1.The main idea of the story is that( ).
A:a big bear wanted to attack the family but it only managed to frighten the cattle on the farm B:a mother and her daughters living in the big woods encountered a big bear but got home safely C:a mother was helped by one of her daughters with the milking of the cow and they spent a night together while the father was away in town D:a man supported his family by hunting wild animals while his wife and children helped with farm work
2.One day Pa went to town to( ).
A:sell animals he had caught all winter and buy articles of daily use B:do some urgent business in town and buy some food on the way C:buy some presents for the family since holidays were coming D:trade the furs of the wild animals he had caught
3.When Pa was leaving, Ma was worried because ( ).
A:the weather was not fine and the road was dangerous B:it might not be worth the effort going a long way to trade things C:Pa might not be able to return before dark D:she and the girls would be without protection
4.Laura was proud to help Ma with( ).
A:driving Sukey, their cow, into the barnyard B:preparing the meal for Pa C:the milking of the cow at the barn D:taking care of the other members of the family
5.When Ma and Laura saw the bear, they( ).
A:were so frightened that they did not know what to do B:thought that Pa could get the fur of the animal C:ran away immediately D:both kept their heads and walked away as if nothing had happened
6.Ma praised Laura for her( ).
A:obedience in time of unexpected danger B:readiness to help with household chores C:courage in time of great danger D:great capacity for hard work
7.The town was very far away from the house and Pa did not return until( ).
A:the next morning B:very late the next day C:very late that night D:the next afternoon
8.It can be learned from the text that the family had( ) children.
A:four B:three C:two D:five
9.Which of the following is NOT true?( )
A:Courage and hard work were needed to live in the woods. B:Life close to nature might also have its charms C:Life in the wilderness was hard and full of danger. D:Life in the woods was too dangerous for children.
10.Choose the correct definition according to the context.In the Big Woods the snow was beginning to thaw.( )
A:sink B:Glow C:fall D:melt
11.At noon all the big icicles along the eaves of the little house quivered and sparkled in the sunshine, and drops of water hung trembling at their tips.( )
A:Trembled B:shone C:worked D:Weakened
12.It was time to do the chores, and still he had not come.( )
A:homework B:saying prayers C:dishwashing D:small household duties
13.There were so many furs that when they were packed tightly and tied together they made a bundle almost as big as Pa.( )
A:firmly B:lightly C:in a bundle D:together
14.The woods were dark, but there was a gray light on the snowy path, and in the sky there were a few faint stars.( )
A:not bright B:not big C:not near D:not warm
15.She hung on to Ma and sobbed.( )
A:pushed against Ma B:said to Ma C:went to Ma D:leant against Ma
16.Ma sat by the lamp, mending one of Pa's shirts.( )
A:folding B:Cleaning C:repairing D:making
17.Then she went back to her rocking chair and sat there rocking gently and holding Baby Carrie in her arms.( )
A:Waiting B:moving from side to side C:talking D:sitting
18.She was sitting up late, waiting for Pa.( )
A:working hard B:being very careful C:sitting in an upright position D:not going to bed after the usual bedtime
19.Pa had got such good prices for his furs that he could afford to get them such beautiful presents.( )
A:was willing B:had enough money C:had time D:Thought

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