
Read the following paragraphs and identify the sentence that is not appropriate in each of the paragraphs. 阅读以下段落,选出每一段中不合适的句子删除。

(1)Some people think that teenagers should bury themselves in all school subjects. (2)In their view, learning various subjects can not only enlarge teenagers’ knowledge but also promote all-around development. (3)Additionally, compared with those who only focus on one subject, students with a wide range of knowledge can find different solutions to deal with problems they will face either at work or in life. (4)With the rapid development of economy and technology, more and more jobs require people to be armed with professional knowledge. (5)Last but not least, teenagers may be easily fed up with the dull school life if they concentrate on one special subject for a long time, while different subjects can add spice to their school life. (6)Meanwhile learning all school subjects is useful for teenagers to discover what they are really interested in.

A:句6 B:句2 C:句4 D:句5 E:句3 F:句1


Read the following paragraphs and identify the sentence that is not appropriate in each of the paragraphs. 阅读以下段落,选出每一段中不合适的句子删除。

 (1)College is more expensive than high school because of tuition, living expenses, and books. (2)Anyone who wants to attend college must pay fees first. (3)College tuition is usually higher than high-school tuition. (4)It can start at roughly $1,500 per term while high schools are usually funded by governments. (5)High school students have no living expenses because the majority of high school students live at home with their parents for free. (6)College is also more expensive than high school when it comes to the cost of learning materials, such as textbooks.(7) In college, students must buy textbooks for each course they take.

A:句1 B:句7 C:句5 D:句6 E:句3 F:句2 G:句4

Read the following paragraphs and identify the sentence that is not appropriate in each of the paragraphs. 阅读以下段落,选出每一段中不合适的句子删除。


       (1)Have you ever wanted to make a birthday cake for a loved one? (2)All you'll need is a little time, love, and a few items from the grocery store. (3)First, calculate your time and make your environment full of affection. (4)You will need to wash your hands and work area.(5) Second, read through the directions on the cake box to be sure you have everything you need. (6)Then, gather all of your equipment and food items in your work area, organize it according to the order you will use them in making your cake. (7)Be sure to preheat your oven to the appropriate temperature before you begin.

A:句7 B:句5 C:句2 D:句3 E:句1 F:句6 G:句4

Read the following paragraphs and identify the sentence that is not appropriate in each of the paragraphs. 阅读以下段落,选出每一段中不合适的句子删除。


(1)Japanese society is facing its most serious threat in recent years. (2)Japan’s birthrate keeps falling steadily. (3)Japanese women find it harder to hunt for a satisfactory job. (4)If this continues, the population will get smaller and smaller. (5)While the number of babies is decreasing, the average Japanese life span is increasing.(6) It is one of the longest in the world. (7)This is a national catastrophe because there are fewer working-age people who pay into the social security system, and there will eventually be too few workers.

A:句3 B:句4 C:句5 D:句6 E:句2 F:句7 G:句1

Choose the correct topic sentence to fill in the blank. 为下面段落选择合适的主题句

When you buy insurance, you enter into a written agreement with the insurance company. ______. An insurance policy is an agreement between you and the insurance company. It describes what is being insured and the conditions under which protection is to be provided. The policy also states the limits of the protection. The insurance company which provides the protection is known as the insurer. The person or business buying the insurance is known as the insured or the policyholder. The insurer and the insured are known as parties to the contract.


A:This agreement is called a policy. B:This agreement is very important. C:This agreement defines your insurance. D:This agreement includes many terms.


The following paragraph is incomplete. Choose the best sentence to make it complete. 选择合适的句子完成段落。

       To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. The local authorities usually spend time and money educating citizens to be aware of the threat of plastic bag pollution. Governments also support and encourage manufacturing of water-saving or electricity-save gadgets. From all the measures adopted, it can be seen that ___________________________________.

A: governments have done a lot to protect the environment. B:it is time for the government to do something to protect the environment. C:governments play the most important role in the environmental protection today.


How has September 11 affected the traveler? Well, many of you are no doubt familiar with the practical changes that have come about after the bombings of September 11. These have especially impacted air travelers. Airport security is much tighter.___________________________________ 

1. Long lines are visible inside terminals and sometimes along the sidewalks outside the airport buildings.

2. In short, you have to wait longer and in more lines than you used to.

3. Access is much more strongly restricted.

4. As a result, whether you are flying domestically or internationally, it is necessary to arrive at airports earlier than you did before, and make sure that all your documents are in order.

B:3214 C:3124

The following paragraph is incomplete. Choose the best sentence to make it complete.

Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. ___________________________________. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.

A:The two sates provide different environments for tourists. B:The two states are very similar in natural environments. C:The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has.

The following two paragraphs are developed by contrast. Arrange the sentences in Paragraph 2 in correct order.  阅读下面对比型段落。为下面3个句子排序,完成段落内容。


In many Western societies, such as the United States or Canada, which are made up of many different nationalities, religious groups and cultural orientations, individualism and independent thinking are highly valued. And these values are reflected by the education systems in these countries. Teachers emphasize the qualities that make each student special. Students are seldom expected to memorize information; instead, they are encouraged to think for themselves, find answers on their own and come up with individual solutions. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions, and to express their ideas in class discussion.

In Japan, by contrast, the vast majority of people share the same language, history and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the education system there reflects a belief in group goals and traditions rather than individualism. ________. ________. ________.


1. In the classroom, the teacher is the main source of knowledge: He or she lectures, and the students listen.

2. Japanese schoolchildren often work together and help one another on assignments.

3. There is not much discussion; instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.


A:321 B:231 C:123 D:213

The following paragraph is incomplete. Choose the best sentence to make it complete. 选择合适的句子,完成段落。


There are a lot of terms used to describe computers. Most of these words imply the size, expected use or capability of the computer. ___________________________________. The most familiar type of microprocessor is the personal computer (PC). It is designed for general use by a single person. Another purpose for using a microprocessor is as a workstation. The computers used for this purpose have a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of task, such as 3D Graphics or game development. A computer can also be used as a server. Servers usually have powerful processors, lots of memory and large hard drives. A fourth one, a main frame is the heart of a network of computers or terminals which allows hundreds of people to work at the same time on the same data.

A:The process a computer works involves several steps that call for our attention. B:Computers can be divided into several types according to the purpose they are used for and their capabilities. C:The impact of computer on modern society is beyond what we expect.

 ①Adversity can overwhelm the weak, and can also create a strong man. ②Fighting with difficulties in adversity can temper the will, strengthen perseverance and cultivate noble character. ③The reason why pine trees stand proudly under the storm is because they grow up in the fight with the storm and the thunder. ④The flowers in the greenhouse are so delicate that they have never experienced the wind and the frost or the test of rain and snow.

A:Sentence  and offer two parallel examples B:Sentence ③ and ④ offer two oppositional examples C:Sentence  and offer one detailed example

What is the cause in the following paragraph: The arrangement of the workplace is important primarily because it significantly influence social interaction. Employee’s work locations, therefore, are likely to influence the information to which they are exposed and their inclusion and exclusion from various activities and events within the organization.

A:the information to which they are exposed B:social interaction C:employees work locations D:their inclusion and exclusion from various activities and events withing the organization.


1. Marketing communications can influence a consumer’s level of self-esteem. Exposure to advertisements can trigger a process of social comparison, in which a person tries to evaluate his or her self by comparing it to the people shown in advertising images.

(  )A consumer’s level of self-esteem is the effect of a process of social comparison.

A:错 B:对

Which pattern is adopted in the following paragraph: Evidence clearly indicates that high levels of noise are harmful to human well-being, and noise-pollution needs to be controlled. This is particularly relevant in the industrial sector. Industrial noise pollution affects people in various ways. It causes... Perhaps more importantly, industrial noise causes...

A:Cause-focused pattern B:Effect-focused pattern

How is the following paragraph developed: The decline of the extended family is promoted by the changing nature of work. In rural societies, as among the poor in industrial societies,... In industrial societies, conversely, ...

A:By contrast B:By comparison

 Put the following sentences in correct order to be a coherent paragraph.

①Kin do not always live together or function as a group but they may recognize certain rights, responsibilities, and obligations to one another.

②Kinship refers to a social network of people who are related by common ancestry or origin, by marriage, or by adoption.

③Kin can include close relatives such as parents, and distant relatives such as third cousins.

A:③①② B:②③① C:①③②
1. Which type of paragraph development focuses on analyzing the sequence of events?( )
A:Time order B:Comparison and contrast C:Space order D:Cause and effect
2.Unity means ________.( ).
A:one should use appropriate transitional signals or connecting words to connect your ideas B:a paragraph discusses one or only one idea from beginning to end
3.What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?( ).
A:conclude the paragraph B:To provide examples and evidence C:To summarize the main idea of the paragraph D:To introduce a new topic
4.Which of the following methods is NOT a way to achieve coherence within a paragraph?( )
A:Ensuring proper sentence structure and organization B:Using appropriate transition words and phrases C:Maintaining a clear and logical flow of ideas D:Including unrelated information
5.Which paragraph development method focuses on classifying and categorizing items or ideas? ( )
A:Time order B:Definition C:Space order D:Classification
6.Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-developed paragraph? ( )
A:Random arrangement of sentences B:Unity of ideas centered around a main point C:Lack of a clear topic sentence D:Inclusion of irrelevant information

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