1. Standard curve method is used to measure F content in tea samples. The potential of the sample solution should be measured twice. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Starch solution is used as the indicator in iodometry(碘量法)( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. pH range of an indicator should fall within the titration jump. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The full name of TISAB is total ionic strength adjustment butter.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Chemical analysis has high accuracy, so it is suitable for trace analysis( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Instrumental analysis(仪器分析) is suitable for trace analysis.( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. In back titrations, at least two chemical reactions are involved. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Argentometry(银量法) is an important method of complexation titrations.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Due to its low polarity(极性), K3[Fe(C2O4)3]·3H2O would crystallize more easily after adding ethanol(乙醇).( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. Standard curve method and standard addition method are used to determine F in tea samples. Standard curve method has large measurement errors for complicated samples. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Citric acid(柠檬酸) used in the measurement of F content in tea samples is to prevent the interference from Al3+ and Fe3+.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Copper methionine(蛋氨酸铜) can be used as nutritional additives.( )
  24. Compared with standard curve method, standard addition method is suitable for unknown or complicated samples. ( )
  25. Indicators for complexation titrations are also called membrane indicators. ( )
  26. The more the dissociated ions, the higher the molar conductivity(摩尔电导率).( )
  27. Standard curve method and standard addition method are used to determine F in tea. Which of the following statements about standard curve method are correct?( )。
  28. Which are against the lab safety requirements? ( )
  29. Which of the following statements about an amphoteric substances(两性物质) are correct?( )。
  30. Which actions are NOT true for the lab note-book? ( )
  31. The reasons why using back titration to determine Al content in cement(水泥) are( )
  32. Which of the followings are the main component of suction filtration?( )
  33. Which of the following anions has no oxidizing or reducing properties? ( )
  34. Molar absorptivity(摩尔吸光系数) of a substance does not change with ( )
  35. The quantitative determination conditions of spectrophotometric analysis are( )
  36. Which statements about copper methionine(蛋氨酸铜) are correct?( )
  37. The main sources of determination error in iodometric method(碘量法) are( )
  38. Which of the following statements about instrumental analysis(仪器分析) are correct? ( )
  39. Which of the followings cannot be used to transfer the remaining alum(明矾) crystal in the beaker to the Buchner funnel? ( )
  40. Three kinds of argentometry(银量法) are… ( )
  41. Ion-exchange technique and Mohr method are used to determine the charge number of K3[Fe(C2O4)3]·3H2O. Which statements are correct in this experiment? ( )
  42. What method is used to determine SiO2 content in cement(水泥) experiment? ( )
  43. Which of the following description about heteropolyoxo(杂多酸) is correct?( )。
  44. For the K5(杂多酸) product, which of the following is correct?( )。
  45. The indicator in Mohr method is( )
  46. Generally the crystals is formed from…….( )。
  47. The aim of performing titration for at least 3 times is to reduce…( )。
  48. Which of the following description about catalyst is correct?( )。
  49. Which statement about the conditions of Mohr method is wrong?( )
  50. Which reagents can be used to identify Fe3+?( )。
  51. How to prepare (3+50) HCl solution? ( )
  52. In gravimetric analysis(重量分析), the reason why the same analytical balance is used to weigh the crucible(坩埚) is ( )
  53. Which number has 4 significant figures(有效数字)?( )。
  54. Which compounds is grey-green?( )。
  55. In the process of KMnO4 standardization(标定), the valence state(价态) of Mn element is….( )。
  56. Which of the following anions can react with dilute acid to release a rotten egg-smelling gas and turn lead acetate paper(乙酸铅试纸) black? ( )
  57. Which statement about this lab course is NOT correct? ( )
  58. Arrhenius’law is about……( )。
  59. After adding some sulphosalicylic acid (磺基水杨酸), solution turns ….
  60. 25.0 mL of 0.10 mol/L Na2C2O4 solution is placed in a titration flask. 0.038 mol/L KMnO4 is run from a burette into the titration flask. To ensure that the reaction takes place at a suitable rate, Na2C2O4 solution was heated to nearly 60°c ahead. Which indicator is the most suitable for this titration?( )。
  61. Which of the following statement about activation energy(活化能) is correct?( )。
  62. Which of the followings are factors that affect the stability of heteropolyacids(杂多酸)( )。
  63. K5CoW12O40 is used as a catalyst in organic synthesis. ( )
  64. K5CoW12O40 has the potential to oxidize some reductive reagents. ( )
  65. What is the purpose of adding potassium persulfate(K2S2O8) to the K6 solution? ( )
  66. What is the name of the structural unit of potassium cobalt heteropolytungstate(杂多酸)? ( )
  67. Which method can be used to measure the degree of dissociation (解离度) of the colored complex?( )
  68. Which apparatus have been used to prepare the medicine solution?( )
  69. What kind of blank solutions can be used when reagent, analyte and chromogenic reagent(显色剂) are colorless? ( )
  70. The part of a spectrophotometer that selects the wavelength of light used to irradiate the sample is called the ( )
  71. The function of NH2OH·HCl is…( )
  72. How to obtain the optimal pH range? ( )
  73. What will happen if MgO content in cement(水泥) is too high? ( )
  74. What method is used to determine SiO2 content in this experiment? ( )
  75. The quality of cement relates to the national economy and the people's livelihood. ( )
  76. What are the advantages of gravimetric analysis? ( )
  77. Which of following methods are used to determine CaO content? ( )
  78. Co(III) is more stable in simple salts than Co(II).( )
  79. The functions of H2O2 are ( )
  80. Which of the following instrument can be used to determine the crystal field splitting energy(晶体场分裂能) of the cobalt ammines? ( )
  81. Which of the following statements about Swiss chemist Werner are correct? ( )
  82. Which of the following statement about the principles of Co determination in products is true?( )
  83. The advantages of automatic potentiometric titrators are… ( )
  84. Which one cannot be used to determine the purity of products?( )
  85. Which one should be added in batches when preparing NaH2PO4·2H2O?( )。
  86. In this experiment, some ethanol(乙醇) is added to increase the solubility of the products. ( )
  87. Which of the following solutions are alkaline(碱性)?( )
  88. Preliminary tests of anions mainly include volatility test, precipitation test and redox test. ( )
  89. Which silver salts are insoluble in water? ( )
  90. Which of the following anion can react with dilute acid to release an odorless gas, making limewater(石灰水) cloudy? ( )
  91. Tap water can be used in the separation and identification of anions. ( )
  92. Which of the following anion has no oxidizing or reducing property? ( )
  93. The two bases in the two acids and two bases method of analysis are( )。
  94. The two acids in the two acids and two bases method of analysis are ( ).
  95. Which of the following is not an obvious phenomenon of ion identification reaction? ( )
  96. During cation analysis, methods to eliminate interfering ions include ( ).
  97. Which sulfates(硫酸盐) are easily soluble in water? ( )
  98. Because copper methionine(蛋氨酸铜) is soluble in water, use water to transfer the product remaining in the beaker when performing suction filtration(减压过滤). ( )
  99. Which of the following statements about copper methionine(蛋氨酸铜) are correct? ( )
  100. Why should temperature and acidity(酸度) be controlled when preparing copper methionine(蛋氨酸铜)? ( )
  101. Which method is used to determine the methionine(蛋氨酸) content in copper methionine in this experiment? ( )
  102. Which method is used to determine the Cu content in copper methionine in this experiment? ( )
  103. When adjusting the acidity of solution, add some K2C2O4 solution if the pH is low. ( )
  104. Which step is most important? ( )
  105. What should do if some yellow FeC2O4 solid left? ( )
  106. Which of the following statements related to the preparation of standard AgNO3 solution are correct? ( )
  107. After irradiation(光照), what should be used to wash the cyanotype photo?( )
  108. The potential has linear relationship with the concentration of F before adding TISAB. ( )
  109. Which procedures can obtain a standard curve? ( )
  110. Which one is not the advantage of standard curve method? ( )
  111. Which of the following statements about standard addition method are correct? ( )
  112. Which of the following statement about ion-selective electrodes is NOT true? ( )
  113. The Arrhenius’ equation describes the relationship between rate constant and( )。
  114. The reaction between KI and K2S2O8 is a homogeneous(均相) reaction. ( )
  115. In an elemental reaction(基元反应), how many transition states will be( )。
  116. Which of the followings are factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction( )。
  117. The catalyst in this experiment can shorten the reaction time. ( )
  118. Ferrous ammonium sulfate(硫酸亚铁铵) is oxidized by KMnO4 in acidic medium. ( )
  119. What is the color change at the end point of the redox titration of ferrous ammonium sulfate(硫酸亚铁铵) ( )
  120. What is the purpose of adding sulfuric acid(硫酸) to the ferrous ammonium sulfate(硫酸亚铁铵) solution before titration? ( )
  121. What is the color of ferrous ammonium sulfate(硫酸亚铁铵) crystals? ( )
  122. What is the common name of ferrous ammonium sulfate(硫酸亚铁铵)? ( )
  123. Which of the followings are types of chemical reactions involved in the synthesis of alum(明矾)( )。
  124. Alum(明矾) can be used as…( )。
  125. Which of the following is property of alum(明矾)? ( )
  126. In general, the solubility of double salts is higher than that of the simple salts of its constituents? ( )
  127. The reaction between Al foil and NaOH is a typical redox reaction(氧化还原反应). ( )
  128. Which one is not the requirement for the reactions suitable for direct titrations? ( )
  129. The indicators for acid-base titrations are organic dyes, which change color with the concentration. ( )
  130. Which of the followings are needed when preparing 500 mL of 0.1 mol/L HCl solution? ( )
  131. The methods to improve titrimetric analysis accuracy are… ( )
  132. Which indicator is used when titrating HCl with NaOH ? ( )
  133. Which balances are common used in this lab course? ( )
  134. Which burette is suitable for strong oxidizing solutions(强氧化性溶液)?( )
  135. Which one is not the main component of suction filtration?( )
  136. Press the top of pipette with the thumb. ( )
  137. Which operations of volumetric flask may cause the concentration different from the actual one?( )
  138. Keep backpacks and other non-essential materials away from the laboratory benches(实验台). ( )
  139. Which statements about lab-notebook are correct? ( )
  140. What should you bring to the laboratory each time in this class? ( )
  141. Which of the following is an inexact quantity? ( )
  142. Which of the following is NOT a way to express the precision of a method? ( )
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