  1. The photoelectric effect is __________.

  2. A:the ejection of electrons by a metal when struck with light of sufficient energy B:the darkening of photographic film when exposed to an electric field C:the production of current by silicon solar cells when exposed to sunlight D:the total reflection of light by metals giving them their typical luster E:a relativistic effect
    答案:the ejection of electrons by a metal when struck with light of sufficient energy
  3. A combination of sand, salt, and water is an example of a __________.

  4. A:pure substance B:solid C:homogeneous mixture D:heterogeneous mixture E:compound
    答案:heterogeneous mixture
  5. Which isoelectronic series is correctly arranged in order of increasing radius?

  6. A:Ca2+ < K+ < Cl- < Ar B:Ca2+ < K+ < Ar < Cl- C:Cl- < Ar < K+ < Ca2+ D:Ca2+ < Ar < K+ < Cl- E:K+ < Ca2+ < Ar < Cl-
    答案:Ca2+ < K+ < Ar < Cl-
  7. The 4d subshell in the ground state of atomic xenon contains __________ electrons.

  8. A:6 B:8 C:10 D:36 E:2
  9. Which of the following reactions is a redox reaction? (a) K2CrO4 + BaCl2 → BaCrO4 + 2KCl; (b) Pb22+ + 2Br- → PbBr; (c) Cu + S → CuS

  10. A:(b) only B:(c) only C:(b) and (c) D:(a) and (c) E:(a) only
    答案:(c) only
  11. CO2 from hydrocarbon combustion creates a major environmental problem that is described as __________.

  12. A:acid rain B:photochemical smog C:the greenhouse effect D:all of the above E:stratospheric ozone depletion
    答案:the greenhouse effect
  13. When the following equation is balanced, the coefficients are __________. Al(NO3)3 + Na2S → Al2S3 + NaNO3

  14. A:4, 6, 3, 2 B:2, 1, 3, 2 C:2, 3, 2, 3 D:2, 3, 1, 6 E:1, 1, 1, 1
    答案:2, 3, 1, 6
  15. Of the following statements, __________ is not true for oxygen.

  16. A:Oxygen forms peroxide and superoxide anions. B:Oxygen is a colourless gas at room temperature. C:The chemical formula of ozone is O3. D:Dry air is about 79 % oxygen. E:The most stable allotrope of oxygen is O2.
    答案:Dry air is about 79 % oxygen.
  17. Of the following transitions in the Bohr hydrogen atom, the __________ transition results in the emission of the highest-energy photon.

  18. A:n = 1 → n = 4 B:n = 6 → n = 3 C:n = 3 → n = 6 D:n = 1 → n = 6 E:n = 6 → n = 1
    答案:n = 6 → n = 1
  19. Metals can be __________ at room temperature.

  20. A:solid, liquid, or gas B:liquid or gas C:solid or liquid D:liquid only E:solid only
  21. The most common and stable allotrope of sulfur is __________.

  22. A:S4 B:S8 C:S D:Sulfur does not form allotropes E:S2
  23. __________ is the chemical symbol for elemental sodium.

  24. A:S B:W C:Sn D:So E:Na
  25. The atomic number indicates __________.

  26. A:the number of atoms in 1 g of an element B:the total number of neutrons and protons in a nucleus C:the number of neutrons in a nucleus D:the number of protons or electrons in a neutral atom E:the number of different isotopes of an element
  27. There are __________ orbitals in the third shell.

  28. A:25 B:9 C:1 D:4 E:16
  29. The correct name for SrO is __________.

  30. A:strontium peroxide B:strontium oxide C:strontium hydroxide D:strontium monoxide E:strontium dioxide
  31. Which of the following is not a colloid?

  32. A:whipped cream B:smoke C:homogenized milk D:air E:fog
  33. A closed-end manometer was attached to a vessel containing argon. The difference in the mercury levels in the two arms of the manometer was 12.2 cm. Atmospheric pressure was 783 mm Hg. The pressure of the argon in the container was __________ mm Hg.

  34. A:795 B:771 C:882 D:122 E:661
  35. The electron configuration of a ground-state Ag atom is __________.

  36. A:[Ar]4s2 4d9 B:[Ar]4s14d10 C: [Kr]5s14d10 D:[Kr]5s23d9 E:[Kr]5s2 4d10
  37. __________ solids consist of atoms or molecules held together by dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, and/or hydrogen bonds.

  38. A:Molecular B:Metallic and covalent-network C:Metallic D:Covalent-network E:Ionic
  39. The average kinetic energy of the particles of a gas is directly proportional to __________.

  40. A:the rms speed B:the square of the rms speed C:the square of the particle mass D:the square root of the rms speed E:the particle mass
  41. Which group 16 element is a metal?

  42. A:selenium B:polonium C:tellurium D:sulfur E:tellurium and polonium
  43. Classify the following compounds as weak bases (W) or strong bases (S): ammonia, fluoride ion and sodium hydroxide.

  44. A:S S S B:S W W C:W S W D:W S S E:W W S
  45. Cl2 (g) + H2O (l) → ________

  46. A:2 HCl (aq) + O2 (g) B:HCl (aq) + HOCl (aq) C:Cl2 (aq) + H2O (l) D:2 HCl (aq) + O2- (g) E:2Cl- (aq) + H2O (l)
  47. Which of the following liquids will have the lowest freezing point?

  48. A:aqueous NaI (0.030 m) B:aqueous FeI3 (0.030 m) C:aqueous glucose (0.050 m) D:pure H2O E:aqueous CoI2 (0.030 m)
  49. The reaction used to inflate automobile airbags __________.

  50. A:produces sodium gas B:is a decomposition reaction C:is a combustion reaction D:is a combination reaction E:violates the law of conservation of mass
  51. The Lewis structure of HCN (H bonded to C) shows that __________ has __________ nonbonding electron pairs.

  52. A:C, 2 B:N, 2 C:C, 1 D:N, 1 E:H, 1
  53. An electron cannot have the quantum numbers n = __________, l = __________, ml = __________.

  54. A:1, 1, 1 B:2, 0, 0 C:2, 1, -1 D:3, 2, 1 E:3, 1, -1
  55. Of the following, __________ is a valid statement of Charles' law.

  56. A:V = constant × n B:PV = constant C:V = constant × P D: V/T = constant E:P/T = constant
  57. Of the hydrogen halides, only __________ is a weak acid.

  58. A:HCl (aq) B:HF (aq) C:HI (aq) D:They are all weak acids E:HBr (aq)
  59. As the concentration of a solute in a solution increases, the freezing point of the solution __________ and the vapour pressure of the solution __________.

  60. A:increases, decreases B:increases, increases C:decreases, increases D:decreases, decreases E:decreases, is unaffected
  61. The mass % of C in methane (CH4) is __________.

  62. A:25.13 B:7.743 C:133.6 D:74.87 E:92.26
  63. When solutions of strong electrolytes in water are formed, the ions are surrounded by water molecules. These interactions are best described as a case of __________.

  64. A:solvation B:dehydration C:supersaturation D:hydration E:crystallization
  65. Of the following gases, __________ will have the greatest rate of effusion at a given temperature.

  66. A:CH4 B:HCl C:NH3 D:HBr E:Ar
  67. Which one of the following reactions is a redox reaction?

  68. A:None of the above is a redox reaction. B:NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O C:H2O + NaCl → NaOH + HCl D:Pb2+ + 2Cl- → PbCl2 E:AgNO3 + HCl → HNO3 + AgCl
  69. An ideal gas differs from a real gas in that the molecules of an ideal gas __________.

  70. A:have no attraction for one another B:have no kinetic energy C:have appreciable molecular volumes D:have a molecular weight of zero E:have an average molecular mass
  71. The initial or tentative explanation of an observation is called a(n) __________.

  72. A:hypothesis B:experiment C:law D:test E:theory
  73. The chloride of which of the following metals should have the greatest lattice energy?

  74. A:potassium B:sodium C:caesium D:lithium E:rubidium
  75. In the nitrite ion (NO2-), __________.

  76. A:both bonds are double bonds B:both bonds are the same C:there are 20 valence electrons D:one bond is a double bond and the other is a single bond E:both bonds are single bonds
  77. Which hydroxides are strong bases?

  78. A:None of these is a strong base B:KOH, NaOH, Ba(OH)2 C:KOH, Ba(OH)2 D:KOH, NaOH E:Sr(OH)2 , KOH, NaOH, Ba(OH)2
  79. Automotive air bags inflate when sodium azide decomposes explosively to its constituent elements: 2NaN3 (s) → 2Na (s) + 3N2 (g) How many moles of N2 are produced by the decomposition of 2.88 mol of sodium azide?

  80. A:8.64 B:1.92 C:0.96 D:1.44 E:4.32
  81. Methane and ethane are both made up of carbon and hydrogen. In methane, there are 12.0 g of carbon for every 4.00 g of hydrogen, a ratio of 3:1 by mass. In ethane, there are 24.0 g of carbon for every 6.00 g of hydrogen, a ratio of 4:1 by mass. This is a statement of the law of __________.

  82. A:constant composition B:conservation of mass C:conservation of matter D:multiple proportions E:octaves
  83. Which two bonds are most similar in polarity?

  84. A:I–Br and Si–Cl B:B–F and Cl–F C:Cl–Cl and Be–Cl D:O–F and Cl–F E:Al–Cl and I–Br
  85. In which of the following atoms is the 3s orbital closest to the nucleus?

  86. A:Br B:At C:The 3s orbitals are the same distance from the nucleus in all of these atoms. D:I E:Cl
  87. How many oxygen atoms are contained in 2.74 g of Al2(SO4)3?

  88. A:12 B:7.22 × 1024 C:8.01 × 10-3 D:5.79 × 1022 E:6.02 × 1023
  89. The solubility of lead (II) chloride (PbCl2) is 1.6 × 10-2 M. What is the Ksp of PbCl2

  90. A:1.6 × 10-5 B:3.1 × 10-7 C:4.1 × 10-6 D:5.0 × 10-4 E:1.6 × 10-2
  91. When gases are treated as real, via use of the van der Waals equation, the actual volume occupied by gas molecules __________ the pressure exerted and the attractive forces between gas molecules __________ the pressure exerted, as compared to an ideal gas.

  92. A:increases, decreases B:does not affect, decreases C:does not affect, increases D:increases, increases E:decreases, increases
  93. The recommended adult dose of Elixophyllin , a drug used to treat asthma, is 6.0 mg/kg of body mass. Calculate the dose in milligrams for a 115-lb person. 1 lb = 453.59 g.

  94. A:3.1 × 105 B:313 C:1.5 D:1521 E:24
  95. A 0.100 m solution of which one of the following solutes will have the lowest vapour pressure?

  96. A:Ca(ClO4)2 B:KClO4 C:NaCl D:Al(ClO4)3 E:sucrose
  97. A mixture of two gases was allowed to effuse from a container. One of the gases escaped from the container 1.43 times as fast as the other one. The two gases could have been __________.

  98. A:Cl2 and SF6 B:CO and CO2 C:O2 and Cl2 D:CO and SF6 E:O2 and SF6
  99. Colligative properties of solutions include all of the following except __________.

  100. A:elevation of the boiling point of a solution upon addition of a solute to a solvent B:depression of the freezing point of a solution upon addition of a solute to a solvent C:an increase in the osmotic pressure of a solution upon the addition of more solute D:depression of vapor pressure upon addition of a solute to a solvent E:the increase of reaction rates with increase in temperature
  101. How many molecules of CH4 are in 48.2 g of this compound?

  102. A:4 B:3 C:5.00 × 1024 D:1.81 × 1024 E:2.90 × 1025
  103. The van der Waals equation for real gases recognizes that __________.

  104. A:gas particles have non-zero volumes and interact with each other B:the molecular attractions between particles of gas decreases the pressure exerted by the gas C:molar volumes of gases of different types are different D:all of the above statements are true E:the non-zero volumes of gas particles effectively decrease the amount of "empty space" between them
  105. The concentration of iodide ions in a saturated solution of lead (II) iodide is __________ M. The solubility product constant of PbI2 is 1.4 × 10-8.

  106. A:1.4 × 10-8 B:3.8 × 10-4 C:3.5 × 10-9 D:1.5 × 10-3 E:3.0 × 10-3
  107. The number of monkeys in a boat is how many?

  108. A:113.7 B:113.73635 C:113.736 D:113.74 E:1.1 × 102
  109. Which one of the following concentration units varies with temperature?

  110. A:mass percent B:molality C:mole fraction D:all of the above E:molarity
  111. At 333 K, which of the pairs of gases below would have the most nearly identical rates of effusion?

  112. A:N2O and NO2 B:CO and CO2 C:N2 and O2 D:CO and N2 E:NO2 and N2O4
  113. What is the coefficient of O2 when the following equation is completed and balanced? C4H8O2 + O2 → ________

  114. A:2 B:6 C:5 D:1 E:3
  115. The concentration of chloride ion in a solution that contains 35.0 ppm chloride is __________% by mass.

  116. A:3.50 × 10-3 B:3.50 × 10-6 C:3.50 × 102 D:3.50 × 101 E:3.50 × 10-2
  117. The acid-dissociation constant for chlorous acid, HClO2, at 25.0 °C is 1.0 × 10-2. Calculate the concentration of H+ if the initial concentration of acid is 0.10 M.

  118. A:3.7 × 10-2 B:1.0 × 10-3 C:1.0 × 10-2 D:2.7 × 10-2 E:3.2 × 10-2
  119. A fixed amount of gas at 25.0 °C occupies a volume of 10.0 L when the pressure is 629 torr. Use Charles's law to calculate the volume (L) the gas will occupy when the temperature is increased to 121 °C while maintaining the pressure at 629 torr.

  120. A:7.56 B:48.4 C:10.9 D:13.2 E:2.07
  121. A fixed amount of gas at 25.0 °C occupies a volume of 10.0 L when the pressure is 667 torr. Use Boyle's law to calculate the pressure (torr) when the volume is reduced to 7.88 L at a constant temperature of 25.0 °C.

  122. A:846 B:0.118 C:526 D:1.11 E:5.26 × 104
  123. On a clear day at sea level, with a temperature of 25 °C, the partial pressure of N2 in air is 0.78 atm and the concentration of nitrogen in water is 5.3 × 10-4 M. When the partial pressure of N2 is __________ atm, the concentration in water is 1.1 × 10-3 M.

  124. A:1.6 atm B:0.63 atm C:1.0 atm D:0.78 atm E:2.1 atm
  125. The volume of a sample of gas (2.49 g) was 752 mL at 1.98 atm and 62 °C. The gas is __________.

  126. A:Ne B:NO2 C:NH3 D:SO2 E:SO3
  127. An aqueous solution of a soluble compound (a nonelectrolyte) is prepared by dissolving 33.2 g of the compound in enough water to form 250 mL of solution. The solution has an osmotic pressure of 1.2 atm at 25.0 °C What is the molar mass (g/mL) of the compound?

  128. A:6.8 × 102 B:28 C:2.3 × 102 D:1.0 × 103 E:2.7 × 103
  129. Which of the following is an illustration of the law of constant composition?

  130. A:Water is 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass B:Water can be separated into other substances by a chemical process C:Water boils at 100°C at 1 atm pressure D:Water and salt have different boiling points E:Water is a compound
  131. How much faster does 235UF6 effuse than 238UF6?

  132. A:1.006 times as fast B:1.018 times as fast C:1.004 times as fast D:1.009 times as fast E:1.013 times as fast
  133. A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.60 g of nicotine (a nonelectrolyte) in water to make 12 mL of solution. The osmotic pressure of the solution is 7.55 atm at 25 °C. The molecular weight of nicotine is ________ g/mol.

  134. A:28 B:50 C:0.6 D:43 E:160

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