1.Based on the fact that whether the debtor is informed of the transference of the claim, the factoring business can be divided into ( )
A:maturity factoring B:disclosed factoring C:advance factoring D:undisclosed factoring
答案:disclosed factoring###undisclosed factoring
2.Which ones are reverse remittance? ( )
3.Financial markets are where traders buy and sell assets, and these assets include ( ).
A:derivatives B:foreign exchange C:goods and services D:stocks and bonds
答案:stocks and bonds###derivatives###foreign exchange
4.Unsystematic risk can be classified into two categories namely: ( ).
A:non-diversifiable risk B:business risk C:financial risk D:market risk
答案:business risk###financial risk
5.Which of followings are the monetary policy tools? ( )
A:foreign exchange B:rediscount rate C:required reserve ratio D:open market operation
答案:rediscount rate###open market operation###required reserve ratio
6.Which of the following statements about deferred credit are correct ( )
A:It is a credit under which payment must be effected on a specified future date. B:It is used as a means of avoiding the stamp duty payable on drafts. C:The beneficiary can discount in deferred credit. D:No draft is required for deferred credit.
答案:It is a credit under which payment must be effected on a specified future date###No draft is required for deferred credit###It is used as a means of avoiding the stamp duty payable on drafts
7.Personal insurance usually comprises________. ( )
A:health insurance B:life insurance C:property insurance D:personal accident insurance
答案:life insurance###health insurance###personal accident insurance
8.The five Cs of credit are ________.( )
A:collateral B:capacity C:capital D:character E:conditions
9.In terms of balance-of-payments account, which of the following would be recorded as a credit entry in the U.S. BOP? ( )
A:exports of merchandise B:an increase of the deposit in a U.S. resident’s account at a foreign bank C:exports of services D:purchase of the U.S. Treasury bonds by non-residents
答案:exports of merchandise###exports of services###purchase of the U.S. Treasury bonds by non-residents
10.The promissory notes made by the bankers are usually called ( )
A:cashier’s note B:cashier’s order C:cashier’s check D:cashier’s promise
答案:cashier’s check; cashier’s order
11.The basic parties of L/C are ( )
A:issuing bank B:advising bank C:applicant D:beneficiary

12.Loan procedures include ________. ( )
A:Review and Approval B:Loan Disbursement C:Post-disbursement Management D:Application Acceptance E:Investigation and Assessment 13.Currency crisis is usually triggered by ( ).
A:the huge external debts B:the increase of bad debts in banks C:the decrease of bad debts in banks D:the collapse of bubble economy 14.For the purpose of monitoring bank’s asset quality and assessing its adequacy of bad debt provisions, various banking regulatory bodies classify loans and credits into the following categories: ________.( )
A:pass B:substandard C:special mention D:doubtful E:loss 15.The parties in the lease refer to ( ).
A:lessee B:lessor C:maker D:beneficiary 16.Export credit insurance covers _______ .( )
A:pure risk B:commercial risk C:foreign exchange risk D:political risk 17.Capital market has some characteristics, including ( ).
A:higher risks B:lower liquidity C:higher yields D:longer maturity 18.there are two types of municipal bonds, namely: ( ).
A:callable bonds B:floating-rate bonds C:general obligation bonds D:revenue bonds 19.Common stocks have the following rights( ).
A:preemptive rights B:profits receiving rights C:voting rights D:residual claiming rights 20.Who are usually buyers of commercial paper? ( )
A:Other corporations. B:Financial institutions. C:Wealthy individuals. D:Money market funds. 21.Bonds payable is a kind of current liabilities.( )
A:对 B:错 22.When a company issued common stock to its owner, the stockholders’ equity of the company is increased. To record this, debit Common Stock.( )
A:对 B:错 23.Premium means that the forward rate is higher than spot rate.( )
A:错 B:对 24.Stock market returns are not fixed or ensured ones.( )
A:对 B:错 25.The paying bank in T/T is usually the bank in the country of the buyer. ( )
A:对 B:错 26.Inter-bank market interest rate is the key interest rate of money markets and also the most representative interest rate in financial markets. ( )
A:错 B:对 27.Sight credit gives the beneficiary more security than usance draft. ( )
A:对 B:错 28.In order to combat inflation, the central bank may be motivated to enact restrictive monetary policy tools that include raising interest rates and raising the money supply. ( )
A:错 B:对 29.Some items are accepted not because they are useful or portable but because they can be used to trade for other things, which we call a medium of exchange. ( )
A:错 B:对 30.A syndicated loan is a kind of bilateral loans.( )
A:错 B:对 31.If the draft is dishonored, the holder of the draft should immediately obtain a “protest” and exercise the right of recourse against his prior endorser. ( )
A:对 B:错 32.Currency swaps, like interest rate swaps, can also involve the exchange of principal.( )
A:对 B:错 33.Profits receiving rights means that preferred shares on average perform better than common shares or bonds over time. ( )
A:错 B:对 34.Listing on a standard exchange is an expensive and time-consuming process, and outside the financial capabilities of many smaller companies. So the OTC marketplace is an alternative for small companies or those who do not want to list on the standard exchanges. ( )
A:对 B:错 35.Medium and long-term loans are often used to finance working capital needs.( )
A:对 B:错 36.Long position means owing more of the foreign currency than one holds, and short position means holding net assets in the foreign currency. ( )
A:错 B:对 37.Money market securities tend to be more liquid and safer. As a result, corporations and banks actively use this market to earn interest on surplus funds that they expect to have for a long time. ( )
A:对 B:错 38.Monetary policy can be broadly classified as either contractionary or expansionary. ( )
A:对 B:错 39.Facultative reinsurance is the agreement between a ceding company and one or more reinsurers whereby the former agrees to cede and the reinsurer agrees to accept automatically and reinsurances falling within the terms of the treaty.( )
A:对 B:错 40.Money market transactions take place in particular locations or buildings. ( )
A:错 B:对 41.Short-term loans to cover the period until long-term financing can be arranged are ________. ( )
A:installment loans B:bridging finance C:syndicated loans D:mortgages 42.Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement?( )
A:No B:Either C:Not sure D:Yes 43.Traditionally, key risk factors have been classified according to the five Cs of credit. ______ refers to the borrower’s honesty to repay. ( )
A:Capacity B:Capital C:Character D:Conditions 44.Derivatives can be used to hedge a position, speculate on the directional movement of an underlying asset, or give _______ to holdings.( )
A:advantage B:leverage C:position D:Premium 45.The bank that negotiates or discounts the beneficiary’s bill of exchange is ( )
A:advising bank B:issuing bank C:confirming bank D:negotiating bank 46.When a cheque is drawn two parallel, it is( )
A:crossed cheque B:open cheque C:paralleled cheque D:uncrossed cheque 47.Dollar-denominated deposits not subject to ( ) banking regulations were originally held almost exclusively in Europe, hence the name Eurodollar.
A:China’s B:U.S. C:European D:Japan’s 48.Currently, international reserve assets are comprised of___ . ( )
A:gold, foreign exchanges, special drawing rights, and reserve positions in the International Monetary Fund B:gold, platinum, foreign exchanges, and special drawing rights C:gold, diamonds, foreign exchanges, and special drawing rights D:reserve positions in the International Monetary Fundonly 49.______ must be carried out prior to the advance of a loan. ( )
A:Loan execution B:Loan administration C:Credit review D:Credit analysis 50.When Honda, a Japanese auto maker, built a factory in Ohio, ____. ( )
A:None of the above. B:It was engaged in foreign direct investment C:It was engaged in a cross-border acquisition D:It was engaged in portfolio investment 51.Borrowers can raise funds by financial intermediaries, like banks, insurance companies or mutual funds, they also can participate in the financial markets, we call this way ( ).
A:financial market B:financial instrument C:indirect finance D:direct finance 52.( ) is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold.
A:Secondary market B:Primary market C:Capital market D:Money market 53.Discount houses act as a broker in ( ) between those who wish to lend short-term funds and those who wish to borrow short-term funds.
A:the money market B:the foreign exchange market C:the stock exchange D:the capital market 54.___is the recording, classifying, summarizing and interpreting of financial events and transactions that affect a business firm.( )
A:Finance B:Accounting C:Marketing D:Bookkeeping 55.An example of commercial paper is when a retail firm is looking for ( ) funding to finance some new inventory for an upcoming holiday season.
A:medium-term B:long- term C:medium-and long-term D:short-term 56.Customers can transfer any amount of ( ) to other accounts irrespective of location either from home or office.
A:cash B:currency C:deposit D:coin 57.Re-discount refers to the action in which a discount house or bank transfers or discounts at ( ) a bill that has been discounted and is not due when in need of funds.
A:the clearing house B:the investment bank C:another bank D:the central bank 58.Once the letter of credit is issued at the request of the applicant, who undertakes primary liabilities to honor the complying presentation. ( )
A:Exporter B:Importer C:Issuing bank D:Advising bank 59.When money is performing the________ function, it could be the money in people’s conception. ( )
A:standard of deferred payment B:unit of account C:medium of exchange D:store of value 60.The business of any insurance company is to pay ________ to the insured in the case of a loss in return for the payment of premiums.( )
A:funds B:interests C:benefits D:principals

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