  1. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。对大数据共性问题进行研究,特别是对核心技术进行突破性研究,将使得产业能够驾驭数据互联所带来的复杂性,掌控数据冗余和/或数据不足所造成的不确定性。Research on common problems of big data, especially on breakthroughs of core technologies, will enable industries to harness the complexity induced by data interconnection and to master uncertainties caused by ____ and/or shortage of data.

  2. 答案:redundancy
  3. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。设备故障、通信中断、停电事故、网络拥塞以及其他导致用户无法访问数据和应用程序的问题,都必须立刻解决。Equipment ____, communication or power ____, network congestion and other problems that keep people from ____ing their data and applications have to be dealt with immediately.

  4. 答案:Equipment failures, communication or power outages, network congestion and other problems that keep people from accessing their data and applications have to be dealt with immediately.
  5. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。嵌入式耳机、智能手表和健身追踪器等产品由于受尺寸和使用条件等技术原因限制不在适用范围内。Other products including earbuds, smart-watches and ____ were not considered for technical reasons linked to size and use conditions.

  6. 答案:fitness trackers
  7. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。数据中心其他重要设备包括存储设备(如硬盘驱动、固态硬盘和自动磁带驱动器)、不间断电源、备用电池、备用发电机以及其他电力相关设备。Other important data center equipment includes storage devices (such as hard disk drives, solid state drives and robotic tape drives), ____ power supplies (UPSs), backup batteries, backup generators and other power related equipment.

  8. 答案:uninterruptible
  9. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。At present we are concerned with symbiosis at the higher level of relationships between many-celled organisms, rather than within them. 目前我们正在探讨的问题是发生在更高一级关系上的共生____,即多细胞有机体之间而非其内部的共生____。

  10. 答案:目前我们正在探讨的问题是发生在更高一级关系上的共生现象,即多细胞有机体之间而非其内部的共生关系。
  11. 请填写英语译文中缺失的单词。“海马”只是形成记忆的重要场所,它仅仅将得到的记忆作一番“整理加工”,再将记忆贮存到脑中的“记忆仓库”里。Hippocampus is an important area that forms and processes memory ____ preserving it in the memory warehouse of the brain.

  12. 答案:for
  13. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。有的银行现在提供一种可以下载的客户端,手机用户可以用它处理银行业务。Some banks are now providing a downloadable ____ that mobile subscribers can use to access bank services.

  14. 答案:application
  15. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。Service level agreements (SLAs) with customers also have to be met, and often include things like throughput and response time.数据中心必须满足与客户的服务水平协议,通常包括____及响应时间。

  16. 答案:吞吐量
  17. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。When using a cell phone as a cold wallet, you would only turn it on when you want to make a transaction. 当使用手机作为____时,你只会在你想进行交易时打开手机。

  18. 答案:冷钱包
  19. 请根据原文在译文空白处填入适当的词语。谷歌的光纤网络发送数据的速度是家用互联网服务的200,000倍。Google's fiber optic networks send data as much as 200,000 times faster than your ____ Internet service.

  20. 请判断下列说法是否正确。科技英语语篇重在体现和表达科学事实和事物之间内在的逻辑关系,因此,更注重连词的使用。( )

  21. A:对 B:错
  22. 请判断下列说法是否正确。科技英语中常出现这样的语言现象:多个主语共有一个谓语或表语;几个定语共同修饰同一个名词;几个状语成分共同修饰谓语等。( )

  23. A:错 B:对
  24. 请判断下列说法是否正确。在做汉英翻译转换时,经常需要将汉语句子中的状语、谓语、宾语,甚至一个句子转变成英语里的主语。( )

  25. A:错 B:对
  26. 请判断下列说法是否正确。科技英语文体的一个显著特点就是术语多、无人称句多。( )

  27. A:对 B:错
  28. 请判断下列说法是否正确。复杂嵌套结构就是句子成分较多的主从复合句。( )

  29. A:对 B:错
  30. 请判断下列说法是否正确。科技翻译中,非谓语结构有时候做伴随状语会使译文更具可读性和连贯性。( )

  31. A:错 B:对
  32. 请判断下列说法是否正确。科技英语中由大量动词派生的名词和具有动作意义的名词以及其他名词往往在翻译时要转移成汉语动词。( )

  33. A:错 B:对
  34. 请判断下列说法是否正确。从句子结构来看,英语常用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称。( )

  35. A:对 B:错
  36. 请判断下列说法是否正确。疑难句的动态化策略就是多使用动词。( )

  37. A:对 B:错
  38. 请判断下列说法是否正确。汉语注重运用各种有形的连接手段达到语法形式的完整,其句式严密,层次井然,句法功能显性;而英语注重意念引导,句法功能呈隐含式。( )

  39. A:错 B:对
  40. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。苹果公司证实已开始禁用所有用户的FaceTime群聊功能。Apple confirmed it has started ______ the Group FaceTime feature for all users. ( )

  41. A:enabling
  42. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。这是因为,这台半导体收音机的机件并无毛病,仅仅是线路接触不良,这一敲、一震便将线路连接上了,收音机也就响了。( )

  43. A:It turns out there is nothing wrong with the machine but for just a bad connection, which can be fixed with a casual knock.
    B:That is because there is nothing wrong with its devices except for poor contact of circuit.
  44. 请根据原文选择恰当的词语。But it will probably have an Internet connection that enables it to download and play digital music and video…  但其很可能具有网络连接______,用来下载和播放数字音乐和视频…  ( )

  45. A:功能
    C:什么也不填 D:现象
  46. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。It is a matter of common experience that if one heats up a poker in a fire it glows red hot and emits radiation, but bodies at lower temperatures emit radiation too… ( )

  47. A:这是一个普遍的经验,如果一个人在火中加热火棒,它会发出红热并发出辐射,但温度较低的物体也会发出辐射…
  48. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。 一台闷声不响的半导体收音机,敲它一下又响了起来。( )

  49. A:A soundless transistor radio will work again if you give it a knock or shake.
    B:Sometimes you can bring a dumb radio back alive by just a simple tap.
  50. 下句中划线的形容词如何转换为名词?They did their best to help the sick and the wounded. ( )

  51. A:生病、受伤
  52. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。At the tech expo, a staff gave an unscripted demo of the walking robot for the enthusiastic audience.( )

  53. A:在科技展览会上,一名工作人员临时起意,为观众演示了行走机器人。
  54. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。如果医院里使用了计算机,诊断就会更快、更准确。( )

  55. A:In hospitals where computers are used, diagnosis becomes quicker and more accurate.
    B:If hospitals use computers, then diagnosis becomes quicker and more accurate.
  56. 请为划线部分表达选择最合适的释义。One area that is being seriously considered is communications service “on the move”. ( )

  57. A:危急地
  58. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。Observations of the microwave background and of the abundances of the light elements indicate that the early universe did not have the kind of curvature required to allow time travel. 微波背景和轻元素丰度的观测表明,早期宇宙并没有允许时间旅行的____。( )

  59. A:曲率
  60. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。Thus a volcano which forms on a moving plate above a plume will eventually move away from the rising column, which will then melt through at a new location and form another volcano, while the old volcano becomes extinct. ( )

  61. A:因此,火山在地幔羽之上移动板块的,最后会从上升的地幔柱的位置移开。然后地幔柱将在一个新的位置熔穿并形成一座火山,而老火山就变成死火山。
  62. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。Soaring demand for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel have led to dramatic environmental changes, from deforestation to chemical pollution. ( )

  63. A:随着人类对食物、淡水、木材、纤维以及燃料等资源的需求日趋激增,环境发生了极大的变化,引发了诸如滥伐森林、化学污染等问题。
  64. 请为划线部分表达选择最合适的释义。The information is stored as a reference sample, which is often referred to as a template. ( )

  65. A:引用样本
  66. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。I shall argue that a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness. ( )

  67. A:我将要论证,成功的基因的一个突出特性是其无情的自私性。
  68. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。亚里士多德认为地球是静止不动的,太阳、月亮、行星和恒星都以圆周为轨道围绕着它转动。Aristotle thought the earth was ________ and that the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits about the earth.( )

  69. A:not moving
  70. 下面针对sequence的处理属于什么翻译策略?The second possibility, that there is an infinite sequence of more and more refined theories, is in agreement with all our experience so far. 第二种可能性,也就是存在无限多越来越精细的理论,与我们迄今为止的经验是相符合的。 ( )

  71. A:等译
  72. But the damping has the effect on making the period longer. 划线部分的术语意思为:( )

  73. A:潮湿
  74. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。每一个应用程序都有自己的数据库,但不一定是专用的服务器。Each application can have its own database but not necessarily a _________ server. ( )

  75. A:unique
  76. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。对于任何机器来说,如果知其输入力和输出力,就能求出其机械效益。( )

  77. A:For any machine, if its input and output forces are known, then its mechanical advantage can be calculated.
    B:For any machine whose input and output forces are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.
  78. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。我们的脑子也会发生“接触不良”的毛病的。例如安娜的丈夫名叫詹姆士·麦克达尔,原是纽约一个邮局的投递科长,1971年3月,他因连续两次在交通事故中受伤而失去了记忆,以后不知去向。( )

  79. A:For example, Anna’s husband, once a delivery section chief of a post station, is named James Mike Dahl. In March of 1971, he lost his memory as a result of getting hurt twice in an accident and he was nowhere to be found.
    B:Our brain can suffer from a similar problem too. In March of 1971, Anna’s husband James Mikedal, a former chief of delivery of a New York-based post office, lost his memory to injuries from two consecutive car accidents, and afterwards went stray and disappeared altogether.
  80. 请为划线部分表达选择最合适的释义。Physics is concerned chiefly with the laws and properties of the materials universe. ( )

  81. A:规律
  82. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。Soil is extremely important to land plants. 土壤对于_______来说是必不可少的。( )

  83. A:陆上植物
  84. 请为划线部分表达选择最合适的释义。On account of the fact that there is always a resistance due to friction whenever one part of a machine moves over another, some work must be done in moving the parts of the machine itself. ( )

  85. A:阻力
  86. 请为划线部分表达选择最合适的释义。Although there is reason to hope that superconductivity may one day be found to exist in some materials at room temperature, for the moment is a phenomenon of the utterly cold. ( )

  87. A:完全冷却
  88. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。LAMV的特色是用独立的冗余计算机系统分别进行飞行管理、稳定性调整和控制。( )

  89. A:The LAMV features redundant, independent computer systems for flight management, stability, and control.
    B:The feature of LAMV is to use redundant, independent computer systems for flight management, stability, and control.
  90. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。A solid fuel, like coal or wood, can only burn at the surface, where it comes into contact with the air.( )

  91. A:固体燃料,如煤和木材,只能在表明燃烧,因为表面接触空气。
  92. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。利用风能的最新趋势之一就是建设近海风电厂,在风力较大的空旷水域建造一组组的发电机组。One of the newest trends in wind power is the construction of ________ , cluster of electricity-generating turbines erected in open-water areas with strong winds. ( )

  93. A:nearshore power plant
    B:near sea wind power plant
    C:nearshore power factory
    D:offshore wind farms
  94. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。专家们分析:这是由于麦克达尔受伤后“碰断”了神经,所以失去了记忆;后来跌了一跤又使神经“焊上”了,所以又能恢复记忆了。( )

  95. A:Experts attributed his memory loss to his injured nerves from the accidents, and the fall happened to fix the disconnection, hence his regained memory.
    B:Experts analyzed that Mike Dahl lost his memory because his cranial nerve was broken in the accident while his falling down made the nerves reconnect so that his memory came back.
  96. 请选择最合适的选项填入空白处。A solid fuel, like coal or wood, can only burn at the surface, where it comes into contact with the air.固体燃料,如煤和木材,只能在表明燃烧,因为表面接触空气。 ( )

  97. A:条件状语
  98. 请在两个译文中选择较好的译文。The difference in the speed of clocks at different heights above the earth is now of considerable practical importance, with the advent of very accurate navigation systems based on signals from satellites.( )

  99. A:地球上的不同高度的钟的速度不同,这在目前具有相当的实用上的重要性,这是因为人 们要用卫星发出的信号来作非常精确的导航。

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