1. To emphasize the language of specifics is not to deny the need for general words.
A:错 B:对
2.Pointless shifts in number are another burden that no one should place on his reader.
A:错 B:对 3.Sticking to the same grammatical subject possibly will improve the ______ and ______ of our sentence.
A:focus…brevity B:clarity…brevity C:clarity…focus D:clarity…strength 4.A writer must be sure that changes in tense are based on _______ in time. Otherwise, the result is needless confusion. 
A:real changes B:the author C:none of them D:the aim 5. ____________ is a method of supporting a thesis statement with a series of specific examples, or sometimes, with a single extended example. 
A:Narration B:Description C:Exemplification D:Comparison 6.In cases of exemplification, the added __________ are like those feathers on the peacock's tail, to support or illustrate the statement and make it more colorful, descriptive, or specific. 
A:comparison B:argumentation C:cause D:examples 7.In the simple two-part formula, it is obvious that one part is __________ and the other part refers to __________.
A:the general statement…the specific example B:the general statement…the strong argumentation C:the strong argumentation…the general statement D:the specific example…the general statement 8. While developing the example, we may show rather than tell the example with the aid of_______.
A:sensory language B:All of the others C:dialogue D:description 9.The technique of “_________” your readers what you mean is one of the most powerful ones available to you. 
A:contrasting B:arguing C:telling D:showing 10.Which is the sentence with the fault of confusing shift?
A:In high school we worked more as groups than as individuals B:A human being can never ignore his own feelings C:Shirley won the first prize, while her brother was awarded the second D:A driver should never race his motor without a warm-up

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