  1. Sharing with someone who understands and loves her _________ her from the _________ and _________her with the emotional tools necessary to handle the trials and tribulations of the_________ world.

  2. A:heals,outside,equips,inside B:heals,inside,equips,outside C:equips,outside,heals,inside D:equips,inside,heals,outside
  3. Learning to listen _________ — not just _________ — doesn’t come easily to him.

  4. A:passively, patiently B:passively, passively C:patiently, patiently D:patiently, passively
  5. When I told him that I wrote _________, he thought for a long time that it was _________ the handwriting which I meant, for he could write a _________ good hand himself.

  6. A:considerably, merely, remarkably B:considerably, remarkably, merely C:considerable, mere, remarkable D:merely, remarkably, considerably
  7. Which one of the following sentences is correct?

  8. A:Seldom a witness has held the stand for so long. B:Seldom has a witness held the stand for so long. C:Usually has a witness held the stand for so long. D:Often has a witness held the stand for so long.
  9. _________in your introductory paragraph lets you add someone else’s voice to your own.

  10. A:Explaining the importance of your topic to the reader B:Beginning with a broad, general statement of your topic C:Starting with an idea that is opposite of the one you will develop D:Using a quotation
  11. In some cases, the thesis and plan of development appear in the same sentence in a well-written introductory paragraph. However, writers sometimes choose not to describe the plan of development.

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. Women hold their distance, rarely establish eye contact, and gesture less dramatically; however, men stand in close proximity to each other, maintain eye contact, and gesture more frequently.

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Men and women express gender communication differences in _________.

  16. A:I don`t know B:structure C:style D:content
  17. All Chinese idioms take the four-character pattern as the basic form.

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. What are the main sources that Chinese idioms come from?

  20. A:Myths and legends. B:Historical allusions. C:Folk adage. D:Foreign cultures. E:Fables. F:Poems and proses.

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