  1. Directions: For questions, you are required to judge whether the statements are true or not based on your reading of the given material, which is an excerpt from the part of “References” of an academic paper. In the answer sheet, write T or F to indicate whether the statement is true or falseReferencesFerrara, K., Brunner, H., & Whittemore, G. (1991). Interactive Written Discourse as an Emergent Register. Written Communication, 8(1), 8–34.Fisher, D. R. (2001). On Utopias and Dystopias: Toward an Understanding of the Discourse Surrounding the Internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 6(2). Retrieved from http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol6/issue2/fisher.html (accessed 20 December 2004).Fung, L., & Carter, R. (2007). Cantonese E-discourse: A New Hybrid Variety of English.  Multilingua, 26(1), 35–66.Grumpert, G. (1990). Remote Sex in the Information Age. In G. Grumpert & S. L. Fisher (Eds), Talking to Strangers: Mediated Therapeutic Communication (pp.143–53). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.  Gupta, A. F. (1995). Singaporean English: Pragmatic Particles. Speech and Hearing Association (Singapore) Newsletter, December. Retrieved from http://www.leeds.ac.uk/english/staff/afg/ shastxt.html#Three (accessed 20 December 2004).Herring, S. C. (1996). Introduction. In S.C. Herring (ed.), Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-cultural Perspectives (pp.1–10). Amersterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.James, G. (2001). Cantonese Particles in Hong Kong Students’ English E-mails. English Today, 67(17/3), 9–16.Kachru, B. B. (1986). The Alchemy of English: The Spread, Functions and Models of Non-native Englishes. Oxford: Pergamon Press.Kachru, B.B. (1995). Transcreating Creativity in World Englishes and Literary Canons. In G. Cook & B. Seidlhofer (Eds), Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics (pp. 271–88). Oxford: Oxford University Press.Koch, P., & Osterreicher, W. (1990). Gesprochene Sprache in der Romania. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.Kozar, S. (1995). Enduring Traditions, Ethereal Transmissions: Recreating Chinese New Year Celebrations on the Internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1(2). Retrieved from http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol1/issue2/kozar.html (accessed 20 December 2004).Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Law, A. (2002). Cantonese Sentence-final Particles and the CP Domains. Retrieved from www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/PUB/WPL/02papers/law.pdf (accessed 20 December 2004).Law, S. P. (1990). The Syntax and Phonology of Cantonese-final Particles(PhD thesis, Boston University). Available from http://www.bu.edu/asllrp/sam-po.html (accessed 20 December 2004).Lee, C. K. M. (2002). Literacy Practices in Computer-Mediated Communication in Hong Kong. The Reading Matrix, 2(2), 1-25. Retrieved from http://www.readingmatrix.com/articles/ lee/articles.pdf (20 December 2004).Lubart, T. I. (1994). Creativity. In R. J. Sternberg (ed.), Thinking and Problem-solving (pp. 289–332). San Diego, CA: Academic.Luke, K. K. (1990). Utterance Particles in Cantonese Conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  2. 答案:
  3. Like a needle climbing up a bathroom scale, the number keeps rising. In 1991, 15% of Americans were obese(肥胖的); by 1999, that proportion had grown to 27%. Youngsters, who should have age and activity on their side, are growing larger as well: 19% of Americans under 17 are obese. Waistbands have been popping in other western countries too, as physical activity has declined and diets have expanded. By and large, people in the rich world seem to have lost the fight against flab(松弛).Meanwhile, poorer nations have enjoyed some success in their battles against malnutrition and famine. But, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, it is more a case of being out of the frying pan and into the fire. The most striking example actually in the poor world comes from the Pacific islands, home of the world’s most obese communities. In 1966, 14% of the men on this island were obese while 100% of men under the age of 30 in 1996 were obese.This increase in weight has been uneven as well as fast. As a result, undernourished and over-nourished people frequently live cheek by jowl(面颊). The mix can even occur within a single household. A study of families in Indonesia found that nearly 10% contained both the hungry and the fat. This is a mysterious phenomenon, but might have something to do with people of different ages being given different amounts of food to eat.The prospect of heading off these problems is bleak. In many affected countries there are cultural factors to contend with, such as an emphasis on eating large meals together, or on food as a form of hospitality. Moreover, there is a good measure of disbelief on the part of policymakers that such a problem could exist in their countries. Add to that reluctance on the part of governments to spend resources on promoting diet and exercise while starvation is still a real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction. Unless something is done soon, it might not be possible to turn the clock back.

  4. 答案:more people are overweighed in the united states
  5. Small increases in temperature found to add power to storms in the Atlantic.Hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean are expected to gain considerable strength as the global temperature continues to rise, a new study has found.Using modeling data focused on the conditions in which hurricanes form, a group of international researchers based at Beijing Normal University found that for every 1.8°F ( 1℃ )rise of the Earth's temperature, the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic that are as strong or stronger than Hurricane Katrina will increase twofold to sevenfold.Hurricane strength is directly related to the heat of the water where the storm forms. More water vapor in the air from evaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes that build strength and head toward land.Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005. It lost strength as it passed over the Florida peninsula, but gained destructive power fight before colliding with New Orleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $ 80 billion in damage.The study points to a gradual increase of Katrina-like events. The warming experienced over the 20th century doubled the number of such debilitating(将人类摧垮的)storms. But the ongoing warming of the planet into the 21st century could increase the frequency of the worst kinds of storms by 700 percent, threatening coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean with multiple Category 5 storms every year."Our results support the idea that changes in regional sea surface temperatures is the primary cause of hurricane variability," said Aslak Girnstead, a researcher with the Center for Ice and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. The large impact of small sea-surface temperature increases was more than Girnstead and his colleagues had anticipated. The entire study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Global temperatures have steadily increased, making the past decade the warmest on record. Earlier this year, climate researchers reported that the Earth's temperatures have risen faster in the last century than at any point since the last ice age, 11,300 years ago. The primary cause is the rising emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane.Past hurricanes have supported the study's finding that global temperature rise is linked to more destructive storms. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, while the frequency of storms doesn't appear to have increased, the percentage of strong ones has risen sharply over the past few decades. The trend may be similar further back in time, but comprehensive hurricane data doesn't exist.

  6. 答案:more Katrina-like or worse hurricanes
  7. Hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean are expected to gain considerable strength as the global temperature continues to rise, a new study has found.  Using modeling data focused on the conditions in which hurricanes form, a group of international researchers based at Beijing Normal University found that for every 1.8°F (1℃) rise of the Earth's temperature, the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic that are as strong or stronger than Hurricane Katrina will increase twofold to sevenfold.  Hurricane strength is directly related to the heat of the water where the storm forms. More water vapor in the air from evaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes that build strength and head toward land.  Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005. It lost strength as it passed over the Florida peninsula, but gained destructive power fight before colliding with New Orleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $ 80 billion in damage.  The study points to a gradual increase of Katrina-like events. The warming experienced over the 20th century doubled the number of such debilitating (将人类摧垮的) storms. But the ongoing warming of the planet into the 21st century could increase the frequency of the worst kinds of storms by 700 percent, threatening coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean with multiple Category 5 storms every year.  "Our results support the idea that changes in regional sea surface temperatures is the primary cause of hurricane variability," said Aslak Girnstead, a researcher with the Center for Ice and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. The large impact of small sea-surface temperature increases was more than Girustead and his colleagues had anticipated. The entire study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  Global temperatures have steadily increased, making the past decade the warmest on record. Earlier this year, climate researchers reported that the Earth's temperatures had risen faster in the last century than at any point since the last ice age, 11,300 years ago. The primary cause, a consensus of scientists has said, is the rising emissions of green house gases like carbon dioxide and methane.  Past hurricanes have supported the study's finding that global temperature rise is linked to more destructive storms. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, while the frequency of storms doesn't appear to have increased, the percentage of strong ones has risen sharply over the past few decades. The trend may be similar further back in time, but comprehensive hurricane data doesn't exist.

  8. 答案:more Katrina-like or worse hurricanes
  9. The new medicine can’t __________life span.

  10. A:procure   B:emanate     C:hypertension   D:protract E:verisimilitude  F:facsimile  G:sedative  H:supersede  I:distension  J:concordance
  11. Most experts agree that to __________ further damage, cooling will need to continue for weeks.

  12. A:jettison B:fragility     C:bountiful     D:disintegrated    E:imperceptible   F:deceleration    G:fabricate   H:insulation    I:avert     J:albeit    
  13. Prior to the 1950s, the drugs used for mental health problems were thought of as psychoactive drugs, which produced mainly ____________ effects.

  14. A:facsimile     B:procure    C:protract    D:verisimilitude   E:supersede  F:concordance G:sedative     H:hypertension   I:distension      J:emanate    
  15. In untreated patients this symptom is usually due to stasis and fermentation of food or esophageal __________.

  16. A:protract    B:concordance C:supersede  D:sedative     E:hypertension   F:procure    G:emanate     H:facsimile     I:distension      J:verisimilitude  
  17. There is reasonable __________ between the two sets of experimental results.

  18. A:distension   B:procure    C:verisimilitude   D:facsimile E:supersede  F:sedative   G:emanate  H:concordance I:protract   J:hypertension 
    答案:H: concordance
  19. The motor generates energy during braking and __________.

  20. A:deceleration    B:fragility    C:bountiful     D:jettison E:fabricate   F:avert     G:imperceptible   H:insulation    I:disintegrated    J:albeit    
  21. The trade and manufacturing figures hinted at a possible renaissance in factories, __________ from only one month's data.

  22. A:albeit     B:fragility    C:bountiful     D:fabricate   E:disintegrated     F:deceleration    G:insulation    H:imperceptible   I:avert     J:jettison
  23. Most of the largest web companies position themselves as benign, ____________ data gardens, supplying the environment and raw materials to build inspired new products.

  24. A:imperceptible   B:disintegrated    C:fabricate   D:albeit     E:avert     F:insulation    G:deceleration    H:fragility     I:bountiful     J:jettison
  25. The information is vital for development and health partners who ____________ and supply essential medicines for children.

  26. A:protract    B:supersede  C:procure    D:distension      E:emanate     F:facsimile     G:verisimilitude   H:sedative     I:hypertension   J:concordance
  27. Scientists now find that such ____________ pictures can be made visible when people hear the name of the object in question.

  28. A:deceleration    B:fragility     C:bountiful     D:albeit     E:disintegrated    F:imperceptible   G:avert     H:fabricate   I:insulation    J:jettison
  29. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:maneuverability

  30. A:operability
  31. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:distillation

  32. A:distillment
  33. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:ubiquitous

  34. A:omnipresent B:universe C:diversified


  35. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:myriad

  36. A:less
    B:excessive C:numerous
  37. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:vulnerability

  38. A:awarness B:holes
  39. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:capsule

  40. A:copse
  41. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:propensity

  42. A:probability
  43. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:gauge

  44. A:gait
  45. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:prosaic

  46. A:dull
  47. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:minuscule

  48. A:small
  49. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:volatile

  50. A:violate  
  51. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:palatable

  52. A:disperse
  53. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:coagulate

  54. A:clot B:regulate
  55. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:plethora

  56. A:embarrassment


  57. Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:tensile

  58. A:stretch B:tractile C:tendency D:identity

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