

  1. The poem Song of Tomorrow tells us that( )is the most precious thing.

  2. A:age B:life C:time D:tomorrow
    答案:ballad meterAI参考:正确答案是B,即“life”(生活)是最珍贵的。在诗歌《未来的歌》中,它告诉我们生命是最宝贵的。选项A(年龄)、C(时间)和D(明天)在诗歌中并没有明确提及是宝贵的事物。因此,根据诗歌的主题和语境,B选项“life”是最合适的答案。'
  3. Which of the following belongs to intrinsic motivation? ( )

  4. A:Somebody loves playing tennis and is intrinsically motivated to create a better and more convenient tennis rackets for the athletes. B:Making more money. C:Receiving a promotion.
  5. What is a cash advance?( )

  6. 答案:预付现金AI参考:正确答案是“A. 预支现金”。根据问题中的“What is a cash advance?”,可以得出答案为A,即预支现金。该问题是在询问什么是预支现金,因此选项A是正确答案。其他选项如B.信用卡透支、C.贷款、D.转账等都与预支现金的含义不符。'
  7. Why should we be well-educated? ( )

  8. A:To find a high-paid job. B:To go abroad and lead a comfortable life. C:To contribute more to the society.
    答案:受过良好教育的AI参考:C. To contribute more to the society.我们应该接受良好教育的原因是为了为社会做出更多的贡献。选项A和B都只是一种个人利益的角度,而选项C则更符合教育的社会价值,即教育是为了更好地服务社会,为社会的进步和发展做出贡献。因此,正确答案是C。'
  9. What is a credit card?( )

  10. A:It is a special banking product issued with a partner company. B:It is a small plastic card issued by a bank, allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. C:It is a payment card that deducts money directly from a consumer’s checking account when it is used. D:It is a secondary card issued under an account that the principal cardholder can give to a family member.
  11. What is a credit limit?( )

  12. A:It is the least amount owed on a debt by a set due date without incurring penalties. B:It is the maximum balance you can have on a revolving credit account, such as a credit card. C:It is the interest added to the delinquent payment. D:It is a yearly charge by banks and financial institutions to customers for use of their credit cards.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:credit limit指的是信用卡等循环信用账户上的最大余额。选项A描述的是欠款的最小限额,与credit limit不符;选项C描述的是逾期付款的利息,与credit limit无关;选项D描述的是银行和金融机构对信用卡客户的年度收费,与credit limit无关。而选项B则直接说明了credit limit的定义,即循环信用账户上的最大余额。因此,正确答案是B。'
  13. “Habit, behavior, ideas, lifestyle, standard”are the words related to our( ).

  14. A:behavior B:norm C:performance D:ideology
  15. How many powerful measures has the 19th National Congress put forward in order to promote the prosperity of socialist culture?( )

  16. A:Three. B:Five. C:Four.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Five。根据原文中的句子“How many powerful measures has the 19th National Congress put forward in order to promote the prosperity of socialist culture?”可知,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会提出了五项有力措施来促进社会主义文化繁荣,因此选项B“Five”是正确答案。选项A和C都与原文不符。'
  17. 以下哪个短语是“可持续发展”?( )

  18. A:Sustainable development. B:Continuous development. C:Uninterrupted development.
    AI参考:正确选项是A:Sustainable development.。这个短语是用来描述一种发展模式,它强调在满足当前需求的同时,不会对未来的发展和环境造成负面影响,即“可持续发展”。B选项“Continuous development”指的是持续不断的发展,没有提及可持续性,因此不符合要求。C选项“Uninterrupted development”指的是不受干扰的发展,同样没有体现可持续性。'
  19. General Xiang Yu ordered the soldiers to crush their cooking pots and burn their sailing boats to   ( ).

  20. A:send out a clear message that they had no choice but to win the battle B:predict that they would die in the battle C:reduce the baggage of the troops
    AI参考:答案:A解析:句意:项羽下令士卒把他们煮饭的瓦罐、船烧掉以“士卒无退心”,杀破关,已降皆反。send out a clear message是选项中唯一的完整表达句子的选项。其他选项无法完整的表达句子意思。故选A。'
  21. There are many stories of excellent students who lost their university scholarships from poor grades, or of other students who failed at the university altogether simply because they( ).

  22. A:were without the discipline and structure of home B:spent too much time online C:were no longer monitored by concerned parents D:had to manage time by themselves
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:spent too much time online。本题空格部分后为because引导的原因状语从句,与“失败”相对应的只有B项“花太多时间上网”。句意为“有很多学生由于学业成绩差而失去了大学奖学金,或者有其他学生因在网上花费太多时间而没有成功。”。因此B项符合语境。其他三项A、C、D与题意不符。故选B。'
  23. What does the word “rejuvenation”mean?( )

  24. A:复兴 B:复活 C:青春
  25. Some Internet( )people spend too much time on line and ignore family, friendships, and social activities.

  26. A:addictive B:addicted C:addiction D:addict
    AI参考:正确选项是B:addicted。在这个句子中,“be addicted to”是一个常用的短语,表示对某事物有瘾,这里的“Internet”是人或物,所以应该用“be addicted to”表示“对互联网上瘾”。因此,选项B“addicted”是正确的。选项A“addictive”通常用于形容某物具有使人上瘾的特性,而选项C“addiction”通常用于描述某种疾病或习惯性行为,与句意不符。选项D“addict”是人称代词,与句意不符。'
  27. What’s the meaning of this sentence—He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough? ( )

  28. A:A person will feel satisfied with enough money. B:It is not enough to know how to make a choice. C:Happiness stems from our on-going appreciation.

  29. ( )wait for no man.

  30. A:Time and life B:Time and tide C:Time and water D:Life and tide
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Time and life。这句话的意思是“时间不等人”,所以需要选出两个与“时间”和“生命”相关的选项,只有A选项Time and life符合要求。B选项Time and tide是“时间与潮汐”的意思,C选项Time and water是“时间与水”的意思,D选项Life and tide是“生命与潮汐”的意思,都不符合句意。因此,正确答案是A。'
  31. What does the word “mythology”mean?( )

  32. A:神话学 B:本体论 C:方法论
    AI参考:单选题】What does the word “mythology”mean?( )A:神话学。答案:A。解析:mythology意为“神话学”,主要研究神话的起源、发展和影响等。而本体论和方法论通常是指哲学上的两个重要分支,与题目中的“mythology”意思不太符合。因此,正确选项为A。'
  33. In Chinese culture, we divide life into different stages according to one’s             except( ).

  34. A:insight B:willingness C:knowledge D:cultivation
  35. There is no doubt that the world is developing in the direction of           , the economic cooperation is much stronger than ever before( ). 

  36. A:integration B:information C:inheritance D:interaction
  37. We need to promote exchanges and mutual learning among countries, nations and cultures around the world, and strengthen popular support for jointly building a community with a shared future for both Asia and humanity as a whole. ( )

  38. A:common B:diversified C:shared D:equal
  39. Some of the celebrity-endorsed products are ( )or inferior goods, which can mislead the consumers and arouse great dissatisfaction on the public.

  40. A:quality B:certified C:fake
  41. As college students, we can love our country by( ).

  42. A:doing all others B:maintaining a clean and tidy campus C:taking part in social activities and getting involved in voluntary services D:behaving oneself  
    AI参考:正确选项为 C:taking part in social activities and getting involved in voluntary services。在问题中,提到了“作为大学生,我们可以如何爱国”,而选项中只有 C 选项涉及到参与社会活动和志愿者服务,这是大学生参与社会、服务社会的一种方式,也是表达爱国情感的一种方式。其他选项与爱国主题不符。因此,C 选项是正确答案。'
  43. “It’s good to satisfy your desires. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should buy it – now!”. This kind of advertising advocate material enjoyment, so it has a(an)( )ideological effect, we must abandon that.

  44. A:active B:positive C:negative
    AI参考:答案为 C:negative这句话的意思是:这种广告宣传满足你的欲望,因此它具有消极的思想影响,我们必须抛弃它。A.active积极的,B.positive积极的,C.negative消极的,根据这句话的意思是和语境,故选C。'
  45. In the new era, the concept of national security has extended beyond military, political and foreign affairs to include( ).

  46. A:climate B:energy C:all others D:environment
  47. The Chinese saying “知善知恶是良知” can be translated as ( ).

  48. A:Good and evil will always be rewarded. B:Conscience enables one to distinguish right from wrong. C:Principles of heaven and conscience are the same in essence. D:What is known without thinking is the innate knowledge of goodness.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Conscience enables one to distinguish right from wrong。“知善知恶是良知”这句话是中国的一句谚语,意思是“有良知的人能够区分善恶”。因此,这句话可以被翻译为“良知使人能够辨别是非”。所以选项B“良知使人能够区分对错”是正确的。选项A和D都没有直接对应原文的意思,选项C的翻译不够准确。'
  49. How to live an eco-friendly life? ( )

  50. A:Take public transportation B:Ride a bicycle C:Carpool to work D:Conserve water and energy
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Take public transportation,B:Ride a bicycle,C:Carpool to work,D:Conserve water and energy。这些都是实现生态友好生活的有效方法。公共交通工具(A)可以减少对私人车辆的依赖,从而减少对化石燃料的消耗和排放;骑自行车(B)和共享汽车(C)可以减少单人使用车辆的数量,从而减少碳排放和能源消耗;节约水资源和能源(D)是任何人都能够做到的,可以减少对有限资源的消耗。因此,这些选项都符合生态友好的生活方式的描述。'
  51. Western and eastern people are different in ( ).

  52. A:bathing B:the way of expression C:punctuality D:lifestyle

  53. The body of the text Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world contains two sections. What are they?( ).

  54. A:One section tells us about how smith put his big ideas into practice and analyzes the key elements of his business success. B:One section is about the bright future of his business. C:One section focuses mainly on Smith’s early life experiences, including his school years and military days.
    AI参考:在这篇文章中,Fred Smith和联邦快递:改变世界的愿景这个部分包含两个部分。它们是:C:主要集中于Smith的早期生活经历,包括他的学校年和军旅生活。文章主要讲述的是Smith是如何将他的伟大想法付诸实践的,同时分析了他成功商业的关键要素。文章主要聚焦于Smith的早年生活经历,而不是仅仅讨论他的商业前景或个人成就。因此,正确答案是C选项,即其中一个部分主要关注Smith的早期生活经历,包括他的学校年和军旅生活。'
  55. Expertise presupposes a possession of            ,        and        knowledge about certain domain or sphere that one is working in.( )

  56. A:procedural B:practical C:technical D:intellectual
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:technical根据句子中的关键词 "expertise" 和 "domain or sphere" 可以推断,所填词应该是指专业领域的技术知识,因此选项 C "technical" 符合要求。选项 A "procedural" 指的是程序、步骤等过程性知识,选项 B "practical" 指的是实际操作、实用性的知识,选项 D "intellectual" 指的是智力、思考方面的知识,都不符合句子的语境。'
  57. We have annual health check-ups with a doctor. We also need annual life design check-ups because ( )

  58. A:This also guides what we’ll need to learn and want to learn to help us get there. B:This also guides the choices we make about our future work. C:We can assess how our work matches up with our capabilities and goals.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:We can assess how our work matches up with our capabilities and goals.。根据上下文,句子中提到了“每年与医生进行健康检查”,并且需要“每年进行人生设计检查”,因此可以推断出这个检查是为了评估我们的工作是否符合我们的能力和目标。选项A和B都与这个目的有关,但选项C更全面地描述了这个目的,包括评估我们的工作与我们的能力和目标之间的匹配程度。因此,选项C是正确的选项。'
  59. Constant learning supplies us with( ).

  60. A:the power of analysis B:the power of reasoning C:the power of judgment
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:the power of reasoning】。原文中提到“Constant learning supplies us with the power of reasoning”,意思是持续学习为我们提供了推理能力。因此,选项B“the power of reasoning”是正确答案。选项A“the power of analysis”和C“the power of judgment”在原文中没有提到,因此不是正确选项。'
  61. Which do you think are important during four years of university? ( ).

  62. A:Mainly enjoying lives B:Participating voluntary activities C:Accumulating social experience by taking diverse jobs D:Acquiring professional knowledge
    AI参考:四个选项中,D:Acquiring professional knowledge是正确的答案。在大学四年中,获取专业知识是非常重要的。大学是专业教育的阶段,学生在此期间学习特定领域的知识和技能,为未来的职业生涯做好准备。相比之下,选项A:主要享受生活,并不一定是大学生活的主要目标;选项B:参加志愿活动,虽然有益于个人成长和社会责任,但不是大学学习的核心内容;选项C:通过不同的工作积累社会经验,这在某些情况下可能是有益的,但专业知识的学习和掌握通常是大学学习的核心。因此,在大学四年中,获取专业知识是至关重要的。'
  63. Positive role models might be people who always ______________. ( )

  64. A:stand up for what is right B:are patient and kind C:keep their word D:go out of their way to help
    AI参考:正确选项为 D: go out of their way to help正面的榜样人物应该是那些总是不遗余力地帮助别人的人。选项 A、B、C 虽然也是好的品质,但是不够全面,无法全面地展现榜样人物的正面形象。而选项 D 的表述更具体,更符合题意。因此,正确选项为 D:go out of their way to help。'
  65. In 2014, the State Council released an outline for building a national social credit system.( )

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. Humans today are facing many challenges such as poverty, global warming, resources shortage, famine, terrorism and so on.( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Huang Wenxiu had a spirit that's rarely seen but most needed in our modern times, that is, dedication to our country. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. Revolutionary culture is the condensation and sublimation of Chinese excellent traditional culture.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. President Xi Jinping made a speech on the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.( )

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” is a quote of Albert Einstein.( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A。根据题干中的信息,“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”是一句Albert Einstein的名言。因此,答案是A。'
  77. Generally speaking, innovation means bringing something new into the world.( )

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. Lifelong learning shouldn’t be an issue of trying to find something that excites you, the challenge really should be trying to choose between all the different things that you wish that you could learn.( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. “To build a community of a shared future for mankind" is a global solution to problems confronting all countries proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping.( )

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Unilateralism and protectionism will destroy international cooperation, fuel confrontation between ideologies and social systems, and put the world in serious danger.( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Cultural diversity means everything is welcomed from all sides. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. The earliest phases of the first civilizations left no written records.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Chinese people will head for their home whether they are miles away or not when the Spring Festival is coming, which is a representation of a desire for unity with family members. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. Bill Clinton said that you should stay hungry and the greatest gift can be that even as your body begins to fail, your minds are still working. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。根据题目中的句子“Bill Clinton said that you should stay hungry and the greatest gift can be that even as your body begins to fail, your minds are still working”,这句话的意思是“比尔·克林顿曾经说过,人应该保持对知识的渴望,即使身体衰弱,精神也能永存。”所以选项B是正确的。选项A“错”不符合句子的意思。'
  93. The May Fourth Movement is a grand flag of patriotism raised with the power of the whole nation.( )

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. Opportunities favor the prepared mind so everyone should make adequate preparations for their future life. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. Innovation will not only bring you success, but also bring China high-quality development and new growth opportunities for the global economy.( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity.( )

  100. A:错 B:对
  101. When we turn on the television or surf the internet, we can find that an increasing number of celebrities endorse the products of various brands.( )

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. As responsible citizens, we need to sacrifice the state’s interests to meet the needs of ourselves. ( )

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 作为负责任的公民,我们需要为了满足自己的需求而牺牲国家的利益。这句话表明了个人利益和公共利益之间的平衡,强调了个人应该为公共利益做出贡献,而不是只考虑自己的利益。因此,答案为B:对。"
  105. The establishment of correct consumption concept and reasonable life style will promote the sustainable development of social economy. ( )

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. “To build a community of a shared future for mankind" is a philosophy raised by China, but it belongs to the world. ( )

  108. A:错 B:对

  109. Wars could not propel construction of kingdoms, nations and states. ( )

  110. A:错 B:对
  111. One strategy of becoming a lifelong learner is that you need to continually have learning goals. ( )

  112. A:错 B:对
  113. People should use their leisure time to improve their minds, so that they can lead a happier life. ( )

  114. A:错 B:对
  115. Personal interests is the only factor that college students should consider when looking for a job. ( )

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. Conscience is the main lever behind the dispensation of justice. Those who listen to the call of their conscience would do wrong or immoral act to others.( )

  118. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据常识和道德观念,良心是维护正义的主要手段,而不是导致不公正或做出错误或不道德行为的主要杠杆。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A不符合实际情况。"
  119. It is correct for young people to postpone time of find a job during the Odyssey Years. ( )

  120. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。Odyssey Years指的是年轻人暂时停止寻找工作,花时间去探索自己真正想要从事的行业或领域的时间段。在这个阶段,年轻人应该延迟就业时间,寻找自己真正想要做的事情,不断学习和成长,以便在未来能够更好地找到适合自己的工作。因此,年轻人推迟就业时间是一个正确的选择。'
  121. Time management is not about managing the time, but about self-management.( )

  122. A:错 B:对
  123. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed to ask for help if you find yourself getting into financial trouble.( )

  124. A:对 B:错

  125. College students should learn to balance saving and spending, in order to focus on the primary goals and lead a meaningful life.( )

  126. A:错 B:对

  127. Time management refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on specific activities.( )

  128. A:对 B:错
  129. Though the permissive messages are sometimes subtle and change in form, they can be found everywhere we live.( )

  130. A:对 B:错

  131. Young people should escape from the confusions and difficulties during the Odyssey Years. ( )

  132. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。在青春期(Odyssey Years)期间,年轻人会面临许多困惑和困难,这是他们成长过程中不可避免的一部分。因此,他们应该勇敢面对这些挑战,而不是逃避它们。所以答案是B,即“对”。'
  133. We Chinese people have demonstrated the sense of individual responsibility during Covid-19 epidemic. ( )

  134. A:错 B:对
  135. More than 8,000 years ago, people were already planting wheat as a staple crop in the Middle East.( )

  136. A:对 B:错

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