In listening comprehension, the more you can predict, the easier it becomes to understand. ( )
There are many things which can help you to predict while you are listening,for example: ( )
how much you know about: the topic, the situation, the country in which the language is spoken
semantic markersPrediction is also a kind of mental process, in communication, mental anticipation plays an important function. ( )
When people speak, they normally follow two types of logical order: inductive or deductive thinking. ( )
Deductive thingking starts with specifics and proceeds to be general. ( )Listen to the conversation and answer Questions 6-10. What's the matter with Steve? ( )How long has Steve been sick? ( )
Since Saturday.
Since Monday.
Since Friday.How often should Steve take the medicine the doctor prescribes? ( )
Four times a day after meals.
Three times a day with meals.
Four times a day before meals.What does Carla advise him to do? ( )
Take herbal medicine.
See another doctor.
Eat beef soup.What does Steve decide to do? ( )
See another doctor.
Talk to another friend.
See the same doctor again.Listen to the following sentences and pay special attention to the articles and the forms of nouns and verbs. CompleteStatements 11-15.Then imitate and dictate the sentences.Some people ____ house party, others attend street parties. ( )Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times.He sometimes ________ to distribute the samples of his products. ( )
employs sales girls
employed sales girls
employing sales girlsWe ____ particular product because we think it’s the best. ( )
buy a
buying a
buyImagine a book that never ________. ( )
endedIt is generally believed that wrist watches are ____exception. ( )

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