

  1. While lines are still manually traced, the accuracy level of heads-up digitizing is usually ( ) than that of manual digitizing.

  2. A:slower B:higher C:faster D:lower
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:higher。在句子中提到“尽管线条仍然需要人工描绘,但实景扫描数字化精度通常比手动数字化高。”所以选项B“higher”(更高)是正确的。而其他选项中,slower(更慢)、faster(更快)和lower(更低)都与句子的含义不符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct ?( )

  4. A:A floating-point raster requires more computer memory than an integer raster. B:A floating-point raster has a value attribute table for access to its cell values. C:An integer raster has no decimal digits values. D:Floating-point raster has decimal digits values.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  5. ( ) states that in the infrared spectrum, the spectral emissivity of an object and its spectral absorptance are roughly the same in the same dimension.

  6. 答案:WORLDWIDEAI参考:选项C:The spectral emissivity of an object and its spectral absorptance are equal in the same dimension.解释:在红外光谱中,一个物体的光谱发射率与其光谱吸光度在相同的维度上大致相等。这是红外辐射与吸收的基本原理之一。因此,选项C是正确的。'
  7. Which of the following is not GIS output devices? ( )

  8. A:Graphic digitizer B:Graphic display terminal C:printer D:Plotter
    AI参考:选项【A:Graphic digitizer】不是GIS输出设备。GIS(地理信息系统)输出设备通常包括图形显示器终端、打印机和绘图仪等。图形显示器终端可以将GIS数据以图形方式展示出来,便于观察和分析。打印机可以将GIS数据打印成纸质文档,便于存档和分享。绘图仪则可以用于绘制地图、等值线图、三维地形图等GIS相关的图形图像。而图形数字仪主要用于输入数据,不是输出设备。因此,答案是A:Graphic digitizer。'
  9. The ( ) is a region of short-wave radiation that lies between the X-ray region and the limit of human vision.

  10. A:ultraviolet spectrum B:visible spectrum C:microwave energy D:infrared spectrum
    AI参考:正确答案是D:infrared spectrum。红外光谱是介于可见光谱与微波辐射之间的电磁辐射,它所对应的电磁波波长较长,是一种短波辐射。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项中,紫外线光谱属于可见光谱,微波能量属于电磁波谱中的一部分,与红外光谱不同。因此,选项A、C都不正确。'
  11. If your study area is the campus of Harbin Normal University, which data will you choose?( )

  12. A:SPOT4 Vegetation imagery B:WorldView-2 imagery C:NOAA imagery D:MODIS imagery
  13. The color of forest in a standard false-color imagery is ( ).

  14. A:black B:red C:green D:blue
  15. In addition to the position, which of the following geometric objects have the properties of area and perimeter: ( ).

  16. A:polyline B:polygon C:point D:line
    答案:Both Aand B.
  17. For optical remote sensing systems, the nominal spatial resolution of the sensor system largely depends on the size of ( )projected on the ground.

  19. Unlike the American GPS, Russian GLONASS, and European Galileo systems, which use median Earth orbit satellites, BeiDou-1 uses satellites in ( ).

  20. A:Sun-synchronous orbit B:Circular orbit C:Geostationary orbit D:Near polar orbit
    AI参考:答案为C:Geostationary orbit。中国北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou-1)与美国的GPS、俄罗斯的GLONASS和欧洲的Galileo系统不同,这些系统使用的是中地球轨道卫星,而北斗-1使用的是地球静止轨道卫星。地球静止轨道(Geostationary orbit)也被称为GSO,是指卫星在赤道上空约35700千米的高度上运行,相对于地球表面静止不动。因此,正确答案是C。'
  21. Which satellite carries OLI, ETM+ and TIRS sensors at the same time? ( )

  22. A:Landsat 4 B:Landsat 7 C:Landsat 8 D:Landsat 3
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Landsat 7。Landsat 7卫星同时搭载了OLI(光学成像仪)、ETM+(增强型热红外传感器)和TIRS(热红外辐射计)三种传感器,是同时搭载这三款传感器的卫星。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  23. ( ) is ideal for meteorological or communication satellites, designed to maintain a constant position relative to a specific area on the earth's surface.

  24. A:Sun-synchronous orbit B:Near polar orbit C:Circular orbit D:Geostationary orbit
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Sun-synchronous orbit。Sun-synchronous orbit是一种理想的用于气象或通信卫星的轨道,它能够保持相对于地球表面特定区域的恒定位置。因此,答案为A。Near polar orbit、Circular orbit和Geostationary orbit虽然也是轨道类型,但与题干中的描述不符。'
  25. The ( )refers to the line of tangency of the projection surface and the reference globe, and the ( )defines the center of the map projection.( )

  26. A:standard line、center line B:standard line、datum C:datum、center line D:center line、standard line
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:datum、center line】。第一个空填datum,指的是基准线,指的是投影面的法线,也就是投影面与参考球相交的线。第二个空填center line,指的是中心线,它定义了地图投影的中心。因此,选项C是正确的。其他选项的含义与题意不符。'
  27. Which of the following is not a description of image texture? ( )

  28. A:the apparent smoothness of an image region B:the apparent roughness of an image region C:the frequency of tonal change on an image D:relative brightness of objects in the image
    AI参考:正确答案是D:relative brightness of objects in the image。选项D描述的是图像中物体的相对亮度,而其他选项都是关于图像纹理的描述。图像纹理通常包括图像区域的表面粗糙度、光滑度、频率和灰度变化等特征,因此选项A、B、C都是正确的描述。因此,选项D不是图像纹理的描述。'
  29. Which of the following is not the basic code in GPS? ( )

  30. A:P-code B:Normal code C:C/A code D:Navigation code
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Normal code。GPS的基本码包括P码、C/A码和导航码,其中P码是最高精度码,C/A码是最常用的基本码,导航码是用于确定卫星位置的。因此,选项B“Normal code”不是GPS的基本码。'
  31. The radiometric resolution of Vegetation sensor carried by SPOT-4 is 10 bit, how many tone levels does the Vegetation imagery have? ( )

  32. A:512 B:2048 C:1024 D:256
  33. If I want to preserve shape during projection, I need to choose ( ) map projection.

  34. A:Equidistant B:Equivalent C:Azimuthal D:Conformal
  35. ( ) does not belong to active remote sensing.

  36. A:Available-light photograph B:LiDAR. C:SONAR D:Flash photograph
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Available-light photograph。Active remote sensing 是指主动遥感,即利用传感器发射电磁波或声波等能量,再接收反射回来的能量,从而实现对地物的探测。而Available-light photograph 是被动遥感的一种,它利用光线反射、散射等原理获取地物信息,与主动遥感不同。LiDAR(激光雷达)、SONAR(声呐)和Flash photograph(闪光摄影)都属于主动遥感技术。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  37. The apparent displacement of objects immersed in clear water is a ( ) phenomenon that occurs when solar energy passes through the earth’s atmosphere.

  38. A:scattering B:radiation C:refraction D:absorb
  39. According to Stefan-Boltzmann Law, a blackbody with a higher temperature emits ( ) energy per unit area comparing to a blackbody with a lower temperature.

  40. A:more B:equivalent C:less D:little
    AI参考:正确答案是 A:more 。Stefan-Boltzmann Law指出,温度较高的黑体比温度较低的黑体辐射更多能量。因此,A选项“more”是正确答案。'
  41. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system divides the Earth's surface between 84° N and 80° S into 80 zones. ( )

  42. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。根据题干中所描述的内容,Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM)网格系统将地球表面从北纬84度到南纬80度划分为80个区域。因此,答案为B,表示这个说法是正确的。'
  43. Amplitude specifies the extent to which the peaks of one waveform align with those of another. ( ).

  44. A:错 B:对
  45. The emissivity is the ratio of the emissivity of a selective radiator in the real world to that of a blackbody at the same temperature.( )

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. The interactive tracing method automates individual line tracing process by tracing one line at a time under the guidance of the operator. ( )

  48. A:错 B:对
  49. Dry bare soil typically results in high reflectance in both red and near infrared regions. ( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. LiDAR data can be collected at night if necessary. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对
  53. For passive remote sensing, sensors need to generate their own energy, then record the reflection of that energy from the Earth’s surface. ( )

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Digital Terrain Models (DTM) contains elevation information about all features in the landscape, such as vegetation, buildings, and other structures. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错

  57. The infrared spectrum is very large relative to the visible region, as it extends from 0.72 to 15 μm ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. Nonselective scattering is caused by particles that are much larger than the wavelength of the scattered radiation. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. The color of forest in a standard false-color imagery is red. ( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. The orange we see in the sky of the sandstorm is due to Rayleigh scattering. ( )

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. The emissivity of a true whitebody is 1, which is a perfect reflector. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. Most common map projections may be projected onto one of developable surfaces touching or intersecting the globe. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Image texture is the frequency of tonal change on an image, or the apparent roughness or smoothness of an image region. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. The radiometric resolution of IKONOS imagery is 11 bits, thus the IKONOS imagery has 2047 tone levels. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对

  73. Datum is defined by an ellipsoid and that ellipsoid’s position relative to the earth. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. If we use cones as developable surfaces in map projection, some concentric circles will be formed. ( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. Far infrared is similar to optical systems, in a manner analogous to radiation in the visible spectrum. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
  79. The SPOT-1 is the first satellite using whiskbroom scanning approach in the world. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. Which of the following statements about polygon feature are correct?( )

  82. A:Polygon feature has the property of area and perimeter B:A polygon may stand alone or share boundaries C:Polygon feature has the property of location D:Polygon feature is three dimensional

  83. During World War II (1939–1945), use of the electromagnetic spectrum was extended from almost exclusive emphasis on the visible spectrum to other regions, most notably the ( ).

  84. A:near infrared B:ultraviolet C:infrared D:microwave regions
  85. Which of the following statements about spectral resolution are correct: ( ).

  86. A:It relates to wavelength interval(s) recorded by sensor B:It is difficult to focus on specific wavelength C:It refers to the number and width of wavelength intervals in spectrum that sensor detects D:It tends to be high with the increase of spatial resolution

  87. The parameters of transverse Mercator projection include ( ).

  88. A:latitude of origin B:scale factor at central meridian C:false easting and false northing D:longitude of central meridian
    AI参考:正确选项为D:longitude of central meridian 。横轴墨卡托投影的参数包括经度中心线(longitude of central meridian)、纬度原点(latitude of origin)、中央经线比例因子(scale factor at central meridian)和伪经纬度(false easting and false northing)。因此,选项A、B、C均正确,但不是横轴墨卡托投影的特定参数。因此,答案为D。'
  89. Traditionally, common tools used to analyze raster data can be divided into ( ).

  90. A:neighborhood B:local C:global operation D:zonal
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:global operation】。传统上,用于分析栅格数据的常见工具可以分为全局操作(global operation)。这些工具可以对整个栅格数据进行操作,例如计算栅格数据的平均值、最大值、最小值、标准差等。而其他选项如邻域(neighborhood)通常用于局部操作,例如对栅格数据中的特定区域进行统计和分析;局部(local)通常用于分析栅格数据中的特定细节或特征;区域(zonal)通常用于对不同区域进行分类或统计。因此,正确答案是global operation。'
  91. The subtractive primary colors of subtractive color theory include( ).

  92. A:Yellow B:Red C:Cyan D:Magenta
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:Cyan D:Magenta。在减法三原色理论中,减法三原色是青色(Cyan)、品红色(Magenta)和黄色(Yellow)。因此,选项C和D是正确答案。'
  93. Which of following are commonly used for projection surfaces of map projection ? ( )

  94. A:Cones B:Cylinders C:Spheres D:Planes
    AI参考:正确选项是 D: Planes。地图投影通常用于投影地图上的地理数据,其中平面投影是最常用的投影方法之一。常见的平面投影包括等积投影和等距投影,它们可以将地图上的地理数据准确地投影到平面上,并且保持地理数据的形状和比例不变。因此,选项 D 是最符合要求的。其他选项如圆锥面(A)、圆柱面(B)和球面(C)不是常用的地图投影表面,因为它们无法保持地理数据的形状和比例不变。'
  95. Which of the following statements is correct? ( ).

  96. A:Good reflectors are good emitters B:Good absorbers are good reflectors C:Good absorbers are good emitters D:Good reflectors are poor emitters

  97. Which data source belongs to passive remote sensing? ( )

  98. A:TM imagery B:Quickbird imagery C:LiDAR D:orthophoto

  99. The cell value in the raster could be a ( ).

  100. A:integer value B:grid value C:categorical value D:floating-point value
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:floating-point value】。在栅格中,单元格值可以是浮点数值,即小数形式的数值,因此选项D是正确的。选项A和C是错误的,因为整数和分类值不是栅格中的常见类型。选项B也是错误的,因为grid value并不是一个标准的术语或类型。'
  101. The molecules of atmospheric gases that could cause Rayleigh scattering are ( ).

  102. A:H2O B:N2 C:O2 D:CO2
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:CO2大气中能够引起瑞利散射的分子是二氧化碳(CO2)。瑞利散射是一种光在气体分子中发生的散射现象,当光波波长较短时,散射作用较强。二氧化碳是一种气体分子,其分子量较大,对可见光的散射作用较强。其他选项中,水蒸气(H2O)、氮气(N2)和氧气(O2)对可见光的散射作用较弱,不属于能够引起瑞利散射的分子。'
  103. The ( ) serve as the baselines of the geographic coordinate system.

  104. A:equatorial plane B:meridians C:equator D:prime meridian
  105. The parameters of Lambert conformal conic include ( ).

  106. A:latitude of origin B:false easting and false northing C:the first and second standard parallels D:longitude of central meridian
    AI参考:【答案】BCD分析:Lambert conformal conic投影是一种等面积伪圆柱投影,这种投影需要设定投影的基准纬度、中央经线、第一和第二标准纬线等参数。其中,选项A的“latitude of origin”是投影的基准纬度,而BCD选项的“false easting and false northing”、“the first and second standard parallels”、“longitude of central meridian”则是Lambert conformal conic投影的参数。因此,正确选项为BCD。'
  107. Which of the following statements about line feature are correct?( )

  108. A:Line feature is one dimensional B:Line feature is two dimensional C:Line feature has the property of length D:Line feature has only the property of location

  109. What elements can be used for image interpretation? ( )

  110. A:Tone B:Texture C:Association D:Site
  111. Generally speaking, the GIS models include ( ).

  112. A:Regression model B:Process model C:Index models D:Binary models

  113. Which of the following are the instrument errors of GPS? ( )

  114. A:Ephemeris errors B:Selective availability C:Satellite clock errors D:Multipath
    AI参考:正确选项是:BCD。GPS的仪器误差包括卫星时钟误差、电离层误差、对流层误差和多路径误差。其中,选择性可用性(Selective Availability)是一种人为设置的误差,旨在降低GPS系统的精度,以防止其被用于军事导航。卫星时钟误差和多路径是GPS系统中的常见误差源。因此,选项BCD都是GPS的仪器误差。选项A的“Ephemeris errors”是指星历误差,虽然也是GPS误差来源之一,但并不是所有GPS用户都会遇到的问题,因此不是所有用户都需要考虑的误差源。'
  115. Automatic vectorization refers to the use of ( ) technologies to automatically trace lines from scanned raster images.

  116. A:manual tracking B:pattern recognition C:image processing D:interactive tracing
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:image processing】。自动矢量化是指使用图像处理技术,自动追踪从扫描的栅格图像中获得的线条。选项A、B、D虽然也与图像处理有关,但并不直接用于自动追踪扫描的图像线条,因此不是正确答案。'
  117. Which of the following statements about the user segment of GPS are correct?( )

  118. A:They receive signals from visible satellites B:They receive data from multiple satellites C:They do not transmit signals D:They carry accurate atomic clocks
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:They receive data from multiple satellites】。GPS用户接收器接收来自多颗卫星的数据,而不是信号,因此选项A不正确。用户接收器不需要发送信号,因此选项C不正确。用户接收器中确实包含精确的原子钟,但这不是用户接收器属于某个特定用户群体的原因,因此选项D也不正确。综上所述,只有选项B是关于GPS用户群体的正确陈述。'
  119. What primary colors can be mixed to form yellow? ( )

  120. A:Green B:Blue C:Magenta D:Red

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