( )
A:dogma B:belief C:revelation D:destiny 56.Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers ________ upon this continent a new nation, conceived and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. ( )
A:brought out B:associated with C:brought forth D:turned over 57.You may imprison my body, actually could not ________ my soul. ( )
A:bitter B:better C:litter D:fetter 58.As typography once ________ the style of conducting politics, religion, business, education, law and other important social matters, television now takes command. ( )
A:depicted B:dictated C:indicated D:predicted 59.The Bank of Ireland Group is committed to providing web pages that are ________ to all our users, including users with disabilities. ( )
A:conceivable B:capable C:accessible D:compassable 60.A student must be acquainted with the wooden structure before he can ________ with the study of Chinese architecture. ( )
A:progress B:precede C:process D:proceed 61.When people get some time off, they usually indulge in their favorite _______. ( )
A:vices B:fancies C:virtues D:pastimes 62.A summary needs to be _________ and brief rather than too descriptive; so you don’t want to get too specific with details like numbers and dates.( )
A:concise B:implicit C:informed D:precise 63.________ school rules, the teacher asked him to wear his face mask when inside the building.( )
A:In midst of B:In accordance with C:Relative to D:In communication with 64.My brother-in-law ________ me to go back to Boston where my friends were all worried about me. ( )
A:warned B:asserted C:exhorted D:assured 65.The restaurant in which we ate that night had more people in it at 11pm, 51 more to be ________, than it did at 10pm. ( )
A:precise B:sensitive C:correct D:delicate 66.Going by his experiences of running hotels in Asia, Pavlakis believes service standards in Asian hotels are far _________ to that of those in other parts of the world.( )
A:amiable B:explicit C:equipped D:superior 67.The more self-knowledge we have, the more control we can ________ over our feelings and behaviour. ( )
A:extricate B:execute C:exert D:extirpate 68.Children learn science by rote to pass examinations, and they don’t see its ________ to the world around them. ( )
A:concern B:relevance C:impact D:regulation 69.Doctors demanded the ________ of the drug from the market after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported. ( )
A:excess B:reflection C:uproar D:withdrawal 70.Even though the young mother wanted the job, she still _______________ because she wasn't sure if she should spend time away from her family.( )
A:hung back B:hung on C:hung up D:hung out 71.The doctor was in a ________ as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not. ( )
A:dilemma B:bewilderment C:puzzle D:perplexity 72.Brazil and Russia have ________ in the past decade from the sale of raw materials to China. ( )
A:preserved B:persuaded C:prospered D:persisted 73.Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an __________ decision. ( )
A:informed B:inquired C:educated D:obscured 74.We need not be _________ too long in figuring out why American television programs are in great demand. ( )
A:detained B:framed C:defaced D:dispatched 75.Most placements of agency IT staff are of a three-month or six-month ________. ( )
A:representation B:multitude C:duration D:itinerary 76.Not only do foreigners find it difficult to master the four tones of Mandarin, but the ________ grammar and the difficulty of rote-learning thousands of words overcome all but the most diligent students. ( )
A:familiar B:alien C:native D:domestic 77.Every one of us must reach out a helping hand and extend our love to those ________ with diseases to make this world a better place. ( )
A:afflicted B:addicted C:affiliated D:consulted 78.Throughout the weeks on the stump he remained entirely ________, even if his nice smile sometimes seemed the work of a plastic surgeon. ( )
A:scanty B:esteemed C:desirable D:amiable 79.Chinese literati began to break away from the thousand-years-long tradition to ________ themselves ________ the new system of division of labor, and to pursue independent careers in an increasingly sophisticated urban environment. ( )
A:familiarize…with B:distinguish…from C:bring…forth D:put…across 80.Li Bai is said to have drowned in the Yangtze River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the ________ of the moon. ( )
A:respond B:reflection C:shelter D:shadow 81.Some scientists think that the Moon will replace the Earth as the ____________ base for the exploration of space.( )
A:principal B:principle C:minute D:original 82.Education is about opening the vistas of human potential, stretching the mind and exploring the soul in an endless _________ of wisdom. ( )
A:inquiry B:pleasure C:recreation D:pursuit 83.I would say that I can tell within the first five minutes whether the applicants are going to ________ our company. ( )
A:fit into B:fit to C:fit out D:fit in with

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