1. In mechanical drawings, the dimensions of the features of the same shape and size in a part, as equally spaced holes, are dimensioned on only one feature and with the amount written before the dimension figure.

  2. 答案:对
  3. When there is no misunderstanding, the inclined view can be roteted to be horizontal or vertical. In this case, a rotating symbol should be given after the name of the rotated view.

  4. 答案:错
  5. When there are not enough place to put dimension numerals and (or) arrows, they could be written or placed outside of the extension lines, and the arrows could be replaced by filled dots.

  6. 答案:对
  7. Axonometric projection can give the exact shape and size of the object, and it is easy to draw and can be measured easily, so it is widely used in engineering.

  8. 答案:错
  9. The visible thread termination lines should be drawn as thick solid lines.

  10. 答案:对
  11. In sectional views, the invisible outlines behind the cutting planes should be drawn in dashed lines.

  12. 答案:错
  13. In using AutoCAD software, when we set a new dimension style for mechanical drawing, we set Extension lines Offset from origin to 2mm.

  14. 答案:错
  15. When a machine part is drawn only half of it, the dimensions should be given according to the half size of it.

  16. 答案:错
  17. When overall dimensions are given, if one end or two ends of a solid in a certain direction is formed by cylindrical surface(s), then the overall dimension in that direction is formed by the size dimension(s) of the cylindrical surface(s) and the location dimension of them.

  18. 答案:对
  19. When a part need be represented, the front view, the left-side view and the right-side view must be used.

  20. 答案:错
  21. The leaders for giving part numbers on the views of assemblies are allowed to be bent several times.

  22. 答案:错
  23. Which of the following planes have the projection of edge view?
  24. In order to reduce the number of the cutting tools and measuring tools which are used to manufacture and measure machine parts, two fit systems are applied, hole-basis system and shaft-basis system, in which the shaft-basis system is the most commonly used one.
  25. In AutoCAD software, which of the following options can be used to draw chamfers?
  26. When views of spur gears are drawn, there are several parameters which should be given, include , and the others.
  27. The profile projection of a point can give the of the point.
  28. What line type is used to indicate the visible line behind the cutting plane?
  29. Which one of the following figures is correct?
  30. Which of the following lines are used to express axis lines, symmetrical center lines, and crossed center lines of circles?
  31. The projection line which connects frontal projection and profile projection is perpendicular to axis .
  32. In the process of hinging the views to be at the same plane, which plane of projection is not rotated?
  33. The referrence arrow projection of a part can be arranged at the place other than where the principle view should be, but it must be specified.
  34. The rolling bearing can only be drawn according to the actual size.
  35. All of the dimension numerals should be written horizontally.
  36. In mechanical drawings, the dimensions of the parts should be given according to the drawing scales.
  37. C2 is a dimension of a chamfer of a part, in which capital letter C is used to stand for 30°.
  38. For the single start thread, the pitch equals the lead
  39. In the detail drawing of a part, the dimensions of very small features can be omitted.
  40. In the sectional drawing of thread joints, where internal and external threads are screwed together is drawn the same as the drawing of internal threads.
  41. Crest diameter of screw thread should be drawn in thick solid line .
  42. The symetrical line in half sectional view should be drawn in center line, and invisible features in the principle view half should be represented in dashes.
  43. The diameters of screw threads include .
  44. In which of the following methods that the circumscribed circles are used to draw regular hexagons?
  45. In using AutoCAD software, which of the following commands can be used to get parallel lines of an existing line?
  46. In order to avoid misunderstanding, the wavy lines, which are used in partial views or broken-out sections as division lines, should be separately drawn, they can not be coincide with or be of the extensions of other existing lines.
  47. What of the following information can be aquired from assembly drawing?
  48. The dimensions on the views of machine parts have three styles,they are .
  49. Which one is a set of coefficients of cabinet projection?
  50. Extension lines are used to indicate the boundaries and extents of the noted dimensions. What existing graphic elements can be used as extension lines?
  51. Which of the following descriptions about the giving dimension for mechanical drawing are correct?
  52. When assembly drawings are made, which of the following descriptions is correct?
  53. Which of the following description can not be acquired from assembly drawing?
  54. Engagement length symbol for normal is
  55. If a line is parallel to a rectangular coordinate axis in an object, its axonometric projection will to the corresponding axonometrical axis, and it will has the axial deformation coefficient with corresponding axonometrical axis.
  56. When partial views are drawn, which line type is used as the boundary line between the drawn portion and the omitted portion?
  57. Which of the following representation of part of an assembly drawing is correct?
  58. In the following descriptions about the contents included in assembly drawings, which one is correct?
  59. When assembly drawings are made, the small features including small chamfers and small corners can be omitted.
  60. Sometimes,a part as a whole is nearly symmetrical,but there may be small features which are not symmetrical.In this case,if the non-symmetrical small structure is clearly represented in one view, half sectional views can also be used in other views.
  61. When two solids intersect to each other, the intersection is the collection of all of the common points in the surfaces of the two solids.
  62. The size of the grooves in parts can be given as width and diameter or width and depth. 7X2.25 is the dimension of a groove, in this dimension, 7 is the depth of the groove and 2.25 is the width of it.
  63. The fundamental deviation of a hole is indicated by a lowercase, whereas the fundamental deviation of a shaft is indicated by a capital letter.
  64. When ribs or webs or other similar features are longitudinally cut, section lines should be drawn to the sections.
  65. When the revolved parts have equally spaced features, such as ribs and holes, with revolution conventions, the features can be represented by revolving them to lie along the horizontal centerline or the verticle centerline, so that the sturctures of the features can be represented more clearly and interpreted easily.
  66. If the internal structure of a part is complex, the internal surfaces of it will result in too many hidden lines. In this case, a sectional view should be used to reveal the internal features of the part.
  67. The representations of the enlargement views can be the same to or different from that of the original views.
  68. When a part is represented, according to the different structure characteristic of it, the orientation of the part can be machined orientation or working orientation. For a shaft, the represention orientation of it is working orientation.
  69. The cylindrical spiral compression spring can be drawn in both regular view and sectional view.
  70. Generally, normal planes are preferred to be used as cutting planes, and the cutting plane will go through the symmetrical planes of the solids or the axes of revolved features.
  71. Dimensions in a detail drawing indicate the final size of the finished part.
  72. The axonometric projections of the parallel lines in an object will still parallel.
  73. The start end and the end end of a center line and a phantom line should be long dashes. And when these two types of lines are very short, they could be replaced by thin solid lines.
  74. Transition lines in a casting part are not real projections of outlines of the part, they are drawn in thin solid lines.
  75. When the spur gears are drawn in sectional views, the section lines should be drawn in gear tooth portions.
  76. In assembly drawings, the views of certain parts can be specially given, and then the name of the parts should be given to the views.
  77. In CATIA software, there are several tool bars which are used in constructing models of solids in Part Design workbench, including , and the others.
  78. Pitch of screw thread is the axial distance between the two adjacent teeth at the corresponding points on the crest line.
  79. When sectional views are used to represent solids or features, try to avoid incomplete elements or sections that do not reflect real shapes.
  80. In drawings, thick solid lines can be used to represent .
  81. In using AutoCAD software, which of the following should be set when we draw a qualified engineering drawing with AutoCAD software?
  82. Which of the following features are machined technical features?
  83. The visible thread termination lines should be drawn in thick solid lines.
  84. The dimensions in a detail drawing indicate the finished size of the part, they have no relationship with the drawing scale.
  85. What of the following description about giving angular dimensions are correct?
  86. Which of the following projection drawings indicate a plane?
  87. Dimensions in detail drawings should be .
  88. What are the projection properties of W-perpendicular line?
  89. In using AutoCAD software, which of the following operation can be used to change dimension figures?
  90. In using AutoCAD software, when set a layer, which of the following items should be specified?
  91. Which of the following lines are used to express break lines, or boundary lines for broken locations where the view portions and the sectioned portions are separated?
  92. If the major diameter of a thread is d,the minor diameter d1 approximately equals .
  93. Inclined view should be spacified with arrow and letter, the method to give the letters is that .
  94. When a sphere is cut by a plane, the intersection of the spherical surface of the sphere and the plane could be a(an)            .
  95. Which of the following is the default unit in mechanical drawings?
  96. Which of the following section symbol is the general one? That means this symbol can also be used in occasions  when there is no special need to distinguish the material.
  97. Which of the following descriptions is correct about giving sequence numbers in parts list form?
  98. If there is not enough space for placing the whole parts list above the title block, where can we put the left part items?
  99. The isometric projection of a horizontal circle is an ellipse. The minor axis of the ellipse is in coincidence with , and the major axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to .
  100. In using AutoCAD software, the operation sequence of which of the following commands is start the command, select the objects, specify base point, specify second point.
  101. In using AutoCAD software, when the command Mirror is used, the mirror line must be center lines.
  102. In using AutoCAD software, the following descriptions are about the usages of the command Trim, which of them are correct?
  103. In using AutoCAD software, when we draw a rectangle, we should give two points in the rectangle. Which of the following description is correct about the two points?
  104. In using AutoCAD software, the command Trim can only be used to trim straight lines and arcs, whereas circles can not be trimed by the command Trim.
  105. The methods which can be used in representing machine parts, include regular views, sectional views, removed sections, and the like, which can also be used to represent assemblies.
  106. What of the following are of the special representation methods of assembly drawing?
  107. What of the following are indicated in assembly drawings?
  108. What of the following are included in parts lists of assembly drawings?
  109. What of the following are the contents of assembly drawings?
  110. Tolerance is the difference between the permitted maximum and minimum sizes of a part. It also equals the difference between the upper limit deviation and the lower limit deviation.
  111. Which of the follow numbers are of Ra values?
  112. The overall dimension of a part in a certain direction needs not to be given in condition that the dimensions of each portion have already been given.
  113. When a shaft is represented, the axis of it should be placed horizontally.
  114. In dimension φ60f7 in a detail drawing, φ60 is , f is , 7 is .
  115. Which surface is working surface of square and rectangular key joint?
  116. Which options belong to the five important screw thread elements?
  117. Which option is the type symbol for pipe threads?
  118. In the following options, are standard parts.
  119. Which screw thread term is the nominal diameter?
  120. According to the cutting range, sectinal views include .
  121. What representation methods are included in the method 'view',that is, non-sectioned view?
  122. Choose the properties of the general section line from the following description.
  123. In occasions of representing a relatively complex part, three standard views are not enough to show all the details of the part clearly and completely.
  124. According to the different structures of the machine parts, different types of cutting surfaces can be used. The cutting surfaces include .
  125. When the views of a composite solid formed by adding are drawn, the solid can be considered as formed by small features, and then the views of the features are drawn one by one. In the process of drawing views of the features, we should keep in mind that the composite solid is a whole solid.
  126. The isometric projection of a frontal circle is an ellipse. The minor axis of the ellipse is in coincidence with , and the major axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to .
  127. Which of the usages of center lines in views are correct?
  128. The isometric projection of a profile circle is an ellipse. The minor axis of the ellipse is in coincidence with        , and the major axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to        .
  129. When the views of a composite solid formed by cutting are drawn, the solid can be considered as a extruding prism and then cut by different planes.
  130. When making projections of points in the conical surfaces of cones and spherical surfaces on spheres, auxiliary element method and auxiliary latitude circle method can both be used.
  131. Which of the solid can we make straight lines on its surfaces?
  132. When we need to make a point on the surface of a solid, on which of the following solid the auxiliary latitude circle method can be used?
  133. When dimensioning a composite solid which is formed by cutting, the dimensions should be given at the location where the solid is cut.
  134. When a sphere is cut by a plane at any location, all of the projections of the produced intersection are circles.
  135. What are the projection properties of frontal line?
  136. According to the difference of X coordinates of the two points, we can tell the relative position of these two points in front-rear direction.
  137. Which of the following are the projection rules of the projections of points?
  138. If a line is an oblique line, the projections of the line will be foreshortened lines in the three planes of projections.
  139. The connecting line between the spacial point and its horizontal projection reflects the distance of the point to the horizontal plane of projection, and it equals the coordinate X of the point.
  140. According to national standard, which of the following are preferred scales?
  141. When we make a drawing, a frame should be drawn inside of the outmost edges of the drawing sheet. There are two styles of drawing sheet layout: with a filling margin and without a filling margin.
  142. Which of the following lines are used as dimension lines, extension lines, leader lines, construction lines, section lines and projection lines?
  143. Which of the following lettering heights are provided in national standards?
  144. The symbol "GB/T 14689-2008" denotes that the concern national standard is compulsory.
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