1. The interpreter should not post any confidential information without client content.

  2. 答案:对
  3. The Water Cube had been transferred from a pool into another sport venue. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Social distancing also applies to booths according to AIIC. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. “The Bandung Spirit” is an adequate English translation of “万隆精神”. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The Big Air Venue is going to be used every single year by FIS for a major event in the Alpine venues. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The correct English interpretation of “外资准入负面清单”is “the positive list for foreign investment”.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. The English equivalent for “共享办奥” is “Exclusive Olympics”. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. The English translation for “红包” is “red tip”. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. “One must not change one's commitment or give up one's pursuit even in the face of danger and risk” is an adequate English translation of “安危不贰其志,险易不革其心”. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. “Stability brings a country prosperity while instability leads a country to poverty” is an adequate English translation of “治国常富,而乱国常贫”. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. The correct English interpretation of “加速绿色低碳转型”is “to accelerate the transition to green and low-carbon development”.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. The Chinese equivalent for “Minecraft” is “分布式大陆”. ( )
  24. The Chinese translation for “occupational injury” is “职业伤害”. ( )
  25. A googol is 10 to the power of 100. ( )
  26. For the development of short-term memory, it is necessary to use short texts, where individual words may be analysed in context and retained as portions of information, instead of being retained simply as acoustic units.( )
  27. Think before you post, comment, like, share ( )
  28. You should accept a job when no employment contract will be provided. ( )
  29. Winter sports or winter activities are competitive sports or non-competitive recreational activities which are played on snow or ice.( )
  30. Note-taking is short-hand. ( )
  31. Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 is a VR headset. ( )
  32. Shougang Big Air is the second permanent venue for Big Air in the world. ( )
  33. Don't post ( ) material. Ever.
  34. Beginning interpreters should ( )
  35. The four major ancient civilizations are all all formed in river valleys. ( )
  36. The Chinese equivalent for “cortisal” is “肾上腺素”. ( )
  37. The correct Chinese interpretation of “nationally determined contribution(NDC)” is “国家决策贡献”. ( )
  38. IOC is ( ).
  39. The acceptable English interpretation of “自由式滑雪空中技巧” include ( ).
  40. Which European country had lowest per capita carbon emissions: ( ).
  41. “Sports industry” is an adequate English translation of “体育产业”. ( )
  42. Which country of the Permanent Five has the least total area? ( )
  43. The company formerly known as Facebook is now called( ).
  44. Questions to ask yourself when responding to a job inquiry include ( )
  45. For teamwork, professional interpreters should ( )
  46. Pick the countries which are Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. ( )
  47. Strategies to deal with strange accents in interpreting include ( )
  48. Tips for remote speakers using remote platforms include( ).
  49. Which is the correct English title of the international organization called “联合国开发计划署”( )?
  50. The correct English interpretation of “美国职业棒球大联盟” is ( ).
  51. Correct booth manners for interpreters include ( ).
  52. The correct English interpretation of “海南自由贸易港”is ( )
  53. The correct English interpretation of “国家元首” is ( ).
  54. The correct English interpretation of “冰壶”is ( )
  55. The correct Chinese interpretation of “cross-country (skiing)” is ( ).
  56. The correct English interpretation of “国际秩序的维护者” is ( )
  57. Which is the correct English title of the international organization called “国际原子能机构”( )?
  58. Which is the correct English title of the international organization called “世界自然基金会”( )?
  59. The correct English acronym of “自由贸易协定” is ( ).
  60. The correct Chinese interpretation of Gaudi’s “Sagrada Familia” is ( )
  61. What is the elderly population now in China? ( )
  62. Beginning interpreters can monitor their own performance by ( ).
  63. AIIC’s application process involves ( ) and validated experience
  64. Beginning interpreters should ( ).
  65. In the booth, interpreters should ( ).
  66. Which statements are accurate descriptions of AIIC? ( )
  67. “Tournament” is correct English interpretation of “锦标赛”.( )
  68. Figure switching includes( ).
  69. The adequate English translation of “公吨” is ( ).
  70. The correct Chinese interpretation of “NFL” is ( )
  71. Which statements are accurate descriptions of NCAA? ( )
  72. The correct Chinese interpretation of “Women's Freestyle Skiing Halfpipe Final” is ( )
  73. Beijing became the first city in the world to have hosted both the summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games.( )
  74. Common individual sports include ( ).
  75. Common team sports include ( ).
  76. The three competition zones of Beijing Winter Olympics include( ).
  77. The correct Chinese interpretation of “field of play ” is ( ).
  78. The correct Chinese interpretation of “closed loop” is ( ).
  79. The Code of Ethics for Interpreters and Translators Employed by the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals of the United Nations includes ( ).
  80. Qualities that describe a good translator and interpreter include ( ).
  81. A good interpreter should have ( ).
  82. At the stage of short-term memory, information is held for( ).
  83. “国际体育界在筹办任何赛事时都可以考虑来中国。” is correct Chinese interpretation of “The international sporting infrastructure can look at China to host any event it wants now.”( )
  84. The Beijing National Aquatics is also known as ( ).
  85. The correct Chinese interpretation of “figure skating” is ( )
  86. Memory exercises should simulate the interpretation as best as possible, since the intention of these exercises are to improve memory for interpreting purposes.( )
  87. The correct Chinese interpretation of “Skeleton” is ( ).
  88. The correct English interpretation of “口号、会徽、吉祥物” is ( ).
  89. The correct Chinese interpretation of “Olympic blues” is “奥运会后忧郁症”. ( )
  90. The correct English interpretation of “仪式火种台” is “Flame Ceremony Cauldron”. ( )
  91. Events Eileen Gu attended include ( ).
  92. China has made significant strides in recent years in its low-carbon transition in the areas of( )
  93. The EU’s Emissions Trading System is a cap-and-trade scheme, which covers ( )
  94. The correct Chinese interpreting of “Carbon Allowance” is ( )
  95. The correct English interpretation of “ 同舟共济、守望相助” is ( )
  96. The correct Chinese interpreting of “a cap-and-trade system” is ( )
  97. “木版画”can be translated into “engraved block printing or woodblock printing”.( )
  98. Syntactic linearity means to interpret without changes in the sentence sequence of the source text. ( )
  99. Which is the correct English title of the international organization called “国际货币基金组织”( )?
  100. Which is the correct English title of the international organization called “联合国教科文组织”( )?
  101. Interpreters are just like a tool simply responsible of converting languages.( ).
  102. The English translation of “优势互补” can be“complement each other’s advantages”. ( )
  103. What is the linguistic structure of “超前消费”?( )
  104. In interpreting the four-character phrases from Chinese to English, one needs to analyse the structure of the phrases first. ( )
  105. The correct English interpretation of “基本国策” is “fundamental/basic state policy”.( ).
  106. The correct English interpretation of “独立自主的和平外交政策” is “an independent foreign policy of peace”。( )
  107. Register matters in interpreting. ( )
  108. The correct English interpretation of “朝阳产业” is ( ).
  109. The correct English interpretation of “宏观政策” is ( ).
  110. Occupational injury means work-related injuries. ( )
  111. The English translation of “民生在勤,勤则不匮” can be“A good life hinges on diligence. With diligence, one has no fear for shortages”. ( )
  112. The correct Chinese interpretation of “base effect” is ( ).
  113. Emerging markets are markets that are fully developed already. ( )
  114. When applying the technique of amplification, you need to pay special attention to not adding extra meaning. ( )
  115. Inflation is a sustained decrease in the price of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. ( )
  116. What are the main causes for inflation ( )
  117. Mental repetition in short-term memory tricks is to quickly go through the keys that are covered by the speaker while receiving new information from the speaker. ( )
  118. Visualization is to form a mental picture in mind. ( )
  119. The correct Chinese interpretation of “Internet of things” is ( ).
  120. The correct English interpretation of “网络延迟” is ( ).
  121. The correct English interpretation of “红包” is ( )
  122. If there had been no supply shocks, then ( )
  123. The policymakers help loosen supply bottlenecks by ( ).
  124. The characteristics that determine which countries are most vulnerable to supply chain risks include ( )
  125. This greater demand for goods during pandemic containment has ( )
  126. The hosts are ( ).
  127. Examples of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data at hospitals include ( )
  128. Massive volumes of data are collected annually at hospitals in the form of ( ).
  129. Massive volumes of data are generated at a very high speed which attributes to the ( ) of big data.
  130. We can store and process big data with frameworks such as ( ).
  131. In games like Halo 3 and Call of Duty, designers analyze user data to understand at which stage most of the users ( ).
  132. “The opening to traffic of the China-Laos railway have effectively boosted institutional and physical connectivity in our region” is correct English interpretation of “中老铁路建成通车,有效提升了地区硬联通、软联通水平”。( )
  133. The correct English interpretation of “促进全球平衡、协调、包容发展”is “to promote balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development”.( )
  134. The correct English interpretation of “遇山一起爬,遇沟一起跨”is ( )
  135. The correct Chinese interpretation of RCEP is ( ).
  136. The correct English interpretation of “新冠肺炎疫情” is ( ).
  137. The correct Chinese interpretation of “scam” is ( ).
  138. The correct Chinese interpretation of “gimmicks” is “噱头”. ( )
  139. The correct Chinese interpretation of “metaverse” is ( ).
  140. The company Meta was formerly known as( ).
  141. Just like Gaudi’s ( ), the Sagrada Familia, the metaverse may take a while to complete.
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