1.As we know, it is very important that a firm should pay attention to the training of its staff as there exist many weak parts in its (36) departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is (37) when a firm considers its training needs, which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications. A job description should give (38) of the performance that is required for a (39) job, and a job specification should give information about the (40) , knowledge and skills that are (41) of an employee who works in it. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This (42) what the Training Department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training (43) There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages of all of them. (44) It is frequently said that learning about skills takes place "off the job" in the classroom, but (45) It is always difficult to evaluate the costs and savings of a training programme. The success of such a programme depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality of the staff who do the training. (46) The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.

2.As we know, it is very important that a firm should pay attention to the training of its staff as there exist many weak parts in its (36) departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is (37) when a firm considers its training needs, which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications. A job description should give (38) of the performance that is required for a (39) job, and a job specification should give information about the (40) , knowledge and skills that are (41) of an employee who works in it. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This (42) what the Training Department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training (43) There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages of all of them. (44) It is frequently said that learning about skills takes place "off the job" in the classroom, but (45) It is always difficult to evaluate the costs and savings of a training programme. The success of such a programme depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality of the staff who do the training. (46) The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.

答案:A company can often check on savings in time and cost by examining the work performed by the workers and technicians who have completed a training programe.
3.Passage 1 Nowadays, a standard for measuring power has changed. These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power. No longer will a nation’s political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. It’s often said that without its military the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of power and influence that is evolving now place more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic market of the world. America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace. Our industrial prowess(威力)over most of this period was unchallenged. It is ironic that it is just this prowess that has enabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership. The competitiveness of America’s industrial base is an issue bigger than the Department of Defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society—government, industry, and education. That is not to say that the Defense Department will not be a strong force in the process because we will. But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior of American industry. Now a nation’s political influence depends on _____.

答案:both A and B
4.Nowadays, a standard for measuring power has changed. These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power. No longer will a nation’s political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. It’s often said that without its military the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of power and influence that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic markets of the world.<br> America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace. Our industrial prowess(威力)over most of this period was unchallenged. It is ironic(有讽刺性的) that it is just this prowess that has enabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership.<br> The competitiveness of America’s industrial base is an issue bigger than the department of defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society, government, industry, and education. That is not to say that the defense department will not be a strong force in the process. But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior(救星) of American industry.<br>America succeeded in shaping world events over the past 40 years probably because of______.

答案:both A and B

As we know, it is very important that a hotel pays attention to the training of its staff, as there exist many weak parts in its various departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is defined when a hotel considers its training needs, which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications.

A job description should give details of the performance that is required for a particular job, and job specification should give information about the behavior, knowledge and skills that are expected of an employee who works in it.

When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This specifies what the training department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training period.

There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages of all of them. Successful training programs depend on an understanding of the difference between learning about skills and training in using them. It is frequently said that learning about skills takes place “off the job” in the classroom, but training in using these skills takes place “on the job”, by means of such activities as practice in the workshop.

It is always difficult to evaluate the costs and savings of a training program. The success of such a program depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality of the staff who do the training. A hotel can often check on savings in time and cost by examining the work performed by the staff who have completed a training program. The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.

答案:AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?\n\n选项A. Staff training is a must for hotels.\n选项B. All hotels must have the same training methods.\n选项C. Training programs are only based on the quality of the staff.\n选项D. It is easy to evaluate the costs and savings of a training program.\n\n正确答案是A. Staff training is a must for hotels.。\n\n文章中提到,酒店重视员工培训非常重要,因为酒店各部门存在许多薄弱环节。因此,员工培训必须有目的,这取决于酒店考虑其培训需求,而这些需求又基于工作描述和工作规范。因此,选项A“员工培训是酒店必须的”是正确的陈述。其他选项在文章中没有得到支持或与文章内容不符。'

Newdays,a standard for measuring power has changed.These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power.No longer will a nation's political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary primary measure of power.But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. It's often said that without its military the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of opwer and influence that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic markets of the world.

America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace. Our industrial prowess over most of this period was unchallenged. It is ironic that it is just this prowess that has enabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership.

The competitiveness of America's industrial base is an issue bigger than the Department of Defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society-government,industry,and education. That is not to say that the Defense Department will not be a strong force in the process because we will. But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior of American industry.

答案:AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?\n\nThe change in Newdays,a standard for measuring power has brought a change in _______________.\n\nA. measuring military strength\nB. how a nation can affect the world\nC. military power and political influence\nD. military and political effectiveness\n\n正确答案是:C. military power and political influence。\n文章第一段提到新的标准不仅仅是军事力量的变化,也预示着政治影响力的变化,即军事力量和政治影响力的重要性都在提高。因此,选项C“军事力量和政治影响力”是正确的。其他选项在文章中没有提到或与文章内容不符。'
7.do you have any other seats open where we can sit together? 这句话是在询问?
A:有没有开放式的座位 B:有没有挨在一起的两个座位 C:向选择靠窗的座位
8.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.
A:rescue B:vast C:research D:vessel
9.Transit Lounge其汉语意义为
A:转机休息室 B:转机手续办理处 C:候机休息室 D:转机登机处
10.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully
A:sorting B:counting C:joking D:comparing
11.We are approaching an area of turbulence.For you own safety and comfort, please go back to your seats, and fasten your seat belts. Please keep you belts fastened until the "Seat Belt" sign goes off. Thank you.这段机上广播属于
A:经过强气流广播 B:餐前广播 C:起飞广播 D:落地广播 12.随着网络通信日益普遍,电子邮件(E-mail)在很大程度上替代了邮局( )的这一功能
A:寄信 B:寄包裹 C:寄钱 D:寄支票 13.海关申报表的英文表述是
A:custom declaration form B:landing card C:immigration form D:custom form 14.With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
A:survived B:suspended C:subfected D:suffered 15.邀请函中关于受邀请人的first name填写方式正确的_____(受邀请人的姓名是王伟)
A:Wei Wang B:Wang Wei C:Wang D:Wei 16.外交部全球领事保护与服务应急呼叫中心电话:
A:0086-10-12309 B:0086-010-12308 C:0086-110-12308 D:0086-10-12308 17.Please put down your seat table. If you have special diet requirement, please tell the cabin attendants. We will offer you a choice of tea, coffee, beer, wines and other soft drinks. Hope you could enjoy these. Thank you.这段机上广播属于
A:经过强气流广播 B:起飞广播 C:餐前广播 D:落地广播 18._________发给定居、探亲、访友、继承遗产、自费留学、就业、旅游和其它因私人事务出国和定居国外的中国公民。
A:外交护照 B:公务护照 C:公务普通护照 D:因私护照 19.如果遗失机票,需要立即通知(),告知班机时间等资料。
A:家属 B:大使馆 C:12308 D:航空公司 20.中华人民共和国的英文简写为:
A:PRC B:PPC C:PAC D:PPA 21.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.
A:bake B:beam C:battery D:bean 22.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.
A:channel B:tunnel C:cable D:canal 23.Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. We will be landing at Bangkok International Airport in 20 minutes. Our flying altitude is 7000 feet. The local time is 9:45 p.m. and the ground temperature is 25 degrees Centigrade, or 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Captain Tony and all the members of his crew thank you for flying with us. We hope you enjoyed your flight.这段机上广播属于
A:降落广播 B:起飞广播 C:餐前广播 D:经过强气流广播 24.发现手机遗失后,务必先借电话致电(),请他们协助将手机号码挂失,避免盗打的情况发生,然后到所在地的警局报案
A:政府机构 B:大使馆 C:12308 D:电运营商的客服中心 25.国外旅行遇到地震不要慌张,及时逃生,联系当地()寻求帮助尽量迅速回国。
A:大使馆 B:民间组织 C:救援机构 D:政府 26.以下哪些国家雨季易发生泥石流灾害?
A:不丹 B:日本 C:尼泊尔 D:美国 27.旅客服务中心(information center)可以提供的服务有()
A:take public transportation B:find hotels C:rent a car D:search people or consult anything you want 28.以下哪些词会出现在商品的营养成分表中()
A:Total Fat B:Calories C:Vitamin D:Total Sugars 29.We would check it in for you, or you could have it deposited temporarily at our place for up to one month,这句话包含的信息是
A:保管的期限是一个月。 B:机场将该物品暂时扣押并保管。 C:机场将违禁物品没收并不返还。 D:告知乘客所携带的物品中有违禁物品。 30.关于退税,说法对的有()
A:是指对境外游客在退税定点商店购买的随身携运出境的退税物品,按规定退税的政策。 B:退税由银行操作完成。 C:通俗来说,就是还你一小部分税金,鼓励你多多购物。 D:商品购买行为发生之后,不能进行任何的退税行为。 31.酒店预订可以有三种不同的预定方式,分别是()
A:保证类预定(Guaranteed Reservation) B:临时预定(chance reservation) C:确认类预定(confirmed reservation) D:电话预定(telephone reservation) 32.Rock music has many subgenres, like _____.
A:Punk. B:Hardrock. C:Romantic. D:Metal. 33.西餐中的副菜通常是海鲜和鸡肉。常见的副菜有()等
A:牛排 B:奶酪汁龙虾 C:红酒鹅肝 D:腌三文鱼 34.马里兰大学中国留学生的不恰当发言让我们从中明白:
A:任何时候,国家的形象不让摸黑。 B:在公众场合我们每个人的言行都会被放大。 C:尤其是留学生,你所代表的不仅仅是你自己,而是千万个如你般海外求学的学子。 35.关于晕机的一些问题,你可以这样说
A:Can I take the window seat in case of airsickness? B:I think I’m going to throw up; Could you give me some medicine for airsickness/headache? C:I’m sorry, I am feeling a bit airsick. D:excuse me, but I am not feeling well 36.美国人吃汉堡,通常搭配()
A:奶昔 B:可乐 C:豆腐 D:薯条 37.在入境查验护照环节,乘客经常会被问到的问题由哪些?
A:purpose of your visit B:your address when stay abroad C:stay duration (how long ) D:your marrigae status 38.住宿酒店的房型可以分为()
A:双人房double room or twin room B:套房suite C:单人房single room D:三人房triple room 39.开胃菜的目的是为了刺激我们的味蕾,增加食欲。常见的开胃菜有()
A:奶油鸡酥盒 B:鹅肝酱 C:鱼子酱 D:甜点 40.到国外旅行到底带多少现金合适?有丰富经验的业内人士建议,游客出境游只需要备 等零散消费的现金即可。
A:付小费 B:买路边纪念品 C:买饮料 D:买水果 41.护照(passport)的种类分为
A:公务护照 B:外交护照 C:公务普通护照 D:因私护照 42.关于询间产品价格,对表达有()
A:I'm looking for a string of pearls for my wife. B:I'll take the blue one. C:How much? D:What about the prices? 43.Olympic rings are five interlocking rings of blue, yellow, _____, _____, and red on a white background.
A:green B:golden C:brown D:black 44.商业邀请函 inviitation 包含的内容有哪些?
A:机票信息 B:被邀请人 C:被邀请人信息 D:邀请缘由 E:邀请人的姓名 45.购物退税是指对境外游客在退税定点商店购买的随身携运出境的退税物品,按规定退税的政策。
A:错 B:对 46.正规宴会上,每一道食物、菜肴即配一套相应的餐具(刀、叉、匙),并以上菜的先后顺序由内向外排列。
A:对 B:错 47.便利商店在美国较为普遍,但由于宗教文化等因素的差异,东南亚很少有便利商店,尤其是24小时营业的。
A:对 B:错 48.修正美式(Modified American plan)包含房间费用和早餐,以及一顿午餐或晚餐的费用。这种收费方式比较适合自由行的游客。
A:对 B:错 49.小费,是指服务行业中顾客感谢服务人员的一种报酬形式。源于18世纪法国巴黎。
A:对 B:错 50.公务普通护照主要发给中国各级政府部门的工作人员、中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关和驻联合国组织系统及其有关专门机构的工作人员及其随行配偶、未成年子女等。
A:错 B:对 51.全币种信用卡的英文说法是full currency credit card。
A:对 B:错 52.现在亚马逊网站上购买其直营商品,可以退税。需在海关网站下下载标准退税单,在亚马逊网站上在线打印账单,即可在海关退税。
A:对 B:错 53.如果转机前后是购买的同一航空公司的机票,前面的航班到达后,正常下飞机后,找中转柜台去办理后续航班的手续(小型机场一般不设中转柜台,需要出机场再进行后续航班的手续办理),如果有托运行李,还需要先将行李取出后,再进行托运。
A:对 B:错 54.Transit passengers Seattle; remember to pick up a transit card.Passengers transferring to Seattle please don't forget to take a transit card with you. 此处的广播是告知转机到西雅图的乘客不需要再单独领取转机卡。
A:错 B:对 55.收银员(cashier)Accommodation cost计算住宿费用、currency exchange货币兑换、管理寄物箱、房间分配等。
A:错 B:对 56.对于出境游, 不可控的因素很多, 例如航班延误, 行李丢失, 被盗, 甚至于罢工等等, 都会对你的行程产生相当大的影响, 而且境外的医疗费用不菲, 假如因意外入院治疗, 没有保险来对这些损失做规避, 会产生相当大的负担。因此,一般建议出境者提前购买保险。
A:错 B:对 57.玛奇朵 Macchiato在意大利文里是“烙印、印记”的意思,焦糖玛奇朵就象征着甜蜜的印记。
A:错 B:对 58.外国酒店入住时间一般为下午2点之后,退房时间为中午12点之前,超时会收取额外费用。不过在欧洲、日本有些地方则是早上10点前退房。
A:错 B:对 59.24小时便利店虽然起源于美国的加油站附设小店,但它的发扬光大是由日本在六十年代以后的高速经济增长时期完成的。
A:对 B:错 60.关于境外不文明现象的根源是语言不通。
A:对 B:错 61.百慕大式(Bermuda [bɚ'mjʊdə] plan)包括房费及美式早餐。美式早餐除了包括欧陆式早餐的内容外,通常还包括鸡蛋、火腿或者香肠等肉类。
A:错 B:对 62.在意大利,最有名的打折商品就是这里的酒类和食品。
A:错 B:对 63.是再规定时间退房后,想充分利用乘飞机前的这段时间,却不行带着行李到处跑,可以将行李寄放在酒店前台(front desk/receptionist)或者是酒店门口的行李员(belly boy),请他们代为照看几个小时。
A:错 B:对 64.“Pick out larger ones, please.”的意思是:请挑小一点的。
A:对 B:错

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