

  1. When is Earth Day celebrated?

  2. A:April 22 B:April 1 C:2019/5/1 0:00:00 D:May 22
    答案:since 1970
  3. Which of the following is not one of the Six Arts?

  4. A:arts B:horsemanship C:music D:archery
    答案:It is believed to countervail the evil that comes of the lie.AI参考:正确答案是C: music。选项C音乐不是六艺之一,而选项A艺术、B马术和D射箭都是六艺之一。因此,答案为C。'
  5. Why do people in western countries cross their fingers before telling a lie?

  6. A:It may be interpreted that someone is hoping for something good to happen. B:It is believed to countervail the evil that comes of the lie. C:It is a sign of wishing for good luck or fortune. D:It is an obscene gesture.
  7. What does “hit the road” mean?

  8. A:To end a journey B:To hit someone C:To start a journey D:To go home
  9. Which country first celebrated Earth Day?

  10. A:America B:Canada C:China D:France
  11. What does high-contact cultures mean?

  12. A:There is a lot eye contact. B:You can touch anyone. C:Physical touch is a big part of socializing. D:There is very little physical contact beyond a handshake with people we don’t know well.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:There is very little physical contact beyond a handshake with people we don’t know well.根据题干中的“high-contact cultures”可以推测这是一种文化背景下的交流方式,而选项D中的“除了我们不熟悉的人之间握手之外,很少有身体接触”符合这种文化背景下的交流方式,因此D是正确答案。选项A、B、C都与这种文化背景下的交流方式不符。'
  13. What does the phrase to get itchy feet mean?

  14. AI参考:正确选项应为“渴望外出,想去别处走走的感觉”。题干中提到的“get itchy feet”是一个俚语表达,通常用来形容人们渴望外出,想去别处走走的感觉。这个表达通常用于描述一个人对新的环境、新的经历、新的挑战等的渴望和期待。'
  15. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet

  16. A:J.K. Rowling B:William Shakespeare C:Jack London D:Mark Twain
    答案:William Shakespeare
  17. Which country is famous for its “Less is More”principle?

  18. A:Finland B:America C:South Korea D:Britain
    AI参考:正确答案是C:South Korea,即韩国。因为韩国是“少即是多”原则的代表国家。这个原则意味着在设计、艺术和日常生活中,简洁、精致和注重细节的审美理念。这个原则在韩国的许多设计产品和服务中都有体现,比如建筑、家居、广告和产品设计等。所以,选择C选项韩国是正确的答案。'
  19. What does the phrase to pan out mean?

  20. A:To prove to be a challenge B:To prove to be a failure. C:To prove to be a bad idea D:To prove to be a success

  21. What is 5G?

  22. A:Fifth generation mobile network. B:Fifth generation mobile computer C:Fifth generation new technology D:Fifth generation mobile cell phone
    AI参考:正确选项:【A:Fifth generation mobile network.】5G是第五代移动网络,也就是我们通常所说的第五代移动通信技术,是一种新兴的通信技术,它可以提供更高的数据传输速度和更低的延迟,为各种应用提供了更好的支持。因此,选项A是正确的答案。选项B、C、D都与5G的定义不符。'
  23. What does the phrase have a crush on sb mean?

  24. A:Have a strong feeling of hatred B:have a strong feeling of love C:Have a strong feeling of worry D:Have a strong feeling of dislike
    AI参考:正确答案是B:have a strong feeling of love 。“have a crush on sb”是一个常用的表达方式,表示对某人的深深喜爱或者迷恋,是喜欢的意思。根据题目所给选项,选项B与题意最相符。A项的“厌恶”和D项的“不喜欢”都与“crush”的感情色彩不符。C项的“担心”则无法修饰动词短语“have a crush on”。因此,B是正确答案。'
  25. Which coutry consider it as a taboo to touch anyone’s head?

  26. A:Thailand B:China C:America D:Canada

  27. What would prolonged eye contact be considered as in many Asian, African, and Latin American countries?

  28. A:A sign of power B:A sign of respect C:A friendly offer D:A challenge, an aggression and a battle of strength and power.

  29. Which of the following is not a high-contact culture?

  30. A:Southern Europe B:Japan C:Latin America D:Middle East
    AI参考:【单选题】下列哪一项不是高接触文化?答案应该是C:Latin America(拉丁美洲)。高接触文化通常指一种重视人际交往、情感交流的文化,通常在亚洲和部分非洲地区比较常见,如日本、中东和南欧等。而拉丁美洲则是一个相对低接触的文化区域,人们更注重个人空间和独立性,相对于高接触文化来说,他们更倾向于独立工作、较少的社会交往和合作。因此,拉丁美洲不符合高接触文化的特征。'
  31. What is a sleeper hit?

  32. A:A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a success because of high costs B:A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a failure despite high expectations C:A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a big success despite low expectations D:A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a failure despite high costs
    AI参考:正确答案是C:一个媒体作品(如电影、专辑或书籍)尽管期望值低,但却取得了巨大的成功。原文中使用了“sleeper hit”这个词组,而这个短语的含义是“无声胜有声”,也就是说虽然媒体作品的期望值不高,但是最后却取得了巨大的成功。因此,选项C“尽管期望值低,却取得了巨大的成功”是最符合原文意思的答案。选项A和D都是与原文意思相反的选项,而选项B则与原文意思不符。'
  33. What is the big data?

  34. A:A big collection of articles B:A big collection of datasets. C:A big machine. D:A big operation system.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:A big collection of datasets。大数据是一个巨大的数据集,通常指通过互联网、传感器、社交媒体等途径收集的数据集。这些数据集被广泛地应用于各种领域,如商业、医疗、科研等。因此,大数据可以被定义为一个大集合的数据集。选项A、C、D都与大数据的定义不符。因此,答案为B。'
  35. Who can be called epicures?

  36. A:Experts in selling food B:Experts in cooking and tasting food C:Experts in speaking D:Experts in writing
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Experts in cooking and tasting food (烹饪和品尝食物的专家)。句子中提到了“谁可以被称作美食家”,根据常识和语境,美食家通常是指那些对烹饪和品尝食物有深入了解和品味的人,因此选项B“烹饪和品尝食物的专家”是正确的答案。其他选项不符合句子的意思。'
  37. Which of the following statements is a quote from Shakespeare?

  38. A:All’s fair in love and war. B:Journeys end in lovers meeting. C:Love is blind. D:Out of sight, Out of mind.
    AI参考:正确选项为A:All’s fair in love and war. 这句话是莎士比亚的名言,意思是“爱情和战争中一切都是公平的”。其他选项B、C、D都不是莎士比亚的原话。'
  39. In which country are people of the opposite sex allowed to sit together on the bus?

  40. A:France B:Turkey C:Spain D:Ireland
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Ireland。爱尔兰是异性可共乘公共交通工具的,没有强制规定。法国和西班牙会严格区分男性和女性车厢,并且很多公交站点也没有足够的男女性乘客来均衡混合上车,需要非常依赖大容量的快速公交(即爱尔兰等地方独特的绿色的suburban rail/light rail系统)提供更大的男性座位数量来防止公车上发生的无意的和意料之中的紧张。在土耳其的情况尚不明确,一般我们称之为杂合公交模式。所以本题选D。'
  41. Which of the following is a punctuality-conscious country?

  42. A:USA B:Switzerland C:Brazil D:Japan
  43. Which of the following is a famous proverb related to Roman civilization?

  44. A:Fiddle while Rome is burning. B:When in Rome, do as the Romans do. C:Rome wasn’t built in a day. D:All roads lead to Rome.
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:When in Rome, do as the Romans do.。这是一个与罗马文明有关的著名谚语,意思是“当你在罗马时,像罗马人一样行事”。其他选项 A、C 和 D 虽然也与罗马有一定的关联,但它们不是与罗马文明有关的著名谚语。'
  45. Which of the following is a hard skill?

  46. A:Foreign languages B:Flexibility C:Leadership D:Computer programming

  47. Which of the following is a well-known traveler?

  48. A:Xu Xiake B:Tang Xuanzang C:Mark Polo D:Barack Obama

  49. Which of the following is a household robot?

  50. A:A sweeper B:A robotic vacuum cleaner C:A surgery robot D:A robotic pool cleaner
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:A robotic vacuum cleaner】。机器人吸尘器是一种家用机器人,能够自动在室内清扫地板,不需要人工操作。选项A中的扫地机也是家用机器人的一种,但是选项C和D中提到的手术机器人和游泳池清洁机器人并不是家用机器人,因此排除。'
  51. What do proponents say about standardized testing?

  52. A:Standardized testing is a fair and objective measure of student ability. B:Excessive testing undermines a country’s ability to produce innovators and critical thinkers. C:Standardized testing promotes a narrow curriculum and drill-like "teaching to the test". D:Standardized testing can ensure that students of all walks of life and backgrounds can have equal opportunity to get into universities.

  53. What can trigger a sense of culture shock?

  54. A:Differences in social interaction B:Differences in general attitudes C:Differences in body language D:Differences in greetings

  55. Which of the following sounds is an example of onomatopoeia?

  56. A:giggle B:Moo C:murmur D:laughter
  57. Which of the following movies is about AI?

  58. A:Ex Machine B:The Avengers C:Chappie D:Gone with the wind
  59. What do you need to take into consideration, especially when you travel abroad?

  60. A:Passport and Visa B:Flight tickets C:Accommodation D:Insurance
    AI参考:【答案】A:Passport and Visa。当你出国旅行时,你需要考虑一些因素,特别是护照和签证。护照是旅行者身份的证明,签证则是允许旅行者进入特定国家的必要文件。其他选项如机票、住宿和保险也是旅行中需要考虑的因素,但它们并不是特别关键的。因此,正确答案是A:护照和签证。'
  61. Which of the following expressions means to marry or wed somebody?

  62. A:To walk down the aisle B:To tie the knot C:To have a crush on D:To get hitched
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:To tie the knot】这个表达是指在结婚时,新郎新娘在教堂或家中举行仪式,将红绳绑在一起,表示他们从此成为夫妻。其他选项的含义如下:A选项“走下过道”通常用于描述婚礼上新郎新娘走过的通道;C选项“对某人有好感”通常用于描述对某人的感情;D选项“被击中”通常用于描述意外或不幸的事情。因此,B选项“To tie the knot”是最符合题意的选项。'
  63. Which of the following expressions means the ending of a relationship or an association?

  64. A:Separate B:hang out C:Split D:Break up
    AI参考:正确选项是D: Break up,表示关系的结束或联合的解散。A选项“Separate”是指将两个物体分开或使两者之间产生距离,与题意不符。B选项“hang out”通常指闲逛、玩耍,也不符合题意。C选项“Split”通常指分裂、分离,但不一定指关系或联合的结束,因此也不太合适。而D选项“Break up”在口语和书面语中都经常用来表示关系的结束或联合的解散,因此是正确答案。'
  65. Which of the following is a commonly asked quesion in a job interview?

  66. A:Why Do You Want to Work Here? B:Please introduce yourself. C:Why Should We Hire You? D:What are your salary expectations?
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Why Should We Hire You?这个问题是在面试中常见的问题,旨在了解求职者的动机和优势,以及他们如何能够为公司做出贡献。其他选项的问题与面试的核心目的不太相关,如A选项询问求职者为什么想在这里工作,B选项要求介绍自己,D选项询问薪酬期望。因此,C选项是最符合面试目的的问题之一。'
  67. What are the benefits of joining clubs and societies?

  68. A:Gaining invaluable real world experience and skills through your passion B:Having new experiences as well as explore potential interests C:Meeting new people D:Looking good on your current or future resume
  69. Which of the following is a soft skill?

  70. A:Leadership B:Flexibility C:Foreign languages D:Team work
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Team work】。团队合作是一种软技能,它强调的是团队成员之间的协作和配合,能够有效地解决团队面临的问题和挑战。其他选项中,领导力、灵活性和外语能力都是重要的职业技能,但它们更多地涉及到个人的能力和技巧,而不仅仅是团队合作。因此,D选项是唯一一个被广泛认为是软技能的选项。'
  71. What kind of resources are all offered by most schools?

  72. A:Mental health counseling B:Career and professional advice C:Opportunities for internships D:Opportunity to study abroad
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Career and professional advice】。原文中提到“What kind of resources are all offered by most schools?”,而选项B中的“Career and professional advice”符合学校提供的资源类型,因为学校通常会提供职业和专业的建议,帮助学生了解自己的职业方向和选择,以及提供相关的培训和指导,帮助他们实现职业目标。其他选项A、C和D虽然也是学校提供的资源,但与原文中提到的资源类型不完全匹配。'
  73. In the Japanese train system, for example, “on time” refers to expected delays of less than ten minute,

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Sweating bullets means to sweat badly or to be anxious or nervous about 

  76. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。Sweating bullets直译为“出汗的子弹”,通常用来形容人因为紧张、焦虑或不安而出汗的情况。因此,这个说法表示的意思是“出汗严重、焦虑或紧张”。所以,这个句子是正确的,答案为B。'
  77. South Korea’s culture of testing is one of the most intense systems in the world.

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Curling the index finger with the palm facing up is considered rude in the Philippines

  80. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。原文中提到“curling the index finger with the palm facing up is considered rude in the Philippines”,意思是菲律宾人认为将食指卷起,手掌向上是粗鲁的行为。因此,该说法是正确的,选项B为正确答案。选项A是错误的,不符合原文描述。'
  81. Most of plastics are non-biodegradable.

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Throughout the history, the two philosophies dominating Chinese culture, Confucianism and Buddhism, also greatly influence Chinese food culture.

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. If you are a Muslim, you can’t eat pork.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. China is expected to launch 5G sometime in 2025.

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. Early to bed and early to rise can lead to poor eating habits and weaken your immune system.

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. In the United States and in many parts of Europe, direct eye contact is considered as a means to express interest, to indicate trust in the other person and to convey openness.

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. Smog is a foreign concept to most of Chinese people.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. As a general rule, it’s best to dress in formal wear, or at the very least, business casual.

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. There is a very famous saying. Fashion is in Europe, living is in China , but eating is in America.

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. Alpha Go is a man who beat Ke Jie.

  100. A:错 B:对

  101. Security is a big concern for organizations with big data stores.

  102. A:对 B:错

  103. Neutral colors such as black, gray, brown and blue are suitable for both men and women.

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. Time is money is a well-known cliché in Eastern cultures.

  106. A:对 B:错

  107. In India, you can’t use any utensils at all and you should instead just use your left hand to eat.

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. In South Korea, social status, marriage eligibility and work prospects are all determined by the test outcomes.

  110. A:对 B:错

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