  1. Read the text and choose the right headings for the paragraphs. 1 Why Carry out Market ResearchCompanies carry out Market Research to gather and analyse data to understand and explain what people think about products or adverts, to find out about customer satisfaction and to predict how customers might respond to a new product on the market.2 _________________________Market Research can be categorised under two subheadings – Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research. The questions asked with Quantitative Research are structured whereas Qualitative Research questions are much more open and can often reveal consumption habits which the researchers hadn’t previously considered. You carry out Quantitative Research when you need to know how many people have certain habits and the Qualitative Research when you need to know why and how people do what they do.3 Who Carry our Market ResearchCompanies involved in Market Research include the Research Buyer and the Research Agency. The research agency carries out the market research in ways previously discussed with their clients – the research buyer. Sometimes companies only need their own data analysed, or are simply looking for advice on how to carry out their own research. Points that are discussed between the two parties can include:·       The time duration of the research·       The budget available·       Who the target groups are·       Predictions of results·       How the results will be helpful4 ________________________·       Street Surveys - stopping people in the street·       Phone or postal - people fill in questionnaires and send them back·       Internet surveys - a relatively new technique which functions in a similar way to other surveys except that a large number of people are interviewed at the same time5 ________________________·       Am I asking the right groups of people?·       How many people should I speak to in order to get representative answers to my questions?·       Are my questions easy to understand?·       How am I going to analyse the data?6 ________________________·       Focus groups - discussion between a small number of people about a product, or advert etc. to find out their views or habits·       Personal interviews - in-depth discussions on a one-to-one basis·       CAPI - computer assisted personal interviewing where questions are ‘asked’ by the computer and the answers are typed by the interviewee directly into the database for analysis·       Observation - this can be used as a complement to asking questions to see how people do what they do7 ________________________·       Are my questions open enough to get personalised answers?·       Have I restricted my target group?·       Do I only need to find out ‘why’ people do what they do or should I also do some quantitative research?

  2. 答案:DDBAC
  3. Read an email and answer the five questions after it. To: James ForresterDate: 6 NovemberSubject: Possible help with product designDear James,As you know, we have been working on the new perfume that we are launching in April and we are unsure about some of the packaging details. We have seen some of your creative work in the sales department and we think you have a very good eye for detail.Do you have some time before close of business this Friday to sit down with us and talk through some of our designs? We would truly appreciate your advice on this. It shouldn't take longer than two hours of your time and we would be happy to clear it with Patricia, your department head, if necessary.Best regards,Sarah FordHead of DepartmentProduct Design

  4. 答案:
  5. What should you do before you write the rough draft?

  6. A:Make notes of information you might need. B:Come up with a topic. C:Write the major points you want to cover. D:Research the topic.
    答案:Make notes of information you might need.###Research the topic.###Come up with a topic.###Write the major points you want to cover.
  7. Which of the following statements are true?

  8. A:Commas are very important for separating items when using multiple adjectives. B:Semicolon can be used to introduce short lists of bullet point statements. C:Rules of using commas have changed a lot over time. D:In business communication, there is almost no place for exclamation marks.
    答案:A, C, D
  9. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

  10. A:Most stress disorders can be effectively treated with serotonin-uptake inhibitors. B:These disorders include depression, heat intolerance, onychophagia, pathologic jealousy, dysthymia, and trichotillomania. C:Stuck in the mud, the man tried to free himself. D:Most dictionaries will not have obscure medical terminology, although most good dictionaries will have the Latin and Greek roots that morphologically compose the terminology.
    答案:Most stress disorders can be effectively treated with serotonin-uptake inhibitors.;These disorders include depression,heat intolerance,onychophagia,pathologic jealousy,dysthymia,and trichotillomania.;Most dictionaries will not have obscure medical terminology,although most good dictionaries will have the Latin and Greek roots that morphologically compose the terminology.;Stuck in the mud,the man tried to free himself.
  11. Which sentences contain one or more proper nouns?

  12. A:Tarnower Corporation donates a portion of its profits to charity every year. B:Which aluminum bolts are packaged? C:Give the balance sheet to Melissa. D:After three years of declining sales, the board fired the CEO and hired a replacement from Google
    答案:Tarnower Corporation donates a portion of its profits to charity every year.###Give the balance sheet to Melissa.###After three years of declining sales, the board fired the CEO and hired a replacement from Google
  13. Choose from the answers below to diagnose what’s wrong with the following sentence: This is a lovely cake, she exclaimed, where did you get the recipe?

  14. A:Incorrect use of the question mark after direct speech. B:You do not need a comma after "cake" as it is not the end of the direct speech. C:The sentence contains a comma splice. D:No quotation marks.
    答案:No quotation marks.###The sentence contains a comma splice.
  15. Which can/should be connected with a semi-colon?

  16. A:The stock exchange fell sharply _______ I would wait before selling your shares. B:The stock exchange fell sharply _______ investor confidence is very low. C:The stock exchange fell sharply _______ a difficult day for everybody. D:The stock exchange fell sharply _______ many investors decided to sell their shares.
    答案:The stock exchange fell sharply _______ investor confidence is very low.###The stock exchange fell sharply _______ I would wait before selling your shares.###The stock exchange fell sharply _______ many investors decided to sell their shares.
  17. Which of the following statement is true?

  18. A:Properly formatting a business document can make no big difference in the quality of your work. B:It is essential to follow the guidelines in writing business documents, because some of these documents can influence how well you or your company performs. C:Writing in business format is different from other types of writing. D:Consistency of the form in a business letter will make it look professional.
    答案:Writing in business format is different from other types of writing.###Consistency of the form in a business letter will make it look professional.###It is essential to follow the guidelines in writing business documents, because some of these documents can influence how well you or your company performs.
  19. Steve wants to write a convincing argument supporting the need for reducing carbon emissions from cars. Which of the following are approaches he should use to write a good argument?

  20. A:Make sure you are arguing the question asked. B:Use good and varied sources. C:Attack the frailty of the opposing view. D:Acknowledge disagreement.
  21. Which of the following are the correct waya to use the colon?

  22. A:We are trying very hard to explain the situation to everyone and work on all of the existing concerns: Moving on, there are many difficult things we must discuss. B:I'm going to watch a movie called 'Cezar: The Rise of Rome'. C:We believe that a lot of things need to be changed around the school: books, the teacher's attitudes, as well as the equipment. D:Tom went to school and saw his worst nightmare: his parents talking to his math teacher.
  23. Which of the following transitional words can be used to indicate a contrasting idea?

  24. A:In addition B:However C:Nonetheless D:Moreover
  25. Which of the following statements are NOT true about informational texts?

  26. A:Opinions are never seen in any form. B:Informative texts are the same as persuasive texts. C:There might be opinions quoted from someone relevant to the topic. D:The author always explicitly states his or her opinion in an informative text.
  27. Choose the sentences that do not contain any tense inconsistencies.

  28. A:They left the house around eight, walked to town and end up in their favourite pub. B:Jim wanted to visit his grandma but cannot find the money for a train ticket. C:If I had seen the car earlier, I would have been able to avoid the accident. D:We were able to travel to Athens but could not find a hotel.
  29. The paragraph below contains irrelevant sentences. Look at the initial sentence to see what the focus of that paragraph should be and identify the irrelevant sentences.                 Binge drinking is the new scourge of British society. a) Many town centres have become places to avoid on weekend evenings as hundreds of drunk and often violent people spill out onto the streets. b) More than 70 percent of casualty admissions on Friday and Saturday evenings are drink related. c) Casualty departments across the country have had their funding cut in the last few years. d) European Commission statistics show that the UK is the most drink-sodden society in Europe with more people admitting to 'binge drinking' than any other EU country. e) Hungary was the least drunken society in the Europe wide survey. f) Hungary generally has a more gentle and sophisticated society than the UK.

  30. A:e B:d C:a D:c E:b F:f
  31. Choose the complete sentences.

  32. A:The mouse in the corner. B:Over the hills and through the woods. C:Computers help students. D:She prepared for the annual meeting.
  33. Which are complex sentences?

  34. A:Jasper fell down the stairs because he was walking and texting. B:Many shopping malls have closed across the Midwest. C:You will pass the test if you study hard. D:They always order pizza whenever they eat at that restaurant.
  35. Which actions listed below are strategies for varying sentence structure?

  36. A:removing pronouns B:using pronouns C:changing sentence length D:varying transitions
  37. Which of the following sentences are examples of third person point of view?

  38. A:I hit my thumb with the hammer. B:She hit her thumb with the hammer. C:They hit their thumbs with the hammers. D:You hit your thumb with the hammer.
  39. Which terms listed below are organizational patterns in writing?

  40. A:order of importance B:chronological order C:cause and effect D:biography
  41. As you work on editing and improving the content of an essay that you've written, which of the following considerations are important?

  42. A:Your thesis statement is effective. B:Your purpose is clear. C:Your supporting details are numbered. D:You have sufficient supporting details.
  43. Which of the following are suggested proofreading strategies?

  44. A:Reading only the new paragraphs you have written while revising. B:Walking away from your essay before you begin proofreading. C:Using your word processor's grammar and spell checkers before proofreading D:Looking for one type of error at a time.
  45. The woman who did not attend the meeting said that she had to study for her chemistry exam. This sentence is correctly punctuated.

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. The purpose of an essay explaining the process of pollution is to persuade.

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. For all written texts, formal diction is used.

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. China’s national legislature adopted the foreign Investment law at the closing meeting of the second session of the National People’s Congress on March 15. This sentence is properly capitalized.

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. Sentences can be coordinated using either a coordinating conjunction and a comma or a conjunctive adverb and a semicolon.

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Please decide whether the question is correctly formed or not. How many people work in your office?

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. The predicate of a sentence is the action word and everything that follows it.

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. A conjunctive adverb is a linking word that demonstrates a relationship between two clauses.

  60. A:对 B:错
  61. Please decide whether the question is correctly formed or not. What time will being convenient for you?

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. Charts, figures or tables can be used to offer your most important points.

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. Please decide whether the question is correctly formed or not. Could you let me know the date of the conference?

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. You can use illustrations and clip art from the Internet without worrying about copyright. After all, they are posted online for everyone to use.

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. The book, that your sister gave you for your birthday, won a National Book Award. This sentence is correctly punctuated.

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. The main idea of an essay is the first sentence in the first paragraph.

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Connotation refers to the main meaning of a word.

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. In some cases, the real meaning of some words resides in the mind of the user, the listener, or the reader.

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. The 24 Solar Terms are part of the traditional Chinese calendar. It was originated along the Yellow River even before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), and was almost settled down in the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220). Are the two sentences properly capitalized?

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Tone in writing is the expression of a writer’s attitude towards subject, audience and self.

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. The courthouse which was renovated recently was built in 1878. This sentence is correctly punctuated.

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. It is important to proofread your essay to ensure that you do not overlook silly mistakes that can affect your credibility.

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Read the topic sentence and choose the point that interferes with the unity of the paragraph. Topic sentence: Some restaurant customers make trivial complaints in the hope of getting a free meal.

  86. A:Some customers gripe when service is a bit slow. B:Other customers grumble if the coffee is not piping hot or the iced tea is not cold enough. C:Many complain if they have to make a trip to the emergency room because of food poisoning.
  87. Recognize the underlined parts of following sentence by choose the right option. "Wei Jianguo, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said it is time for China to highlight the roles of processing trade and cross-border e-commerce businesses to ease the pressure on general trade. "

  88. A:appositive (同位语) B:-ing modifier C:-ed modifier D:adverb
  89. Which transition would signal to your readers that an opposing viewpoint is about to be explored?

  90. A:In summary B:Meanwhile C:In contrast D:In particular
  91. Choose the sentence with a comma splice.

  92. A:They weren't dangerous criminals they were detectives in disguise. B:They weren't dangerous criminals; they were detectives in disguise. C:They weren't dangerous criminals. They were detectives in disguise. D:They weren't dangerous criminals, they were detectives in disguise.
  93. Which is the best way to make sure your paragraph is effective?

  94. A:End your paragraph with a supporting detail B:Have several topics in one paragraph C:Have a topic sentence with a supporting detail D:have topic and closing sentences that transition between the topics of paragraphs
  95. Read the passage below and identify the main pattern of organization uses in it. Many people say rapid population growth is the reason why nearly one billion people go hungry every day. However, political factors are also among the causes of hunger. Firs, many countries with hungry citizens actually export crops to other countries. Exporting the crops offers greater profits than selling them at home. Secondly, surpluses that could feed many people are often destroyed in order to keep the price of products high. For example, some crops are allowed to rot, and extra milk is fed to pigs or even dumped.

  96. A:cause and effect B:chronological order C:comparison and contrast D:sequence
  97. Which type of business writing is being described in a business proposal providing a quote to design and develop a website?

  98. A:persuasive business writing B:instructional business writing C:transactional business writing D:informational business writing
  99. The sales _________ consists of the sales director, his assistant and ten sales representatives.

  100. A:campaign B:strategy C:team D:figures
  101. Which is not the factor defining the type of tone in a business document?

  102. A:audience B:document purpose C:document length D:writer
  103. Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement?

  104. A:More than 250,000 drivers in the United States fall asleep at the wheel every day. B:A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver. C:Drowsy driving is responsible for 100,000 accidents every year. D:A lack of sleep has been shown to slow reaction times and impair judgement.
  105. Read the topic sentence and choose the point that interferes with the unity of the paragraph. Topic sentence: If I had to give up one modern convenience, I would get rid of my telephone.

  106. A:Without a phone, I would waste less time chatting. B:My telephone is a vital link to emergency services. C:Getting rid of my phone would eliminate interruptions from salespeople.
  107. This year, after a lengthy, noisy debate, they decided to take separate vacations.

  108. A:compound-complex sentence B:compound sentence C:simple sentence D:complex sentence
  109. Complete the emails with the appropriate questions. Hello again Atoshi,I would like to post the documents to your office, but I do not have your work address. ____________________ As soon as I have it, I will send them to you.With thanks, Jose Gutiérrez

  110. A:Could you let me know the price? B:Could you let me know your availability? C:Could you let me know your arrival time? D:Could you let me know the address?
  111. Which sentence contains more than one proper noun?

  112. A:Tarnower Corporation donates a portion of its profits to charity every year. B:Please send the Joneses a dozen of each of the following: stopwatches, canteens, headbands, and wristbands. C:After three years of declining sales, the board fired the CEO and hired a replacement from Google. D:Give the balance sheet to Melissa.
  113. Select the coordinating conjunction that would correctly fill in the blank in the following sentence: I worked late last night, _____ I still have a lot to do today.

  114. A:nor B:but also C:however D:but
  115. Come to my office ten minutes before the meeting so we can have _______.

  116. A:key issues B:a major problem C:a brief chat D:bright colors
  117. Which type of writing is being described in a brochure advertising a luxury hotel and resort?

  118. A:narrative B:persuasive C:descriptive D:expository
  119. Which of the following sentences has the BEST diction for achieving a light tone?

  120. A:The robot’s fundamental occupation was to engage in raillery regarding subpar films. B:The robot’s primary job was primarily to make fun of bad movies. C:The robot’s principal work was to critique poor works of cinema. D:The robot’s primary job was to make fun of bad movies.
  121. Read the following paragraph and choose the topic sentence: (a) The heart weighs about 11 ounces and is the size of a clenched fist. (b) The heart of a man performs at about 60 to 80 beats a minute. (c) In a year it beats some 40 million times. At each beat it takes in nearly a quarter of a pint of blood; in a single day it pumps 2,200 gallons of blood, and in the course of a single lifetime about 56 million gallons. Is there any other engine capable of carrying on such heavy work over such a long period of time without needing to be repaired? (d) Obviously the human heart is a small yet highly efficient piece of equipment.

  122. A:(a) B:(d) C:(b) D:(c)
  123. Complete the emails with the appropriate questions. Dear Mr. Roberts, I will come and collect you from London Heathrow Airport next Tuesday. _______________________  I look forward to meeting you next week. Regards, Sheila Fiston

  124. A:Could you let me know the address? B:Could you let me know your availability? C:Could you let me know the price? D:Could you let me know your arrival time?

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