

  1. Hispanics are the ______ -speaking immigrants.西安外国语学院( )。

  2. A:French B:Spanish C:German D:Latin
    答案:SPANISHAI参考:正确答案是B:Spanish -speaking immigrants。根据题目中提到的Hispanics are the ______-speaking immigrants可知西班牙裔是美国人口中最多且最具影响力的族群,所以空缺处应填西班牙语,即西班牙-speaking immigrants。因此,答案为B。其他选项中,法国法语是法国的官方语言,德国德语是德国的官方语言,拉丁语是古罗马帝国的官方语言,与题目中的空缺处不符。因此,这三个选项都不正确。'
  3. Strikes were held nationwide organized by Trade Unions around 1970s in Britain. The workers on strike included ______( )。

  4. A:grave diggers B:factory workers C:lorry drivers D:all of the above
  5. England and Scotland officially became one country under the in the reign of ______.( )。

  6. A:Queen Anne B:William III C:Queen Mary II D:William II
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:William III。英格兰和苏格兰在威廉三世统治时期正式合并成为一个国家。故选B。'
  7. The Native American cultures at the time were extraordinarily ________ ( )。

  8. A:Diverse B:Exotic C:Boring D:Identical
  9. During the Viking period, ______became the supreme kingdom among the seven.( )

  10. A:Wessex B:Kent C:Mercia D:Sussex
  11. The U.S. Congress has the power to make these laws except ______ 人民大学( )。

  12. A:Of the regulation of the foreign trade B:Of citizenship and naturalization C:Of marriage D:Of defense
  13. Most African blacks were sold as slaves to European colonists and put to work on ________,particularly in the southern colonies.( )。

  14. A:Factories B:Textile mills C:Pastures D:Plantations

  15. The first National Bank of the United States was chartered in( )。

  16. A:1789 B:1787 C:1798 D:1791

  17. Along with the territory expansion, people in the east and south moved ________ to seek fortune.( )。

  18. A:Northward B:Eastward C:Westward D:Southward
    AI参考:答案为 C:Westward。根据句意可知,随着领土的扩张,东部和南部的人们向西迁移去寻找财富。因此,答案为C。A、B、D选项都与句意不符。'
  19. Article 1 of the Constitution stipulated,“securing for limited times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective writings and discoveries”. That was an early recognition of the importance of. ( )。

  20. A:Intellectual property B:Personal Safety C:Freedom of Speech D:Personal privacy
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Intellectual property。根据题干中的描述,宪法第1条中规定“为作者和发明者暂时赋予他们各自著作和发现的专有权”,这表明早期就认识到知识产权的重要性。因此,选项A“知识产权”是正确答案。选项B“个人安全”、选项C“言论自由”和选项D“个人隐私”都与题干描述不符。'
  21. Currently, there are ______ MPs in British Parliament. ( )。

  22. A:750 B:550 C:650 D:450
  23. Mary I was the daughter of Henry VIII and _____ the first wife and she became queen in 1553.( )。

  24. A:Anne Boleyn B:Catherine of Aragon C:Anne of Cleves D:Jane Seymour
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Catherine of Aragon。题干中提到Mary是Henry VIII的女儿,Henry VIII的妻子是Catherine of Aragon,她也是Mary的继母,Catherine of Aragon于1553年成为王后,所以答案是B。这道题没有给出具体选项分析,所以只需要根据题目描述给出正确答案即可。其他选项都不符合题意。'
  25. How many continental states were there at the time of independence of the United States? 首都师范大学( )。

  26. A:35 B:48 C:13 D:50

  27. The ________ system was abolished, making the large southern cotton plantations much less profitable.( )。

  28. A:Banking B:Slave C:Taxation D:Credit
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Slave。根据题干中的句子结构可知,空格处应该填入一个名词,而句子中的主语是the system,谓语动词是was abolished,因此需要一个表示奴隶制度的名词来作定语。选项A的banking与句子意思不符;选项C的taxation与句子意思也不符合;选项D的credit与句子意思也不符合。因此,正确答案是B,即奴隶制度。'
  29. In 1588 at the Battle of Gravelines to fight the ______, the queen went there at the critical moment herself and gave the most inspiring speech in the history( )。

  30. A:France B:Spanish C:Holland D:German
  31. The _______ system plays a crucial role in the economy by providing the means for all sectors to save and borrow money. ( )。

  32. A:Finance B:Budget C:Monetary D:Banking
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Banking。这道题考察的是金融系统的定义,通过给定的句子可以得知,金融系统在提供人们储蓄和借贷的途径方面起着至关重要的作用。选项A finance金融,选项B budget预算,选项C monetary货币的,只有选项D banking银行业符合题意。因此,正确答案是D。'
  33. In January 31st, ______, UK officially broke away from European Union. ( )。

  34. A:2018 B:2019 C:2021 D:2020
    AI参考:正确答案是D:2020。根据题目中的时间状语“In January 31st”可知,句子描述的是在某年的1月31日发生了某件事情,而选项中只有D选项“2020”符合题意,因此答案为D。其他选项的时间不符合题意。'
  35. In ________, the Constitution was drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.( )。

  36. A:1787 B:1786 C:1788 D:1785
    AI参考:正确答案是A:1787。根据题目中的时间提示“In ______”,可知需要选出美国宪法制定年份,根据常识可知,美国宪法制定于1787年,故选A。其他选项时间都太早,不符合题目要求。'
  37. African Americans have a long history in the United States. The first blacks arrived in ________in as early as 1619. ( )。

  38. A:Jamestown B:Atlanta C:Hartford D:Plymouth

  39. From 1870 to 1911, John D Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company and Trust controlled almost all oil production, processing, marketing, and transportation in the United States. This condition is known as ________( )。

  40. A:Tycoon B:Corporation C:Trust D:Monopolization
  41. The Constitution defines the powers of the ________, ________ and________.( )。

  42. A:Congress B:Parliament C:President D:Federal courts
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:President 。这道题是在考查美国的国家体制。美国的国家体制是三权分立体制,而根据美国的宪法,国家的权力被分为三个部分,即立法权、行政权和司法权。其中,总统行使的是行政权,国会行使的是立法权,联邦法院行使的是司法权。因此,选项C“总统”是正确答案。其他选项中,Congress指的是国会,Parliament指的是议会,Federal courts指的是联邦法院系统,它们分别行使的是立法权和司法权,不符合题意。因此,正确答案是C。'
  43. German Americans, Irish Americans, ________, ________ and________ are the five largest Europeans ancestry groups in the United States.( )。

  44. A:Italian Americans B:Polish Americans C:French Americans D:English Americans
    AI参考:答案是B:Polish Americans C:French Americans。在题干中提到了四个欧洲人祖先群体,而根据常识和历史背景,波兰人、法国人和意大利人是美国最大的欧洲人祖先群体之一,因此选项B和C是正确的答案。而选项A中的意大利人并不是美国最大的欧洲人祖先群体之一,选项D中的英语人也不是一个具体的欧洲人祖先群体。因此,正确选项为B和C。'
  45. In 1945 America dropped two atomic bombs on ________and ________ of Japan( )。

  46. A:Tokyo B:Nagasaki C:Hiroshima D:Nagoya

  47. The ______ and ______ belonged to Mexico originally, and turned to be part of America in 1845 and 1849 respectively.( )。

  48. A:Hartford B:Concord C:Republic of Texas D:Mexican Territory
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Mexican Territory。句意:德克萨斯共和国(简称“特区”)属于墨西哥最初领土,于1845年和1849年分别变为美国的一部分。由题目中关键信息and可以知道横线处需填写近义词或近义词组合。Hartford位于美国中部地区,不合句意,故可排除A选项;B选项Concord是一首脍炙人口的歌曲,这里语境不符合题意,可排除;D选项Mexican Territory即为Mexico原先的领土,与语境相符。故答案选D。'
  49. King Henry II has two sons, , ______ who liked to dress in gold and ______. ( )

  50. A:King John I B:King Henry III C:King Edward I D:King Richard I the Lionheart
    AI参考:正确答案是D:King Richard I the Lionheart。根据题干中的信息,King Henry II有两个儿子,一个是喜欢穿金装的儿子,另一个是……。因此,选项D中的King Richard I the Lionheart符合题意。其他选项中没有符合题意的儿子。因此,答案为D。'
  51. In UK, the responsibility to govern the country rests on ______( )。

  52. A:Junior ministers B:Courts justices C:The Prime Minister D:Cabinet
    AI参考:正确选项是C:The Prime Minister。在英国,治理国家的责任由首相承担,也就是总理。Junior ministers(初级大臣)、Courts justices(法院法官)和Cabinet(内阁)虽然也参与国家治理,但并不是主要的责任承担者。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  53. ________and ________ were found in abundance in the Appalachian Mountains from Pennsylvania south to Kentucky.( )。

  54. A:Gold B:Coal C:Iron D:Oil
  55. After the War against Mexico, the United States gained a vast new territory, including______, ______, and ______.( )。

  56. A:Nevada B:Oregon C:California D:Utah
  57. Senators can serve a term of ________years. Every two years approximately ________ of the Senate is up for election.( )。

  58. A:One-third B:Four C:Two-thirds D:Six

  59. The Roman came to establish _____, brought _____ and _____ as the language of administration, and created great public buildings and roads. ( )

  60. A:law B:medical practice C:infrastructure D:Latin
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Latin。句子中提到罗马人来到这里建立拉丁语作为行政语言,带来了公共建筑和道路,因此选项D Latin符合语境。其他选项与句子内容不符。因此,答案为D。'
  61. In the Spanish-American war at the end of 19th century, America gained Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and Cuba.( )

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. The Democratic-Republican Party regarded central government bank as a kind of bad thing.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题目中的信息,民主共和党认为中央政府银行是一种不好的事情。因此,答案是B,即“错”。"
  65. It is the party that gets more than one half seats in Parliament forms the Government.( )

  66. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。 根据题目中的描述,获得超过一半议席的政党组成政府。因此,正确答案是B,表示该说法是正确的。选项A表示错误。"
  67. Trade Unions in Britain grew very powerful in the 1970s. They helped the government to reduce the workers’ salaries. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对

  69. A person cannot be elected to a third term as President.( )

  70. A:对 B:错
  71. The quicker the money transfers in the economic system, the richer people are.( )

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. The Securities Exchange Act guaranteed the right of employees in most private industries.( )

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the US.( )

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. UK holds a permanent seat on the Security Council of the United Nations.( )

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. In Scripture, God himself told Moses, “If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an unclean thing. They shall be childless”, so Henry VIII believed he was divinely cursed.( )

  80. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。 根据题干中的信息,在圣经中上帝告诉摩西:“如果一个人娶了他兄弟的妻子,这是不干净的,他们将不会有孩子。”这句话可以解释为亨利八世相信他是被神诅咒了。因此,这个说法是正确的,答案为B。"
  81. The repeal of the Corn Laws was seen by economic historians as a decisive shift from Mercantilism to free trade in Britain. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A:对。 根据题目中的描述,取消玉米关税被经济历史学家视为英国从重商主义向自由贸易的转变中的一个决定性事件。因此,该题目的正确答案是A,即“对”。"
  83. All the MPs belong to a certain political party. A candidate who doesn’t have a political party can not be elected as a MP. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. American president is elected directly by the voters of the nation. 对外经贸大学( )

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. The large-scale Asian immigration did not begin until the mid-19th century.( )

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 根据题目中的描述,大规模的亚洲移民直到19世纪中期才开始,因此选项B“对”是正确的。选项A“错”与题目描述不符。"
  89. The second President John Adams completed the Louisiana Purchase, which more than doubled the size of the United States . 对外经贸大学( )

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. St. Augustine is the first permanent European settlement in what would become the United States.( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:St. Augustine is the first permanent European settlement in what would become the United States. 这句话的意思是:圣奥古斯丁是在美国成为联合王国之前第一个欧洲永久定居点。因此,答案是B:对。"
  93. In 1607, Britain planted its first colony, Jamestown, in what is now Virginia. 对外经贸大学( )

  94. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。 根据题目中的信息,英国在1607年在弗吉尼亚建立了第一个殖民地詹姆斯敦,因此答案为B,即正确。"
  95. By the 18th century, the 13 British colonies had developed their own distinctive characters of industry.( )

  96. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 根据题目中的信息,18世纪时,13个英国殖民地已经发展出了自己独特的工业性格。但是题目中并没有提到这些殖民地之间是否有相似之处,也没有提到它们是否具有相同的工业性格。因此,这个陈述可能过于绝对或模糊,不正确。正确的说法应该是“有些殖民地之间具有相似的工业性格”。"
  97. The government of the United Kingdom is the Crown’s Government notionally, and is exercised by the ministers in practice.( )

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. The ancestor of President Donald Trump is Irish American.( )

  100. A:对 B:错

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