1. British people are very serious.

  2. 答案:错
  3. If you work fast, you won't have a personal time.

  4. 答案:错
  5. All cultures view time in the same way.

  6. 答案:错
  7. Punctuality is not important to Americans.

  8. 答案:错
  9. According to Edward Hall, in the business contexts of high-context cultures, employers appreciate flexibility and initiative of employees, while in low-context cultures, employers tend to hire those people who are faithful and committed to them and their originations.

  10. 答案:错
  11. There is no difference between the words "island" and "Ireland" in terms of pronunciation.

  12. 答案:错
  13. According to a survey, USA, Australia and Great Britain are the top three countries in emphasizing individualism.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Personal space is the invisible boundary around ourselves.

  16. 答案:对
  17. Spanish people usually use their hands and body language to express themselves and try to make a better point.

  18. 答案:对
  19. Northern Irish people prefer to drink tea.

  20. 答案:对
  21. Sometimes, gestures can speak louder than words. That includes body posture, facial expressions and eye movement.

  22. 答案:对
  23. Knowing certain norms of social interaction will help you overcome challenges when greetings others.
  24. Culture is communication and communication is culture.
  25. British accent has a variety of styles due to the cultural diversity in Britain.
  26. Explicit code refers to the language code sent through speech and writing and received through listening and reading. ( )
  27. As of 2013, “Tim Hortons” had over 3000 locations nationwide. This franchise is considered to be the first most popular coffee company in Canada.
  28. In a collectivist culture, people usually consider the needs of individuals to be more important than the needs of the group.
  29. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve can do everything in the Garden of Eden.
  30. Spanish people do not enjoy present life and they are always worried about the future.
  31. People born in Northern Ireland have more than one nationality.
  32. Women and men usually kiss each other in informal situations.
  33. People from future-oriented cultures, including many European Americans, believe that their fate is not in their own hands and that they cannot control the result of their actions.
  34. In what year was the NBA started?
  35. One of the most famous Canadian team sports, also called “Lacrosse”, is an alternative to Ice Hockey. People often play games indoors.
  36. An intercultural encounter is an encounter in which from people different cultures experience each other’s customs.
  37. There is a good Russian saying:(  ) is the best gift.
  38. In Japan and Korea, what is often considered as a practical way to greet someone in formal settings?
  39. Hofstede’s work measured cultural dimensions at a national rather than individual level. ( )
  40. Which of the following is Not a necessary feature of a past-oriented culture?
  41. In term of the characteristics of a collectivist culture, which of the following statements is the best choice?(     )
  42. Teaching in China is looked upon as(  ).
  43. Which of the following cultures doesn’t belong to high-context culture? ( )
  44. What do many adults do for a birthday celebration?
  45. Which of the following is NOT true according to Hofstede’s research on power distance? ( )
  46. What does ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ mean?
  47. If a person wants to be successful in business in Russia, it’s probably not a good idea to(  ).
  48. Most of Russian population today is(  ).
  49. Which of the following is NOT a trait of an individualistic culture?
  50. Which of the following statements is true? ( )
  51. What kind of word many people think for the characteristics of Korean?
  52. Spanish people are always on time. If someone arrives 10 minutes late to an appointment, they might get angry.
  53. Only Irish culture are celebrated in Northern Ireland.
  54. Crossing one’s legs in South Korea is a well-accepted way to relax oneself.
  55. In many English-speaking countries, people address each other by using their first names.
  56. Language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture.
  57. In large power distance countries, the older the business executives are, the more likely they stay in power.
  58. Ethnocentrism is usually learned at conscious level.
  59. You should be careful using the words Luv, Honey and Sweetheart when you don’t know people.
  60. Most cultures contain only high-context characteristics or low-context characteristics. ( )
  61. Japan, Austria, Venezuela, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Ireland, Germany, Great Britain and Philippines are cultures with the highest masculinity-index scores. This means in these cultures, they regard success, money, self-reliance as the most important.
  62. Spanish people usually touch their nose with their fingers meaning someone is crazy or is saying crazy things.
  63. In a criminal trial, the prosecution has to take the legal burden of proof.
  64. If a smile doesn’t produce crinkles around eyes, it will be regarded as a fake or forced smile.
  65. People become a member of a culture by birth. So culture is not learned.
  66. Affect displays are the only body movement to show emotions.
  67. Research has shown that there are (  )different zones in our space.
  68. Chinese people's notion of the unity of man and Nature has a long history.
  69. If you like the countryside, you should visit:
  70. In Turkey, you shouldn’t(  ).
  71. Which of the following categories of kinesic behaviors have direct verbal translations?
  72. The time in Russia was moved one hour ahead to ......
  73. Which of the following is NOT true about Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory? ( )
  74. For whom is the public space reserved?
  75. Why Bruno experienced awkward moments when greeting?
  76. The bouquet of 5 flowers presented to a lady means(  ).
  77. The first thing to present on International Women’s Day is(  ).
  78. How do Spanish people greet each other in informal situations?
  79. Which pair of people will walk together holding hands in the US?
  80. Two Latin American businessmen are discussing a mutual acquaintance (a person whom they both know ). One of the men hits his arm at the elbow .This body language means that(  ).
  81. What does “siesta” mean?
  82. Why do many Americans take an unpaid internships?
  83. Which is NOT correct: The Royal Family are:
  84. Spanish gift-giving etiquette says:(  ).
  85. People from all cultures communicate in high-context way in some situations. Which of the following are examples of high-context communication? ( )
  86. Which of these thank-yous is grammatically incorrect?
  87. Wrapping gifts carefully and beautifully is strictly important in Spanish society.
  88. New Year is a more important holiday in Russia than Christmas.(  )
  89. It’s easy to find good coffee in Britain.
  90. Most people in Western countries prefer to be addressed formally.
  91. Culture is transmitted from one generation to another.
  92. If you don’t use the correct intonation when thanking somebody, they might think you are not sincere.
  93. Children are expected to be obedient toward their parents in low power distance cultures. ( )
  94. TCM is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism and dates back more than 2,500 years.
  95. Korea is no longer a developing country, but People still prefers to do quickly.
  96. Doctors and physiologists proved that moving time 1 hour ahead told positively on people’s health and made them happier.
  97. Americans like to sit close to other people in restaurants
  98. Graduation gifts are usually very valuable.
  99. Korea's economic growth has been very slow.
  100. The high-context nature of Asian cultures is a result of Confucian philosophy. ( )
  101. Perceptions for the same object, behavior or event are always universal.
  102. As the capital of Northern Ireland, Belfast attracts many tourists every year.
  103. In small power distance countries, people at the top and bottom both believe that they should abide by laws and rules and that power should be used legitimately.
  104. Some gifts have special meaning in Korea.
  105. If you work quickly, you canmake theplanforyourworkefficiently.
  106. The video mentions the following types of body language EXCEPT:
  107. Before I came to China, I had known (  )about China.
  108. How do many Europeans greet each other?
  109. Which of the following statements about 24 solar terms is NOT true? ( ).
  110. According to Edward Hall, the following countries incline toward high-context culture EXCEPT ( )
  111. Which of the following is NOT true according to Hofstede’s research on individualism vs. collectivism dimension? ( )
  112. According to the micro-lecture - Relationship between humans, which is the best choice? (     )
  113. Which of the following is NOT a good response to somebody thanking you?
  114. How long did Korean take a time to be developed country?
  115. What is known as the greatest real estate deal in history?
  116. What is the most common flower given as a gift on Valentine’s Day?
  117. ePayments in China are more convenient than in America.
  118. Shipping costs in America is cheaper than shipping costs in China.
  119. According to the author, what is a crucial part of an American traveler’s plan?
  120. What everyday item _______________ is seen as a luxury brand in China but is considered nothing special in America?
  121. What item __________________, due to taxes, costs almost double in China than in American?
  122. 24 seconds after the start of Alibaba’s double eleven, sales reached how much?
  123. According to Global Blue, what is a crucial part of a Chinese traveler’s plan?
  124. China’s big shopping day is double eleven, America’s version is called Shopping Friday.
  125. According to the author, E-commerce in China is much stronger than America’s.
  126. Chinese consumers, compared to American consumers, feel much stronger that shopping is enjoyable.
  127. Recent statistics and polls have shown that nowadays, Canadians are _______________.
  128. The fourth and final stage of adaptation, also called “Acceptance” often marks the point when the person feels comfortable in the society and understands how things are done.
  129. The second stage of adaptation marks the point when the person has come to understand every single aspect of the Canadian Culture.
  130. In the year 2016, a poll revealed that _____ of Canadian citizens said that minorities (like Asians, Indians….) should do more to fit in the Canadian society.
  131. The country of Canada has had, over the years, a great reputation for embracing “Diversity”.
  132. During the third step of adaptation, newcomers ______________.
  133. English and French are the two official languages in Canada.
  134. The Institution leader in Canada named «Citizenship and Immigration Canada» describes a total of _________ steps–stages evolution that can help newcomers in the adaptation process.
  135. There are in total _____________ factors to which newcomers must be able to adapt. These ones will often determine their status in the society afterwards.
  136. The first stage of adaptation, also called “Happiness and Fascination” occurs right before or shortly after arriving in Canada.
  137. Cultural elements fall into four groups: perception, verbal processes, nonverbal processes and contextual elements.(  )
  138. The American civil war took place from 1861 to 1864.
  139. Americans like to have personal space because they are rude.
  140. Mexico peacefully gave Texas to America.
  141. Many Russian people retain strong material and psychological ties to the countryside.
  142. According to traditional Chinese medicine, red vegetables are good for the heart while black food is good for your liver.
  143. If people cross their arms and look downward to floor, this means they are approachable and easy-going people.
  144. In many North American companies, a boss is generally more liked by employees if he or she acts like “one of the guys” and doesn’t “pull rank” too often. ( )
  145. The terms Mate, Buddy and Dude are usually only used for males.
  146. It’s difficult to find good food in Great Britain.
  147. In East Asia, people generally believe that we should live in harmony with Nature.
  148. People in Spain normally greet people by kissing them three times.
  149. As of 2017, purebred Canadian Eskimo Dogs remains at approximately ___________ on Earth.
  150. Italian and Spanish interaction behaviors are pretty much alike.
  151. What countries have similar manners and etiquette than Spain?
  152. According to foreigners (people from outside Spain), Spanish people are:(  )
  153. There are (  )time zones in Russia.
  154. What does “ahora voy” means?
  155. What is important to remember when you talk about your opinion of other cultures?
  156. What was Eve made of according to the Bible?
  157. Which of the following statements about the United Kingdom is true (     )?
  158. One of Belfast’s most popular attractions is the Titanic Quarter.
  159. Great Britain is three countries, but the United Kingdom is four.
  160. Which of the following shows the British influence on the cultural life of Northern Ireland?
  161. Canada’s most iconic dish, called “The Poutine”, combines the flavors of French Fries and Gravy Cheese.
  162. One of Canada’s greatest attractions, located at the Canada-United States border, is called _____________________.
  163. In the 1950’s what changed America and still has a strong influence on the world today?
  164. The Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of America.
  165. Culture is compared to the “software of our mind” and the grammar of our behavior because (       ).
  166. Russians believe that it’s the price of a gift that counts.(  )
  167. All cultures use symbols, but they rarely assign their own meanings to them.
  168. There is no difference between the two phrases “Nice to meet you” and “It was nice seeing you again”.
  169. Americans are generally optimistic about the future.
  170. We often describe the way of human communication into a one-way flow.
  171. ‘Mate’ is a popular word for addressing men in Britain and Australia, but not in North America.
  172. Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.
  173. Americans commonly greet each other with a handshake.
  174. In high-context cultures, the friendship between people is very strong and deep. Besides, people are more loyal to families.
  175. Flowers are a common Father’s Day gift.
  176. There is only a few of ways to say goodbye.
  177. Stereotypes are generalizations about people in a certain culture on the basis of limited information.
  178. Superiors consider their subordinates to be different from themselves in low power distance cultures. ( )
  179. Rice cakes are given only to parents.
  180. The most popular food in Britain is:
  181. What does “Qué tal” mean?
  182. Imagine that two Presidents are saying goodbye after an important first meeting. What do you imagine that they’d say?
  183. Which expression is NOT a way to thank somebody?
  184. Which of the following shows the Irish influence on the cultural life of Northern Ireland?
  185. .Koreansoncegaveeggsor sugar as a National day gift.
  186. British people prefer tea to alcohol.
  187. All British people speak with “Received Pronunciation”.
  188. Theaxeisgivenasagift to students to do well for the university entrance examinKorea.
  189. Giving gifts when someone achieves something such as new jobs, promotions of graduation is not common in Spain.
  190. Which of the following demonstrate the Chinese view of unity of man and Nature? ( )
  191. In countries with monochromic culture people ......
  192. What time does people in Spain usually have their dinner?
  193. When you discuss business with someone in China, be sure to
  194. In English-Speaking countries, the most popular expression people use when greeting someone they expected to come is, “Hey, There she or he is”. An emphasis, stress – intonation should be put on the word __________.
  195. Imagine that your colleague has stopped you for a chat, but you are already late for an important meeting. What do you say?
  196. When you go to someone’s home for dinner in Italy, France, or Russia, never bring
  197. Which of the following country is more likely to be present-oriented?
  198. How do Brazilians view punctuality?
  199. TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques to promote health and treat disease, including ( ).
  200. In Japan, when a person gives you his/her business card, you should
  201. What kind of culture is the US regarding time?
  202. There is a good Russian saying:.....is the best gift
  203. The first thing to present on International Women’s Day is
  204. Spanish gift-giving etiquette says:
  205. In individualist societies, the ties between individuals are loose.
  206. According to the video, which country comes the third in PDI?
  207. Which country has the lowest PDI according to the video?
  208. Which country is the No. 1 in terms of IDV according to the video?
  209. Which of the following is NOT the feature of individualist society?
  210. According to the video, the terms of Individualism and Collectivism were firstly used by Hofstede describe differences between national societies.
  211. What is the most unlikely thing in large power distance countries?
  212. Extended families are more likely to occur in individualist societies.
  213. Which of the following is NOT supposed to happen in small power distance countries?
  214. Power distance usually lies with the people at the top, not with the people at the bottom.
  215. American people's idea of mastering Nature can be seen in the following activities (     ).
  216. The key concepts in traditional Chinese medicine include (     ).
  217. Which of the following demonstrates the characteristics of an individualist culture? ( )
  218. Time orientation refers to people’s attitude towards the question “Whether we should always be on time”.
  219. Chinese classical gardens are a perfect integration of nature and work by man.
  220. Chinese people always buy themselves a house when they are young.
  221. In an individualist culture, each person’s social identity comes from his or her groups.
  222. Most American people like to use credit card because__.
  223. Chinese interpersonal relationship is much more complicated than the Western social network.
  224. Confucianism puts much emphasis on __.
  225. In the 16th and 17th century, poor people would be punished more seriously __.
  226. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck work in Oxford University.
  227. Which of the following statements about Intercultural communication is NOT true? ( )
  228. Tailgating refers to having a party in your home before the sports match starts.
  229. In many English-speaking countries, people address each other by just using their first names.
  230. According to the flower gifting etiquette in Russia, red color represents friendship, affection, harmony.
  231. Most people in the Arab world do not have faith in God.
  232. The theories underlying traditional Chinese medicine are the best-known manifestation of the Chinese people’s harmonious view of human society and Nature.
  233. As individualism and collectivism values have its historic reasons, so people learning intercultural communication should take a vertical and historical look at these values.
  234. Mencius is a disciple of Confucius.
  235. Kobe Bryant is the most popular basketball player in the world.
  236. In Northern Ireland it rains a lot.
  237. Most human communication is a one-way flow.
  238. Russians tend to keep close only in public places such as a metro or a square, or a street.
  239. 1.ThesubwaystationinKorea is marked alongwayfromtransfer.
  240. Who is the most recognized basketball player in the world?
  241. Only young ladies over 18 and married women receive congratulations on International Women’s Day.
  242. Most of Russian population today is......
  243. Russia is a ......
  244. Which country does Northern Ireland share a boarder with?
  245. Intimate distance would be reserved for such people as...
  246. Before I came to China, I had known ...... about China
  247. Why is intonation important when you say thank you?
  248. According to foreigners (people from outside Spain), Spanish people are:
  249. When America won its independence what important document was created?
  250. In Russian culture China is being known as......
  251. It’s quite...... to collect money in groups to give one expensive gift in Russia.
  252. What is the main food in the Northern Irish diet?
  253. When a Russian person says “one moment”, it means ......
  254. For people in Bulgaria, Iran and some places of Greece, nodding the head means “yes”, and shaking the head means “no”.
  255. Ifyouworkfast,youwon't have a personaltime.
  256. The Lumberjack Fashion is a famous and popular trend in Canada. People tend to wear cozy scarves, well-worn jeans and more importantly grow beards during the Winter Season.
  257. Clothes and cosmetics are a good idea for a gift in Russia.
  258. In European countries and the U. S, people believe that man is born with original sin. But in China and in some other Asian countries, people traditionally think that men are born innocent, but corruptible.
  259. Normally,we can conduct an smooth intercultural communication without any cultural “noises” with each other.
  260. .Some gifts have special meaninginKorea.
  261. Posing noses to say hello is a way of greeting for Mori people in New Zealand.
  262. Russian people put an emphasis on life wisdom from older generations and have no concerns about their future.
  263. If a person wants to be successful in business in Russia, it’s probably not a good idea to
  264. Past-oriented cultures normally care about:
  265. What do couples usually ask for as wedding gifts?
  266. What kind of life did Korea have in the past?
  267. Strong physical affection is generally seen between......
  268. In ancient history, people used to give what as a present:
  269. In low-context cultures, people are expected to be on time for business and social occasions.
  270. Spanish people tend to appreciate more emotional gifts than expensive ones.
  271. Spontaneous innovations most likely happen in larger power distance countries.
  272. Cultural elements fall into four groups: perception, verbal processes, nonverbal processes and contextual elements.
  273. New Year is a more important holiday in Russia than Christmas.
  274. Brazil is in Africa.
  275. Koreaisnolongeradeveloping country,butPeoplestillpreferstodo quickly.
  276. Texas was once part of Mexico.
  277. Ricecakesaregivenonlytoparents.
  278. Being a foreigner in China is......
  279. Every living thing has its skin which is an invisible physical boundary.
  280. If you get invited into a Spanish home for dinner, you should:
  281. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Model was come up with in __.
  282. Personal space of Russians is......
  283. A “souvenir” is a type of present Spanish people (and other cultures) give:
  284. Americans like to have a lot of personal space compared to other cultures.
  285. In most cases, intercultural communication is conducted without any cultural “noises”.
  286. People in Western countries tend to take actions on their own and should the responsibility for themselves, while people in Asia and many Arab countries place more emphasis on cooperation, teamwork, group loyalty and collective decision.
  287. Two Latin American businessmen are discussing a mutual acquaintance (a person whom they both know ). One of the men hits his arm at the elbow .This body language means that
  288. In Arab countries, when a man greets another man who has higher status—social position—he should
  289. When did America win its Independence?
  290. American Dreams is all about fighting for a brighter future.
  291. International contacts are definitely increased by the contribution of new technology and population growth.
  292. Russians believe that it’s the price of a gift that counts.
  293. Western people see Nature as their servant and supplier.
  294. Breaking hands in hand-shaking is a polite way to greet people and indicated the person is firm and easy to deal with.
  295. Korea'seconomicgrowthhasbeenvery slow.
  296. February 23d is the holiday that aims to congratulate
  297. Teaching in China is looked upon as.....
  298. Culture is often compared to an iceberg. Which of the following can be regarded as the invisible part of culture?
  299. The traditional Western view of the human-nature relationship comes from the Bible.
  300. According to the flower gifting etiquette in Russia, red color represents friendship, affection, harmony.(  )
  301. Sports players, if good enough, can get a free college education if they play sports for the school.
  302. With low-context communication, the burden of interpreting the meaning falls on the listener. ( )
  303. Koreans never give any food as a gift.
  304. If you don’t say thank you, some people in Western countries can get offended, upset or even angry.
  305. A ‘Pet name’ is a name you give to your pet.
  306. China has a recorded history of more than 5000 years.
  307. In Canada, “Eskimo Dogs” have been used throughout history for three different purposes: 1.To track polar bears 2.To carry people 3.To carry supplies
  308. People’s attitude towards human nature was not effected by their religious beliefs before the middle 19th century.
  309. In American English, to be “embarrassed” means to feel mildly uncomfortable, while in Spanish, to be “embarassada” connotes “to be pregnant”.
  310. All cultures use the same expression for “yes.”
  311. In large power distance societies, superiors are considered to be superior beings who are different kinds of people. The order between the people at the top and those at the bottom is hardly changed.
  312. Americans view time as a resource.
  313. In the United States, you can use time to buy things.
  314. Koreansoncegaveeggsor sugar as a National day gift.
  315. Both British and Irish cultures emphasize the benefits of a lively social life and the importance of conversation and jokes.
  316. It’s a great stereotype to think that Russia is a collectivist country.
  317. China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, and to a certain extent, France, are considered to be high-context cultures.
  318. Western cultures tend to be individualist, so all Westerners are always individualist. ( )
  319. The dimensions Hofstede identified from his analysis of the IBM survey include ( )
  320. In America, what is often considered as a practical way to greet someone in informal settings?
  321. Culture can be seen from different carriers: culture as place, culture as people, culture as art, culture as literature and culture as product.
  322. The axe is given as a gift to students to do well for the university entrance exam in Korea.
  323. In terms of PDI, scores close to 0 stand for a larger power distance, and scores close to 100 stand for a smaller power distance.
  324. Which of the following statements correctly describes individualist and collectivist cultures?
  325. While traveling around Canada, foreign visitors often take the chance to ride dog sleds, tracked by Eskimo Dogs, all the way up North.
  326. Which word should we stress in the following sentence: ‘Thank you so much.’?
  327. What kind of gift usually give to people in Korea?
  328. According to the video, which of the following is NOT included in Britain?
  329. How do Americans view arriving late?
  330. The expressions known as “Good to see you”, “Great to see you”, “Nice to see you” are often used when ________________.
  331. Culture can be understood as a particular way to satisfy our human needs because ( ).
  332. Which of the following statements about noise is NOT true? ( )
  333. According to Hofstede’s research, the following countries belong to high power distance cultures EXCEPT ( )
  334. In ancient history, people used to give what as a present:(  ).
  335. Which name is NOT acceptable to call service staff in restaurants and bars if you don’t know them?
  336. In Greece, it’s important for a manager to(  ).
  337. Imagine that you are ending a phone conversation with a friend that you'll see later on today. How would you say goodbye?
  338. Two weeks ago, an American acquaintance said: “Let’s have lunch or something sometime soon. I’ll call you .” But he hasn’t called. Why not?
  339. Which of the following fields first used the terms of individualism and collectivism?
  340. What does Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Ryan Reynolds, Jim Carrey and Ryan Gosling have in common ?
  341. What sport was invented by a Canadian doctor?
  342. Being a foreigner in China is(  ).
  343. A “souvenir” is a type of present Spanish people (and other cultures) give:(  ).
  344. The main idea of the lecture is:
  345. Which of the following is NOT true according to Hofstede’s power distance dimension? ( )
  346. How many types of time orientation are concluded in Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck’s Model?
  347. How many kinds of human natures are there according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Model?
  348. For whom is the social space reserved?
  349. What do American students need to do to be marked present?
  350. Imagine that your best friend is leaving for a one-year internship abroad. You have taken them to the airport and are getting ready to say goodbye. What kind of goodbye do you give?
  351. Russian people tend to put off planning far ahead because they believe that life is unpredictable and you never know what might happen in the future.
  352. Spanish people are a past-oriented society.
  353. The “I” identity is highlighted in America.
  354. The looks I got from Chinese people around were delighted.
  355. The interpretation of nonverbal signs should take different cultural contexts into consideration.
  356. Individuals from high power distance cultures accept power as part of society. ( )
  357. In collectivist societies, the distinction between in-group and out-group is clearly-cut.
  358. The finger-counting system in China is identical to the Russian one.
  359. As we move from the north to the south, social bubbles become less close and much bigger.
  360. Culture is a stable system that is always unchanged.
  361. Westerners tend to put most of their ideas and feelings into words and state these ideas and feelings plainly and openly. ( )
  362. The four general groups of cultural elements are separate, independent of each other.
  363. Culture is a problem of nurture instead of nature. That means one’s cultural patterns are acquired through learning or interacting, or they are determined by the environment within which people live.
  364. Americans like to take long lunch breaks.
  365. The United States has an individualistic culture.
  366. Within Western cultures it is not common for people to say that they love each other as they say goodbye.
  367. Harmony rather than confrontations are considered to more important in collectivist societies.
  368. The Chinese aren’t very interested to convey their own culture and history to Western audiences.
  369. In Middle Eastern countries, being close enough to breathe on another person is proper because they think sharing their breath is like sharing their spirit.
  370. One of the most popular goodbye phrases is“Have a good day!”.
  371. James Naismith is considered the ‘father of football’.
  372. Individualism is often regarded as the fundamental value held by Westerners.
  373. If a Spanish person says “I’ll do it now” doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to do it right away.
  374. According to the Christmas story, Santa brings gifts to all the children in the world, even the bad children.
  375. Plants are the only medicinal substances used in Chinese herbal medicine.
  376. Which of the following can demonstrate the visible part of culture when we are trying to compare the culture and an iceberg?
  377. The world’s first recorded organized indoor hockey game took place in the city of Toronto.
  378. If a foreigner wants to be social in British, it is highly suggested that he go to a pub or a café for drink.
  379. Which of the following is more likely true in collectivist country?
  380. In small power distance countries, bosses usually consult their subordinates before making final decisions.
  381. Which is NOT an example of ethnocentrism?
  382. What language do they speak in Brazil?
  383. Which of the following doesn’t demonstrate the collective sense in Chinese culture?( )
  384. British influence can be seen clearly in the cultural life of Northern Ireland.
  385. Low uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to have a less efficient infrastructure than high uncertainty avoidance cultures.
  386. This video covers a total of ________ popular stereotypes surrounding the Canadian Nation.
  387. Why do the Pilipinos celebrate the Ati-Atihan Festival?
  388. Central European dish, named “Pierogies”, is very popular among the Polish population living in Canada. The shape is quite similar to ______________ in China.
  389. What are language exchanges?
  390. If you are writing a letter to someone at a university, which title is NOT used?
  391. We can learn culture through ( ).
  392. What is NOT a good way to overcome ethnocentrism?
  393. In Northern Ireland when is it acceptable to skip the queue?
  394. If a meeting starts at 10:00 AM in the United States, when should you arrive?
  395. What is a taboo gift in Korea?
  396. In Japan, when a person gives you his/her business card, you should(  ).
  397. If you get invited into a Spanish home for dinner, you should:(  ).
  398. According to Edward Hall, the following countries incline toward low-context culture EXCEPT ( )
  399. Strong physical affection is generally seen between(  ).
  400. Culture is compared to the rules of the game because ( ).
  401. Why did Korean people work harder after the Korean War?
  402. Chronemics, the study of time, is to study how people ____ time.
  403. What does the following hand sign mean?
  404. Which color is not commonly suitable for wrapping a gift?
  405. Personal space of Russians is(  ).
  406. Which 2 passports can people born in Northern Ireland have?
  407. When did Korea became OECD member?
  408. It’s quite(  ) to collect money in groups to give one expensive gift in Russia.
  409. Which is the closest area of personal space?
  410. As far as drinks are concerned, one of Canada’s most famous cocktail is called ______________.
  411. In the United States, when a man greets an American businesswoman, he should(  ).
  412. In which continent is Ethiopia?
  413. America’s culture can be best described as…
  414. Russia is a (  ).
  415. Which of the following is NOT true about high-context communication style? ( )
  416. The preparation and construction of Shanghai Disneyland took 10 years before the theme park was open to the public. ( )
  417. Chinese IDV (Individualism Index) scores at (     ).
  418. Hualing Group’s negotiations for Tbilisi Zone of went smoothly with the quick consensus among both senior and young officials in Georgian government. ( )
  419. Which of the following firsts was NOT initiated by Hualing Group? ( )
  420. Kenya, as an African country, is seldom influenced by European and American cultures. ( )
  421. China Road and Bridge Corporation adopted the following measures to help local Kenyans understand the technical objectives and standards of railway operation of Mombasa-Nairobi Standard-Gauge Railway EXCEPT ________. ( )
  422. The success of Shanghai Disneyland demonstrates the importance of adjusting services and brand narrative to fit local culture’s values and norms. ( )
  423. Which of the following does not show Shanghai Disneyland’s nods to Chinese culture? ( )
  424. In the theory of "Power Distance", we usually emphasize the power is distributed equally.
  425. When did Shanghai Disneyland open to the public? ( )
  426. In America, most students stay in one classroom while teacher’s rotate different classrooms.
  427. Public schools in America receive funding from their residing state.
  428. Most of the control of American public school lies in the hands of…
  429. In America students in grades 1-12 pay a small tuition fee.
  430. America also has a College Entrance Exam, called the SAT.
  431. Where do public colleges receive their funding?
  432. American families are more concerned with their child’s overall learning process, mental health and happiness.
  433. American students are more ____________ compared to Chinese students.
  434. Prior to higher education American students attend school for total of _________ years.
  435. Which of the following is a large factor on college applications, could be considered the most important by some?
  436. Which of the following foreign brands met its marketing waterloo in Shanghai in 2018? ( )
  437. A feminine worldview maintains that men should be assertive and focus on career success. ( )
  438. After Macau returned to China in 1999, Macanese’ identity tends to be unipolar. ( )
  439. When didthe film kick off? ( )
  440. The year of 2016 is an important year for the cultural works with traditional Chinese cultural elements such as , , and to have successful overseas dissemination. ( )
  441. Chinese chopsticks have a round end and a square end. The round end symbolizes earth, while the square end symbolizes heaven. ( )
  442. Which of the following is NOT true according to Hofstede’s research on uncertainty avoidance? ( )
  443. BLM movement reflects the strong awareness of cultural identity among the blacks.( )
  444. Which of the following did not happen in Hong Kong’s umbrella revolution? ( )
  445. According to a report on patent issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in 2013,which of the following countries was not listed as one of the top three in the ownership of active patents? ( )
  446. What is not included in the U-curve process of intercultural adaptation?
  447. The culture shock cues are carried on conscious level.
  448. Intercultural communication competence can be evaluated from the following perspective EXCEPT
  449. The familiar cues of culture shock include handshaking, gift-giving, people-meeting, invitation accepting and refusing, and so on.
  450. People suffering from culture shock in a foreign country will not suffer again when coming back to their home countries.
  451. Most Westerners are not ethnocentric at all.
  452. Culture shock is so unconquerable that there is never a cure of it.
  453. Culture shock can cause both physical and mental discomforts.
  454. What cannot culture shock bring about in learning experience?
  455. Which of the following is NOT included in the reasons for culture shock?
  456. People in Western countries get a better education than people in China.
  457. The more you learn about other cultures, the more you can understand that your own culture is not the only way to live a good life.
  458. The most iconic and formal Canadian Mounted Police uniform / outfit is the ______________.
  459. How many British stereotypes are mentioned in the video?
  460. Where can the life savings of a leprechaun be found?
  461. Northern Ireland has many factories that produce alcohol.
  462. According to the lecturer, which is not polite in Britain?
  463. Canadian Maple Syrup is appreciated worldwide and remains a major obsession among Foreign Tourists.
  464. Which of the following characteristics doesn’t belong to “English Gentlemen” character?
  465. Ethnocentrism occurs when people feel their culture is far better than other cultures.
  466. A leprechaun is a myth.
  467. In Canada, the moose (national animal of Canada), can grow up to 5 feet tall “152 centimeters” and weigh up to ___________ pounds.
  468. Context is relatively more important in low-context cultures than in high-context cultures. ( )
  469. Silence is usually associated with positive meanings in low-context cultures. ( )
  470. Which of the following is NOT true about low-context cultures? ( )
  471. Which of the following sayings demonstrates the high-context communication in Chinese culture? ( )
  472. Japan is a low uncertainty avoidance culture with many formal social protocols. ( )
  473. The saying “Great virtue is like water” is taken from___? ( )
  474. Elbow bump was created by Wang Yi to prevent the spread of Covid-19. ( )
  475. What gesture encouraged the soldiers during the WWII? ( )
  476. Which of the following is NOT true about high-context cultures? ( )
  477. Kung Fu was firstly designed to beat or even kill the enemy. ( )
  478. Personal space is inflexible and will not expand or shrink with different cultures.
  479. A polychromic time system regards schedules as very important.
  480. Germans prefer to leave their doors open to show welcome and friendliness.
  481. Japanese people, despite the territorial crowdedness, usually create their own private space mentally.
  482. Present-oriented cultures always pay respect to tradition and wisdom from their ancestors.
  483. People of which country around the world are supposed to have the biggest cultural bubble?
  484. According to the video, the territoriality of culture can be different in which of the following aspects?
  485. People in future-oriented cultures think that they can control the results of their actions and can control their fates partially.
  486. Which of the following cultures belongs to past-oriented culture?
  487. Which is NOT included in time systems?
  488. People in which of the following countries greet each other by cheek-kissing?
  489. Illustrators are nonverbal behaviors that have a direct verbal translation.
  490. According to the video, it is said that as much as 90% of meaning in interpersonal communication is conveyed via body language.
  491. Which of the following is the real meaning of OK sign in Japan?
  492. Body language is a verbal way of communication.
  493. Which of the following statements are NOT true?
  494. According to a survey of prisoners, people who walked with swinging foot movements are less likely to be selected as victims.
  495. Nonverbal communication is valuable because many of our nonverbal actions are relatively free of distortions and deception.
  496. Among the physical contact of body language mentioned in the video, which of the following is the most common way of contacting?
  497. In case of telling a white lie, what would a western child mostly likely do?
  498. If somebody holds a door open for you, you should thank them.
  499. It is not necessary to thank people in shops and restaurants in Western countries because they are just doing their jobs.
  500. Oftentimes English speakers will use foreign words to express their goodbyes.
  501. Which name is acceptable to call a friend of the opposite sex if your friend doesn't mind?
  502. In many cultures there is a difference when it comes to how much physical contact is appropriate between men and women.
  503. You should always try to make eye contact when thanking somebody.
  504. In France, it is customary for people to kiss each other on the cheeks upon meetings as a formal way of greeting.
  505. In Western Countries, while conducting business, the first thing we do when we meet someone is wave the hand to say “Hello” or “Goodbye”.
  506. “Catch you later”is an informal way to say goodbye.
  507. In Canada, what do we usually say when greeting someone we are familiar with (someone we know well)?
  508. When talking to the police, which title is best to use to address them?
  509. What should you do at a party if you don’t know a woman’s name?
  510. To have successful intercultural communication. Cultural connotations should not be overlooked.
  511. “Garbage men” is the euphemism of “sanitary engineers”.
  512. Language’s connotations are fundamentally culture.
  513. Denotative meanings are the implied meanings of words.
  514. Which of the following are NOT mentioned in the video to emphasize the importance of language?
  515. As to the relationship between language and culture, how many metaphors are given in this video?
  516. Weasel words are produced to persuade people into buying certain products, making them sparkling or refreshing.
  517. Language and culture always go hand in hand and cannot be separated.
  518. How many scholars are mentioned in this video telling about the importance of language?
  519. In the United States, eggs are NOT always labeled as
  520. Both cuju and ice play were ancient sports in China. ( )
  521. China released an action plan for carbon dioxide peaking before 2030 in October, 2020. ( )
  522. How many pins of each ancient myth were produced as the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics souvenirs? ( )
  523. According to the World Bank data, what is the percentage that China has contributed to worldwide poverty reduction in the last 40 years? ( )
  524. According to the microlecture, "Wuhan Mode", as one of the most representative methods to fight against the pandemic, has four important instructions. ( )
  525. Which of the following sayings show the importance of time in different cultures? ( )
  526. Intangible cultural heritage poverty alleviation, ecological poverty alleviation, industrial poverty alleviation and financial poverty alleviation are the four poverty alleviation methods initiated by China in the battle against poverty. ( )
  527. Which of the following was the point that Zhao Lijian commented on China’s battle against the epidemic? ( )
  528. According to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the secretary-general of the World Health Organization, China's actions against COVID-19 have been proved successful. ( )
  529. Liang Zhongmei was of Buyi nationality. ( )
  530. When did President Xi Jinping declare that China has won an all-round victory in the battle against poverty? ( )
  531. How many months did it take to achieve the final decisive success in the defending of Wuhan during the 2020 pandemic? ( )
  532. At first, Li Ziqi’s videos were not popular among English audience because they were without any English subtitles or English headlines. ( )
  533. How did the international netizens respond to the Chinese poem on the social media Twitter? ( )
  534. To foreign netizens who do not understand the Chinese language, the Chinese poem Elon Musk posted on his Twitter account is just like “interesting alien code”. ( )
  535. “Clothes make the man” is an old saying merely in China. ( )
  536. The color white in the uniform of the 2022 Olympic volunteers represents the coming of Chinese New Year. ( )
  537. What left a deep impression on Trump during his visit to China in November 2017? ( )
  538. Which of the following is the first Dual Olympic City? ( )
  539. The Chinese poem The Quatrain of Seven Steps was attributed to ______, who lived between 192 and 232 during Three Kingdoms period. ( )
  540. Only foreign netizens on the Internet are confused over what Musk was referring to by the Chinese poem. ( )
  541. Li Ziqi’s videos let people around the world feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture. ( )
  542. Today's world is a“global village” because of the rapid expansion of worldwide transportation and communication networks.
  543. When people of different nationalities and ethnic origins attempt to work and live together, conflicts can easily arise.
  544. Language may present problems in intercultural communication because (     ).
  545. There is a pressing need for people to conduct intercultural communication because (     ).
  546. Language is a major means of communication. It is not influenced by the culture in which it is developed.
  547. There are a number of factors contributing to today's world as a 'global village', including (     ).
  548. Globalization of economy has made it unusual for someone to work for an organization that does business in many countries.
  549. The perception variable in intercultural communication study include (     ).
  550. It is important to address the problem of cultural illiteracy in intercultural communication study.
  551. Messages are transmitted through a variety of sensory channels.
  552. There are rules for speakers to follow as to how messages are constructed and interpreted.
  553. We must be fully aware of the physical, psychological, perceptual, emotional, linguistic, and cultural noises in communication.
  554. The elements of communication include (     ).
  555. Communication is always perfectly effective.
  556. It is important for people to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal feedback in communication.
  557. What you know and feel remain inside of you unless you communicate.
  558. The communication styles in different cultures are the same.
  559. Norms are the guidelines that we establish for conducting transactions.
  560. Which of the following statements about communication is true? ( )
  561. March Madness is
  562. Canada is, as of right now, considered to be the third largest country in the World.
  563. What is the most watched sport in America?
  564. Culture is often compared to an iceberg, suggesting that only a small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.
  565. Basketball is now a popular sport in China.
  566. A good place for an outdoor holiday is Snowdonia.
  567. Abraham Maslow suggested that people all over the world share four basic needs.
  568. If you visit Britain, you should never _________.
  569. America was once under British rule.
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