1. What is the topic sentence in paragraph 3? ( )

  2. 答案:As a leisure centre manager, I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the Leeds Leisure Centre.
  3. What is the topic sentence in paragraph 6 of the report? ( )

  4. 答案:There are two ways you can become a leisure centre manager.
  5. Which of these could be an alternative heading for paragraph 3?( )

  6. 答案:Main responsibilities
  7. What would be a good heading for paragraph 4 of the report?( )

  8. 答案:Hours of work
  9. What is the purpose of a report?( )

  10. 答案:To give facts about an event or a subject.
  11. Choose the right heading for Rule 5.( )

  12. 答案:Proofreading
  13. Choose the right heading for Rule 4.( )

  14. 答案:Length
  15. Choose the right heading for Rule 3.( )

  16. 答案:Capital letters
  17. Choose the right heading for Rule 2.( )

  18. 答案:Attachment
  19. Choose the right heading for Rule 1.( )

  20. 答案:Who to send the email to
  21. Which of the following are suggested proofreading strategies?

  22. 答案:Using your word processor's grammar and spell checkers before proofreading###Looking for one type of error at a time.###Walking away from your essay before you begin proofreading.
  23. Which of the following sentences have the correct parallelism?
  24. A dependent clause_______________
  25. Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen correctly.
  26. Which of the following are included in the general rules of self-editing?
  27. Read the following sentence and choose the true statements about it.
  28. Which of the following statement is true?
  29. Which of the following statements are true about exclamation marks?
  30. When you think about your reader in planning and composing a message, what should you consider?
  31. Which statement is NOT true?
  32. Which are complex sentences?
  33. Which can/should be connected with a semi-colon?
  34. The book, that your sister gave you for your birthday, won a National Book Award. This sentence is correctly punctuated.
  35. When writing for an audience of varied intelligence, you should use more sophisticated diction.
  36. You ate all of the cupcakes before he even got to the break room. The sentence is an written in the third person point of view.
  37. Denotation is the emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word.
  38. A thesaurus is a word reference that gives word meanings, acceptable spellings, hyphenation, capitalization, pronunciation.
  39. China’s national legislature adopted the foreign Investment law at the closing meeting of the second session of the National People’s Congress on March 15. This sentence is properly capitalized.
  40. It is important to use visuals in business writing.
  41. Dictionaries and thesauruses are helpful tools for all writers.
  42. Before you decide what courses to take, you should consider the amount of work you are willing to do. This sentence is correctly punctuated.
  43. The topic sentence is generally found at the end of a paragraph to provide a summary of the information.
  44. Which transition would signal to your readers that an opposing viewpoint is about to be explored?
  45. Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement?
  46. Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet.
  47. Which type of writing is being described in a web page telling how yo create a web page?
  48. Read the sentence and decide if the words in bold forms a correct sentence, a fragment, a run-on or a comma splice. "I saw her standing in the rain by the school gates. Waiting for the bus to come."
  49. Which type of writing is being described in the Harry Potter books?
  50. Which type of writing is being described in an essay discussing a them from Romeo and Juliet?
  51. Which is the best way to make sure your paragraph is effective?
  52. Which sentence is not properly capitalized?
  53. Bruno, on the other hand, likes the view that he gets from the log cabin up in the mountains, and he enjoys hiking in the forest.
  54. Which type of business writing is being described in a guide focused on allowing the customer to use a product?
  55. Which type of writing is being described in a brochure advertising a luxury hotel and resort?
  56. The topic of your essay is somewhat controversial, but you want readers who disagree with your opinion to continue reading. Which of the following sentences would most likely encourage their continued attention?
  57. Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier?
  58. Read the passage below and identify the main pattern of organization uses in it. Many people say rapid population growth is the reason why nearly one billion people go hungry every day. However, political factors are also among the causes of hunger. Firs, many countries with hungry citizens actually export crops to other countries. Exporting the crops offers greater profits than selling them at home. Secondly, surpluses that could feed many people are often destroyed in order to keep the price of products high. For example, some crops are allowed to rot, and extra milk is fed to pigs or even dumped.
  59. Choose the best sentence for pagraph 5. ( )
  60. Choose the best sentence for pagraph 4. ( )
  61. Choose the best sentence for pagraph 3. ( )
  62. Choose the best sentence for pagraph 2. ( )
  63. Choose the best sentence for pagraph 1. ( )
  64. When would Sarah like to sit down with James?( )
  65. Which department is working on the new perfume?( )
  66. What is happening in April?( )
  67. What department does James work for?( )
  68. What is Sarah requesting?( )
  69. Which sentences are not correct?
  70. What should you do before you write the rough draft?
  71. Choose the sentences with correct pronoun agreement.
  72. Which sentences contain one or more proper nouns?
  73. Choose the sentences that do not contain any tense inconsistencies.
  74. The goals of a persuasive essay would include:
  75. Which of the following transitional words can be used to indicate a contrasting idea?
  76. Which are the proven document-formatting techniques?
  77. What are the elements of good diction?
  78. Which of the following sentences have correct subject-verb agreements?
  79. Choose from the answers below to diagnose what’s wrong with the following sentence: This is a lovely cake, she exclaimed, where did you get the recipe?
  80. Select the correct sentences.
  81. The paragraph below contains irrelevant sentences. Look at the initial sentence to see what the focus of that paragraph should be and identify the irrelevant sentences.       Indian food is becoming more and more popular in the UK. a) A recent poll indicated that chicken tikka masala is the nation's favourite dish. b) Chickens are usually reared on battery farms in conditions of very poor light and with restricted movement. c) Indian cookbooks have been selling in greater and greater numbers as more people want to experiment with this style of food. d) Due to consumer pressure, free-range chickens are becoming more and more popular. e) One reason for the increasing popularity of Indian food is the increased availability of the spices needed to give the food its distinctive flavour. f) There has also been an explosion in the number of Indian restaurants offering this exotic cuisine at reasonable prices.
  82. Choose the correct sentences.
  83. Steve wants to write a convincing argument supporting the need for reducing carbon emissions from cars. Which of the following are approaches he should use to write a good argument?
  84. Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen incorrectly.
  85. Which actions listed below are strategies for varying sentence structure?
  86. Which of the following statements are NOT true about informational texts?
  87. Which of the following are the correct waya to use the colon?
  88. The predicate of a sentence is the action word and everything that follows it.
  89. Without help I would not finish this assignment. The sentence can be altered to be clearer by adding a comma after "help.
  90. Please decide whether the question is correctly formed or not. What time will being convenient for you?
  91. The courthouse which was renovated recently was built in 1878. This sentence is correctly punctuated.
  92. Pairing fonts will make your business writing look professional.
  93. Charts, figures or tables can be used to offer your most important points.
  94. Please decide whether the question is correctly formed or not. How many people work in your office?
  95. Memos are brief business documents usually used internally to inform or persuade employees concerning business decisions on policy, procedure, or actions.
  96. To ensure that you are writing effectively for your audience you should consider what the reader knows about the subject and writing to that level.
  97. The instructor she taught us how to punctuate sentences correctly. The sentence can be corrected by removing the pronoun "she".
  98. Last year we drove through death Valley.This sentence is properly capitalized.
  99. The purpose of an essay explaining the process of pollution is to persuade.
  100. Outlining the major points from your essay after writing the essay can help you change your essay topic.
  101. Calvin went to Chicago by airplane, and Audra traveled to the city by train.
  102. The 24 Solar Terms are part of the traditional Chinese calendar. It was originated along the Yellow River even before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), and was almost settled down in the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220). Are the two sentences properly capitalized?
  103. The woman who did not attend the meeting said that she had to study for her chemistry exam. This sentence is correctly punctuated.
  104. Huawei launches AI computing platform Atlas. This sentence is properly capitalized.
  105. When he was in high school he was known only as an athlete. This sentence is correctly punctuated.
  106. It is important to proofread your essay to ensure that you do not overlook silly mistakes that can affect your credibility.
  107. For all written texts, formal diction is used.
  108. Read the topic sentence and choose the point that interferes with the unity of the paragraph. Topic sentence: Some restaurant customers make trivial complaints in the hope of getting a free meal.
  109. Which type of business writing is being described in an email requesting for more information concerning the cleaning services you?
  110. Which of the sentences needs some revision for sentence variety?
  111. Read the topic sentence and choose the point that interferes with the unity of the paragraph. Topic sentence: Fear of serious injury makes many parents hesitate to encourage their children to play football
  112. The sales ________ for the last quarter were very encouraging and we made a substantial profit.
  113. At the moment, we are conducting market research to find out the product's sales _______ in Germany.
  114. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling participial phrase?
  115. Complete the emails with the appropriate questions. Dear Mr. Roberts, I will come and collect you from London Heathrow Airport next Tuesday. _______________________  I look forward to meeting you next week. Regards, Sheila Fiston
  116. Which of the following sentences has the BEST diction for achieving a light tone?
  117. The sales director is confident of achieving the sales __________ set last January.
  118. Pauline says there is nothing relaxing about chopping wood, swatting mosquitoes, and cooking over a woodstove.
  119. Recognize the underlined parts of following sentence by choose the right option. "Delayed by a traffic jam, the Jones family arrived several hours after the party started. "
  120. Come to my office ten minutes before the meeting so we can have _______.
  121. Bruno dislikes sitting on the beach; he always gets a nasty sunburn.
  122. Which type of writing is being described in the cover story in the morning newspaper?
  123. Complete the emails with the appropriate questions. Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to book a meeting room for 25 people (including 2-course lunch) on January 4 next year. _______________ Can you offer us a discount? With thanks in advance,Lin MoMarketing Executive, Star Properties
  124. Complete the emails with the appropriate questions. Dear Mrs. Haniss,We would like to offer you some part-time work next term. ________________ Are you free on Thursday mornings?I look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly, Ruth Gaddon (Head Teacher)
  125. Which type of writing is being described in the writing where you record details of a trip taken?
  126. In your essay on the influence of TV, don’t forget to discuss these ________.
  127. Read the sentence and decide if the words in bold forms a correct sentence, a fragment, a run-on or a comma splice. "My father has a new job, he used to work in a bank now he's a teacher."
  128. When you profile your audience, you should consider which of the following criteria? ( )
  129. What is the purpose of the passage in Question 3?
  130. The organizational outline of a negative message in an indirect approach may include buffer, reasons, news, and goodwill & actions.
  131. The following passage is from the captureplanning.com website. It is an introductory paragraph and the first thing a viewer on the website will see. Who do you think the audience is for the passage? ( )In business proposal writing, the only opinion that matters is that of your customer's. If you want to know what to include in your proposal or how to best format a proposal, you need to look at it from the customer's point of view. Business proposal writing should answer any questions the customer has and explain the benefits of your approach. If you want to perfect your proposal writing, you need to first perfect your understanding of your customer. It's not about what you want to say or how well you can describe yourself; it's about what the customer needs to know in order to select the winner. Only after you master writing from the customer's perspective can you write a proposal that is the most effective. Some general advice for people who are new to business proposal writing is provided below...
  132. Of the following statements, which one(s) are measurable? ( )
  133. Choosing the correct channel for a message is not as important as defining the purpose of the message.
  134. Why is it important to proofread your essay? ( )
  135. As you work on editing and improving the content of an essay that you’ve written, which of the following considerations are important?( )
  136. The last step in the editing process is known as( ), which involves carefully reading over a document for the purpose of finding any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting that need to be corrected.
  137. Why is it important to use visuals in a proposal?( )
  138. Synonyms are used as a cohesive device to help the reader to stay focused on the idea being discussed.
  139. The ordering of the paragraphs is important in giving writing coherence and a logical flow.
  140. How are supporting sentences used to offer evidence for the topic sentence?( )
  141. Comment on the paragraph below. ( ) All students need to know how to write a good paragraph. The main parts of a paragraph are the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Students may receive lower marks for poorly constructed paragraphs. Paragraphs in law essays are different from paragraphs in other subject areas.
  142. Read the passage below and identify the main pattern of organization uses in it.( ) The story of the city mouse and the country mouse is one version of the age-old debate between the people who prefer city life and those who prefer country life. In the city, there is always something to do. But in the country, you can always find peace and quiet. In the city, you are constantly exposed to new and different kinds of people. On the other hand, in the country, you are always among familiar faces. These are the images we have. The reality is less clear-cut. Rural towns do have their night spots, and even New York City has places to escape to and be alone with your thoughts.
  143. The paragraph below contains irrelevant sentences. Look at the initial sentence in each paragraph to see what the focus of that paragraph should be and identify the irrelevant sentences. ( ) Newspaper crosswords are becoming increasingly popular. a) There is good evidence that doing crosswords helps you to avoid mental degeneration in later life. b) Newspaper sales have been in decline for several years. c) Many editors blame the increase in television news for the decline in sales. d) Tests with retirees who regularly complete crosswords have shown higher levels of the chemicals associated with mental alertness. e) The participants in the survey reported feeling more alert and interested in life than a control group who did not do crosswords. f) All the participants agreed that The Sun is an awful paper.
  144. The paragraph below contains irrelevant sentences. Look at the initial sentence in each paragraph to see what the focus of that paragraph should be and identify the irrelevant sentences. ( ) The Greek islands make a perfect place to go on holiday. a) There are literally hundreds of islands to choose from. b) Athens is the rather overcrowded and polluted capital of Greece. c) Many of the Greek islands are still very unspoiled and quiet, retaining traces of a more peaceful pace of life. d) For those wanting more excitement, there are islands with plenty of bars and restaurants. e) Getting to the islands could not be easier; there are regular ferry connections to all the main islands from Athens and Rafina. f) Some people can feel rather unwell when traveling by boat.
  145. Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph. ( )Time Management (1) No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. (2) To be successful at university, students need to learn good time-management skills. (3) The first skill is not taking on more than you can handle. If you are a working part-time, have a family and are involved in a community organization, then taking a full course-load at university will be too much. Another time management skill is reasonably estimating the time required to perform each of the tasks at hand. For example, profoundly reading a chapter from a course text cannot be completed in between television programmes. Finally, actually doing what needs to be done seems obvious, but is a very difficult skill. You may find that cleaning out your wardrobe becomes vital when you are avoiding study. Procrastination is a time manager's enemy. (4) By learning time management skills your university study will be successful and most importantly enjoyable.
  146. Choose the best topic sentence. ( )The teachers are all very old and boring. The courses are not good. The buildings are old and dirty and there is no heating in them. Worst of all, it takes me two hours to get there. I wish I had gone to a different college.
  147. The paragraph below contains irrelevant sentences. Look at the initial sentence in each paragraph to see what the focus of that paragraph should be and identify the irrelevant sentences. ( ) Indian food is becoming more and more popular in the UK. a) A recent poll indicated that chicken tikka masala is the nation's favorite dish. b) Chickens are usually reared on battery farms in conditions of very poor light and with restricted movement. c) Indian cookbooks have been selling in greater and greater numbers as more people want to experiment with this style of food. d) Due to consumer pressure, free-range chickens are becoming more and more popular. e) One reason for the increasing popularity of Indian food is the increased availability of the spices needed to give the food its distinctive flavor. f) There has also been an explosion in the number of Indian restaurants offering this exotic cuisine at reasonable prices.
  148. Select the sentences which contain dangling participles. ( )
  149. Bruno took the desktop computer that he uses at work, and Pauline sits on the beach with her laptop computer, which she connects to the internet with a cellular phone.( )
  150. There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!( )
  151. Choose from the answers below to diagnose what’s wrong with the following sentence.Clint didn’t talk much he just stared you down with cold, dead eyes. ( )
  152. Coordination joins two independent clauses of equal importance, whereas subordination joins two independent clauses or ideas in a way that makes one more important than the other.
  153. Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation. ( )
  154. Which is a dependent clause?( )
  155. Choose the complete sentence.( )
  156. Choose the correct sentence. ( )
  157. What are the ways of correcting comma splices?( )
  158. The company is planning to launch an important sales ( )to promote their latest product.
  159. A thesaurus is a word reference that gives word meanings, acceptable spellings, hyphenation, capitalization, pronunciation.( )
  160. Which of the following is NOT an element of good diction?( )
  161. Which statements are true?( )
  162. Which statements are NOT true? ( )
  163. At an entry of most dictionaries, you can find the spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, definition, and synonyms. ( )
  164. Specialized dictionaries for business or other areas such as financing or accounting can be found on the Internet.
  165. Which of the following statements about how to choose a level of diction is NOT true? ( )
  166. A dictionary gives you a list of synonyms and antonyms.( )
  167. In your essay on the influence of TV, don’t forget to discuss these.( )
  168. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.( )
  169. He did not however intend to return the money he borrowed.( )
  170. Which of the sentence is NOT correctly punctuated? ( )
  171. White space is reader-friendly, because wide margins make your writing easier for your readers’ eyes to scan.( )
  172. Saul having forgotten to save his work lost all of his revisions when his computer crashed.( )
  173. Professional writing presented in a standard way is expected and appreciated by business people.( )
  174. Decide which of these sentences uses the hyphen correctly.( )
  175. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )
  176. Choose the sentence that is correct without adding a comma. ( )
  177. Which is the proven document-formatting technique?( )
  178. Which statements are NOT true?( )
  179. Which type of business writing is being described in an employment dismissal letter to an employee of poor performance? ( )
  180. Which type of business writing is being described in a report Michelle wrote to share with her principal information she has accumulated regarding best practices for teaching Latin?( )
  181. Which type of writing is being described in a letter to the governor explaining why the tax increase is a bad idea?( )
  182. Which type of writing is being described in a paper discussing the after-effects of a war?( )
  183. The three basic functions of business writing are to inform, to influence, and to entertain. ( )
  184. What is the primary purpose of a persuasive essay?( )
  185. Which statements are true? ( )
  186. The goal of a persuasive piece of writing is to convey information.( )
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