第五章 The Gender-Role Revolution 性别角色革命:第五单元的主题是女性角色的变化。讲课视频先分析文章结构和内容:女性以前的角色是什么?为什么有这样的角色?现代女性是什么角色?为什么女性角色发生了变化?然后,学习与主题相关的词汇和短语。在课文学习的基础上,根据所提供的网络资源,开展关于女性角色的探讨。同时,学习如何表达因果关系和如何用英语谈论中国的四大石窟。5.1Reading: Women’s Changing Roles 阅读:妇女的角色转变:解读文章:妇女角色转换
5.2Expressions: Thematic Words and Phrases 表达:主题词和短语:学习本单元相关的主题词和短语
5.3Writing: Cause and Effect 写作:因果论证:学习因果论证的英文写作方法
5.4Culture: Chinese Grottoes 文化:中国石窟:用英文介绍中国石窟文化。
[单选题]At the beginning of the twentieth century, any fortune of a married woman in some countries might ________ the hands of her husband.

选项:[take into, fell into, join in , fall into]
[单选题]In patriarchal societies, men are treated with the greatest respect and have the greatest ________ to education.

选项:[access, possession, participation, domination]

[判断题]Decide True or False: The Chinese Buddhist grottoes are regarded as a profound and stunning general art gallery, which are composed of architecture, painting, sculptures, etc.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]It is only in the last 100 years that there has been a         in the perception of women’s roles.

选项:[aspect, shift, shadow , twist ]
[单选题]In patriarchal societies men were the        decision makers in both the family and in society.

选项:[racial, principal , principle  , reasonable ]
[单选题]Everyone in the class is expected to          actively in these discussions.

选项:[depart , participate , port, part ]
[单选题]The ballroom can         500 people.

选项:[accommodate, conclude , include , recommend]
[单选题]Luckily everyone can 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]The society should give women the respect and opportunities they       .

选项:[deserve , preserve , reserve  , conserve]

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