1.I will give you __________ to finish it.( )
A:two weeks time B:two weeks’time C:two week’s time D:two week time
2.-- Do you have a computer?
-- Yes. I have a good .( )
A:it B:that C:one D:some 3.Mr. Smith has two sons. is a soldier and is a doctor.( )
A:One; another B:One; the other C:This; the others D:One; other 4.The organization had broken no rules, but ________ had it acted responsibly.( )
A:both B:neither C:so D:either 5.He was only in at the time.( )
A:his 20s B:his 20’s C:the 20’s D:the 20s 6. of the land in that district covered with trees and grass.( )
A:Two fifths; is B:Two fifth; are C:Two fifth; is D:Two fifths; are 7.Beihai is one of ______ beautiful parks in Beijing.(C)( )
A:the best B:the more C:the less D:the most 1.His appreciation of Dickens, Heine, and other Europeans was pushed firmly into a subordinate place in his new _____.( )
A:permissive B:prosperity C:prospective
D:perspective 2.An earlier era saw a surge in office _____ because of such revolutionary innovations as typewriter, carbon paper, and vertical file cabinets.( )
A:productivity B:conductivity C:technology D:manufacture
3.When leaving the comfortably _____ environment of home, a person will naturallyexperience some stress and anxiety. ( )
B:secure C:fix D:beautiful 4.Nola put herself in a _____ position by swimming in the pool during the thunderstorm. ( )
A:precarious B:supreme C:comparative D:gruesome
5.One individual does not _____ much in the situation. We have to rely on the collective. ( )
A:rely B:singular
C:count D:account 1._______ dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.
A:However B:Whatever C:Although D:As 2.If only I______ play the guitar as well as you!
A:would B:could C:should D:might 3.It is imperative that the government _____ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.
A:attracts B:shall attract C:has to attract D:attract 4.It’s high time we _____cutting down the rainforests.
A: stopped B:shall stop C:stop D:had to stop 5.The team has been working overtime on the research project ____.
A:lately B:just now C:long ago D:late 6.It is necessary that he ____ the assignment without delay.
A:hands in B:has to hand in C:hand in D:must hand in 8.Fool ________ Michael is, he could not have done such a thing.
A:as B:that C:like D:who 9.He listened hard but still couldn't _____ what they were talking about.
A:make over B:make out C:make upon D:make up 10.His_____ in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.
A:action B:engagement C:indulgence D:habit 11.Asians and Westerners use different cultural excuses for being late at work.
A:错 B:对 12.According to the writer, mangers should not force their employees to be punctual because of their different culture in time concept.
A:错 B:对 13.The text is a descriptive writing.
A:错 B:对 14.A refutation usually consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion.
A:错 B:对 15.In the text, the writer insists that in a business, people should follow the rules of being punctual at work.
A:错 B:对 1.What is the writing style of this passage? ( ).
A:Expository writing
D:Academic writing
2.This text presents the differences in the author's communication styles with his male and female friends and discusses the underlying reasons such differences: Men and women have very different emotional and rational processes. ( )
A:对 B:错 3.How did the author and Donald express their feelings for each other? ( ).
A:They expressed their feeling in words rather than in actions.
B:They expressed their feeling in actions rather than in words.
C:They didn’t know what to say.
D:They couldn’t express their feelings openly.
4.Part Two consists of Paragraphs 2-4, which provides two examples to illustrate how different the author communicates with his male friend Donald and his female friend Jessica.( )
A:对 B:错 5.How did the author’s communication style with women differ from that with men?( ).
A:With women, he could be open.
B:With women, he could be emotionally honest.
C:With men, he couldn’t express his caring feelings no matter how deep the friendship was.
D:With women, he could be transparent.
6.How do“nature”and “nurture”respectively lead to different emotional and rational processes for men and women? ( )
A:In terms of nurture, these genetic tendencies are further encouraged by society as either“masculine”or“feminine”.
B:In terms of nature, men and women are born with very different genetic tendencies.
C:In terms of nature, men and women aren’t born with very different genetic tendencies.
D:In terms of nurture, these genetic tendencies aren’t further encouraged by society as either“masculine”or“feminine”.
7.According to the author, how do men differ from women in behavior and communication styles? ( ).
A:Men trend to be more restrained with emotional expressions than women.
B:Men realized how gender-based his communication styles were.
C:Men’s expression differs from one gender to the other..
D:These differences in behavior and communication styles were made famous by John Gray in his book.
8.The author points out that he could be open and free to express his feelings for his female friends, but he found it hard to express his deep feelings for his male friends.. ( )
A:对 B:错 9.Text A of unit 8 is a typical example of the contrast pattern, focusing on the differences in the author's communication styles with his male friends and female friends as well as in the emotional and rational processes of men and women. ( )
A:错 B:对 10.Why did the author feel relieved after he read Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and other articles? ( ).
A:Because he was assured that he was a “normal guy”.
B:Because it was fine for him to treat his female friends and male friends in different ways.
C:Because he realized how gender-based his communication styles were.
D:Because he found men trend to be more restrained with emotional expressions than women.
1.( )the stalled economy and sticking to promises to bring the deficit down next year is proving to be the principal test for the new president.
A:rewriting B:reviving C:retaining D:refining 2.Good leadership has very measurable effects on a company’s ( ) line.
A:top B:side C:bottom D:down 3.Recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality, Smith is held in high( )by his competitors as well as his employees and stockholders.
A:regards B:regard C:respect D:respects 4.A considerable period of time has to ( ) before the effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and cell- phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes.
A:eclipse B:elapse C:disappear D:dissolve 5.He ( ) the success of the company simply to leadership, something he deduced from his years in the military, and from his family.
A:attributes B:contributes C:deduces D:thanks

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