1. All tourism depends on accessibility.

  2. 答案:对
  3. 1984年,国家旅游局决定将旅游外联权下放,授予一些地方的旅行社以业务经营所必需的签证通知权,并允许更多企业经营国际旅游业务。

  4. 答案:对
  5. Many Chinese people could consider buying a motor car for the first time in the 1950s.

  6. 答案:错
  7. An exit permit was required to leave by many seaports in the Roman Empire.

  8. 答案:对
  9. In 1950s, most holiday-makers took the train for their holidays in Britain.

  10. 答案:对
  11. 第一次工业革命期间,英国的工业城市生活环境十分优美洁净。

  12. 答案:错
  13. 特殊动机常被称为拉动力。

  14. 答案:对
  15. 一般动机常被称为拉动力。

  16. 答案:错
  17. The US government was the first to involve in tourism.

  18. 答案:错
  19. 如今,旅游业对全球经济贡献率很高。

  20. 答案:对
  21. According to WTO, a tourist has the same meaning as a visitor.

  22. 答案:错
  23. 旅游业的基本特点主要有:
  24. 自然对旅游资源的破坏主要指:
  25. With the ending of WWII in 1945, the first land-based commercial transatlantic flight took place between ____ and ____.
  26. Transport is a major sector of the tourism industry in terms of:
  27. 下列属于地貌旅游资源的是:
  28. Tourism can be disruptive of the local way of life in ways such as
  29. 日本学者田中喜一将旅游一般动机划分为4类,分别是:
  30. By the ____of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, local initiatives will begin to provide for visitors and advertise the resort.
  31. Which of the following events happened after World War II?
  32. 1845年8月4日,英国人托马斯·库克组织的从莱斯特到利物浦的旅行,其主要目的是______.
  33. With the introduction of the commercially successful ____jet in 1958, the age of air travel for the masses had arrived.
  34. The wealthy of Roman Empire built many second homes within easy travelling distance of Rome.
  35. 一般动机常被称为推动力。
  36. No one took trips abroad to visit friends and relatives in Roman Empire.
  37. Religion is an important tourism purpose for many people.
  38. Tourism will not influence the local language.
  39. The ancient Egypt held many religious festivals attracting many people who came to see the famous buildings and works of art in the cities.
  40. 发展旅游可以平衡地区经济发展,缩小地区差异。
  41. One example of event attraction is the Olympic Games.
  42. Tourism has great effect on the balance of payment.
  43. 闲暇时间不能决定一个人能否成为旅游者,而且不会影响旅游活动的方式与内容。
  44. 散客是相对于团体而言的,主要指个人、家庭及15人以下的自行结伴旅游者。
  45. The dominant consequence of tourism on vegetation is through the process of "trampling".
  46. Theme parks are one import kind of the attractions.
  47. Most pleasure travel was undertaken far away from home in Middle Ages.
  48. The carrying unit in a transportation system refers to:
  49. Other similar websites like couchsurfing are:
  50. According to Butler’s (1980), a destination may go through a cycle of evolution similar to the life-cycle of a product, which contain the stages of _____.
  51. There were people took international travel in Middle Ages, they were____.
  52. Amenities usually refer to:
  53. The infrastructure of a destination include the followings_____.
  54. 可自由支配收入指个人或家庭收入中扣除____之后所剩余的收入部分。
  55. In every destination there are several stakeholders, for example:
  56. 下列哪些属于旅游服务设施?
  57. 古希腊人对旅游的贡献包括:
  58. 19世纪旅游发生的变化有:
  59. The ______ is the medium of travel, along which transport vehicles travel.
  60. Herodotus is seen as____ .
  61. Which of the following is not the natural attraction?
  62. Which of the following elements can be seen as the motivator of a tourist?
  63. ____ includes accommodation, built attractions and retailing and other services.
  64. Camping and caravanning is well-matched with ____.
  65. By the ____ of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, the rate of increase of visitors declines, though total numbers are still increasing and exceed permanent residents.
  66. In 1950, Vladimir Raitz organized an experimental package holiday trip using a ____ to Corsica.
  67. By the ____ of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, companies from outside the area move in to provide products and facilities.
  68. The Great Wall of China is ________.
  69. The Great War led to the widespread introduction of ____ for nationals of many countries.
  70. Which of the following destination is a famous seaside resort?
  71. When we defining tourism, we need to consider the following elements except _____.
  72. 第一次工业革命使得生产力得到了大幅度提高,迅速增加了社会财富。
  73. The use and conversion of land to tourism uses is one of the major consequences of tourism globally.
  74. Tourism never causes pollution to the environment.
  75. 据世界旅游组织测算,旅游收入每增加1元,可带动相关行业增收4.3元。
  76. Few parts of the world, are now more than 24 hours flying time from any other part.
  77. Business travel usually can complement leisure travel.
  78. 1845年8月4日,英国人托马斯·库克组织的从莱斯特到利物浦的旅行是一次当日往返的旅游。
  79. By the early 1960s, the package holiday to the Mediterranean had become an established product for the mass holiday market in Europe.
  80. 气候气象因素通常不会影响人们的旅游计划。
  81. New transport provision can create new tourism demand as well as diverting demand from other modes or routes.
  82. Motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior.
  83. By the 1960s, there is a strong north-south movement in the flow of Japanese tourists to Australia.
  84. 2008年,我国取消了对外商投资旅行社设立分支机构的限制,并对外资旅行社的注册资本实行国民待遇。至此,中国旅行社业已向国际市场全面开放。
  85. Shipping business declined after the flourishing of aviation business.
  86. Mass tourism between the wars and in the early post World War II era remained largely domestic.
  87. 旅游基础设施通常指:
  88. 认为对旅游资源的破坏主要指:
  89. Through the twentieth century, motive power for most transport modes, was dependent on either ____ or ____ as the energy source.
  90. 旅行社可以接受委托,提供下列旅游服务:
  91. The main destinations of the Grand Tour were_____.
  92. The degree of disruption experienced by residents and their attitude towards tourism development will depend upon three key factors:
  93. Conditions favoring travel under the Roman Empire included____.
  94. 下列属于水体旅游资源的是:
  95. Tourism can impact on resident's lifestyle and quality of life, for example,
  96. 旅行社向旅游者提供的相关旅游服务,主要包括:
  97. Which of the following are the world famous hotels?
  98. In the opening years of the twentieth century, conditions favoring tourism included that____.
  99. By the outbreak of World War II, British government had recognized the potential contribution of tourism, for example,
  100. Self-catering accommodation usually refers to:
  101. Most destinations comprise a core of the following components such as:
  102. 不能列为国际旅游者的人员包括:
  103. 第一次工业革命催生了两个新的阶级,他们是?
  104. Over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries, thousands of ____ travelled around the continent, forming the Grand Tour.
  105. 根据我国对国内旅游者的统计规定,下列人员不属于国内游客:
  106. 1974年中国旅行社(简称中旅CTS)成为当时接待港______的专业旅行社。
  107. The most environmentally-friendly mode of travel is by_______.
  108. 中国国际旅行社总社(简称国旅CITS)于1954年4月15日在北京成立,当时负责接待来华的______。
  109. The term "tourist" was first used in the late ____century to describe the Grand Tour travellers.
  110. 旅行社,是指从事招徕、组织、接待旅游者等活动,为旅游者提供相关旅游服务,开展国内旅游业务、入境旅游业务或者出境旅游业务的_______。
  111. The tourism phenomenon ‘the movement to the sun ’ refers to a ______movement.
  112. The Roman Empire took control all the area around ____ from the year 27 B.C. to 476 A.D.
  113. Seaside resort gained popularity in the 18th century because _____.
  114. _______ act(s) as interchanges between different transport modes allowing travellers to transfer.
  115. The destination is perishable in the sense that, if it is not used it is _____.
  116. 中国青年旅行社(简称青旅CYTS)于1980年6月27日成立,主要接待来华的_______.
  117. ______是指从事招徕、组织、接待旅游者等活动,为旅游者提供相关旅游服务,开展国内旅游业务、入境旅游业务或者出境旅游业务的企业法人。
  118. 1949年11月9日,______成立,成为新中国的第一家旅行社。
  119. _____ is a typical destination of urban tourism.
  120. The main traveling purpose of the Grand Tour in the 17th century is_____ .
  121. Which of the following is man-made attraction?
  122. 旅游业门槛低、成本低,就业方式灵活,对不同类型的劳动力都有较大的需求。
  123. 旅游业是无烟产业,不会对环境造成影响。
  124. 旅游业的主要积极经济影响是?
  125. Which of the following activities will negatively influence animals?
  126. 发展旅游业对经济没有负面作用。
  127. 发展国内旅游业,有助于拓宽货币回笼渠道,加快货币回笼速度,扩大货币回笼量。
  128. he main negative consequences of tourism to environment include:
  129. 过度依赖旅游业可能会使区域经济换上“荷兰病”。
  130. Tourism can lead to the standardization of language at destinations.
  131. There is evidence that casinos can attract organized crime.
  132. 我国旅行社业是在受到外来经济和文化入侵的影响下产生的。
  133. 1996年,国务院颁布了《旅行社管理条例》,调整了中国的旅行社的分类,按照经营的业务范围将旅行社划分为____和____两大类型。
  134. Commercial accommodation usually refers to:
  135. 中国的沙发客绝大多数都是男性。
  136. 英国人托马斯·库克对旅行社的产生做出了重要贡献。
  137. Which of the following are the food and beverage outlets?
  138. Transport cannot be a tourism attraction in its own right.
  139. 旅游业就是以____为对象,为其旅游活动创造便利条件并提供其所需要商品和服务的综合性产业。
  140. 旅游业的三大支柱是?
  141. Travelodge is a famous budget hotel brand.
  142. Amenities usually refer to accommodation, food and beverage outlets, entertainment, retailing and other services.
  143. 旅游地当地居民的不当甚至不法行为会对旅游资源造成损害和破坏。
  144. 旅游资源的保护与开发是相互矛盾的,要保护就不能开发,要开发就没法实现保护。
  145. 下列属于突发性天灾对旅游资源的破坏的是:
  146. 旅游资源开发是一项全面、综合性的系统工程,包括的工作主要有:
  147. 下列属于生物侵害对旅游资源的破坏的是:
  148. 下列属于人文旅游资源的是?
  149. 下列属于自然旅游资源的是?
  150. 游客活动不会对旅游资源造成损害和破坏。
  151. According to Butler, destinations usually go through a cycle of evolution similar to the life-cycle of a product.
  152. 科恩(Cohen)认为旅游者的一般动机应该是工具性的。
  153. 当人们有了旅游的内在动机时,旅游行为立刻就能产生了。
  154. 旅游特殊动机指的是目的地那些能对游客产生吸引力的因素,因而也称拉动力。
  155. 收入水平对个人或家庭外出旅游的影响主要体现在以下哪些方面?
  156. According to UNWTO(2000), international travellers that are included in tourism statistics are called same-day visitors.
  157. 英语词” tourist” 在18世纪末才出现。
  158. 根据世界旅游组织1985年的定义,旅游者是“任何因消遣、闲暇、度假、体育、商务、公务、会议、疗养、学习和宗教等为目的,而在其居住国不论其国籍如何,所进行____小时以上,一年之内旅行的人。”
  159. 个人或家庭收入中扣除应纳所得税、社会保障性消费、日常生活必须消费部分之后所剩余的收入部分称作____:
  160. 我国对国内游客的统计规定是:“国内游客指任何因休闲、娱乐、观光、度假、探亲访友、就医、疗养、购物、参加会议或从事经济、文化、体育、宗教活动而离开自己长住地到我国境内其他地方访问,连续停留时间不超过____个月,并且访问的目的不是通过所从事的活动获取报酬的人。”
  161. 从国际经验来看,人均GDP达到____美元后,旅游成为人们生活中的必需品。
  162. The tourist is the ______in this system.
  163. The transit route region of Leiper’s model simply represent the short period of travel to reach the destination.
  164. Leiper outlines three geographical elements in his model as:
  165. When we describe the type of tourism which is less destructive, we may use terms as:
  166. Leiper’s model of tourism system does not have shortcomings.
  167. Tourism as a subject encompasses a number of diverse industrial sectors and academic subjects.
  168. The traveller-generating region of Leiper’s model provides the ‘push’ to stimulate and motivate travel.
  169. In tourism academic circles, “Generation T” means a generation with lots of other disciplinary or subject knowledge apart from tourism.
  170. Tourism as a subject remains bedevilled by conceptual weakness and fuzziness.
  171. The three basic elements of Leiper’s model are:
  172. In ancient times, many people from around came to see the famous buildings and works of art in the Egyptian cities.
  173. The earliest government’s involvement in tourism include the following countries:
  174. In the _____ century B.C., a museum of ‘historic antiquities’ was recorded to open to the public in Babylon area.
  175. The holiday camp developed from 1930s was aimed at high-income market.
  176. Many scholars consider the Sumerians' development of trade as the birth of travel.
  177. Egyptian graffiti dating back to as early as _____B.C. have been found.
  178. Shipping companies were gradually forced to abandon their traditional liner routes in the 1960s.
  179. Ancient Egyptians provided the travellers with services of all kinds during its festivals, such as:
  180. The development of motor travelling led to a growth in camping and caravanning holidays.
  181. The ancient Greeks held four national festivals with athletic competition every year, namely:
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