第四章 Is Your Food Safe?你的食品安全吗?:第四单元的主题是食品安全。讲课视频以访谈的形式讨论食品中毒现象及原因,现今生活中的食品安全问题,以及保障食品安全的措施。同时,学习解决问题类文章的组成和结构,并分析文章《细菌与食品安全》的结构;学习如何用直译、意译和音译的方法翻译中国菜名;学习用英语谈论中国酒文化,包括酒之历史、酒之习俗、酒与诗、酒令。4.1Reading: Microbes and Food Safety 阅读:细菌与食品安全:讲解文章:细菌与食品安全
4.2Expressions: Problem-solution Pattern 表达:问题解决模式:用问题表达模式进行英文表达。
4.3Translation: Names of Chinese Dishes 翻译:中国菜名:教你如何翻译中国菜
4.4Culture: Chinese Wine and Spirits Culture 文化:中国酒文化:用英文介绍中国的酒文化。
[单选题]When you consider what subject to study in college,      are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.

选项:[chances , facts , situations , possibilities ]
[单选题]The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _______ supplies of petroleum.

选项:[proficient , potential , efficient , sufficient]
[单选题]The only safe way of distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms is to learn to ___ the individual species.

选项:[identify, realize , classify, recognize ]
[单选题]There is no _______ evidence that people can control their dreams.  

选项:[solid  , rigid   , smooth  , harsh]
[单选题]In present-day Mandarin, jiǔ most commonly refers to      .

选项:[wine , beer , wine and spirits , alcohol]
[单选题]Would you please         a seat for this evening’s concert?

选项:[conserve  , reserve , save, preserve ]
[单选题]Vitamins are complex _____ ___ that the body requires in very small mounts.

选项:[matters , substances, materials , particles]
[判断题]Decide True or False: Wang Xizhi, Chinese famous calligrapher, accomplished Lantingxu when he was clear minded.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Decide True or False: The text “Microbes and Food Safety” is organized in the way of problem-solution pattern, which in some ways is similar to cause and effect essays, especially in terms of structure.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Leon was _______ cancer at the age of 50.

选项:[threatened , attacked with  , stricken with , stroked out]

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