1. You should call your doctor with the following problems.( )

  2. 答案:feeling sad###backache
  3. Which of the following statements are the correct descriptions of the two hemispheres of cerebrum?( )

  4. 答案:Musicians process music in left hemisphere.###High-level mathematicians, problem solvers and chess players actually have more right-brained activity.
  5. The factors from the Bishop score include ( ).

  6. 答案:Effacement###Station###Cervical dilation
  7. The best way to prevent a stroke includes ( ).

  8. 答案:maintaining a healthy weight###keeping blood pressure under control###managing diabetes###avoiding alcohol or drinking moderately
  9. Which of the following are the correct descriptions of the process of fertilization?( )

  10. 答案:When egg and sperm fuse, a diploid cell is formed.###The sperm has to get through corona radiate to finish fertilization.###Fertilization occurs when the sperm can deliver its genetic material.
  11. A broken heart syndrome may be caused by( ).

  12. 答案:a divorce###the death of a loved one###winning the lottery###betrayal
  13. What substances does colostrum contain?( )

  14. 答案:minerals###vitamins###antibodies###proteins,
  15. Digestion could be further divided into:( )

  16. 答案:chemical digestion###mechanical digestion
  17. The lung fissures(肺裂)are divisions which divide the lungs into lobes: ( )

  18. 答案:oblique fissures on both sides###the horizontal fissure on the right
  19. What are the problems faced by the babies with premature birth?( )

  20. 答案:Being at risk of immature lungs.###Requiring a longer hospital stay###Having learning disabilities.
  21. What are the forms of Dementia?( )

  22. 答案:Korsahoffs disease###Huntington’s disease###Vascular dementia
  23. The ovarian cycle consists of the _______ phase, the _______ and the _____ phase. ( )
  24. Type 2 diabetes is ( ).
  25. The respiratory system is made up of organs and tissues that help you breathe. The main parts of this system are: ( )
  26. Which of the following statement is correct concerning Huntington’s disease?( )
  27. Which statement about tocodynamometer(toco) is correct?( )
  28. The large amounts of ( )in the bodies of boys and girls during puberty can have huge effects on their emotions
  29. The ( ) is a dome-shaped muscle located below your lungs. It separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  30. Freshly expressed milk can be stored for up to 24 hours in ( ).
  31. Macular degeneration causes ( )loss and increases with age, affecting nearly 12% of those above the age of 80.
  32. People who are ( ) can get vaccinated against current strains of influenza.
  33. Newborn mortality at ____ weeks may be _____ times the number at 40 weeks, and was elevated compared to 38 weeks of gestation. ( )
  34. What are the common measures to treat mini-stroke?( )
  35. During the ( ) phase, the FSH and LH cause the remaining parts of the dominant follicle to transform into the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone.
  36. It's scientifically proven that being physically active can actually help to prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.( )
  37. The average age for menopause is( ), but it can occur earlier or later, and still be considered normal.
  38. As ( )and progesterone decline, some women describe themselves as “emotional.”
  39. Conception occurs when a sperm cell combines with an egg cell to form a ( ).
  40. A skin condition usually found on the lower legs of people with diabetes, known as skin spots or pigmented pretibial patches, is ( )
  41. If the mother has a C-section, when can she start breastfeeding?( )
  42. In what process that the zygote will begin to divide and grow?( )
  43. _________ plots the typical rate of cervical dilation and fetal descent during active labour.
  44. When the baby’s head is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis, it is called ________.( )
  45. For boys , as the larynx grows, the vocal folds become?( )
  46. During puberty, a boy's larynx or voicebox also grows ( ).
  47. Which kind of inhibitors is less toxic and more effective as antiviral drugs?( )
  48. ( ) is obstructive and one of the most lethal diseases of lungs that is lasting and intense in nature. The main causes are smoking and too much exposure to pollution.
  49. The luteal phase is the final phase of the ovarian cycle and it corresponds to the( ) of the uterine cycle.
  50. Influenza viruses continually change over time, usually by .( )
  51. Exercise is also a great way to reduce hot flashes and mood swings during menopause( )
  52. Take a daily multivitamin, and be sure to get enough ( ) and vitamin D
  53. What are the differences of broken heart syndrome and heart attack ?( )
  54. Poor oral health may have many repercussions, including poor nutrition, unnecessary pain, and possibly even a higher risk of ( )and stroke.
  55. What is the deadliest disease in the world.( )
  56. Foot ulcers may occur because of ( ). It can also lead to changes in the shape of your feet and toes.
  57. In a ________, the baby’s buttocks lead the way into the pelvis – the hips are flexed, the knee extended. ( )
  58. If baby is born prematurely, he or she may not be able to breastfeed at first, but may be able to drink ( ).
  59. When getting exclusive breastfeeding, baby can take ( )?
  60. As we get older, our metabolism slows, making it harder to burn off ( ).
  61. ( ) develops into muscles, bones, heart issue, lungs, reproductive organs, lymphatic tissue.
  62. ( ) is either a brain aneurysm burst or a weakened blood vessel leak.
  63. ( ) need provide their adolescent children with clear behavior guidelines and set and enforce age-appropriate behavior limits.
  64. Which is not the external monitoring method used during childbirth?( )
  65. ( ) is an inflammation of the lining around the brain or spinal cord, usually due to infection.
  66. What is the most common treatment for stroke?( )
  67. Arrhythmias refers to( ).
  68. ( ) is an abnormally increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull.
  69. Which of the following statement is not true in the description of toxoplasmosis?( )
  70. Which of the following statement is not true?( )
  71. What is the hormone that causes most of the changes in a guy's body during puberty?( )
  72. In order to prevent heart disease, ( ) must be eliminated completely.
  73. A woman’s risk increases dramatically when she hits( ), usually in her early 50s.
  74. It is in the ( ) where food is chewed into smaller pieces, mixed with saliva, and formed into a rounded ball, or “bolus.”
  75. A thin flap of tissue called the ( ) covers your windpipe when you swallow. This prevents food and drink from entering the air passages that lead to your lungs.
  76. The ( ) relays sensory and motor signals to the cortex and is involved in regulating consciousness, sleep and alertness.
  77. ( ) raises the risk of contracting influenza, as well as producing more severe disease symptoms.
  78. Mother can express the milk by using ( ).
  79. ( ) are hair-like parts cells. The respiratory passages are lined with cilia. These cilia help move trapped particles that were inhaled back up and out of the body.
  80. ( ) are any of the small air spaces in the lungs where leaves the and oxygen enters it.
  81. ( ) and stroke can occur together, or in very close proximity.
  82. The most common tests to detect influenza viruses are ( ).
  83. Menopause can occur ( )in those who smoke tobacco
  84. How long do health organizations recommend breastfeeding exclusively?( )
  85. ( ) is a set of emotional and physical symptoms that typically occur about 5 - 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle.
  86. ( ) is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the body’s own nerves.
  87. Diabetes may cause( ). In that case, pressure builds up inside your eye when fluid can’t drain like it should. This can damage nerves and blood vessels, and cause changes in vision.
  88. If you are a woman with type 1 diabetes and your child was born before you were 25, your child’s risk is _______.
  89. If a lean boy of 11 is diagnosed with diabetes, it is most likely to be ________.
  90. Of all the patients with diabetes, only ____ of the patients have type 1 diabetes and the remaining ____ have type 2 diabetes.
  91. Which of the following are noninsulin dependent diabetes.
  92. Which of the following may be a reason of Type 2 diabetes?
  93. How severe the stroke is depends on       .
  94. Which is not one of the controllable risk factors of strokes?
  95. A stroke occurs when       .
  96. Which is not one of the uncontrollable risk factors of strokes?
  97. Stroke symptoms include        .
  98. Who are the people at higher risk of influenza?
  99. Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect       .
  100. Which is not the typical symptom of influenza?
  101. Which symptoms indicate that patient should seek immediate medical care?
  102. The complications of influenza include       .
  103. The digestive tract in an adult is about _______ long. Each of the organs shown above contributes to the digestive process in several unique ways.
  104. _________ moves food through the alimentary canal and includes both swallowing and peristalsis.
  105. Mechanical digestion is the physical process of preparing the food for ________ and involves chewing, mixing, churning, and segmentation
  106. The organs of the digestive system are located within a tube called the _____________.
  107. ___________ is the act of putting food into the mouth.
  108. The left lung in humans is little bit ________ than the right lung.
  109. The left human lung contains only two lobes.
  110. The right human lung has three lobes.
  111. The respiratory system is divided into two parts:
  112. The lungs of the humans are filled with about ______ air and _____ tissue.
  113. The right atrium and right ventricle together make up the “right heart”, and the left atrium and the left ventricle make up the “left heart”. The wall of muscle separates the two sides of the heart is _______.
  114. Which of the following receives blood from the veins.
  115. Which of the following is the strongest chamber?
  116. The blood pressure in the _____ is the same as the pressure measured in the arm.
  117. The cardiovascular system consists of ____________.
  118. The cerebrum makes up _____ percent of the brain’s weight.
  119. The cerebrum contains about 86 billion nerve cells (neurons) – the ______.
  120. Which is not the correct description of cerebral cortex?
  121. The neurons in cerebrum are connected by trillions of connections, or _________.
  122. The human brain makes up about ____ percent of a human’s body weight.
  123. In the broader sense, ageing can refer to single cells within an  organism which have ceased __________.
  124. ____________may slow with age, while knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand
  125. From which moment, each of our cells—and, hence, our tissues and organs—begins a process of aging?
  126. Of  the roughly 150,000 people who die each day across the globe, about _______________ die from age-related causes.
  127. At some point in life, often in the 30's, the tell-tale signs of aging begin to be apparent
  128. From which language does the word menopause derive from?
  129. Menopause is the time in most women's lives when _______ stop permanently.
  130. During menopause, women often experience __________which often stop occurring after a year or two.
  131. Menopause which stems from surgery, treatment of a disease, or an illness is called ___________.
  132. Menopause may also be defined by a decrease in hormone production by the ____________.
  133. When you menstruate, your body sheds the __________of the uterus (womb).
  134. A menstrual cycle is counted from_____________ to the first day of the next period.
  135. The first period usually begins _____________.
  136. Menstruation is a woman's _____________ bleeding.
  137. Periods may occasionally start as young as___________ years old and still be considered normal.
  138. The genetic association of timing is strongest between ___________?
  139. What is the average age at which girls in the 19th century reached puberty?
  140. Puberty which starts earlier than normal is known as __________?
  141. From which language does the term puberty derive from?
  142. What is the major landmark of puberty for females ?
  143. Which is not the benefit of breastfeeding for babies?
  144. When do health professionals recommend beginning breastfeeding?
  145. Breastfeeding, also known as      , is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast.
  146. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers?
  147. The duration of a feeding is usually        on each breast.
  148. Which of the following is the reason for C-section deliveries
  149. When the placenta lies low in the uterus and partially or completely covers the cervix, _____ occurs
  150. Which of the body parts shapes like a tube.
  151. Originally, Caesarean section is performed to ____
  152. What causes fetal distress?
  153. What is the body part involved with pregnancy?
  154. Which is not the critical factor determines the process that the baby’s head make through the pelvis into the world?
  155. In the first stage of labor, the water might break, which is known as______.
  156. In what phase the cervix will dilate from 3cm to 7cm?
  157. Head first presentation, which is also called ______ presentation, is the most commonly optimal presentation for easy delivery.
  158. Where does the union of a human egg and sperm usually occur in?
  159. The organelles, which are responsible for giving energy to propel the sperm towards the egg are called______?
  160. The head of the sperm contains______________.
  161. The time between fertilization and birth is called ___________.
  162. What’s the function of mucus?
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