  1. 等飞机进入平飞状态,您可以把座椅靠背调整180度,方便您休息。这句话可以表达为:You can adjust the seat back to 180 degrees to make it easy for you to rest after landing.

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. Stopover passenger can get their reboarding pass from ground staff

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. 在面试空乘职位时,应聘者不应当强调自己团队,而应该多表现自身。

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Please do not inflate the vest while you are in the cabin.

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. the stopover passengers may take his important document with him

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. The flight attendants do not have the right to arrange sick passengers to lie on vacant seats.

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. If the safety belt light goes on,passengers just sit

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Baggage compartment overhead 指头顶的行李架。

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. 不能确定容量的充电宝也可以带上飞机。

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. 容量为100Wh-160Wh的充电宝,需航空公司同意才能带上飞机。

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. Iced coke is good for an expectant woman.

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. I just smelled the smell of burning.这句话的意思是“我问道有烧焦的味道。”

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Direct flight is also called nonstop flight.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. 目前,已有航空公司推出彩信、二维码等多种电子登机牌。

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. 中英文自我介绍内容主要包括个人姓名、身高、体重、特长、爱好英语等级水平等

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. Security check announcement is mainly for _____

  32. A:first class passengers B:economy class passengers C:bussiness class passengers D:cabin assistant
  33. 哪些人退票不收取退票费?

  34. A:








  35. The valid documents can be used on self check-in kiosks are _________.

  36. A:Passport B:Credit Card C:Visa D:ID Card
  37. 造成飞机延误的原因可能有

  38. A:强气流 B:天气原因 C:机场能见度低 D:飞机机械故障 E:遭遇顶风
  39. 晕机的人应选择离发动机较远的座位,原因是()。

  40. A:出入方便 B:空间大 C:颠簸小 D:噪音小
  41. Landing announcement should contain the following information

  42. A:the name of arrival airport B:the name of departure airport C:the local time D:current ground temperature
  43. what sort of facilities and equipment should the flight attendant check in the lavatory?

  44. A:

    flush button


    the watse bin


    smoking detector

  45. What kinds of entertainments will the flight will provide?

  46. A:massage B:music C:newspapers D:movies
  47. 飞机降落时要求乘客收起小桌板是因为:

  48. A:为自己留出更多逃生空间 B:紧急情况时减少对人体的割伤 C:保持通道畅通 D:防止乘客喝水洒在小桌板上
  49. security regulations apply for _____ on board.

  50. A:crew members B:all the people on board C:passengers D:pilot
  51. “行李我来帮您拿吧。”下列句子中最恰当的表达为“_____".

  52. A:I come to take your luggage. B:You luggage is for me to take. C:Let me help you with your carry-on. D:Let me help you with your luggage.
  53. 为视觉障碍旅客指引座位时, 我们可以说“Please take my (), i will show you your seat."

  54. A:hair B:should C:tissue D:hand
  55. 如果乘客下飞机后依然耳疼,该怎么办?

  56. A:立刻看医生 B:观察几天,如耳疼加剧求救医疗机构 C:使用镇痛喷雾剂 D:拨打120
  57. —-"When will we take off? I have been waiting for almost an hour." -—"_____."

  58. A:We will be leaving sooner or later.Keep waiting. B:I' m very sorry. But i don't know when we can take off, eiher. C:We will be leaving soon. D:I' m very sorry. We will be leaving as soon as the weather gets better.
  59. 飞机降落安全规定要求:系上安全带,原因可能是————

  60. A:飞机下降有可能会发生颠簸 B:保持机舱秩序 C:保持通道畅通 D:防止乘客占据公共空间
  61. Have a senior passager on board, you'd better_____.

  62. A:remingding the time of the terminal. B:reminding the senior of the temperature. C:bring coffee regualarly for him/her. D:take the tempreature of senior the passenger.
  63. Carry-on baggage:The allowance is ()Kg.

  64. A:5 B:8 C:3 D:6
  65. If the flight delay occurs who will be responsible for paying the accomadation?

  66. A:the cabin assistant B:the airline C:the passenger D:the irport
  67. 对于免费托运的行李,大多数航空公司规定:头等舱限重()公斤。

  68. A:40 B:50 C:30 D:60
  69. How to communicate with the passengers who are in the wrong seat?

  70. A:I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. B:What can I do for you?
  71. who pay the bill of overnight accomadation if the plane delayed

  72. A:the airline B:the airport C:the cabin assistant D:the passengers
  73. customized rice paste 指的是()。

  74. A:定制餐具 B:顾客米饭 C:定制米糊 D:顾客牙膏
  75. Passengers can press the ( ),when they need any help.

  76. A:alarm B:light C:red light D:call button
  77. Who will contact the passengers when the lost items are found?

  78. A:flight attendants B:security staff C:volunteer D:ground staff
  79. stowing the tray will prevent __ while landing

  80. A:possible cutting B:blocking the exit C:locating the exit easilly D:passengers from evacuting
  81. The airplane meals should go through many procedures,which need () hours.

  82. A:8 B:10 C:7 D:9
  83. “空中交通管制”可以表达为"_____".

  84. A:air traffic control B:traffic control C:air traffic clearance D:air traffic warning
  85. complaint letter is a ___ attitude to the cabin assistant's job

  86. A:positive B:negative C:neutral D:absolutly positive
  87. The seat number is 34B.It is in the( )column and row 34.

  88. A:C B:B C:D D:A
  89. “陆上迫降”可以表达为“_____”

  90. A:land landing B:emergency landing C:ground landing D:emergency setting

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