1. One pressing reactive reason for many large firms to expand overseas is to seek economies of scale. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. House of brands is the most common multi-brand strategy, which is often applied when launching new brands or sub-brands that serve different needs—but for the same audience.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Re-usable packaging refers to the package with lottery coupons and physical gifts to attract customers to repeat purchases.( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. The management of cross-cultural communication depends largely on a manager’s personal abilities and behavior. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Collectivism refers to the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate families with less emphasis on the needs of society; the primary focus is on the individual or the nuclear family.( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Physical contact between men and women is not permitted in traditional Malaysian culture. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The same concession will be more negatively received if it is broken into installments.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Countries’ regulations and restrictions provide another reactive reason for companies often switching from exporting to overseas manufacturing. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Location advantage refers to natural or manufactured resources and focuses more on the geographic advantages of the host country or countries.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Brownfield investment is a type of FDI in which a parent company creates a subsidiary in a different country, building its operations from the ground up. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. All private enterprises provide good quality services.( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Various societies have the same attitude toward globalization and market power, which have important consequences in terms of both formalized trade regulations and general attitudes toward how businesses are run. ( )
  24. More than just conveying objective information, body language also conveys cultural and social understandings from one generation to the next.( )
  25. In a culture that values indirectness, such as the German, you can expect to receive a clear and definite response to your proposals and questions.( )
  26. The term object language refers to how something is said rather than the content—i.e., the rate of speech, the tone and inflection of voice, other noises, laughing, or yawning.( )
  27. The availability of raw materials and other resources offers both greater control over inputs and lower transportation costs.( )
  28. Compare to international negotiations, the process of negotiation is more difficult when it takes place among people of similar backgrounds.( )
  29. A distribution agreement is a legal contract between one company and its distributors, granting them the rights to market and sell the company’s products.( )
  30. The term mergers and acquisitions (M&A) refers to the consolidation of companies or their major business assets through financial transactions between companies.( )
  31. Cultural discount refers to that a particular culture product rooted in one culture, and thus attractive in that environment, will have a diminished appeal elsewhere as viewers find it difficult to identify with the style, values, beliefs, institutions and behavioural patterns of the material in question. ( )
  32. Ethnocentrism is the state of mind, whereby one focuses on small sections of an issue rather than considering its wider context.( )
  33. Brand alliance with a state-owned enterprise the strategic alliance of brand between companies and public organizations or NGOs.( )
  34. As a general rule, it is always safer to adopt an informal posture and move to an informal stance, if the situation warrants it, than to assume an informal style too quickly.
  35. In an equity strategic alliance, two or more firms develop a collaborative relationship to share some of their resources and expertise. ( )
  36. Association anchors refer to whether is the brand an anchor to which the customers will attach their mind association to. ( )
  37. What are the conditions of market segmentation? ( )
  38. Which of the following global alliances is not related to equity? ( )
  39. Which of the followings are the verbal variables in communication?
  40. Complexity of international negotiations includes ( )
  41. What are the characteristics of Culture? ( )
  42. Which of the following statements of brand is true? ( )
  43. ___ identifies Administrative, Geographic, Cultural and Economic differences or distances between countries that companies should address when crafting international strategies. It may also be used to understand patterns of trade, capital, information, and people flows. ( )
  44. Which is belong to equity strategic alliances? ( )
  45. Which statement about competitive negotiators is incorrect? ( )
  46. Which of the following is NOT the noise in communication?
  47. Which of the following options belongs to masculinity? ( )
  48. What are NOT the operational details global managers should consider in international negotiations? ( )
  49. What of the following is not included in the marketing theory of 4Ps? ( )
  50. Which dimension is membership in international trade organizations included in? ( )
  51. Which is NOT typical media? ( )
  52. Which of the following statement about co-branding is incorrect? ( )
  53. What does the unified standard for plugs reflect? ( )
  54. Which of the following is NOT non-equity strategic alliance?
  55. Which type of strategic alliance does the case, Joester Loria Group & McDonald’s, reflect? ( )
  56. Steps toward effective intercultural communication does NOT include ( )
  57. Which is NOT the proactive reason for enterprises to “going global”? ( )
  58. The five stages of the negotiation process does NOT include ( )
  59. Which type of strategic alliance does the case, DJI and eBay, reflect? ( )
  60. What can we know from the case of Walmart and P&G? ( )
  61. Which of the following is NOT the reactive reason for enterprises to “go global”?
  62. Which example reflects the influence of proxemics on communication? ( )
  63. Which statement is incorrect about greenfield investment and brownfield investment? ( )
  64. Which of the following statement about brand loyalty is incorrect? ( )
  65. Which of the followings is external stakeholders? ( )
  66. Which of the following is NOT a supranational institution? ( )
  67. Which is NOT the challenges of globalization? ( )
  68. The toy-maker Lego has partnered with The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States to develop a series of aerospace-themed toys. Which type of cooperative partnerships does it reflect? ( )
  69. Which dimension is NOT included in the OLI model? ( )
  70. Which of the following is not a phase of culture shock? ( )
  71. The STP theory proposed by Wendell R. Smith constitutes three elements of marketing strategy. Which of the following marketing strategy is NOT included? ( )
  72. Which type of strategic alliance does the case, Toyota and Suzuki, reflect? ( )
  73. The case of McDonald’s and Simplot is a ___ of strategic alliance.
  74. Nike has no manufacturing plants of its own but chooses to outsource the work to contractors in the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries. Which type of strategic alliance does the case reflect? ( )
  75. Strategic alliances refer to the working partnerships between companies across national boundaries and increasingly across industries.( )
  76. An equity strategic alliance means that a firm purchases equity of another firm, sharing partial ownership of the firm.( )
  77. After the partial acquisition, the acquired party will no longer exist.( )
  78. Starbucks doesn’t cultivate coffee and has no plantations in which they grow, harvest and cure coffee beans. They outsource all that work to focus on serving their customers across the world. It is a typical case of ____in non-equity entry mode.
  79. Google has also outsourced tasks related to software development to remote individual or companies across the world, such as Randstad and Aerotek. It is a typical case of ____in non-equity entry mode.
  80. Lego Star Wars is a Lego theme that incorporates the Star Wars saga and franchise, which is one of our most beloved themes ever. It is a typical case of ____in non-equity entry mode.
  81. Wanda Group spent $3.1 billion to acquire the world’s second-largest cinema chain American Multi-Cinema. Which type of M&A does the case reflect? ( )
  82. A conversion from the current Mandarin Orchard Singapore, Hilton Singapore Orchard is owned by OUE Commercial REIT and will be managed by Hilton. The case is the ____ of non-equity entry mode.
  83. Pfizer halved its dividend and raise $22 billion in debt to buy rival Wyeth for $68 billion in an acquisition. Which type of M&A does the case reflect? ( )
  84. Coca-Cola has a secret recipe and brand recognition, which reflects its____. ( )
  85. The CAGE distance identifies cultural, administrative, geological and economic differences or distances between countries that companies should address when crafting international strategies. ( )
  86. The OLI is a four-tiered evaluation framework that companies can follow when attempting to determine if it is beneficial to pursue foreign direct investment. ( )
  87. ___ is a three-tiered evaluation framework that companies can follow when attempting to determine if it is beneficial to pursue foreign direct investment (FDI). ( )
  88. Internalization advantage includes factors of low-cost labor, raw materialslower taxes and other tariffs, and a well-trained labor force in different places.
  89. BMW will have lower production costs if it accesses to the U.S. market compared to Germany. The case can be explained by ____ in ownership advantage. ( )
  90. Nike has opened factories in areas with low labor costs, like Vietnam, Indonesia and so on. Which proactive reason does the case reflect? ( )
  91. Simplot is the material supplier of McDonald’s. Due to McDonald’s requirements, it had to follow McDonald’s expansion and go global. Which reactive reason does the case reflect? ( )
  92. The availability of raw materials and other resources offers both greater control over inputs and lower transportation costs.
  93. Tax policies in the Cayman Islands have stimulated many enterprises to going global. Which proactive reason does the case reflect? ( )
  94. Which statement about characteristics of born global is NOT correct?
  95. Tencent and NetEase competed with each other for overseas markets. Which reactive reason does the case reflect? ( )
  96. Parallel co-branding is a strategy that involves linking of multiple brands from different companies in order to create a product indicative of their individual identities. ( )
  97. Which brand strategy does Procter & Gamble adopt? ( )
  98. ____ has become an important new tool in brand awareness marketing. ( )
  99. Which single-brand strategy does Apple use? ( )
  100. Which of the following statements of brand strategy is true? ( )
  101. Franchising is the process of leasing a trademarked or copyrighted property for use in connection with a product, service, or promotion.
  102. L’Oréal has different brands for different target groups. Which kind of market targeting strategy does it adopt? ( )
  103. Discrimination Pricing is the practice of charging different prices to different customers for the identical goods or services sold by the same supplier. ( )
  104. Which of the following statement about products in the growth stage is correct? ( )
  105. Service public relations refers to public relations activities that listen to, collect, sort out and reflect the public’s opinions on the enterprise and its products, and give appropriate treatment.( )
  106. Which new product pricing strategy does De Beers use to sell diamonds? ( )
  107. When there are no strong differences in customer characteristics, what kind of market targeting strategy  is the best for a MNC company to develop?
  108. ___ means that if a loss occurs, the economic entity will pay with any funds available at the time. It can be active or passive; it can be unconscious or conscious. ( )
  109. ZOPA means the overlap zone of the buyer’s and seller’s target prices.( )
  110. A ___ is contingent when you state that you can make it only if the other party agrees to make a specified concession in return. ( )
  111. Respect for cultural differences will get a negotiator a lot farther than ignorance, so it’s important to do some research when entering into negotiations with unfamiliar counterparts. ( )
  112. A collaborative negotiation style follows the “I win, you win” model. ( )
  113. Which statement about concessions stage is incorrect? ( )
  114. Which statement about high-context culture and low-context culture is correct? ( )
  115. Managers can cultivate trust by ( )
  116. When there is trust between parties, communicators will adjust to unforeseen circumstances with less conflict, and it facilitates open communication in exchanging ideas and information. ( )
  117. The term communication describes the process of sharing meaning by transmitting messages through media such as words, behavior, or material artifacts. ( )
  118. Anything that serves to facilitate the communication of the intended meaning is typically referred to as noise. ( )
  119. The manager’s perception of the locus of control over outcomes is an often-overlooked variable in the decision-making process because it is not important.( )
  120. Which of the following two countries belong to the same culture cluster? ( )
  121. Which the following country have the highest uncertainty avoidance? ( )
  122. Sarah has moved to another country for 12 months and grows accustomed to the new culture. Which stage of the culture shock is she most likely in? ( )
  123. About societal culture and corporate culture, which of the following statements is incorrect? ( )
  124. Cultural conflicts are difficult to resolve as parties to the conflict have different beliefs. ( )
  125. Compared with CSR, Shared value is not corporate social responsibility or philanthropy—creating shared value is at the core of the business strategy. ( )
  126. Which case reflects sustainability strategies for NATURE? ( )
  127. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted in 2015 represent a global agenda to address the most pressing challenges facing our world. ( )
  128. Issues of “( )” have come to the forefront as firms consider their long-term relationships with host countries.
  129. Which of the followings are stakeholders?
  130. Which of the following works is NOT a sustainable strategy for human? ( )
  131. Which of the following countries has the most top 500 companies? ( )
  132. The managers of a global firm need to investigate the ( ) risks to which they expose their company in certain countries—and the implications of those risks for the economic success of the firm. ( )
  133. Foreign Exchange Risk refers to the possibility that changes in macroeconomic conditions will negatively impact a company or investment.
  134. Which is NOT included in cultural globalization? ( )
  135. Small and Medium Enterprises has resulted in integration of markets and production across countries.
  136. Which of the following is the manifestation of anti-globalization? ( )
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