1.Which statement about concessions stage is incorrect? ( )
A:Often concessions go unappreciated and unreciprocated. B:Concessions are almost always necessary to complete any successful transaction. C:Your counterparts tend to overlook, ignore or downplay your concessions. D:Adapt your demands to the other side quickly.
2.A ___ is contingent when you state that you can make it only if the other party agrees to make a specified concession in return. ( )
A:Compromise B:Cooperation C:Agreement D:Concession 3.___ means that if a loss occurs, the economic entity will pay with any funds available at the time. It can be active or passive; it can be unconscious or conscious. ( )
A:Risk avoidance B:Transfer risk C:The control of risk loss D:Risk-taking 4.ZOPA means the overlap zone of the buyer’s and seller’s target prices.( )
A:对 B:错 5.Respect for cultural differences will get a negotiator a lot farther than ignorance, so it’s important to do some research when entering into negotiations with unfamiliar counterparts. ( )
A:错 B:对 6.A collaborative negotiation style follows the “I win, you win” model. ( )
A:对 B:错

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